• Published 24th Feb 2014
  • 2,297 Views, 8 Comments

Equestrian Techno-Wiz - Wildcard25

Science and Robotics genius Iggy Douglas through a mishap with one of his inventions finds himself transported into a magical world of ponies and magic.

  • ...

Gala problems

Last time, as the group were on their way to the Grand Galloping Gala, Chrysalis and Jack had arrived as well with plans of going undercover. With a bit of changeling magic, Jack was able to transform himself into a pony so he could blend in without getting discovered. With two enemies infiltrating the gala, will the group see through them, or will the gala be the last one.

As the girls, Spike, Iggy, Cynthia, and Gizmo walked through the castle, they saw Princess Celestia and princess Luna atop the stairs greeting various guests, "I think it's best we pay our respects to them." Twilight suggested.

"I agree, plus I need to introduce them to Cynthia." Iggy agreed, as they walked up the stairs, while Gizmo used his jets to hover up them.

"Princess Celestia. Princess Luna." Twilight greeted them.

The two smiled, as Celestia spoke, "It's so good you all could make it."

"Like we'd miss it." Rainbow replied.

"Your highnesses, I'd like to introduce you to someone," Iggy began as he brought Cynthia over, "This is my friend, Cynthia Daniels. Cynthia, I'd like to introduce to you the rulers of Equestria. Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna."

Cynthia stood before the two smiling, "I'm honored to meet you two."

Celestia smiled back, "The pleasure is all ours, my dear."

"Yes. Iggy did say he had a friend from his world he spoke so fondly of." Luna added.

"Fondly?" Cynthia gasped, as she blushed, while the sisters nodded.

"Well we'll be seeing ya. Right now we're gonna go mingle." Applejack stated.

"Of course. Have a pleasant night, everypony." Celestia said, as she and Luna bowed their heads to them, and they bowed back before going off.

Chrysalis and Jack still in disguise, watched them greet the princesses, until Jack realized who was with them, "What, Cynthia's here too?"

"Hm, somepony you know?" Chrysalis asked curiously.

"Oh yeah," Jack answered, "She was another item on the list of things Iggy had taken from me. And I saw her first."

"Did you now?" The queen asked.

"Yes. In the second grade, she was looking for directions to one of the classrooms. I kindly gave her the directions to it. I knew she and I would be a perfect match, because out of everyone there she asked me of all people for directions. But then she bumped into Iggy, and that's when it all went wrong!" he growled.

"So you both love her?" Chrysalis asked amusingly.

"We both may love her, but I love her more!" Jack whined.

"You don't say?" Chrysalis asked as he horn glowed with magic.

Jack realizing what Chrysalis was thinking about doing, backed up, "Whoa-whoa-whoa, don't even think about it. Remember I'm on your side."

"I'm just messing with you." she chuckled humorously.

"You better be." Jack mumbled under his breath.

"Come along. I'm starting to piece another plan together." she smirked, as she led Jack on.

When the group arrived in the main ballroom, they saw many ponies gossiping, enjoying the buffet, or dancing to the music performed by Octavia and more musicians, "Wow, it's just like in a fairy tale." Cynthia gasped.

"It's one way of looking at it." Twilight admitted.

"If I ever become a rich and famous playboy philanthropist I may be coming to stuff like this a lot." Iggy deduced.

"Think you could handle stuff like this constantly?" Rainbow asked.

"No idea." Iggy replied.

"Well come on as long as we're here let's enjoy ourselves." Twilight said, as they went to a table to relax.

Pinkie brought some food from the buffet over to their table for them to snack on, "Now this is what should've happened the first time." Spike said, as he chewed on a gem.

"This does feel nice, actually." Iggy admitted, as he looked around and saw just about all the other guests having fun.

"Well good evening my dear girls." a refined voice spoke up.

They all looked over and saw Fancypants and Fleur de lis. Rarity got out of her chair and spoke, "Why Fancypants and Fleur, how wonderful to see you two."

"And it's a joy as always to see you and all your friends, Rarity." Fancypants greeted her.

Fleur noticed Iggy and Cynthia, "And it looks like you've brought some new faces as well."

Rarity realizing what she meant, spoke up, "Why yes. Iggy, Cynthia, allow me to introduce to you two acquaintances of mine here in Canterlot. This is Fancypants and Fluer de lis. And please allow me to introduce to you Iggy Douglas, and Cynthia Daniels."

"It's very nice to meet you two." Iggy greeted them, while shaking Fancy's hoof.

"The pleasure's all ours young one," Fancy began, "Any friend of Rarity's is always all right by me."

Cynthia was being inspected by Fleur, as the unicorn spoke, "My such a lovely dress. I assume Rarity was the one who made it for you?"

"That's right, ma'am." Cynthia answered.

"It's magnificent design only further compliments your natural beauty." Fleur continued, resulting in Cynthia blushing.

"Natural beauty?" she asked, feeling embarrassed.

"Quite so," Fancy agreed, "You my dear are an absolute fine work of art."

Iggy seeing Cynthia looked ready to pass out from so many compliments broke them up, "Now you two, try not to embarrass my date. After all we still have to dance." he said as he held Cynthia close.

"We do?" Cynthia asked.

"Oh yes, but I know of a better tune for us to dance too. Wait here." Iggy said, as he zipped off, leaving the group confused.

On the stage, the band was planning their next piece, until Iggy slid in and whispered something to Octavia. Octavia was curious about what he was whispering into her ear, until he held out numerous bits. She then looked interested and collected them. Iggy left the stage, as Octavia and her band started up again playing a familiar theme from Iggy and Cynthia's favorite Sci-Fi feature.

Cynthia gasped as she looked over at Iggy, who was smiling, "Iggy, that's..."

"Uh-huh," he nodded, and held his hand out, "Let's boogie."

Cynthia smiled as she took his hand, and they went out to the dance floor and began dancing it out to the tune. Eventually many ponies started to get into the jazzy tune, and joined them on the dance floor. Gizmo rolled out and started rolling back and forth to the beat. The mane six and Spike went out to the floor and started shaking it up as well.

"This is a totally awesome beat!" Rainbow cheered as she danced.

"I'll say!" Pinkie agreed as she swished her tail.

Jack and Chrysalis who were in the ballroom listened to the tune, as Jack gasped, "Oh I love this tune!" he grabbed Chrysalis, and dragged her to the dance floor.

"What're you doing?" she demanded.

"Hey we gotta blend it. So let's blend." he smirked, as he started swinging it with the queen, who was taken aback by how much he was getting into this. She decided to roll with it for the moment.

Eventually Octavia and the band, ended their piece, and the guests relaxed and caught their breath. Iggy and Cynthia laughed as they went to the buffet table for some punch, "That was amazing." Cynthia chuckled.

"I know. We really knocked them for a spin!" Iggy chuckled.

"I'm really glad you were able to bring me here, Iggy." Cynthia smiled.

"Hey you know I'd do anything with you, Cynthia." Iggy replied, and was suddenly embraced, by the girl. Iggy embraced her back, as the girls watched.

"Aw!" they said collectively.

Suddenly, some stallions trotted up to Iggy, and pulled him away wanting to know how he was able to dance so well. Cynthia giggled, as she watched her close friend get crowded by the ponies. She was brought out of her amusement by a voice, "Good evening."

Cynthia looked over and saw Prince Blueblood, "Oh, good evening." she greeted him back.

"I am Prince Blueblood, and you are?" he requested.

"I'm Cynthia Daniels." she answered.

"A pleasure. I couldn't help but notice you seem very close to that fellow there." he motioned to Iggy.

"Iggy? Oh well, he and I are very close friends." she admitted.

"Clearly." Blueblood replied, as he looked back at Iggy with a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Are you friends of Iggy's?" she asked.

"Well we..." Blueblood began, until Gizmo spoke up.

"They are in no sense friends!" he wheeled over.

"Gizmo?" Cynthia asked.

Gizmo turned to Cynthia, "Word to wise, Cynthia. Stay far away from this guy. He's anything but nice."

"How dare you!" Blueblood scolded the robot.

"Give it a rest, pretty stallion, you're nothing but a narcissistic, stuck up, sorry excuse for a prince." Gizmo scolded him back.

"And we can vouch for that." Rarity added, as she and the girls approached.

"Oh it's you again." Blueblood frowned.

"I see you managed to get that frosting out of your coat." Rarity smirked.

"I wouldn't have had to if you didn't get me covered with it!" Blueblood snapped.

"Well you were the one who used me as a pony shield just to protect yourself from it!" Rarity argued back.

Cynthia ignoring the two squabbling spoke to Gizmo, "Is this true about what you say about him?"

"Yes, in fact you wouldn't believe the first thing he ever said to Master Iggy." Gizmo stated, as he told her exactly what Blueblood described Iggy when he first came to Equestria.

Cynthia gasped as she looked to the stallion, "You creep! You horrible creep!"

Blueblood frowned as he finally showed his true colors to her, "How dare you insult me like that you despicable creature!"

"Whoa-whoa-whoa!" Rainbow called, "You did not just say that to Cynthia!"

"What if I did, what're you going to do about it?" he challenged her.

"I'll tell you what I'm gonna do!" Rainbow said, as she was prepared to tackle him, only for Cynthia to hold her back.

"No, Rainbow."

"What? But, Cynthia." the pegasus gasped.

"Believe me, it's not worth it," she frowned at Blueblood, "Especially to lowlifes like that."

Rainbow replied, "Yeah you're right."

Rarity gave Blueblood a huff, before they turned and started walking away. Blueblood frowned, and thought, 'How dare they insult me like that. Especially that... that girl. Well I'll show her nopony mocks the name of Prince Blueblood.' he used his magic to levitate a pie from the buffet and launched it at her.

Iggy who got away from the group of stallions, wanted to go back to see Cynthia, but saw Prince Blueblood using his magic to launch a pie right in the direction of his friends, and saw he was mostly aiming at Cynthia, "Cynthia, look out!" he screamed.

Cynthia and the girls spun around, and the human girl ended up getting pied in the face. The girls and Spike were wide eyed in shock. The pie fell from Cynthia's face with bits of it staining her face, and some of it getting on her dress. Cynthia looked horrified and embarrassed that someone or somepony in this case actually did something like that to her out of petty spite.

Rarity growled at him in rage, while the others frowned at him, only for Blueblood to speak up, "You wouldn't dare lay a hoof on me!"

Suddenly he saw Iggy running to him like a mad man, "YOU STUPID SON OF A JAWA!" he screamed before jumping Blueblood, causing both of them to fall to the floor, surprising the rest of the guests.

They watched as Iggy started punching and slapping Blueblood's face without holding back, while cursing him before he started speaking in some other form of language that they didn't know about or what it meant. Finally two of the guards present rushed over and pulled Iggy off the prince, while the boy struggled to get out of their grip, "LET ME GO! LET ME AT HIM! I'LL RIP HIS HORN OFF!"

Blueblood with his face covered in bruises and slap marks got up, "Can you believe the nerve of that ruffian attacking a prince like that?" he asked everypony around, only to see they were all frowning at him.

"What is going on here?" Celestia demanded, as she and her sister approached and saw the condition, Cynthia, Iggy, and Blueblood were in.

The girls galloped over and started speaking to her at the same time, which she couldn't make out, until Luna whistled, "One at a time, please."

Twilight spoke, "Blueblood threw a pie at Cynthia, after insulting her in front of all of us."

"Then why is Iggy being restrained?" Luna asked.

"Because he was trying to protect my honor." Cynthia answered.

"Aunties, you can't possibly believe them over your own family." Blueblood spoke up in outrage.

"I'm more than willing to vouch you in fact did start a spectacle here." Fanypants came to the groups defense.

"Indeed." Fleur agreed, as many other ponies started voicing their word that Blueblood did start.

Celestia and Luna seeing that even the guards were nodding that Blueblood was indeed the first to start the spectacle with pieing Cynthia, the two frowned at their Nephew, "Blueblood!" they frowned at him, making him nervous.

"You've once and for all dishonored our noble family with your bias attitude and lack of respect to others. That is not how a prince of Equestria should be to anypony." Celetia lectured him.

"We are truly utterly disgusted!" Luna added.

"But..." Blueblood tried to reason, only for Celestia to turn to the guards to release Iggy, and ordered them.

"Take our nephew to his room where he is to remain there for the rest of the night."

The guards nodded and restrained Blueblood, as they showed him off, "Get your hooves off me you pitiful fools!"

Celestia and Luna dropped their tough look and went to Cynthia, "Are you all right, my dear?" Celestia asked in concern.

"Yes. I'm fine, but look at my face, and Rarity the dress you made me is ruined!" Cynthia cried.

"Oh pish posh darling, just come with me and I'll fix you right up." Rarity assured her.

"We apologize for the behavior of our so called nephew." Luna apologized.

"We promise you he will be properly punished," Celestia promised her, and turned to Iggy, "And, Iggy. While you had good intentions to protect Cynthia, you must also learn to control your own anger."

"Yes, but the guy was asking for it!" Iggy argued.

"Regardless, we expect you to properly control yourself before acting out in such a way.' Celestia replied.

Iggy realizing she was right. Even though Blueblood was a freakin jerk, he was still just a pony, "Yes Princess." he answered, with a hint of shame for himself.

"Well come along darling, I'll fix you right up." Rarity said, as she escorted Cynthia off.

Watching from the crowd, Jack frowned, "I can't believe what that jerk did to Cynthia!"

"Let it go, Jack," Chrysalis warned him, "We got bigger things to worry about." Jack grumbled as he shook it off and continued to lay low with Chrysalis.

The group brought Iggy over to their table to cool off, "Thanks girls, and sorry you had to see that nasty side of me. I feel bad that showed it at all to Cynthia."

"I'm sure she knows that wasn't the real you." Twilight comforted him.

"Indeed, master." Gizmo agreed.

"But still it was very funny the way you pounded on Blueblood," Rainbow chuckled, "But what was that weirdo language you were speaking in?"

"That? Oh I speaking in Klingon." he answered.

"Klingon?" they asked.

"Yeah, that's a another language mostly known to uber sci-fi geeks... And me." Iggy explained.

"So what does the stuff you said in Klingon translate into?" Twilight wondered.

Iggy looked nervous, and answered, "I'd rather not say."

"Why not?" Pinkie asked.

"Let's just say what it translates into would result in me getting grounded for a year." he warned them.

"Ah see." Applejack answered, feeling it was probably best he not translate for them.

Soon enough Rarity came back with Cynthia, who was looking all cleaned up, "There you two are." Rainbow noted.

"Are you ok, Cynthia?" Iggy asked as he took her hands into his.

"I'll be fine." she answered.

"Listen, what happened back there you did not deserve. Especially from some ponified version of Jabba the Hutt."

"Yes," she sighed, "I thought this world was suppose to be peaceful."

"It is, but not everypony here is peaceful." Iggy stated.

"Obviously." Cynthia nodded.

"Come on, let's take a slow dance." he suggested, as he led her back to the dance floor as slow music was playing.

Cynthia smiled, as the two walked to the dance floor and began to waltz. As they danced, Chrysalis and Jack watched, as the queen smirked and spoke to Jack, "Follow my lead."

"Huh?" he asked, and suddenly found himself being pulled into a dance by the queen.

The two danced among the others, as Chrysalis and Jack were leaning closer and closer to Iggy and Cynthia. When they were close, they broke their dance and turned to the two, "Cutting in." Chrysalis told Cynthia, as she swapped partners with her and started dancing off with Iggy, leaving Pony Jack to dance with Cynthia.

'I'm dancing with Cynthia. I'm dancing with Cynthia!' Jack thought in excitement, but had to contain himself or risk blowing his cover.

Cynthia started feeling awkward about suddenly dancing with a stallion, but knew this was a ball so just went with it. Iggy meanwhile was dancing with Chrysalis, while he remained unaware of who she really was, "You dance absolutely divinely for a being who stands on two legs." the disguised queen said seductively.

"Well thanks." Iggy replied, while blushing.

"Was that your date I unintentionally snatched you from?" she inquired.

"Actually yes." Iggy answered, wondering if she was being rhetoric.

"She is quite the catch. And do you love her?"

Iggy blushed at this ponie's bold questions, but hesitantly answered, "Yes I do. If I could be in this world with anyone, I'm glad to be here with her."

"Aren't you a charmer?" Chrysalis giggled as she touched her horn to Iggy's head as green magic surrounded her horn.

"What're you..." Iggy began, but was cut off as he started droning out.

Chrysalis snickered to herself and thought, 'Oh yes. The love he shares for that girl is exquisite. I'm getting stronger by the second.' As she contineud to dance with Iggy, she harnessed more love from him.

As Cynthia continued to dance with Jack, she looked over his shoulder and saw Iggy's eyes started turning into a daze. She gasped and stopped dancing with Jack and ran over to her boy, "Iggy!" she cried and broke up the dancing between him and the king, "Are you all right?"

Iggy groaned before snapping out of it, "What's going on?"

"You started looking like you were in a trance." she explained.

"A trance?" he asked, while the disguised queen spoke.

"He was probably just overwhelmed by me beauty he couldn't resist."

"I doubt that. Sorry but your dance time with him is up." Cynthia took Iggy's arm to drag him off, only for Chrysalis to use her magic to tug him back.

"Sorry, but I still have some minutes left." she sneered.

Back at the table, the girls, spike, the princesses, and Gizmo continued to enjoy themselves, until Twilight looked over seeing Cynthia and a unicorn mare were fighting over Iggy, "Whoa. That doesn't look good."

"Oh come on, Twi. This could be good for Cynthia," Rainbow began, "Look at Cynthia now fighting for Iggy."

Gizmo looked over as his visor was scanning the three, until he gasped, "Girls, that unicorn is not who she appears to be."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, as they all looked at him curiously.

"I mean, she's an enemy!" he announced as he wheeled over and aimed his two arms and started shooting at the disguised queen. Chrysalis jumped back in shock, while the guests were alarmed at the blasting shots.

"Gizmo, what's going on?" Iggy asked.

"Master, that unicorn is not who she pretends to be." Gizmo explained.

"I'm confused." Cynthia replied, having no idea what this was all about.

"What is going on here?" Celestia demanded, as she, her sister, and the rest of them approached.

"I saw through my scanner, that unicorn is giving off the same signature as the changelings!" the robot explained.

"The changelings?" the group gasped as they looked at the fake.

"Yes, but her signature is much stronger than theirs was." Gizmo finished.

"Then that can only be one thing." Twilight gasped as they saw the unicorn mare frown as green flames surrounded her and resumed her rightful changeling form.

Her sudden appearance took all the guests by surprise, but especially Iggy and Cynthia, "Queen Chrysalis!" the ponies gasped.

"That's right." Chrysalis laughed.

Iggy's eyes widened as he realized who he was really dancing with, "I'm gonna heave!" he covered his bloated mouth.

"Why are you here?" Luna demanded the queen to talk.

"Why else? To take Canterlot and Equestria of course." she chuckled.

"Bold move of you to come here alone." Applejack noted.

"Who said I was alone?" Chrysalis asked, and called out, "Jack! Cat's out of the bag!"

"Jack?" Iggy and Cynthia gasped, as they saw the pony who was dancing with Cynthia gallop over.

"And I was having so much fun," Jack began as his body started glowing and he resumed his human form, with a maniacal laugh.

"Jack?" Cynthia gasped, realizing who she was really dancing with.

"Hey there, Cynthia." he smirked.