• Published 10th Feb 2014
  • 886 Views, 7 Comments

ArguingPizza's Scrap Files - ArguingPizza

All the bits of my stories and discards that, for one reason or another, just didn't work out.

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Entanglement Original Chapter 14

Canterlot was in an uproar. Before dawn had even broken over the city, what sounded like fireworks had shattered the early morning serenity. Streaks of bright red light and violent flashes of fire had illuminated the mountain road leading up to the city, and the wind carried an echo of distant screams.

Not long afterward, emergency sirens pierced the air. Those who hadn’t been awakened by the commotion on the road were snapped back into the world of the waking by the shrill tones ringing across the mountain. Ponies across the city moved to windows or their front doors to investigate the source of the disturbance and speculate with their neighbors.

They were met by the sight of columns of Royal Guards thundered down the city’s main streets on their way to the Outer Walls. As they passed, citizens were ordered back into their homes, told to barricade their doors and windows, and to await for further instructions. Those who lived in the Lower Tiers of the city were guided uphill as an impromptu evacuation was implemented. Ponies stumbled out of bed and grabbed what few possessions they could think to carry as stallions in gold and purple armor shepherded them deeper into the city and away from the walls. The Royal Railway Station, Central Park, and every other available venue were converted into evacuation centers as thousands of ponies from the lower sections of the city poured in.

At the edges of the city, along the Outer Wall, soldiers rushed to their assigned positions. Guard towers were manned, weapons distributed, and ballistae and catapults were loaded. The shouts of officers and NCOs mixed together in an organized confusion. The two drawbridges into the city were raised and locked into position with deep, rusty groans. The two structures hadn’t been retracted in decades, and it showed.

At the highest point in the city, in the Palace itself, Princess Celestia was attempting to calm her sister.

The Mistress of the Night was furious.

It had been early in the morning when a breathless Thestral had burst into her private study to inform her that the unknown creatures from what was quickly becoming known as simply ‘The Ponyville Incident’ had returned. She had been somewhat surprised, but her surprise turned to shock and anger when the messenger had informed her that the creatures had returned in force and were making their way up the mountain. Her rage had been fueled further by news that they had already killed the sentries at the base of the mountain.

In response, she had ordered the First Wing of her Night Guard to ambush the beasts as they made their way up the mountain. Unfortunately, the creatures were far more dangerous than she had dared to imagine.

One hundred of her warriors had leapt into the night to attack the creatures, and a mere hoofful had returned. Each soldier lost had been as a child to the Night Princess, her companions as well as her protectors. Celestia's personal guards may have been numerous, but Luna's were close, closer than even blood, and their loss inflamed her as little else could.

“Sister, you must calm yourself,” Celestia whispered into Luna’s ear. “Blind fury does us no good.”

Luna barely glanced at her sister. Her face was frozen in a mask of iron resolution that gave away not even a hint of the endless sea of rage she felt. “Speak not of calm, sister,” she rebuked evenly. “It is not thine soldiers who lie dead on our doorstep.” Her voice was as cool as the icy fingers of Death itself.

Celestia did not waiver, as the eons had taught her that her sister was never more volatile than at moments like what she faced at that moment. If she was not careful, it was entirely possible Luna would attempt to fight the creatures directly, and in the process harm their ponies even more severely.

“Luna, if we cannot be calm, how can we expect those under us to remain so? If our ponies panic, then our troubles have yet to even begin.” Luna opened her mouth to retort, but decided against it and turned away and took several deep breaths. Her body remained tense, but some of the anger in her form seemed to abate, at least for the moment.

From amongst the crowd of Guards, a white stallion in purple armor made his way to the two rulers and bowed. Unlike the armor’s previous owner, no horn protruded from the helm. Instead, a pair of wings were folded at his side.

“Your Majesties, all Guard units are in position and the battlements are fully staffed and prepared. Cap-er...Prince Shining Armor is awaiting you at the Southern Gate. ” Celestia momentarily turned her attention away from her fuming sibling.

“What is the status of the evacuation?” she asked.

“Everypony in the Lower Tiers have been evacuated to points higher up the mountain, Your Highness.” Celestia gave the Captain a small smile. More than one pony had been skeptical of her choice to fill Shining Armor’s horseshoes, but the new Captain had performed admirably.

“Thank you, Captain High Strike. My sister and I will join you shortly.” The Captain bowed again and withdrew to give the Royal Sisters their privacy. Though he didn't hear the rest of the exchange, the Princesses broke from their private conversation only a few minutes after he gave his report. With Guards in tow, the alicorns rejoined their Captain and headed to the Outer Wall.

While it would have been nearly an hour’s walk to the battlements, the gift of flight shortened their trek to mere minutes. When they finally reached the Wall, they were met with the sight of hundreds of Guards standing on the stone walkway that topped the wall. Spears, bows, ballistae, and even a smattering of catapults dotted the fortifications.

The group landed behind the wall near the Southern Gate, an imposing block of fortified marble topped with heavy repeating ballistae. A knot of soldiers parted to allow the party to land and immediately bowed. When they rose, Shining Armor stepped forward, clad in standard golden Guard armor. It didn't fit him exactly, and seemed to have been merely pulled off a rack of spares. Celestia found it strange to see him in gold again after so long as Captain.

“Shining Armor, while it may sound selfish of me, I am glad you are here,” Celestia said gently. Shining Armor cracked a smile, though worry still defined his features.

“Yeah, well, I figured I couldn’t just sit by and let everybody else do all the heavy lifting. I asked Cadence to stay with Twilight in case she woke up and headed straight here.” Shining looked away from the Solar Princess and towards his replacement. “Captain, I hope you don’t mind I commandeered a set of spare armor.”

“Sir, if you like, I’ll give you mine,” High Strike deadpanned. Shining Armor shook his head lightly.

“I think this’ll do,” he chuckled. “And you know you don’t have to call me ‘sir’ anymore, right?” High Strike nodded.

“Yes, sir.”

“Shining Armor, I would like you to be ready to cast your shield spell over the city,” Celestia ordered. The Captain-turned-Prince gave a salute and lit his horn. While he wasn't the true magical prodigy of the Sparkle Clan, his shield spells were second to none, Alicorns excluded.

“Sister, shall we?” Celestia asked. When she was met by silence, she glanced around and discovered Luna was absent. A thread of fear struck her for a fraction of a second before she noticed several dark forms on the Wall itself. With a flap of her wings, Celestia joined her sister. The dark colors of the Midnight Mistress and that of her personal Guards stood out harshly against the marble stone and gold armor that surrounded them.

“Luna, what are you-“ Celestia quickly forgot what see was going to say when she caught sight of the road that led up to the Gate.
Dozens of tan-colored bipeds were running up the road, and Celestia knew there were hundreds more behind them. She narrowed her eyes as she observed the creatures scurry amongst the trees and low bushes that lined the sides of the clearing.

“I believe it would be wise for Shining Armor to raise his shield, Sister,” Luna said simply.