• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

Meeting the Girls

The morning after Twilight received the letter from Princess Celestia, she and Spike rounded up the rest of their friends Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy, and were at the train station in Ponyville, "What'd the princess say she wanted to show us?" Applejack asked her princess friend.

"A human, A.J." Twilight answered.

"Human? The creatures you said you interacted with when you went through the mirror to another world?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"The very same." Spike answered.

"I for one can't wait to greet this human," Rarity began, "I wonder what his choice in fashion is like?"

"I just hope he's awesome," Rainbow Dash said, "The last thing I'd want is to meet somepony who's boring."

"I hope he likes parties," Pinkie bounced around, "Because I plan on throwing him the bestest welcome party there is!"

"Easy, Pinkie," Twilight calmed her, "We haven't even met this human Princess Celestia wrote to me about yet."

"Well we will be soon enough." Applejack said as the six ponies and one dragon boarded the train.

Meanwhile in Canterlot at the castle, Iggy was lying in bed fast asleep looking very peaceful, until the door opened and entering was a butler unicorn, and a maid unicorn, "Rise and shine, sir." the butler said using his magic to open the drapes in the room allowing the sun to shine in.

Because they were opened so fast the sun's light just burst in nailing Iggy in the eyes making him groan and covered his face. The two servants looked seeing Iggy groan as he sat up in bed, "Very important rule when waking someone," he began to the two, "Never open drapes that fast! Especially if the sun is extra bright."

"My appologies, sir." the butler answered, as the maid levitated his clothes all folded up neatly and stacked with his boots on top.

"Your clothes, sir." she said.

"Oh thanks. I'll get changed right away." Iggy replied.

"We'll wait for you outside." the butler said, as he and the maid left the room.

Iggy got out of bed and slipped back into his clothes, while noticing how extra clean they looked, "Wow I don't think I've ever seen my clothes this clean before," he finished putting his boots on. He looked at a mirror seeing his full reflection and smiled, "I'm ready." he exited the room seeing the butler and maid unicorn.

"Well come along we have breakfast prepared for you in the dining hall." the butler explained.

"Great," Iggy replied, as he followed the two to the dining hall where he was seated and saw his breakfast was composed of scrambled eggs and toast, with orange juice, "Wow excellent service."

"The princesses will be joining you shortly, so enjoy." the butler instructed.

"Will do," Iggy answered as he began eating, "Yum. My compliments to the chef."

"Very respective, this human." one maid whispered to another, as they watched Iggy enjoy his breakfast with satisfaction.

Suddenly entering the room, was Prince Blueblood the nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, "Good morning, and what is on the menu for today?" he asked pleasantly before pulling to a halt as he saw Iggy at the table eating, "What is that?" he asked in shock and disapproval.

"Oh that's Iggy Douglas, Prince Blueblood," one of the maids explained, "He's a human."

"I can see it's a human," he answered rudely, "But what is such a creature doing here in the castle?"

"The Princesses allowed him here, sir." the butler answered.

"What?" the prince asked in shock, "Why would my Aunt Celestia and my Aunt Luna allow such a wretched creature in our royal home?"

The servants were in shock at his tone, but knew he always behaved like that with them. Iggy however looked over at him before answering in annoyance, "Hey pal, do you mind? I'm trying to eat here."

Blueblood gasped, "How dare you talk to me in such a tone, you vile creature. Do you have any idea who I happen to be?"

Iggy answered, still feeling annoyed by his tone and way of addressing him, "No. And judging from your tone I probably could care less."

Blueblood was once again appalled at his show of disrespect, "I'll have you know I am Prince Blueblood; royal nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." he said proudly with a wave of his mane.

Iggy was jaw agape at his claim and turned to the maids, "Is he for real?" they reluctantly nodded in response, "But how can that be? Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have shown me nothing but kindness and generosity, while this guy's shown me nothing but rudeness and grief."

"I beg your pardon," Blueblood asked in outrage and turned to the servants, "Can you believe what this insolent commoner is saying to me?"

The servants said nothing while not making eye contact with him. Iggy finished his breakfast and got out of his seat, approaching Blueblood, "You know I've put up with a lot of smart mouths, but you take the atom pal."

"Do not come any closer, you dirty beast." Blueblood ordered, as the two looked ready to go at it, if not for the impeccable arrival of the two sisters.

"What is going on in here?" Celestia demanded.

Before Blueblood could answer with complaints, Iggy beat him to it, "This obnoxious excuse for a prince claiming to be your nephew is disturbing the peace around here with his verbal assault on me."

The two sisters turn to their nephew firmly, "Blueblood, is this true?" Celestia inquired.

"No, Aunt Celestia," Blueblood began, "I have done nothing of the sort!"

Iggy smirked, as he clicked on his watch that played his conversation with Blueblood when he arrived into the dining hall. Though his communicator watch's communication option wasn't responding, such other commands such as recording was working perfectly. Upon hearing the words Blueblood used against Iggy through the recording, the sisters turned to their nephew with disappointed expressions, "Blueblood." they said firmly.

"How did you copy my words?" Blueblood demanded out of Iggy, who just stood triumphantly that the prince wasn't getting away with what he said.

"Does that even matter?" Celestia asked as she narrowed her eyes at her nephew.

Luna spoke up, "Iggy Douglas is our guest, and as a guest in our castle you will treat him with the utmost respect as we are treated."

"What?" Blueblood gasped, "Me show respect to this, this, thing?!"

"I think you should listen to your aunts, Bluey." Iggy recommended.

"That's Blueblood to you!" Blueblood snapped at Iggy.

"That's enough!" Luna unleashed the Royal Canterlot voice to silence him.

Celestia frowned and ordered, "Blueblood, you will return to your room and think very hard about the dishonor you have brought onto this royal family."

"But Aunt Celestia." Blueblood complained.

"Now!" the two sisters ordered.

Blueblood terrified of seeing his two aunts use the Royal Canterlot voice on him, left the room in fright. Iggy looked up at the two princesses and spoke, "And he's related to you, how?"

"He's our multiple repeated great grand nephew on our mom's side, fifty two times removed." Celestia answered, feeling embarrassed herself that he was actually part of hers and Luna's family.

"Uh-huh," Iggy nodded seeing how Blueblood proved to be nothing like the two princesses, "Well your cooking staff sure know how to make a good breakfast."

"We're glad you enjoyed it." Celestia smiled.

"Now I would suggest you get ready we will be having guests arriving soon." Luna explained.

"Guests?" Iggy asked.

"My star student from Ponyville and her closest friends will be joining us as you tell us more about yourself and you get to know more about our world as well." Celestia answered.

"Very reasonable plan, your highness," Iggy admitted, "Let me know when they arrive."

Half an hour later at Canterlot's train station, Twilight and the rest of her friends got off and were walking through the kingdom heading for the castle. When they reached the entrance, the guards permitted them entry. As they entered the throne room they saw both Princesses on the throne, "Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" the group greeted the two sisters.

"Welcome my little ponies, and Spike," Celestia began, "We're glad you could make it."

"It's our pleasure, Princess." Twilight answered in respect.

"So where is this human boy you spoke of in your letter to Twilight?" Rarity inquired.

"One moment please," Celestia began as she motioned to the side, "Iggy, you may come out now."

Stepping out from behind the throne was Iggy who jogged over to the group before halting at the sisters sides. Upon seeing him Twilight and Spike felt nostalgia seeing a human from the other world they traveled to here in Equestria, but were confused seeing how a human came here without transforming into a pony when she and Spike transformed into a human and dog respectively. The other girls however were in awe and wonder at seeing a creature foreign to Equestria, "Bearers of Harmony and Spike," Luna began, "May my sister and I introduce to you, Iggy Douglas."

Iggy seeing the group look at him waved casually in response, "Hello, everyone."

"And, Iggy," Celestia continued, "Allow me to introduce to you the six bearers of harmony."

"Hi, Iggy!" the group greeted him.

The first to approach was Applejack, who got up on her haunches and shook his right hand with both her hooves, "Howdy do partner, name's Applejack. I represent the element of Honesty. In Ponyville I run Sweet Apple Acres, which is an apple farm owned by mah family. When you have the time you should come by. I know they've love to meet you."

"Thanks, Applejack. Nice to meet you too." Iggy smiled.

Pinkie started bouncing around him, "My name's Pinkie Pie, and I represent the element of Laughter. If you're looking for a good laugh then come to me!" she beamed with joy. Iggy found the pony's enthusiasm very amusing and was holding a chuckle before letting it out, "See I got you to smile and laugh already!" Pinkie jumped for joy.

Flying to his side was Rainbow Dash, "Nice to meet ya, bud. Name's Rainbow Dash, and I represent the element of Loyalty. If ever ya need a hoof I'll be there rain or shine." she winked.

"Good to know, Rainbow Dash." Iggy answered.

"And while I don't like to brag," she continued as her friends rolled their eyes, "I happen to be the fastest flyer in Ponyville."

"You don't say?" Iggy asked, as he crossed his arms knowing that did count as enjoying to brag.

"Ya got that right. Why one day I'm gonna be a proud member of the Wonderbolts!" she announced dramatically, only for Twilight to use her magic to levitate her over to them before she went overboard.

Approaching him was Fluttershy, who was hiding behind her mane, "Hi. I'm Fluttershy. I represent the element of Kindness." She greeted him shyly.

Iggy seeing the pegasus act so shy couldn't help but smile and pat her head, "Nice to meet you, Fluttershy. There's no need to be shy around me. I'm a nice guy. But you know your shy demeanor reminds me of a girl I know in my world."

Fluttershy feeling calmer spoke up, "Oh really? Well I'm glad I could make you happy, Iggy." she smiled.

Rarity trotted over to him, "My name is Rarity, darling. I represent the element of Generosity."

"Nice to meet you, Rarity." Iggy greeted her, and saw the white unicorn was circling him as if trying to analyze him. He could not determine why, until she spoke up.

"I must say you have quite the choice in wardrobe." she used her hoof to hold up a bit of his dark green shirt sleeved unbuttoned shirt.

"Thanks, I think." Iggy answered not sure how to take it.

"And if you were to allow me to take your measurements I could create a whole new outfit for you in your own image." Rarity offered.

"Really, you'd do that?" Iggy asked in surprise.

"Of course, darling." Rarity nodded.

"Wow, thanks." Iggy smiled, seeing this pony really must represent generosity as she said she does.

Finally Twilight and Spike approached, "A pleasure to meet you, Iggy. I am Twilight Sparkle. I represent the element of Magic."

Iggy had to hold in a laugh from hearing Twilight's name, before noticing the crown on her head, "What's with the crown, are you royalty too?"

"Well actually..."

"That's right," Spike spoke up, "Twilight here is Equestria's newest princess."

"Spike." Twilight rolled her eyes at his boasting on her behalf.

Iggy seeing Spike gasped, "Great ghosts of Kenobi! Are you a dragon?"

"Why yes. Yes I am." Spike answered proudly, until he notice Iggy analyzing him up.

'Hmm, no wings,' he thought to himself, 'Perhaps he's a Chinese dragon.' When he saw the group looking at him questionably he ceased his inspection.

"So, Iggy," Twilight began, "If I may ask, how did you come here to Equestria?"

Iggy looked up at the two sisters who nodded, letting him know he could tell them, "Well Twilight. As I told the princesses here last night, I was working on an invention that was suppose to show me other worlds, but somehow it turned into a portal and transported me here."

"Holy moly!" Pinkie gasped.

"I know. And I was certain I worked all the kinks out." Iggy sighed.

"Wait a minute, you said invention?" Twilight spoke up, "Are you an inventor?"

"That's right. I specialize in the field of robotics and engineering. I know that surprises you, because the princesses already told me robotics doesn't exist here." Iggy explained.

"What other kind of stuff do you invent?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well lots of things," Iggy answered before motioning to his footwear, "You see these boots?"

"You made hoofwear?" Rainbow asked dryly, seeing that didn't look so impressive.

"These boots aren't just made for walking, Rainbow Dash," Iggy replied as he clicked the heels together and rollerblades emerged from the metallic soles, "They're also made for rolling!" he started rollerblading around the group.

"Wow, that looks so fun!" Pinkie cheered.

"I know," Iggy said as he stopped rolling, "But this is their best function." he clicked the heels again as small rocket jets popped out of the sides of each boot and activated causing Iggy to go airborne, surprising the group.

"WHOA! You're flying!" Rainbow gasped as the other ponies were just as surprised.

"Now you see why I love this function," Iggy said, before he started losing a bit of balance, before regaining it, "Although the first time I put these to a field test I darted all around my lab in turbulence. Almost got a concussion from when I first crashed if not for my safety helmet. Eventually I learned how to control them better and well now I can travel by air. Of course every day they need their recharge." he touched back down and deactivated the rockets and the skates.

"That's just amazing!" Twilight gasped, "What else have you invented?"

"Well I also brought along my communicator watch," he showed them it, "It's what keeps me in contact with my lab and Gizmo."

"Gizmo?" the ponies asked.

"He's my lab assistant," Iggy answered and looked at his watch, "Unfortunately my communicator isn't able to reach him here. Although I may be able to contact him if I were to change the frequency in it. Though I'd need the basic tools to tweak it."

"Hey maybe you should come to Ponyville with us." Pinkie suggested.

"Yeah, Ahm sure we can find ya the right tools yer looking for." Applejack added.

"Really?" Iggy gasped at their offer, and they nodded in response.

"Is it ok if we took Iggy with us to Ponyville, Princess?" Twilight requested Celestia.

Celestia looked at the younger ponies and at Iggy before smiling and answering, "It's all right by me."

"Yay!" Pinkie cheered.

"Though I wonder," Iggy spoke up grabbing their attention, "You think the other residents there will be as accepting of me as you?" he asked fearing he might get more remarks from others like he gotten from Blueblood.

"Don't worry silly, they'll love you!" Pinkie answered as she gave him a playful noogie.

"Well if you say so." Iggy replied taking her word for it.

"We'll come by later and see how Iggy enjoys his visit." Celestia put in.

"We'll be looking forward to it, Princess." Applejack bowed her head.

"Then we'll see you all later." Luna bid them a farewell.

"Come on, Iggy." Pinkie escorted him off with Applejack and the others following them.

Soon they were on the train heading for Ponyville. As they relaxed and enjoyed the ride, Iggy was looking out the window, "Steam locomotives, huh? Well at least this world has some form of modern transport comparable to home."

"So what kind of travel you got in your world?" Applejack asked curiously.

Before Iggy could answer, Twilight spoke up, "Well they have these things called cars and buses, and while they have taxis in his world they're not like our carriage types."

Iggy was shocked at the younger princess' description, "You talk as if you've been to my world."

"Well Iggy, I kinda have." Twilight admitted.

"Seriously, how?" Iggy gasped, wondering if she knew a possible way for him to get home.

"Well there's this mirror in another kingdom that serves as a gateway to a world where humans populate," she explained before noticing Iggy was looking excited, and knew what he was thinking, "Sorry, but I don't think it's a portal to your world. Rather it's a portal to a human version of Equestria."

Iggy let his head drop with his bubble burst, "So much for that theory," he noticed the group of ponies and dragon seeing how bummed he looked, "Sorry if I look down about it, because frankly this wasn't supposed to happen, and now I fear my dad's gonna go nuts when he finds out I'm missing."

"Just your dad?" Rainbow asked.

"What about your mom?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"My mom's in the Navy." she answered.

"The Navy?" Applejack wondered.

"Yes. It's the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces. Their mission is to protect and defend the right of the United States and our allies to move freely on the oceans and to protect our country against enemies." he explained.

"United States?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"That's the name of the nation in which I reside in my world." Iggy explained.

"Wow, the Navy sounds awesome!" Rainbow gasped.

"It does sound exciting. They say it's not a job, but an adventure. And my mom loves an adventure." Iggy explained, "Unfortunately being in the Navy is time consuming so I barely see her as much. I mostly keep in touch with her through my laptop cam. Though I keep counting down the days when she'll finally be retired and can come home for good."

The girls smiled as Twilight spoke, "So what does your father do?"

"Dad works as a car salesman. He's a very good negotiator and always knows the right kind of vehicle for a buyer. Him and mom know of my genius intellect and commend me on my inventing. Though sometimes they fear my inventions will backfire and take out the house."

"Has that ever..." Rarity wondered, before Iggy exclaimed.

"Only once, and it was just the garage!" Iggy argued, putting Rarity in shock, "If only I didn't mix those two chemicals together." he finished feeling embarrassed.

"Aren't you supposed to be a genius?" Rainbow asked, wondering how one could make a mistake.

"Even geniuses have their moments of blunder." Iggy admitted.

Soon enough the train pulled into the station of Ponyville, "Well we're here." Applejack stated.

"Are you ready, Iggy?" Twilight asked the human.

"Ready as I'll ever be." he admitted as he was prepared to get off the train and face the world of ponies, while hoping he wasn't going to be labeled a monster and get chased by a mob.