• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

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The very morning after last night when Iggy finally made contact with Gizmo back home, he was in his guest room doing toe touch exercises, "And thirty!" he finished before flexing his arms.

There was a knock at the door, as Celestia's voice came, "Iggy, can I come in?"

"Sure, Princess." Iggy answered.

Celestia entered and spoke, "And how are we this morning?"

"Very well, thank you," Iggy answered, "Anything I can do for you?"

"Actually I just received this letter from Twilight to give to you." Celestia answered, as she levitated a letter to Iggy, who accepted it and started reading it to myself.

"Hmm, seems Twilight invited me back to Ponyville for today. She and the others want to have a day with me to better understand me, and for me to get to know more about Ponyville." Iggy explained to the princess.

"And your answer?" Celestia asked.

"Tell her I'll be right over, after I've had breakfast." Iggy answered.

"Of course." Celestia nodded, as Iggy left for the dining hall.

After breakfast, Iggy and Celestia were on the tower balcony with Iggy looking out into the distance, "Well I better get going." he said.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the carriage?" Celestia offered.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine flying there on my own," Iggy answered, as he activated the rockets in his boots and hovered off the ground, "Besides I love flying around on my own."

"Well just be careful." Celestia warned him.

"Will do, Princess." Iggy answered, as he maintained altitude in the air and flew off the balcony, leaving the castle.

He flew over Canterlot before leaving the mountain side. He started flying above Ponyville, "Wow! Flying in the sky of Equestria is even better that back home. I mean no worries about keeping an eye out for planes that could fly into me, or people attempting to shoot me thinking I'm an Unidentified flying object," he flew to a cloud and felt it and to his surprise didn't pass right through it, "Hey these clouds are actually fluffy, good enough to even lie on." he poked one feeling as if it really did feel like a marshmallow.

"Glad ya think so." a voice spoke up, which startled Iggy making him lose balance, before he regained it.

He looked and saw Rainbow Dash flying up to his level, "Rainbow Dash?"

"That's me." she answered with pride.

"Please don't startle me like that! Keeping balance in mid air for me is extremely important, especially while wearing my rocket boots." he warned her.

"No need to be so uptight." Rainbow replied, like he took it too seriously.

"Not being uptight," He answered, "I'm just very sensitive while I'm in mid air."

"If you say so." she shrugged it off.

"So what're you doing up here?" the boy genius asked.

"I was just finishing weather duty, until I saw you flying my way." she answered.

"Twilight let you know I was on my way?" he asked seeing through her statement.

"Yeah. That too." Rainbow nodded.

"Well I guess I better go ground level." Iggy suggested.

"Meetcha there!" Rainbow called as she took off.

"Hey I'm not racing!" Iggy called, but sighed with a roll of his eyes before following her from behind. As he started getting closer he could see the town, and all it's inhabitants going about their daily lives and jobs.

On the ground, Rainbow landed before Twilight, Spike, and the others, "Rainbow, have you seen Iggy up there?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. He was right behind me." she answered.

"And here he comes now." Applejack said, as she and the others looked up seeing Iggy flying downward before putting his feet out.

"Activating skates," he called as his rollerblade skates popped out of his boots. He reached the ground and skated along the road, trying to stop, "Someone stop me!" he cried as he was heading right for the girls. Twilight activated her magic, and surrounded Iggy with her magical force which stopped him in his tracks before he could crash into them, "Oh thanks, Twi. One thing I still have issues with when flying is pulling to a halt on the ground without crashing."

"Then shouldn't you wear a helmet?" Rarity wondered.

"Well I don't land on my head when I crash. I just fall over." the human answered.

"Well we're glad you made it here in one piece, Iggy." Twilight replied.

"So am I," he nodded, "And I have good news. I managed to send a message to my assistant Gizmo, and he's already working on repairs to my machine."

"Well that's good, looks like you'll be getting back to your world soon." Twilight said.

"Well I hope so, because things have a knack for taking an unwanted turn when it involves me." Iggy explained.

"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity inquired.

"Well like I've mentioned before sometimes my experimenting leads to mishaps brought on by something I overlooked or miscalculated with my inventions." he answered.

"Such as what brought you here?" Rarty asked.

"Unfortunately." Iggy sighed.

"Oh don't be such a downy-wowny!" Pinkie said as she pulled him into a headlock.

"Pinkie's right, sugarcube," Applejack added, "After all mistakes only improve yerself."

"Agreed." Twilight nodded.

"Yeah. You're right." Iggy smiled as he got out of Pinkie's headlock, "So whatcha want me to do with you all?"

"Well for one thing I never got the chance to take your measurements," Rarity began, "After all there are multiple festivities held here in Equestria. And depending on how long you will be here, it'd be best if you at least had some formal wear for whatever event."

"I see. Well I guess I could swing by your shop and see how you work." Iggy said feeling willing to see what makes her Ponyville's well known fahsionista.

"Well then follow me." Rarity guided him with the others following.

Soon they arrived at Carousel Boutique and Iggy looked around seeing the interior design was just what he'd expect from a boutique shop, but was captivated by the décor, "Wow this place sure looks posh." he admitted.

"Why thank you, Iggy. Now if you come with me I'll take your measurements." Rarity ordered.

"Ok." Iggy answered as he went to the measuring section of the boutique.

He went onto a stand as Rarity used her magic to levitate a pencil, notepad, and measuring tape, "Now Iggy I'm going to have to ask you to remove your shirt."

"My shirt?" Iggy asked, looking nervous while blushing.

"Well of course, darling. It's much easier for me to make accurate measurements." Rarity answered as if it should be obvious.

"Well ok." Iggy replied as he removed his short sleeved unbuttoned shirt and placed it in a nearby basket, and removed his regular green t-shirt and dropped it in the same basket. Iggy stood before Rarity topless. While Iggy didn't have a standard jock build, he didn't have the stereotypical scrawny nerd build either. He had just an average build for a regular fourteen year old. In fact most of his exercise was working with equipment and tools.

So Rarity used her measuring tape to measure Iggy's body up, from his torso, arms, waist, and legs, while taking precise notes. When she finished she levitated the measuring tape and her notes onto the table, "There we are all done," she smiled as Iggy stepped down and put his two shirts back on, "Now before I get started are there any particular colors or design you would like in your new clothes?"

"Well my fave colors include green and black of any shade. As for designs," he grabbed a notepad and pencil, "May I borrow these?" Rarity nodded, as Iggy started writing before presenting his own notes to her.

"Well this shouldn't be a problem. Just leave it to me." Rarity said as she took her notes and went upstairs.

"She really is into this stuff isn't she?" Iggy asked the girls as he took a seat.

"You betcha." Applejack nodded.

"Rarity's always making us dresses or outfits for special occasions." Twilight explained.

"Yeah. Like the Grand Galloping Gala." Pinkie put in.

"Grand Galloping Gala?" Iggy asked, while raising a brow in curiosity.

"It's an annual event that's held in Canterlot every year at the castle." Twilight explained.

"We went to it one time, but we kinda caused a ruckus." Applejack answered, as the group looked sheepishly.

"Do I dare ask what happened?" Iggy asked, feeling it's worse than what he's thinking.

"You don't wanna know." Fluttershy answered feeling embarrassed at the memory.

"We're planning on attending it again this time, and we're gonna make sure there are no repeats of last time." Rainbow explained.

"By sticking together." Spike said smugly to the girls, who rolled their eyes because he never let them live it down.

"Hey if you're still around maybe you can attend the gala with us." Pinkie suggested.

"Would I even be allowed?" Iggy asked seeing he'd stick out in a whole ball room of ponies.

"I'm sure you would." Twilight replied.

"That's also if you're still around when it comes." Rainbow added.

"Well maybe I don't have to automatically leave when the portal is fixed." Iggy answered, brightening their moods.

"It'd be awesome if you stuck around." Rainbow noted.

"I agree, there's still so much we could get to know from each other and our worlds." Twilight added.

Soon Rarity trotted back downstairs levitating a pile of clothes she just made for Iggy, "All right I'm done."

"Wow, you work fast." Iggy said feeling impressed.

"That's me for you," Rarity giggled, before levitating the clothes into Iggy's hands, "Now try these on for size."

Iggy while holding the clothes, went behind one of the changing screens and hung his current clothes on the screen. Iggy then stepped out from behind the screen wearing his new clothes, along with his regular boots. The clothes Rarity made for him were composed of black denim jean shorts, and a green T-shirt made from cotton. On the shirt were black logos with the sleeves bearing the symbol of a nuclear atom, and on the front of the shirt was the symbol of radiation, and on the back of the shirt was a symbol for bio-hazard. Iggy stood before the ponies and Spike in a presenting pose.

Rainbow whistled, "Not a bad look there, Iggy."

"You really outdone yourself, Rare." Applejack admitted.

"I think it looks fantastic." Fluttershy smiled.

"It looks so good." Pinkie added.

"A job well done as always, Rarity." Twilight nodded in agreement, as Spike gave her a thumb's up.

"Thank you, girls," she then looked to her subject, "What about you, Iggy?"

"I... love it!" he cheered.

"You really do?" Rarity gasped in joy to see he was pleased.

"Yeah. This is a look worthy of a scientific genius," Iggy admitted and held out his right leg, "And these shorts make it easier to move in."

"Well your satisfied look pleases me." Rarity smiled.

"Well now that he's got his new look, can we do something else now?" Rainbow asked the group.

"You're right," Twilight nodded, "Let's go back to the library and get to know more about each other."

"Works for me." Iggy nodded as the rest started to agree.

Later they were at Golden Oaks Library, where Iggy was telling the girls more about his world. He mostly told them simple stuff so that he wouldn't confuse any of them. As they conversed, Spike had served them nachos with cheese, "Here ya go." he sat the plates down.

"Nachos, good choice." Iggy admitted.

"Try them," Twilight insisted, "Spike's nacho's are hoof-lickin good."

"Ok," Iggy took one and dipped it into the cheese and ate it, "Wow these are good."

"Yes, Spikey is definitely a wonder." Rarity smiled at she smiled at the young dragon who blushed.

"So you told us you live with your parent's, Iggy," Twilight continued, "Is there anypony else in your life?"

"As a matter of fact yes," Iggy answered as he pulled out his wallet and took out a small photo, which was of him as a four year old boy with his parents. His father had short brown hair like Iggy's, and brown eyes. His mother was a stunning beautiful woman with long black hair, and blue eyes, "These are my parents. My mom; Cassandra, and my dad; Russel."

"Your parents look like the happy couple." Pinkie noted.

"That they do," Iggy smiled as he looked at the picture, "This was taken four years before my mom was brought back to the Navy."

The girls saw how this affected him, before they comforted him. Iggy smiled seeing how they were keeping him, "So do you have any friends at all?" Fluttershy asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes." Iggy answered as he pulled out another wallet sized photo. In the picture were two teen about his age. A boy and a girl. The boy had short black hair, and brown eyes. His attire included black sneakers, jeans, and a blue t-shirt. The girl had long blonde hair in a braided ponytail, and violet colored eyes. She wore purple sneakers, green pants, and wore a heavy red hoody looking like she had something to hide underneath it.

"Who're these two?" Spike asked.

"The guy there is Eddie Beltof, he was the first real friend I ever made. I met him in the first grade, when some other students were picking on me. But he stood up for me. We've been buds ever since, even when I no longer attended school. I'd even help him with his homework when he needed it." Iggy explained.

"And who's this young lady?" Rarity asked, while eyeing the girl in the picture.

"Cynthia Daniels," Iggy explained, "I met her in the second grade. Actually we ran into each other in the hall way. I helped her collect her books and show her the way to class. She shared a bit of interest in my field of robotics and inventing as well, of course she normally acts shy around me."

"I wonder why?" Pinkie asked, while Iggy and the girls rolled their eyes at her clueless.

"She also acts as a secondary assistant in my lab when I need human help," Iggy continued, "She's looking to becoming a detective like her brother was, before he passed away."

"Passed away?" Applejack gasped.

"Yeah. Her parents are mostly against the idea, and to top it off pretend they don't even know they had a son."

"What?!" Rainbow called, "Their own son dies and they just pretend he never existed?"

"Cynthia feels that they think the best way for them to cope with it is by denying said person was ever alive. And when she tries bringing it up they just scold her and tell her never to mention him again," Iggy explained, "Yeah her parents have problems. But for now Cynthia said she'll only worry about it when it comes time for her to go off to college."

"She's a very brave girl." Rarity noted.

"She sure is." Iggy smiled, and blushed at the picture of Cynthia.

He then showed them a picture of him and Gizmo, "This is my robotic assistant, Gizmo."

"Right you told us about him." Rainbow noted.

"Yeah. He helps me out around my lab a lot. He was the first robot I invented. In fact whenever I'm off doing something he keeps my lab in check so nothing goes wrong," he explained, until his communicator beeped, putting curious looks on the ponies and Spike, "That's him now," he held up his left wrist and clicked on it, "Iggy here."

The communicator displayed the holographic screen with Gizmo in it, "Oh thank goodness! I thought I wasn't going to get through to you this time compared to how I was able to last night." he said in relief.

"I was worried too." Iggy admitted, as the girls and Spike gathered around.

"Oh let me see!" Pinkie beamed as she got a good look.

Gizmo seeing the ponies asked his creator, "More friends?"

"Oh yeah," Iggy nodded, "Gizmo, meet Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike. Say hi to Gizmo, everypony."

"Hi Gizmo!" they greeted him.

"Nice to meet you all," Gizmo answered, "I hope you're making sure my master is safe in your world."

"Don't worry, he's in good hooves." Rainbow assured him.

"Clearly." Gizmo answered seeing hooves were what they had and not hands.

"So any updates with the machine?" Iggy asked hoping to hear good news.

"Well it's coming along nicely, although it still needs some tweaking." Gizmo answered.

"Well does it still have enough power to transport non living items?" Iggy asked hopefully.

"Yes, and I've packed a trunk filled with the necessities you requested. Shall I send it now?" Gizmo wondered.

"Yes please. Though will it arrive where I am?" Iggy inquired.

"Yes. While repairing the machine I installed a tracker that'll hone in on your communicator. The portal should open where the signal is being given off from it." Gizmo explained.

"That's perfect." Iggy complimented his assistant's clever thinking.

"I knew you'd be overjoyed. I'm going to activate the portal and send the trunk to you. Stand by." Gizmo instructed.

"Right." Iggy nodded as he waited.

Suddenly the group saw a portal open up out of thin air and sliding out of it was a black trunk. Iggy went to it and opened it up seeing his lab coat, some of his tools, and a few extra clothes, "Oh yes! All in one piece. Hey he even sent this." he pulled something out of the trunk and put it on his left ear.

He looked to face the girls, who saw he was wearing something connected to his left ear and had a green lens covering his left eye (Dragonball Z scouter design), "What is that?" Twilight asked curiously.

"This is my scanner," Iggy explained, "This can translate any written language on text, and can detect heat and body signatures around me."

"Wow that's neat." Pinkie gasped.

"Ya think everything's neat." Applejack noted.

"Well with this I'll have no problem with translating anything in your texts," Iggy explained, "And now that I'm here at the library I can get to work and learn about Equestrian history."

"I know the just the books to start you off." Twilight stated as she went to collect some history books for him to began learning. The girls rolled their eyes knowing Twilight's found a guy who loves studying as much as she does.

"And make sure to send a note to Princess Celestia to send me a carriage to put my trunk in." Iggy added as Spike saluted and got started writing the note.

About three days later, it was nighttime in Chicago. In Iggy's lab, Gizmo was putting the finishing touches on Iggy's machine, "There it's finished. I know I should tell Iggy immediately that the machine's complete, but it's already nighttime in Equestria. I'll let him enjoy one last night there and tell him in the morning." he said as he was about to go power down, until something was crashing down through the tube that led up and out or down and into the lab. Coming out of the tube was a fourteen year old boy with red hair, and dark eyes. His outfit included black boots, jeans, a red shirt, a black lab coat that was left open, and on his back was some kind of round metal red backpack.

"Hello, Iggy Douglas," The boy began, "It is I Jack Mcallister; evil boy genius, and your eternal rival!" he let out an annoying maniacal laugh. He looked around seeing no sign of Iggy and stopped laughing, "Hey where is Iggy?"

"Jack, it's late," Gizmo said dryly, "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"An evil genius never sleeps! Now where is Iggy?" he demanded.

"He's not here." Gizmo answered.

"What? Where is he?" Jack asked curiously.

"I'm not telling." Gizmo answered defiantly.

"Well when will he be back?" Jack asked as he started to get annoyed.

"Tomorrow, so come back until then." Gizmo said dismissing him.

"Hold on, what's that?" Jack asked motioning to the archway.

"None of your business." Gizmo answered wanting to get him out of the lab.

"Looks like some kind of portal device," Jack theorized before it dawned on him, "Wait don't tell me, did Iggy go through it and wound up elsewhere?" when he didn't receive an answer he smirked, "He did didn't he?"

"What's it to you?" Gizmo asked as he got ready to attack.

"Forget waiting for him, I'll just go to him." Jack said as he was ready to go to the control panel.

"Not so fast," Gizmo said as he sounded an alarm, "Guard bots, attack!" he ordered as more drones designed similar to himself activated and where wheeling over and surrounded Jack on all sides.

"Two can play at that game," Jack said as he clicked on his own watch and coming out of the tube were ten robots of his own. They looked like robotic versions of himself, "Go, Mecha-Jacks!" the Mecha-Jack robots took off and started fighting Iggy's drones and Gizmo.

With the robots fighting, Jack went to the control board of the machine and using his own genius intellect was able to start it up and saw the tracer pinpointing his location, "Ah-hah, there you are!" he went to the portal, "Let's go boys!" he called as he jumped into the portal, and his robots followed him.

"No!" Gizmo called as he wheeled to the control board, "Gotta reroute the coordinates," he said as he typed in some buttons before he looked at the monitor and sighed in relief, "Good he didn't arrive at Iggy's location. But now he's in Equestria. I better alert Iggy tomorrow morning. Once again something goes wrong when everything looks too good to be peaceful and easy." he sighed.

Meanwhile Jack and his robots were flying through the same vortex as Iggy did when he was transported to Equestria. Jack was screaming high pitched as he went through it, "I'm gonna hurl!"

Suddenly a portal opened up and Jack along with his robots fell out of it and landed on the ground, "I think I bruised my spleen." Jack said in pain.

"Do you require assistance, master?" one of the Mecha-Jacks asked.

"Yes please," Jack groaned as two of his robots helped him to his feet, "Where are we?" he asked as they looked around seeing he and his bots were in some barren land of red dirt and rocks. To the ponies of Equestria it was known as the Badlands, a barren land said to be the home of some of Equestria's most nastiest of creatures.

"This doesn't appear to be close to any civilization master." one of the robots explained.

"I can see that," Jack answered, until an owl hooted and Jack hid behind one of his robots in fright, "I don't like it here. I wanna go home now."

"That's impossible, master." one of the robots reminded him.

"You're right," he sighed realizing his mistake of jumping into the portal without knowing how he was gonna get back, "Wait a minute. Iggy's supposed to be in this world as well. If I can find him and defeat him I'll force him to send me home. Jack you are a genius," he said to himself, "I know." he answered himself.

As Jack continued explaining his plan to his robots, they were unaware they were being watched from behind a huge boulder by two black insect looking ponies with blue eyes. The two looked at each other before nodding and flew off, without Jack or his robots noticing them.