• Published 19th Feb 2014
  • 2,533 Views, 46 Comments

Equestria Girls: The New Doctor Episode Two: The Princess and the Crown - zZ Sky Ninja Zz

Episode 2 of EQG: The New Doctor. With a request from Velvet to check out a high school that Twilight will be attending, the Doctor is thrown into a new adventure with a different Twilight, strange energy sources and reuniting with old friends.

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"This is amazing!" Twilight exclaimed as she wondered through the TARDIS corridors. "I could wander these corridors for days and not know half it's wonders!"

"Well, make sure you don't get lost Twilight" The Doctor said from the console room. "The library should be on your next right."

Twilight was getting excited, they had just dematerialized from her backyard and right now she was exploring the place where she would be throughout her adventures with the madman in a box. Twilight looked in the room where the Doctor told her to go and her jaw dropped at what she saw.

It was a library. But it wasn't any library she's ever seen, it was massive! With different floors and shelves stacked with books as far as the eye could see. Twilight couldn't believe that the TARDIS can store something this big. Her eyes had stars in them as she took it all in.

"There are.... there are no words!"

The Doctor grinned as he heard her say that. The TARDIS gave him a handy little function so he can keep an eye on Twilight to make sure she doesn't get lost. It's not good getting lost around here. He spoke in the intercom knowing Twilight can hear him.

"Like it? Well, what's there is yours to read. These are books from all over the universe, well.... my universe anyway."

Twilight shook out of her state. "Wouldn't they have some weird language I can't read?"

"One step ahead Ms Sparkle, these books have been modified. Whatever language the reader uses in your case English. The texts in the books then translate to the readers eyes."

"Wow." Twilight whispered.

"Knock yourself out."

Twilights eyes shone like she was a kid again. She laughed and started bouncing up and down. "WOOHOO!"

She ran up to the nearest shelf and grabbed a handful of books, she placed them on a nearby table. She kept on doing this with other shelves.

"This is amazing! Lot's of books on lot's of species. This beats any university library!"

But then two books caught Twilights eye. One was on a podium and the other was behind one of the shelves and was bright blue.
Frowning, she took out the blue book and blew on the dust. Coughing a little from the dust, she read the title.


"Why does the Doctor have this behind all the others? Surely he must keep it on him at all times?"

A light bulb flashed in Twilights head. "Hey, if I read this, maybe I can try flying this thing. How hard can it be? It's just a box!"
She set down that book as well and went to the one on the podium, the title was 'The Doctors Diary.' Slowly opening it, Twilight skimmed through a few pages and gasped. "So THAT'S your name."

She kept on skimming, the words that stuck out the most were 'Gallifrey', 'Time War' and 'Time Lord.'

"What do these words mean? I heard Prisoner Zero calling him a Time Lord, is that what he is? He did say he's an alien. But why does he look so much human?"

Shaking those thoughts, she closed the diary. "I'll ask him later, right now I have a manual to read! Ugh, never thought I'd say that at this age."

Twilight sat down and opened the manual, managing to take in some of the knowledge but not a lot.

Three Hours Later

"Does that girl do nothing but study?" The Doctor wondered out loud as he was working on the console. Twilight had been gone for three hours still in that library. He was about to go get her when Twilight came in holding a blue book. "Well, look who decided to show up."

Twilight smiled. "Sorry Doctor, just found the manual."

The Time Lord blinked. "Manual?"

She then frowned. "Yes, the TARDIS manual. Did you even read this? I found it behind the other books."

Sweating a little, the Doctor stammered. "O-Of course I have! It's my favourite bed-time story."

Twilight looked at it. "I wanted to see if I could pilot the TARDIS, but all I know is starting it up, flying it and landing it."

The Doctor leaned on a railing in thought. "You. Are. Brilliant! I can teach you Twilight. C'mon, I'll show you the controls!"

Setting the book down, Twilight continued. "I also have questions. You said you were an alien, what species are you? Why do you look human?"

The Doctor smiled. "I'm a Time lord. And actually, Time Lords were created before humans, so you lot look like me!"

Twilight giggled a little. "Okay, aside from the two hearts, what can.... Time Lords do?"

"Well, we can regenerate."

Twilight frowned. "Like a lizard?"

"Sort of, whenever we're dying, we regenerate. It happens when we're wounded or old, healing us."

The Doctor then looked at her. "But in the process, it changes us. Every single cell is changed and we get a new body, new personality, new everything. Time Lords can regenerate twelve times."

Twilight was shocked. "So there has been more than one Doctor?"

The Time Lord nodded. "Which one are you?"

"Number eleven. Those people you saw at the hospital, those were my past incarnations. Number four to number ten."

Twilight closed her eyes. "How did you die last?"

The Doctors face turned serious. "Doing what I always do, saving the world. I absorbed a lot of radioactive energy to save one of my friends. I managed to hold it off long enough to say goodbye to old friends but doing that, when I regenerated I destroyed the TARDIS."

"So wait, when I first met you, you had just regenerated?"

The Doctor grinned. "Yes, gave you quite a scare didn't I?"

"What is the Time War?"

The Doctors face darkened at that, turning his back at Twilight he said. "I do not like to talk about that."

Twilight was surprised at her friends change of mood. "I'm-I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know."

Clapping his hands, he turned around to face her. "Right, so we need to land in your backyard, see if you can do it. Let's see if reading is as good as the real thing."

Twilight nodded and walked to the console. "So you're really 1200 years old?"

"No." The Doctor answered. "I'm actually 906, but can't blame me at the time. I was still regenerating and couldn't think straight."

Looking over the many buttons, Twilight continued. "So, if you're an alien, why are you not at your home planet? Why come here?"

The Doctor looked down. "Because I don't have one."

Shock was present all over Twilights face. "I'm sorry?"

"My home planet Gallifrey, is gone. In the Time War, it got burned. No more Gallifrey, no more Time Lords. There are no more Twilight, I'm the last one."

Right at that moment Twilight looked into his Obsidian Black eyes and saw a man who has seen a lot, full of pain and regret. But thee was also a hint of someone who loves adventure. That's when she realised how lonely he really is, all these adventures he told her about is probably because he doesn't want other planets to end up like his own, that gained him a new level of respect in her eyes.

Shaking his head, the Doctor smiled. "Ah well, I can't dwell on the past. Gotta move on, now onto your lessons."

He grabbed her hands to which she blushed slightly and guided them over the console. "Now what you do is grab this lever to start, these buttons right here to which date and you flick this stick over here."

Twilight looked at it. "What does it do?"

"Nothing!" The Doctor grinned. "But it's fun."

He then went to the doors. "We have arrived at a location Twilight."

Opening the doors, Twilight gasped in amazement. "We're in space!"

It's true. They were now observing the Solar System from the TARDIS doors, in Twilights eyes it was beautiful. To go where few people have been and look at the stars. "Wow."

The Doctor grabbed her. "Enjoy." He then pushed Twilight out.

Screaming, Twilight flailed about thinking she was suffocating but stopped when she realised she was still alive. "How am I breathing? There is no oxygen here."

The Doctor jumped out too. "Force field around the TARDIS, giving us oxygen and we get a great view."

He floated next to her. "So what do you think of travelling with me?"

"If this is what's in store, count me in!"

The Doctor then looked into her eyes. "It won't always be like this, it will also be dangerous."

Twilight frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I am known throughout the universe, and there are all kinds of species who want me dead. I help when I can, but sometimes it doesn't end the way I want it."

Grabbing his hand, Twilight whispered. "I will be there with you all the way Doctor, you won't do this alone."

"Thank you." The Doctor whispered back. "So, ready to see if you can land in your back-yard? I did promise your mother to bring you back at a set time."

Twilight nodded. "Splendid." He lead her back into the TARDIS and spun around. "Now, I've set the correct date so all you need to do is pull the lever."

"Like this?" Twilights hand grabbed the lever but the Doctor stopped her. "You forgot to flick the wiggly thing."

Groaning a little, she flicked it and it made a 'BOING' noise. The Doctor laughed. "See? Fun!"

Rolling her eyes, she flipped the switch and the TARDIS jolted, the engine starting up. "God so far Twilight, now push that button to put up the shields, we are going through the time vortex."

Nodding, Twilight pressed a button and she sweated a little. "How do you do this?"

"Not so easy is it? Still, for your first time you're doing great."

He then grabbed her other hand. "Flip that lever to apply the brakes so we can land."

She did so and the TARDIS stopped, the core stopped going up and down and the spinny thing stopped spinning. "Did we do it?"

The Doctor checked his watch. "Yep, and with a minute to spare."

They both exited to see Velvet in a robe smiling. "You're early Doctor."

She then turned to her daughter. "How was it?"

Stars were present in Twilights eyes. "It was amazing!"

Night Light came out yawning. "Well, tell me all about it."

He lead his daughter inside, Twilight babbling what she learned. Velvet smiled at the young Time Lord. "Thanks."

The Doctor smiled. "No problem, she's a great companion. Hey, maybe I can take you all on a holiday someday, to Barcelona."

Seeing Velvets confused face, he continued. "Not the country, the planet. Really great places, they have dogs who don't have noses!"

Laughing a little, Velvet said. "We'll pass for now, we have to pack up, that's why I wanted her back early. We're moving."

"Really? Just pack your stuff in here, I can take you to your new home."

Velvet rolled her eyes. "I think we would prefer doing it the 'old fashioned way' Doctor."

The Doctor pouted. "If you wanna be boring...."

"Alright, there is something I want you to do for me."

Looking at her, he said. "What is it?"

Velvet rubbed her arms. "Well, since we're moving, Twilight has to go to a different school. I know it's a stupid request but could you check it out for me please?"

The Doctor smiled. "Sure, what's it called?"

"Canterlot High."

Author's Note:

That's a good prologue, it was something I wanted in episode one but what can you do? Next chapter, the Doctor will be visiting this school and meeting old friends. I'll give you guys more clues, his companions are not in the DW universe, they're EQG characters:

Two are sister (Travelled with 5th Doctor)

One's a teacher (Travelled with 8th Doctor)

Two are students (Travelled with 10th Doctor)

One student has an eye problem while the other has orange curly hair.

Tune in next time to see the beginning of episode two.

Favourite, Follow, Review.

Safety and Peace and may the Gods of Budder protect you.