• Published 24th Feb 2014
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Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

Rise of Machina

In Canterlot at one of the kingdom's research labs, Iggy was hard at work making something with Gizmo, and several scientist unicorns assisting him, "Wrench!" he ordered as Gizmo handed him one, "Blowtorch!" a unicorn levitated one to him.

A unicorn wearing a labcoat spoke, "Mr. Douglas, not to doubt your skill, but I have worries about this project you're attempting."

"Nonsense, I know what I'm doing." Iggy answered.

"It's true, he does this on a daily basis," Gizmo assured the scientist pony and the other assistants, "Although he's never made one in this form in his life."

"So why start now?" another unicorn scientist asked.

"Well I've never met talking ponies before so it never crossed my mind," Iggy admitted, as he continued working, "Almost done, but it needs a strong jolt of energy to bring to life."

"And how're you going to get something like that?" one of the assistants inquired.

"Hmm..." Iggy pondered.

"Hey, Iggy!" a voice called, as he was thrown out of his thoughts.

He looked seeing it was the girls, Spike, Celestia, Luna, and Cynthia, "Your majesties!" the head unicorn scientist gasped, as he and the other unicorns bowed in respect.

Iggy seeing Celestia, Luna, and Twilight gasped in joy, "Yes!" he ran to them, "Princesses, you're the very ponies I need."

"Need for what?" Twilight asked.

"Could this have something to do with the project you've been working on this morning?" Luna inquired.

"As a matter of fact yes." he answered, with a smirk.

"Iggy, what're you up to?" Cynthia asked suspiciously.

"Well Cynthia, I've once again decided to broaden my scientific thinking and technological creativity by creating a new automaton in the image of this world's inhabitants." Iggy explained.

"Say what now?" Applejack asked, as they were confused by his wording.

Iggy approached what he was working on, that was covered by a tarp, "Behold!" he announced, as he pulled the tarp off.

The ponies, Spike, and Cynthia looked and saw crouching on the floor was a pegasus with a pale yellow coat, green mane and tail, and her cutie mark was the image of an energy core. What was confusing to the ponies was that the pegasi's wings didn't look feathery, but rather were straight which Cynthia could tell resembled airplane wings, and her ears looked more like antennae. What they noticed was that its eyes weren't opened.

"Wow, it's uh..." Twilight trailed, feeling lost for words.

"Magnificent isn't it?" Iggy asked.

"But what is it?" Rainbow asked.

"I have created a pegasus robot." he answered.

"It's a robot?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, just like me." Gizmo answered.

"Is it asleep?" Luna wondered.

"No, and it's a she." Iggy corrected her.

"Perhaps you should explain more clearly." Celestia suggested.

"Yes, well as I stated I've decided to create a robotic pony using equipment and parts I had Gizmo collect from my lab, and this is what came out. As for why she isn't activated, she requires a large power source to start her up. That is where you three come in." Iggy motioned to the three princesses.

"Us?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I want you three to combine your magic to power her up and give her life."

"Why does it have to be our magic?" the princess of magic wondered.

"Yeah, can't ya just have the fellas here use their magic?" Applejack motioned to the unicorn scientists.

"I'm afraid not. You see regular unicorn magic will not truly suffice no matter how many I gather to power her up. The magic of the alicorn princesses however are more powerful than any magic in the land. That kind of magic is the kind I require to power her up." he patted the robot pegasi's head.

"Why use magic? Can't you just use lightning or something for a charge?" Cynthia asked.

"Yeah, I can whip up a lightning cloud for ya with no problem." Rainbow offered.

"Even so, I wish to use a difference source of power for my newest creation. The power of magic." Iggy answered.

Luna turned to her sister and spoke, "What do you think of this plan, Tia?"

Tia pondered on it, while everyone awaited her answer. She cleared her throat, "I am quite taken by this idea of yours, Iggy."

The ponies were confused, as Iggy gasped, "Does that mean you'll help?"

Celestia smiled, "I do."

"Yes!" Iggy cheered, before looking at the other two, "And you?"

Luna and Twilight look at each other, before Luna answered, "If my sister has faith in this idea of yours, then I shall have faith as well. So I shall help as well."

"What about you, Twilight?" Iggy asked, as the girls and Spike looked at her awaiting the answer.

"Well, I could give it a try and see what happens." she agreed.

"Excellent!" Iggy beamed, "Now I'll need the three of you to gather around her. That's it," he said as the three surrounded the offline robot, "aim your horns up and concentrate your magic."

The three did so and were soon glowing with their respective magical auras. They aimed a beam of magic upward until the three streams combined into a sphere of magical energy. Iggy gasped and smiled, "Yes magic, give my creation life!" he announced as the sphere of magic lowered downward before entering the robot.

The princesses magic died down, and they looked down at the robot pegasus seeing if it was waking up. When it had not budged, Iggy's look of excitement started deteriorating. There was silence for a moment, before Pinkie broke it up, "Cupcake?" she offered one out for the ponies, who scowled.

"It-it didn't work," Iggy gasped, before dropping his head in defeat, "Another failure."

Applejack laid a hoof on his shoulder, "Come on, Sugarcube. Don't let this bring ya down."

"Yes, I'm sure it was a nice idea." Fluttershy added, trying hard to support him.

"I was just so sure it would've worked," Iggy sighed again, "I guess it just wasn't meant to be." he turned feeling prepared to walk off, until Gizmo looked over and saw the robot pegasus' body started twitching.

"Uh, sir." he called, and Iggy looked back around as, he, Spike, and the ponies saw the robot started moving.

It slowly descended upward, taking the ponies by surprise. When it was finally on four legs they noticed it was about the same height as Princess Luna. Suddenly it's eyes started opening to reveal blue eyes. Iggy walked back closer in shock, "She's awake." he gasped.

The robot pegasus slowly turned her head around and spoke in a female monotone voice, "Systems online. Beginning biometric scan of present lifeforms," through her vision data was processing through her as she did a scan of the beings before her. Her gaze fell upon Iggy as he was being scanned by her, "Analysis completed. Subject Iggy Douglas; creator and father."

"Father?" the ponies gasped.

"Well I did create her." Iggy reminded them.

The pegasus continued scanning around, until her gaze fell on Gizmo, "Subject Gizmo; fellow automaton and brother."

"Hey, how about that? She thinks I'm her brother." Gizmo said, feeling proud.

"Iggy, you really did it." Cynthia gasped, as she hugged him in congratulations.

The robot hearing Cynthia's voice scanned her next, "Subject Cynthia Daniels; admirer to father."

Cynthia hearing what she said started blushing, "Wow ,she knows who you all are!" Pinkie gasped and bounced around the robot, "Do me, do me!"

After a scan the robot spoke, "Subject Pinkamena Dianne Pie, aka Pinkie Pie. Party thrower specialist."

Pinkie cheered, "She knows who I am!"

"Yeah, but how is she doing that?" Applejack asked, while feeling uncomfortable that Iggy's creation knows about them without an explanation.

"I uploaded into her a processor that can identify who she is talking to." Iggy explained.

The robot continued naming them off, "Applejack of Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash the number one flier in Ponyville," Rainbow smirked in pride, "Fluttershy the animal caretaker. Rarity the fashionista, and generous pony in Ponyville."

"How kind of you to say so, darling." Rarity said with a smile.

She then looked down on Spike, "Spike the baby dragon, and number one assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Right on the dot." Spike gasped.

She then turned to the three princesses and scanned them, "Subject Princess Celestia; princess of the sun, Princess Luna; princess of the moon, and Princess Twilight Sparkle; princess of magic. I am honored to meet you." she bowed her head a bit.

Celestia responded, wanting to be polite to the sentient creation, "And we are glad to meet you."

"A pleasure, indeed." Luna added, as she and Twilight bowed their heads with Celestia.

"Iggy, it really worked." Twilight gasped.

"Yes, it did. And now that she is alive she requires a name," Iggy began, as he pondered, "I got it!" he turned to his new creation, "Listen up. From now on your name will be... Machina."

"Acknowledged," the robot now identified as Machina spoke, "Registering now. Registration of identification is complete. Hello, my name is Machina."

"Amazing." the head scientist pony gasped.

"You created a sentient life." another scientist gasped to Iggy.

"It's a talent." Iggy admitted like it wasn't anything new.

"So now that ya built her whaddaya gonna do with her?" Applejack asked.

"Educate her." Iggy answered.

"Educate?" Rainbow asked in confusion.

"Yes, I installed into her an adapter chip that allows her to adapt to her surroundings and learn as she goes."

"He did the same with me and my other fellow robots." Gizmo added.

"Then let's take her to Ponyville," Twilight suggested, "We can educate her in our own ways."

"A good idea, Twilight." Celestia agreed.

"How about it, Machina?" Pinkie asked.

"I would be humbled to accompany you all." Machina answered.

"Then let's go." Applejack said, as the group started walking.

Machina started walking a bit, but after a few steps she fells down, "Well that's a sad sight." Gizmo said, with a shake of his head.

"I'd hate to see her first try at flying." Rainbow added.

Iggy went to her, "Easy, Machina. You just got online, so you need to take it slow until you've adapted into moving like this."

"Yes, father. I apologize for my clumsiness." Machina answered.

"Hey, you got nothing to feel sorry about." Iggy comforted her.

"Yeah, these things take time." Cynthia agreed.

"Just try and take it one step at a time." Applejack suggested.

"Yeah, like foal steps." Twilight added.

"Understood." Machina answered, as she started walking slower and not forcing it.

Eventually Machina was able to adapt to walking normally. They left the castle and began walking through Canterlot. As they walked, Machina was looking all around to get used to her surroundings. Rarity spoke up, "Out of curiosity Iggy, what made you decide to give Machina a pegasi's physique?"

"Well making her a unicorn would mean she'd burn out an extensive amount of magic if she ever uses it, and she needs the magic to keep her body running during the day until she needs to recharge at night," he began, "An earth pony body sounds too typical to me, and an alicorn body would be severe overkill."

Rainbow trotted at Machina's side, and looked at her wing, "Can these things really allow her to fly?"

"Well you'll just have to find out when we get to Ponyville, now won't you?" He asked her.

As Machina walked she noticed many of the Canterlot ponies were giving her looks. She noticed many of the stallions were giving her looks awe. She turned to Iggy and spoke, "Father, forgive me for asking, but why is it the residents of Canterlot are giving me such looks of either fascination or curiosity?"

"Don't be intimidated by it, Machina," Iggy started, "They've just never met a pony of your exquisiteness before."

"I see." Machina answered, and said no more.

"And trust me, you'll be getting more looks like that when we get to Ponyville." Gizmo added.

"Well good afternoon, everypony." a voice spoke up, as they saw Fancypants and Fleur.

"And good afternoon to you as well, Fancypants and Fleur." Iggy greeted them.

"We haven't seen you all since the gala." Fleur noted.

"Yes, when that dreadful Changeling Queen crashed it." Fancy added.

"Yes, we all could've done without that incident." Rarity admitted.

Suddenly the two ponies looked at saw Machina amongst them, "Well and who might this charming pegasus be?" Fancy asked them.

Before they could answer, Machina introduced herself, "I am Machina. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Fancypants and Ms. Fleur."

"Well, the pleasure's all ours my dear." Fleur greeted her.

Machina took a whiff, "I admire your perfume. Fragrance of Springtime in the countryside."

"Hmm, you know your scents, Ms. Machina." Fleur admitted.

"I just adapt." she admitted.

"Well charming to meet you my dear Machina." Fancy took the robot pegasus' hoof and kissed it.

Machina was confused by Fancy's show of respect but said nothing, as Iggy spoke, "Well it was nice seeing you all again, but we must get back to Ponyville."

"Oh yes, there is so much we wish to show Machina." Rarity added.

"Well we shan't keep you held up." Fancy began, "It was lovely seeing you all again. And a good day to you, Machina."

"And a good day to you two as well." Machina bowed her head as they continued onward.

On the train Machina was sitting with Rainbow and Fluttershy, "Just you wait when we get to Ponyville I'm gonna see personally how good you are at flying." Rainbow told her.

"Don't force her, Rainbow," Fluttershy said, "Remember what Iggy said, she needs to continue to adapt."

"I know, Fluttershy. I just can't wait." Rainbow said in excitement.

"Well I'm going to show her my animal friends, and teach her the etiquette of caring for them." Fluttershy stated.

"If we bring her to the library I can educate her on Equestria history so she'll be up to date in everything." Twilight stated.

"I plan to show her how a lady should really look," Rarity turned to Machina, "After all, just because you are robotic doesn't change the fact you are also a lady. You don't mind if I give her a little touch up on her mane and such do you, Iggy?"

"Well not at all, she could use a good look since I focused on creating her." Iggy admitted.

"Well I'm gonna show her the apple farm, and maybe she can lend a hoof as well." Applejack said, before turning to Machina, "If yall would like of course."

"I would be more than happy to express my services, Applejack." Machina answered.

"Well I'm gonna show her the art of partying when we get home." Pinkie promised.

"Relax, girls. Don't overload her with plans. I'm sure you'll all get your chance." Cynthia stated.

"First we got to get her accustomed to Ponyville." Gizmo suggested.

"Correct," Iggy nodded and looked at Machina, "I know there's a lot for you to process now, Machina. But I promise you when the day is done you are going to feel like a new you."

Machina could only nod, as she deep down was curious about what to expect in the town of Ponyville, and what her creator and his friends plan to show and teach her.