• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 885 Views, 7 Comments

ArguingPizza's Scrap Files - ArguingPizza

All the bits of my stories and discards that, for one reason or another, just didn't work out.

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Entanglement Original Chapter 7

The skies over Ponyville were dark with untapped thunderheads. The weather had been scheduled six months in advance, but it nonetheless matched the mood as six chariots descended on the outskirts of the small Equestrian village. Two of the chariots were ornate; one an elegant mix of gold and white with a flowing Solar banner. The other was a simpler, harsher blend of midnight blue and silver. The accompanying four chariots were much less intricate and featured light armor plating to protect their cargo of Earth Pony and Unicorn Guards. The skies around the chariots were filled with a further two dozen spear-wielding Pegasi guards.

The formation came to a rest in an empty field a brief trot from the town itself. A small gathering of mares stood on the edge of the clearing, themselves surrounded by a trio of guards.

Princesses Luna and Celestia stepped off their respective carriages and were immediately surrounded by their personal retinues. Princess Twilight Sparkle led her friends forward and met her mentor halfway. She was immediately enveloped in a large white wing.

“Twilight, I am so glad you and your friends are safe,” she whispered. Twilight said nothing, choosing instead to nuzzle further into the Solar Alicorn. After being released, Twilight offered Luna a hybrid nod and shallow bow, which Luna returned.

Her student safe at her side, Celestia turned her attention to the three guards that had accompanied the Element Bearers. Two had grief and anger poorly hidden behind stoic facades. The third, whose armor denoted him as a Section Commander, merely appeared tired. The three saluted in unison.

“Your Highness, I am Lieutenant Rapid Strike, commander of the Ponyville Garrison.” Celestia gave the white Pegasus a sympathetic look, while Luna gazed at him impassively.

“I understand you have suffered casualties, Lieutenant.” The Pegasus nodded.

“Sergeant Pin Point and Lance Corporal Hoplite, Your Highness.”

“Take us to them,” Luna ordered. Without a sound the Lieutenant turned and led the procession through the town’s empty streets. The citizens of Ponyville had retreated indoors after hearing of the tragedy that had befallen their small town.

The Town Hall seemed to add its own level of dread to the atmosphere. A half dozen guards surrounded the structure, though they were more milling around than truly standing watch. Disbelief was still clearly the reigning emotion, and it had yet to give way fully to either anger or sadness.

Lieutenant Rapid Strike led the Princesses inside. Princess Celestia shook her head to signal her student and friends to remain outside, as were her guards. Luna gave the same order to her own guardstallions, over their objections, and followed her sister in.

The main lobby of the Town hall held two bodies, both covered in white sheets. Two unicorn soldiers stood silent watch over their fallen comrades. They did a better job of pulling off the ‘stern guard’ face than their brothers outside, but tear marks marred their fur.

Princess Celestia reverently pulled the sheet of the first guard back with her hoof. The enchanted gold armor that covered his head was barely damaged except for two small holes just below his horn. Dried blood was caked around the wound, and Celestia nearly gagged when she caught site of the back of the guard’s head.

Without using magic, Princess Celestia replaced the sheet where she had found it. She glanced at the other body before quickly deciding against checking it as well. Beside her, Luna’s impassive gaze bellied her sadness; the Night Princess had always erected barriers of stoicism in times of crisis or loss in order to project calm for her subjects.

“Lieutenant.” Rapid Strike was at her side in a second. “Tell me exactly what happened. The letter you sent was somewhat lacking in details.”

Rapid Strike proceeded to tell Celestia and Luna of the search for the missing fillies in the Everfree, their encounter with the Timber Wolves, the Elements of Harmony encountering the strange creatures in the forest, and the capture of two of them.

“After we took the two creatures prisoner, we loaded them on our chariot and brought them to Town Hall until Canterlot could send a proper escort.” Luna tilted her head in confusion.

“And why, pray tell, did thou not take them to local Barracks? Surely it would have had a more suitable cell.” Rapid Strike shook his head.

“Ponyville doesn’t have a Guard Barracks. We only get deployed here in spring to prevent any of the Everfree wildlife from running amok during their mating season. Being here three months out of the year means the Guard books us in the local inn instead of having a year-round post.” Luna scoffed at the idea. A thousand years before, the thought of a village so near the capitol lacking a full time garrison would have been inconceivable. The peaceful times Equestria had flourished in since, however, meant such things were more common than not.

Celestia bade the Lieutenant to continue. “After we brought them back here, I sent out four of my stallions to search the perimeter of the village and along the edge of the forest for the remaining two creatures. That left myself and nine guards. I stationed two at the door of the room the prisoners were in and the rest outside, in case the creatures attacked to free their friends.”

The Lieutenant paused in his story as his eyes seemed to glaze over. “A little after three in the morning, we heard a disturbance nearby. When I dispatched two guards to investigate, they were stunned by some kind of metal cylinder. Corporal Razor Wing and I left our posts to aid them when we spotted another of the monsters in the shadows. It ran off, and I led my three guards in pursuit. I ordered the four unicorns on the ground floor to remain where they were. It was stupid, how could I fall for something so obvious I should have known better, I should have-“

“Lieutenant.” Celestia’s voice was steel. “You could not have known. These beasts are something that not even my sister and I have ever encountered. There was no way for you to prepare yourself or your troops.” Rapid Strike sniffled and shook his head.

“As you say, Your Highness. After that, as I’m told the guards on the ground floor saw another beast appear from one of the town streets. When the creature saw them, it turned tail and ran a different direction. Thinking it was the same creature that we were chasing, Lance Corporals Rough Shod and Quick Draw pursued for a short time before Sergeant Will Power ordered them back to their post. It was at that point we believe four additional creatures which we had not known existed infiltrated the building. A short time later another of the metal cylinders came flying out of the windows by the front and back doors simultaneously and incapacitated the guards long enough for the creatures to make their escape.”

Rapid Strike swallowed hard. “When we saw the commotion at Town Hall, I called off the pursuit and came back here. We searched the interior, and that’s when we found….” Rapid Strike trailed off quietly and shot a guilty glance at the bodies. “They were in the room we had stored the creatures’ equipment in. I guess the beasts decided to try to hide the….them in there to…..I don’t know. I just…I don’t know Princess.”

Rapid Strike looked up at Celestia, desperate for any kind of meaning behind the deaths of his soldiers. Unfortunately, the Princesses could offer none. Celestia patted him gently on the withers and dismissed the Lieutenant with orders to load his troops on the empty troop chariots outside the town to be taken back to Canterlot. It was the only mercy she could give them.

Luna gestured subtly to the two armored Pegasi still in the room. Celestia understood and ordered the two soldiers to join their Section Commander. After a brief hesitation and looks towards their brothers, the two saluted and filed out. As soon as the door closed, Luna cast a sound-proofing spell over the lobby.

“Do you feel it as well, sister?” Luna asked. Celestia nodded.

“Whatever did this, it is not of this Realm." The ambient magic around the bodies, indeed around the entire building, was…. Neither alicorn could think of a word that quite described the feeling in their horns. It was as if the local leylines had developed almost a aftertaste. The magic wasn’t damaged, per se, but perhaps contaminated came close to describing it.

Whatever it was, it left the immortals with a terrible sense of unease.