• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

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A Princess' Hospitality

Last time, robotics expert and genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap of his dimensional window machine was pulled into the world of Equestria. Discovered by the princesses, they offered him a place to stay so he can explain as to how he arrived.

Celestia and Luna inside the castle with Iggy, opened a door and Iggy looked in and gasped seeing it was like a huge spa and bathhouse with a pool sized tub filled with suds and foams, "Holy Spock!" he gasped in amaze.

"You can get cleaned up here. We'll have one of our servants take your clothes and have them get washed." Celestia explained.

"Thanks again, Princess." Iggy thanked her for not only the hospitality, but for not throwing him in a dungeon or something.

"You're very welcome." Celestia nodded.

"We'll be back in fifteen." Luna instructed.

"Plenty of time," Iggy admitted as the two princesses left him to do his thing. He removed his clothes and placed them in a basket before running to the edge of the giant tub before jumping in it with a splash. He shot his head out of the water and shook some water off his face, "Whoa, this water's warm," he sighed in relaxation. He looked over to the side seeing soap, a sponge, and shampoo for him. So he started lathering the soap on his arms as he spoke to himself, "These two princesses are really nice. In fact this whole place is giving off a lot of harmonious vibes. I guess I should be thankful I ended up here instead of some apocalyptic universe where everything is barren and zombies roam the land. Still I hope I can find some way to contact Gizmo and hopefully have him find a way to get me home," he finished washing his body and took the shampoo and started lathering it in his hair, "But maybe I can find out more about this world for the time being. After all an opportunity like this doesn't come a knocking this often."

Soon Iggy stepped out of the tub and used a towel to dry off. He looked and saw a spare blue bath robe on a rack that looked like it was meant to fit a pony. Taking the chance he put it on, and though it felt like the sleeves were so close together he couldn't spread his arms out, "Well I guess it'll have to do." he said to himself as he heard a knock at the door.

"Iggy, are you finished?" Celestia's voice came from the other side.

"Yes!" Iggy answered.

So the doors opened, and the sisters stepped inside, "We trust you cleaned up well?" Luna inquired.

"Oh yeah. That was one of the best baths I ever took, and I'm more of a shower guy." Iggy admitted.

"I'm glad. Would you care to join us in the parlor for some tea?" Celestia offered.

"I'd be delighted." Iggy answered, as he slipped into some slippers and followed the two.

In the parlor, both Celestia and Luna sat on a pillow each while using their magic to pour some tea into their cups. Iggy watched in fascination at how they were using magical levitation. Celestia levitated a cup to him which he accepted and took a sip from it, "Delicious." he smiled.

"Now then, Iggy," Luna began, "Would you mind telling us more about yoruself?"

"Sure, but you already know I'm a human right?" he asked, and the two nodded, "Well how much do you know about humans?"

"Only that the best way to describe them are bipedal hairless apes who are omnivorous compared to us herbivores." Celestia explained.

"So they aren't common in this universe?" Iggy asked nervously.

"I'm afraid not. You may very well be the first one to ever appear in Equestria." Celestia explained.

"So then how do you even know what humans are?" Iggy asked.

"They're listed in our mythological books and are regarded as myths." Luna explained.

"I see," Iggy answered seeing it's like a reverse of mythology from both his and their worlds, "And I've noticed this on you two and your guards, but why do you all have different tattoos on your flanks?"

"Tattoos?" Luna asked as the two sisters look at their cutie marks.

"Oh, you must mean our cutie marks." Celestia corrected him.

"Cutie marks?" Iggy asked feeling a little disturbed by the title.

"Yes. They symbolize a pony's special talent once they've come to realize it." the princess of the sun explained.

'Whoa, if things were like that in my world, finding a job would make life so much easier,' he thought before speaking up, "So then what do yours represent?" Iggy asked curiously.

"Mine represents my duty as princess of the day to raise the sun for daytime." Celestia explained as Luna followed.

"And mine represents my own duty to raise the moon for night time. It's how both day and night are balanced."

Iggy was jaw agape before speaking, "Wait a minute. You mean to tell me you two raise and lower both the sun and the moon?"

"Correct." Celestia confirmed his question.

"Is that surprising to you?" Luna inquired about his confusion.

Iggy wasn't sure how to explain, but did anyway, "Well you see the sun and moon aren't controlled by beings like yourself in my world."

"What can you tell us about your world?" Celestia asked.

"Well I live in a city known as Chicago, on a planet known as earth," Iggy began, "As for how I got here... Well I'm an expert in the field of robotics and engineering."

"Robotics?" Luna asked in confusion.

"Yeah it's a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots." Iggy explained.

"Robots?" Celestia asked feeling as confused as her sister.

"Technology?" Luna wondered.

"Wait, don't tell me you all haven't heard of technology?" Iggy gasped feeling nervous.

"I can't say we have, sorry." Celestia answered.

Iggy's eyes widened as he started hyperventilating,"Oh say it isn't so! Say it isn't so!" he clutched his heart looking ready to have a heart attack.

Celestia and Luna got up and trotted over to him, laying a wing each on him trying to calm him down, "Take it easy, Iggy." Celestia comforted him as he started calming down.

"I'm ok. I'm ok," he sat down, "I'm sorry for that. I'm just not used to a place where technology does not exist. I feel like I'm back in the dark ages."

"Dark ages?" Luna wondered.

"Never mind that," Iggy replied and got back on track, "Anyway I was transported here due to a invention I was working on back in my own world."

"Please explain to us the purpose of this invention you were working on." Luna requested.

"It's a dimensional viewing window. It's function was to show me other worlds beyond my own so I could learn about the inhabitants of those worlds." Iggy explained.

"Go on." Celestia beckoned him to continue.

"Due to some glitch in the systems the machine went haywire and opened a portal to this world and sucked me in." the young teen continued.

"Oh my." Celestia gasped.

"Yeah, and now I have no way of getting back home, and my only link of communication isn't getting through," Iggy explained, "What have I done to deserve this?" he sighed.

Celestia comforted him, "I'm sorry for your unfortunate accident. I'm not sure how we can help you return to your world, but for now how would you like to remain in Equestria for the time being?"

"What? Really?" Iggy gasped in surprise.

Celestia nodded, "You wanted a chance to observe other worlds inhabitants, so consider this your chance. Who knows maybe you can find another way of returning to your world. We'll even help you in any way we can."

"You mean it?" Iggy asked joyously, as the two nodded, "Wow. I don't know what to say? I'm touched," he then yawned, "I'm also bushed too."

"It is rather late," Celestia nodded, "You should get some sleep."

"Right, anyplace opened?" he asked.

"Follow me." Celestia showed him off.

Soon Celestia showed Iggy to one of their guest bedrooms. Iggy looked in the room and gasped seeing it looked like a room you'd find at the Plaza Hotel, "Wow, you're really letting me bunk here?"

"You're our honored guest, Iggy. It'd be cruel of us to not show you some hospitality." Celestia answered.

"Thanks again, Princess. It really means a lot to me for you to do all this just for a guy like me." Iggy said as he plopped onto the queen sized bed.

"It's our pleasure, Iggy. Have a goodnight." she bid him a goodnight.

"Night Princess," Iggy said, as she left the room, and closed the door behind her. Iggy laid on the bed while looking up at the ceiling, before he looked over seeing the moon shinning bright, 'I sure hope Gizmo's gonna be all right without me. I can't even imagine what my dad will say when he finds out I'm missing.' he thought.

Inside Celestia's room, the princess of the sun levitated a quill and ink along with some parchment. She began writing a message.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

My sister and I humbly invite you, Spike, and the other elements of harmony to Canterlot Castle tomorrow. We have here with us a special guest named Iggy Douglas. But take note he is not of the land of Equestria, but from another world. His species is human as I'm sure you're aware of such creatures. I would like to have all of you meet him so he can get to know all of you. We will be awaiting your arrival tomorrow.

Your princess and fellow teacher

Princess Celestia

Celestia smiled as she used her magic to teleport the message away. Meanwhile that very night in the town of Ponyville, at Golden Oaks library, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her dragon assistant Spike were doing some late night organizing of the library books, until Spike burped green flames and appearing before them was the very message Princess Celestia sent, "A letter from the princess." Twilight gasped as she levitated it over and read the message, while Spike listened.

When she finished reading it, both Twilight and Spike were in shock, "A human, in Equestria?" Twilight gasped.

"How's that possible?" Spike asked in confusion.

"I don't know, Spike. The only way to get to that human world was through the mirror gateway in the Crystal Empire," Twilight explained, "But it hasn't even been thirty moons since it closed."

"So how did this one get here?" Spike continued questioning.

"I'm not sure, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow." Twilight said as the two decided to turn in, knowing they would need their rest if they and the other elements of harmony were to be going to Canterlot tomorrow.