• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

A Spa Day

At Golden Oaks Library, the girls and Spike were sitting down while Iggy was showing them a video file of him testing inventions, by using Gizmo who was in projector mode and projecting the video onto a screen.

"Is it rolling?" Video Iggy asked, Gizmo who was the one filming him, "Hi and welcome to Douglas Labs. I'm your host Iggy Douglas, and I have with my some of my greatest inventions of this decade," he went over to a work table that had multiple inventions and devices spread out. The first device he picked up looked like a metal belt, "Behold the grappling belt. Ever have one of those days where you're being pursued by someone and you wanna get away from them? Then try the grappling belt. Just slip it on and press the little button on the side," he began demonstrating as he pressed the button on the side of the belt causing the buckle to open up revealing a small grappling hook that launched into the air taking a long cable with it. When it hooked onto a rafter of the lab, the cable reeled Iggy up to it.

The camera moved upward revealing Iggy hanging by the cable on the ceiling, "Voila!" he called.

The camera shifted and Iggy was standing above a tank of water, in swim trunks, and was holding some gum in his hand, "Behold Air gum," he said dramatically, "Even have a moment where you're swimming but you need to come up for air? Well not anymore. By chewing on the air gum it will provide with you air so you can breathe while under water. Observe." he popped the gum in his mouth and began chewing. Then he jumped into the tank of water and swam up to the viewing window and spoke, "Success!" he cheered and swam around in the tank like a fish without needing to actually come up.

After watching a few more record clips of Iggy showcasing some of his inventions, Gizmo ended the projection and the lights came back on. Twilight turned to Iggy, and spoke in astonishment, "Wow Iggy, I didn't know you invented so much."

"When you got my IQ and skill with inventing, you'd be surprised at what you could be capable of." Iggy answered.

"Ah can't believe ya actually invented something that translates what an animal is saying." Applejack spoke up, referring to one of the other inventions that were shown during one of his clips.

"Yeah. Thanks to that one I finally found out why my neighbor's schnauzer kept barking at me so much," Iggy explained, "He said he loved my deodorant's smell."

"Though it appears your formula for a new cologne seemed a bit too strong." Rarity remarked on another of his creations.

"Ya got that right," Iggy agreed, "That mob of girls chased me for four blocks!"

"Goodness." Fluttershy gasped with her hooves to her mouth.

"Iggster, if you sold any of these inventions you could make a huge haul." Rainbow encouraged him.

"A huge-huge haul!" Pinkie added.

"That's logical, but the problem is I have trust issues with sharing my inventions and ideas with others." Iggy admitted looking cautious.

"Trust issues?" Spike asked.

"Yeah," Iggy explained, "At one POV it may look like others would be proud to see me come up with new ideas and inventions that could help benefit the world. However stuff like that when thought up by a younger inventor who has no history or cred like other big time glamorates, makes them the target of jealousy."

"Jealousy?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Yeah. Like say there was some real popular and famous inventor and such who everyone loved, but one day some younger inventor creates something or comes up with an idea that they've previously tried but were unsuccessful. Imagine how they'd feel seeing some nobody complete or succeed at something that've been trying to do for years with no results." Iggy enlightened them.

"I can't imagine they'd take it well." Twilight noted as she saw his point.

"Precisely. If I tried actually selling my inventions or ideas to some company I feel they would just take it for their own and all the credit that follows leaving me with nothing. Everything can spark conflict between others, especially in the field of science and robotics in terms of other inventors. It'd be hard for me to try and make an argument with others if I was put in a situation because to them they would have the reputation and lawyers to back them up, while I would just be declared a punk teen who shouldn't get involved with the big boys." he said with air quotes.

"I can see what you mean by having trust issues." Rarity admitted.

"That's right. If I ever do decide to sell any of my creations I want it to be to someone legit. Someone who I could trust, and not take all the credit. But like I said in my world jealousy, greed, and envy are very strong emotions between corporate people and such. Still I do hope to one day sell my creations and make a good profit. Until then I'll just stick to my roots in my lab."

"Is there anything you wouldn't sell personally?" Twilight inquired.

"That's a simple answer. All my robots." Iggy answered.

"If he sold my model or any of the other models, someone could use them for their own gain or hack them and make them more dangerous." Gizmo explained.

"Mankind isn't ready to have robots fight on their side, especially mine." Iggy put in.

"You truly are a wonder of a human, Iggy Douglas." Rarity gasped at how much he cares about humanity and his world.

"That's just the way I am." Iggy admitted.

Meanwhile in the Badlands, Jack was running a field test of his Mecha-Jack's seeing how much stronger they've gotten thanks to Chrysalis' magic, "Ok boys, there's your target," he motioned to a number of poorly draw Iggy's on paper that were on boulders, "Ready cannons," his bots held out their arms as cannons extended out of their palms, "Aim... Fire!" he ordered as the robots started blasting their targets constantly, until the paper targets were in smokey ashes.

Jack smirked seeing how much more firepower they had now, until Chrysalis approached him, "I trust you're satisfied with your robots power ups?" she asked hopefully, while smirking.

"Oh yeah! With these new upgrades to my bots, I'll be sure to show Iggy Douglas who the real genius is... That is if I can ever find him in this world." he sighed at his problem.

Suddenly a changeling flew over to its queen and started whispering into her ear. Suddenly Chrysalis' face brightened up and spoke to Jack, "I think we may have found a solution to that problem."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked curiously.

"My changeling has just informed me he's spotted another human in the town of Ponyville." the Queen explained.

"Ponyville?" Jack asked in confusion.

"Yes. And to top it off, he spotted who I presume is your Iggy Douglas with six ponies whom I know too well." she continued.

"You do?"

"Mmhmm," she nodded, "Now you see why it's good we've partnered up?"

"Yes!" Jack cheered, "All right, here's the plan. We go to Ponyville, find Iggy and these ponies you know and then they will tremble before the might of Jack Mcallister!" he laughed maniacally, until he paused before speaking in confusion, "Uh, where is Ponyville again?" Chrysalis face hooved in embarrassment.

Meanwhile back in Ponyville, Iggy was walking with Rarity, and Fluttershy, while Gizmo was wheeling at his master's side, "You really sure the workers at Ponyville's spa will allow me inside or even be able to work with me?" the human asked the unicorn.

"Oh pish-posh darling, the ponies there will love to have you there." Rarity assured her as they arrived at the place.

As they entered, Iggy and Gizmo looked around the lobby until another pony entered. It was a cyan coated pony known as Lotus Blossom, "Good afternoon, and welcome to Ponyville Spa, where we make a pony feel relaxed and comfortable as we possibly can," when she saw who it was she brightened up, "Ms. Rarity and Ms. Fluttershy, how good to see you two."

"And a good afternoon to you, Lotus Blossom darling," Rarity greeted her, "Fluttershy and I will take the usual, but first I would like to introduce to you some friends of ours. This is Iggy, and Gizmo. Boys meet Lotus Blossom; one of the spa's talented beauticians."

Lotus smiled and greeted them, "Well it's nice to meet you two. I have heard from around Ponyville there was a new being in Equestria, and here you are."

"That's me for you." Iggy chuckled.

"I certainly do hope your spa will attend to my master, even if he isn't a pony." Gizmo hoped.

"No problem at all," Lotus assured, "We help all those in need of a little relaxation."

"Then you won't have a problem with Gizmo here?" Iggy asked hopefully.

Lotus inspected Gizmo, "Well this is unlike anypony we've dealt with, but we love a challenge."

Gizmo and Iggy smiled, as the second of the spa ponies known as Aloe approached, "Well good day Ms. Rarity and Ms. Fluttershy," she spotted Iggy and Gizmo, "Oh and who have we here?"

"I'm Iggy Douglas, ma'am. And this is my assistant, Gizmo." Iggy introduced them.

"How wonderful to meet you two. My name is Aloe." she greeted them.

"A pleasure." Gizmo bowed his head.

"Well come along darlings." Rarity said as the four followed the spa ponies into the main room.

Upon entering the spa, Iggy and Gizmo were stunned seeing all the spa stuff from mud baths, regular baths, jacuzzis, tanning beds, massage chairs, etc, "Wow." Iggy gasped.

"It is fabulous isn't it?" Rarity asked the boy who only nodded in response.

"It certainly is." Gizmo admitted.

"We have the jacuzzi all ready for you, darlings." Aloe explained as she poured some bath beads into the water.

"Splendid." Rarity said, as she and Fluttershy went above deck and got into the tub.

Iggy spoke, as Gizmo held up a bag, "Good thing I brought my trunks," he went into a changing room, and came out wearing dark green swim trunks. He ascended up the deck and stepped into the water before gasping at the heat a few times as he went further in up to the point where the water reached his mid chest. He finally sighed in relaxation as he rested against the edge of the tub, "Oh this feels so nice."

"It does, doesn't it?" Rarity asked as Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

"Excuse me," a worker pony spoke up, as Iggy looked over and saw Gizmo surrounded by two pony workers, "What should we do with him?"

"Just give his body a good wash down and polish. Can you do that?" Iggy asked as the two nodded as Gizmo followed them to the side.

The three continued relaxing in the tub, as Rarity asked, "So Iggy, how does it feel?"

"It feels great," Iggy admitted as he relaxed, "It's as if all my troubles are washing away."

"Yes, it does have that effect." Fluttershy noted.

After a good soak, the three climbed out and the two ponies wrapped towels around their manes and dawned robes. Iggy had a towel wrapped around his waist, and the three were brought over to the lounge chairs, "Ok Iggy, we're going to be getting a hooficure and Lotus and Aloe will tend to your hands and feet. Don't worry they're naturals at their job."

"After a soak like that, I believe you." Iggy admitted, as he plopped onto a massage chair, and laid his legs out while resting back.

As Lotus approached Iggy, she spoke, "Not to worry Iggy I'll make sure you feel nice and relaxed," she trotted down to where his feet was and looked amazed, "So these are a human's feet. They look so adorable." she rubbed her hoof against the sole of his right foot causing him to laugh.

"Hey easy, I'm ticklish under there." he chuckled.

"My apologies." Lotus giggled as she took a filer in her mouth and proceeded to do his toe nails. Iggy relaxed and allowed his toe nails to be done by the pony.

'Ooh this is good,' Iggy thought as he continued to relax, 'When I get home I should start going to a regular spa and have this kind of treatment. As long as they don't paint my nails.'

When Lotus finished his right foot, she moved onto his left foot giving it the same treatment. When she finished both his feet she went up to his hands and held one in her hoof and started filing the nails, 'I got to bring Cynthia here next time.' Iggy continued to think, as Lotus continued to tend to him.

As Fluttershy and Rarity were getting massages in their own chairs, Gizmo was being washed with rags and such by two other ponies, "Oh that feels good. I hope I sparkle good after this." he said excitedly.

Elsewhere, flying in the skies above Ponyville were six changelings, followed by six of the Mecha-Jacks with Jack flying at their side humming Ride of the Valkyries. Suddenly the changelings stopped in mid air, forcing Jack and his bots to do the same, "Hey what's the hold up?" he asked the changelings as they turn to face him, resulting in him looking terrified at their scary faces.

"We're here." one answered.

"We are?" Jack asked, "Well finally."

So the group flew downward and landed into Ponyville's park where they hid behind some bushes, "Ok, so what do we do now?" Jack asked.

"We go undercover and scope things out." one of the Changelings explained, as he and the rest of them transform into random ponies.

"Right, stealth mode!" Jack smirked, as he motioned to his robots who nodded. So the six changelings trotted off to blend in with the rest of the residents of Ponyville.

"What should we do, master?" one of the Mecha-Jacks asked.

"We should blend in as well." Jack suggested as his robots nodded and hovered into a tree and began tree jumping, "Hey, wait for me!" he cried as he activated his jet pack and flew up into the tree and used it to fly into other trees, as he followed his robots.

When they were out of range of the park, they had no more trees or bushes to use for cover, "Now what?" one of Jack's robots asked curiously.

"Simple, we do what the ninjas do," Jack answered as he tried to jump all the way from where he was standing to behind a building. Unfortunately he only made it half way with his jump before landing on the ground. He quickly crawled the rest of his way, while his robots made perfect ninja leaps reaching the back of the building he was behind, "Show offs." he grumbled at their better ninja leaps than his.

"Wasn't that spa treatment marvelous, Iggy?" an elegant female voice asked catching his attention.

"Iggy?" he asked, as he and his bots peeked from around the corner of the building they were hiding behind. They spotted Iggy, a shinier looking Gizmo, and two ponies composed of a pegasus and a unicorn walking.

"Yeah actually that was amazing," Iggy admitted, "I feel as if any tension or stress I had is gone."

"And my body's never had a more perfect spit shine." Gizmo added, as he marveled at his sparkly body.

"We're glad you two enjoyed it." Fluttershy smiled.

"It is Iggy." Jack gasped seeing the Changeling was right.

"So now that we found him, what do we do now?" one of his robots asked, while the others awaited their creator's command.

"Let's still shadow him," Jack instructed, "Maybe we can find out more about this town and who he's been palling around with since he got here."

"Yes sir." the robots nodded.

His robots did a ninja leap reaching behind another building, but when jack tried it again he once again only landed half way between where he jumped from and his designated target. He quickly crawled the rest of the way making sure none of the ponies, and especially Iggy saw him. He looked up seeing his bots look at him seeing he almost gave himself away, he responded, "I meant to do that."