• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 2,534 Views, 46 Comments

Equestria Girls: The New Doctor Episode Two: The Princess and the Crown - zZ Sky Ninja Zz

Episode 2 of EQG: The New Doctor. With a request from Velvet to check out a high school that Twilight will be attending, the Doctor is thrown into a new adventure with a different Twilight, strange energy sources and reuniting with old friends.

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To Canterlot High!

"To Canterlot High!" The Doctor declared as he flipped a lever. He has heard of the school, since two of his companions here go to this school, but he had never seen it for himself.

The Doctor was in thought. "Hmmm..... I wonder if those two still go to that school." He then grinned. "I'll find out soon enough! Avante!"

He landed the TARDIS and stepped outside. "Hm, seems to be empty."

He was right. There was no one in sight, must have been class time. The Doctor looked around and for the first time, saw the very school two of his companions went to.

"Well, time to explore inside." The Doctor thought. Before he got out, he coughed up a little gold energy.

"I've got to stop doing that." He said. Yes, he was still regenerating. The reason it has taken so long is because instead of resting like he should be, he had been saving the world.

As he entered the school, he looked at his reflection in the window. "Ah, look at that. White hair, yellow skin, black eyes."

The Doctor leaned in closer. "I do like the eyes, very nice touch."

Suddenly the bell rang and he was stuck in a crowd of students. Trying to get through, he bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry!"

The Doctor opened his eyes which then widened when he saw who he bumped into.

It was a girl with blond hair and gray skin. She also had yellow eyes but one was a little lazy, beside her was a girl with yellow skin and orange curly hair. She also had blue eyes. Their names were Ditzy Doo and Carrot Top.

Carrot Top frowned. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you round before."

Shaking out of his shocked state, the Doctor cleared his throat. "Uh yes, I'm..... Smith. John Smith."

Ditzy Doo gasped. "That's weird! We knew someone who went by that name. I even dated him!"

Laughing nervously, he replied. "It's a common name."

Shaking her head and smiling, Carrot Top helped them up. "Welcome to Canterlot High John."

The Doctor smiled widely as he watched his past companions leave, he hasn't seen them since his tenth incarnation and it was wonderful seeing them again. He then decided to ask where the principals office is so he can know more about the school.
The Time Lord decided to ask a teacher, so what better place than a classroom. He entered one. "Excuse me miss, but do you know where the principals office is?"

The woman turned around and the Doctor gaped. It was Cheerilee. He hadn't seen her since his eighth form, she looks so much different. She smiled. "Yes, it's on the third door on your right."

Cheerilee frowned. "Um, is there something wrong?"

"No no! It's just, I'm new here and it's always nice to meet a new face."

Nodding, she replied. "It is. May I know your name?"

The Doctor grinned. "John Smith."

Cheerilee was so shocked she dropped some books in the process. "That's what HE called himself."

Laughing a little, he quickly darted out the door leaving a shocked Cheerilee. "It couldn't be him, could it?"

giggling a little, she continued. "Don't be ridiculous Cheerilee. He may be out of this world but he can't change his face. Certainly not to a teenager."

Managing to find his way, before coughing up more energy, the Doctor knocked on the door. "Come in."

He walked in to find the principal with her back turned to him. "How can I help you?"

Smiling, the Doctor said. "I'm John Smith, I'm new here. Just wanted to know what's in store for me here."

He then gasped when she turned around, he almost didn't recognize her. Celestia. It's been over a decade since he last saw her.
She and Luna were teenagers when he last saw them which was in his fifth form. "Funny, I knew someone who called him that."

"Yes, who is this person? He seems quite popular."

Smiling a little, she explained dreamily. "He was literally out of this world. Always kind, selfless, let nothing get him down and was generally a great guy."

Celestia then giggled a little. "But his fashion sense was atrocious."

This insulted the Doctor. "What do you mean?"

"Well, the fact he wore cricket stuff and a weird coat, not to mention he wore a stick of celery on his lapel."

The Doctor stuttered. "W-Well maybe cricket outfits were in that year."

"Yes..." Celestia muttered. The Doctor saw a book on her table and flipped through it. "Heh, sad ending."

This shocked Celestia. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" The Time Lord replied innocently.

"The fact you were able to skim through the book and read it. I just bought that book which came out today!"

The Doctor shrugged, smirking. "I can fast read."

Seeing a leaflet (or brochure if you're American) on the table, he picked it up. "Never mind, I'll just read this so I know what's in store. Good day Tia."

Celestia gasped as he left. "Only three people called me that. Luna, Discord and....... him."

She glared at the door. "I'll figure you out Mr Smith."

The Doctor laughed out loud as he walked through the hallway. "Oh, the look on her face. I wonder if anyone figured out who I was. Probably not, but it's for the best. They left for a reason."

A piece of headwear caught his attention, he was passing a Drama classroom when he saw..... a fez.

"Ooooooohhhh..." The Doctor dashed over to it and lifted it before putting it on. He checked himself in the mirror and grinned. "Yep, fezzes are cool!"

He then decided he has seen enough, so with no other reason, the Doctor departed to his TARDIS before bumping into a yellow skinned girl. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!"

The Doctor looked up at the girl, he saw she also had light pink hair and cyan eyes. She was also holding papers. "I'm sorry mister, it was an accident I swear."

Dusting himself, the Doctor smiled. "No harm done, oooohhh look an animal shelter!"

He snatched a paper from her, scaring her a little. "Oooohhh animals, I love animals! Well, okay maybe not sheep. Honestly, they're so rude when you try to talk to them."

The girl was now shaking. "W-What do you mean?"

"Oh, I speak sheep. I speak every language and I don't believe I know your name."

The girl mumbled something which the Doctor understood. "Fluttershy! Great name. Surprisingly fitting for a girl like you."

Fluttershy walked away. "Umm..... I have to go now.....?" She asked his name.

The Doctor smiled. "John Smith, or Smithy if you like."

"G-Goodbye John."

Sighing happily, the Doctor made his way to the TARDIS to tell Velvet the good news. As he got to the console, he was about to pull the lever when the screen alerted him. Curious, the Time Lord pulled it down to his eye level to see the words.


The Doctor grinned at that. "A new source of energy that even Sexy here doesn't know about. Off to investigate!"

With that thought, he ran out the TARDIS and activated his Sonic and followed it to the energy source, which was coming from the statue.

"How can an ordinary statue be home to this kind of energy radiation?" The Doctor mused, he quickly scanned it with the Sonic and put it on a permanent setting deep within the software so no matter what, the calculations were still going on. After he did that, the Sonic started beeping and when the Doctor turned it, it beeped faster as he turned it towards the school. "Hmm.... maybe there is more of this energy radiation, I need some more to make the results go by faster. Ah well, Avante!"
So once again, the Doctor went back into the school to continue his investigation. The first thing he should do is rest- NO! No time for resting, Time Lords do not rest. He coughed up some more energy while other students looked at him weirdly. But the Doctor didn't care.

"Maybe one of the lockers will have something useful." The Doctor mused. So he took out his Sonic and worked the code on a random locker, he quickly opened it only to find nothing of use to him. Suddenly, he felt something bump into him. He quickly closed it and looked down. "Woah, you okay?"

His eyes went to confused when he saw.... Twilight? No, this one was different to the one who travels with him. For one thing, his Twilight didn't look freaked out about her very environment as well as looking at his hand like it's a tentacle, but she placed her fist on his hand anyway, narrowing her eyes as she slowly opened it as the Doctor helped her up. Twilight then nodded silently and watched the Doctor walk away, but not before he heard the dog say. "I don't think this is a castle."

The Doctor frowned. "Either that dog spoke English or my ability to speak with dogs is very clear now."

"But who was that Twilight?" He got his answer when his Sonic started beeping, in the direction Twilight was. "Hmm.... She has the same radiation as the statue. Aha! I need to find Twilight!"

So the Doctor then ran to catch up to Twilight, pushing through crowds and started his new adventure, in Canterlot High.

Author's Note:

That's a wrap. Alright, don't expect an update for a while since I'm focusing on other stories. For the people who guessed the Doctors past companions correctly, give yourself a nice Jaffa Cake, know what? I'll give you guys a nice Jaffa Cake. So, I know I'm gonna work on this story anyway but.... I'll work on my other stories.
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