• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

Boy Genius vs Evil Boy Genius

Last time, as Iggy was enjoying a day out with Rarity and Fluttershy, Jack Mcallister along with his Mecha-Jacks and a few changelings infiltrated Ponyville with only one thing in mind. To take down Iggy and the girls who helped foil the Queen's plan to take over Canterlot.

As Iggy and Gizmo continued walking with Rarity and Fluttershy, they saw Twilight, Spike, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie, "Hey girls!" Iggy called.

"Hi guys." Rainbow greeted them.

Pinkie noticed Gizmo and started inspecting his shiny form, "Wow you look especially shiny."

"Thank you. The ponies at the spa gave me a good polish." Gizmo admitted.

"So how did you enjoy the spa, Iggy?" Twilight asked.

"It was amazing," Iggy began, "I felt as if a whole years worth of stress from being cooped up in a lab all day has been cleansed from me."

"Well we were about to get something to eat, would ya care to join us?" Applejack offered.

"I'm game." Iggy answered.

"Of course." Rarity agreed.

"Sure." Fluttershy finished.

"Well let's go." Spike said as the group took off.

Jack continued watching them from around a corner with his Mecha-Jacks, while also noticing the Changelings in disguise were also trailing them, "Ok boys, let's move." Jack instructed, as they continued following them, while making sure to keep themselves unnoticeable.

Soon the group was sitting outside a cafe having something to eat, as Iggy was trying some hay fries, which actually tasted like regular fries to him, "Man these are good."

"I know." Spike told him so as they continued eating.

"Well we should really start talking about the Gala, now." Rarity suggested.

"Oh yeah that big event you said was coming up." Iggy noted.

"Yeah, and now that we know you won't be leaving Equestria so quickly, you can possibly join us." Twilight added.

"I'd like that, and maybe I can get Cynthia to come as well." the boy stated.

"I'm sure Princess Celestia would allow that." Twilight noted.

"Of course you should bring Cynthia here so I can take some measurements and notes from her. That way I can personally make you both outfits that best suit you two." Rarity spoke up.

"That'd be great, Rarity." Iggy smiled.

As they continued talking, Jack and his bots watched them while noticing the six undercover changelings were sitting at a table themselves waiting, "Show time." Jack whispered to his bots as he activated his jet and flew up above them.

As the group continued enjoying their lunch, they heard a maniacal laugh from above, "What in tarnation?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"Who's laughing?" Rainbow asked curiously.

"Whoever it is sure laughs annoyingly." Twilight said in irritation.

Fluttershy noticed Iggy looked horrified, "Iggy?" she asked in concern.

"Oh no." he groaned.

They looked up in the sky seeing something floating down to them. They saw another human like Iggy, as the new human spoke, "Cower before me, citizens of Ponyville! Your worse nightmare has arrived!" he declared.

"Another human." Rarity gasped.

"Um, that wouldn't happen to be Jack would it, Iggy?" Rainbow asked the boy genius.

"Unfortunately." Iggy sighed, as Jack reached the ground and saw his rival.

"Well-well, Iggy Douglas. I was wondering where you were."

"Jack seriously, why did you come here?" Iggy asked ,wanting to skip the dramatics.

"Like you need to ask?" Jack asked rhetorically, "I came for our regular duel, and you were not at home. So I went through the portal you invented and wound up here."

"Sorry that you came all this way for nothing, but if you just let me open the portal and send you home we can schedule our duel for another time." Iggy answered.

"Oh I'm not here about that anymore. I have bigger reasons to be here now." Jack explained.

"Is that so?" Iggy asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh yes, but first aren't you going to introduce me?" Jack asked, while motioning to the group Iggy was with.

Iggy sighed and decided to introduce them for the sake of being rude, "Jack, this is Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike. Guys, this is Jack Mcallister, my eternal rival." he introduced them in sarcasm.

"A pleasure to meet you all, and allow me to express my full pleasure by sharing with you my new trademark evil laugh!" he started laughing maniacally in various ways combined into one, which just sounded ear splitting.

The girls and Spike covered their ears, as Rainbow spoke, "Never do that again for the love of Celestia!"

Jack frowned and huffed, "No respect for the art of maniacal laugh."

"I certainly hope you don't intend on fighting me here, Jack," Iggy continued, "Because even these girls could knock you around without even trying."

"Then it's good I didn't come alone. Boys!" he called as his Mecha-Jacks landed beside him.

"What're those?" Pinkie inquired.

"His Mecha-Jack robots." Iggy explained.

"They look like him." Fluttershy noted.

"That has to be the most unhealthy case of narcissism if I've ever seen it." Rarity added.

"I am not narcissistic!" Jack growled.

Ignoring him, Gizmo spoke, "Shall I sir?"

"Do away with them." Iggy answered.

"Hold on there!" Jack interrupted them, "Who said they're my only comrades?"

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"I have made other friends here in my short time since arriving." Jack explained.

"Oh this I gotta hear." Iggy answered sarcastically.

"Why hear it when they can show you? Come on out guys!" he called as the transformed changelings came to Jack's side.

"Who're they?" Fluttershy asked.

"I've been seeing them around town just recently." Twilight noted.

"Yeah they looked as if they were inspecting the place." Applejack added.

"You truly don't know who we are?" one of them asked.

"Then perhaps this will remind you!" a second bellowed as green magic consumed them and they revealed their true selves. The sight of them put the ponies and Spike in shock, while Iggy looked repulsed by their horrifying appearances.

"What are those?" the boy genius asked in shock.

"Changelings." Twilight answered.

"Changelings?" he asked, before recalling what Shining and Cadence told him about their wedding, "These are the creatures that used your bros wedding to take over Canterlot?"

"That's right," Twilight nodded, and spoke to the group of changelings, "Why're you here, and where's your queen?"

"Our queen sent us here with our new comrade Jack to find the boy known as Iggy Douglas." one of them answered.

"Comrade?" the ponies asked.

"That's right. These changelings are just the kind of allies I've always wanted." Jack smirked.

"Jack, for your first partner up with creatures who must share the same ideals as you do this is beyond freaky." Iggy explained.

"I know," Jack chuckled, "And now let me show you what our combined forces can do. Get them!" the Mecha-Jacks and changelings took off, as the ponies and Gizmo attacked as well.

The girls were using their own natural abilities against the changelings like they did back in Canterlot last time they fought, while Gizmo wheeled around and started blasting at the Mecha-Jacks with his cannons. The Mecha-Jacks took a few hits, but thanks to the enhancement magic armor Chrysalis bestowed on them, they were able to withstand the attacks. The Mecha-Jacks started blasting at Gizmo, who was wheeling around, avoiding the attacks, "They were never this strong!" he called as he almost got nailed.

Iggy seeing his one robot would not be enough to fight these new enhanced robots Jack had, clicked on his watch to open a portal and clicked on it again and spoke, "Guard bots, come!" Emerging from the portal were Iggy's guard bots from his lab, "This ought to even the odds!"

And with the additional guard bots to aid Gizmo, they were taking the fight to the Mecha-Jacks who were all evenly matched. Iggy looked and saw Jack flying right for him on his jetpack. He quickly activated his rocket boots and took it to the air. Jack flew after him and the two grappled while flying all around in turbulence, "You don't know jack, Jack!" Iggy called, as they continued to grapple, while dodging a building's sign.

"No you don't know jack, man!" Jack retorted, as they wrestled before losing their grip on each other.

As the girls continued defending themselves from the changelings, they looked up and saw Iggy and Jack continue fighting by holding their arms out and tried slapping each other when they were merely slapping each others hands away, "What're they doing?" Twilight asked.

"That's a nerd fight for you, Twilight." Rainbow noted.

Hearing her, both boys ceased their slap fighting and called down to her in sync, "Hey who're you calling a nerd?!" they looked at each other seeing they spoke in perfect sync.

"Awkward." Iggy stated, as they two continued to fight in mid air by trying to grab and wrestle each other.

Twilight knowing they had to get rid of the changelings had concentrated her magic by powering it up in her horn, "Girls get back!" she ordered, as the five jumped away from the changelings as she unleashed a magic blast knocking the changelings away and they rolled on the ground looking weakened.

Up in the air, Jack looked down, "The changelings!" he looked to the side seeing his robots were getting overwhelmed, "My Mecha-Jacks!"

"And you're next!" Iggy declared as he flew aside.

"What do you mean by that?" Jack asked in confusion, until he looked down and saw Pinkie aiming her party cannon in his direction. Suddenly blasting out of the cannon was a load of party streamers and confetti. As they were flying right for Jack, he let out a high pitch scream as the streamers and confetti covered him, with some confetti getting in his face, "My eyes! I can't see!" he cried as he waved his arms around uncontrollably, not sure where to go. Through his arm waving he accidentally pressed a switch on his jetpack that deactivated it and he started falling form the sky screaming before two of his robots that were still in tact flew over and caught him, bringing him safely to the ground, "Thanks guys."

Iggy touched down and the group saw the changelings gathering the remains of Jack's bots close to him, "You may have got the best of us today, but this is still far from over!" one of the changelings declared as they were all surrounded by green flames and vanished into thin air.

"They're gone." Iggy gasped.

"Well good riddance." Rainbow proclaimed.

"This is all very serious girls," Twilight began, "It looks like Queen Chrysalis is at it again."

"And Jack's made an ally out of her." Iggy stated.

"So that boy was Jack?" Applejack asked him.

"Yeah, but his robots were never that powerful." Iggy explained.

"I know." Gizmo agreed.

"I should write this to the princess." Twilight suggested.

"And I'm gonna need to make some adjustments to my scanner." Iggy added.

"Adjustments?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, that way it can see through changeling transformations. If those six could slip into Ponyville like that, I want to take precautions. Especially now that Jack has competent allies."

Sometime later at the Changeling cave, the changelings and Jack were kneeling before the Queen, while trembling in fear as she spoke, "They defeated you with streamers and confetti?!" she asked in outrage.

"They defeated him with streamers and confetti." one of the changelings corrected her, while motioning to Jack.

"Hey when that stuff gets in your face it can be disorienting!" Jack argued, until Chrysalis bellowed.

"Silence!" the seven froze up in fright, "I will not tolerate failure from any of you. And as for you, Jack... I gave you those enhancements on your robots to help you in conquering your enemy, but you let me down."

"Yes your highness." he answered in fear.

"If you want this partnership between us to work, I expect better results on your part." she looked down on him with her eyes glowing, as he spoke.

"Yes your highness. I won't fail you again, I promise!" he whimpered.

She lowered her head down and came face to face with him, making him back his head away feeling intimidated, as she spoke, "If you break that promise, I will feed off whatever love you have for anything inside you until you are nothing but a withering husk. Do I make myself clear?"

Jack cringed and nodded, "Crystal, ma'am."

"Good. Now leave me." she ordered, as Jack and the Changelings left her chamber in the cave.

Jack not sure exactly where to go just walked through the cave, seeing all the changelings surrounding it, thought to himself in a panic, 'What have I gotten myself into?'