• Published 24th Jan 2014
  • 1,812 Views, 27 Comments

It's a wonderful friendship - Ugly-Duckling123

Twilight sees what Equestia would be like if she never went to ponyville

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Chapter 4

The Timber Wolves were closing in making a tighter circle around the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders, who were either trembling or frozen with fear.

Scared of what might come of them Fluttershy jumped out of the bushes and got between them and the Alpha-Male of the pack, shocking everyone.

"Daughter Fluttershy," it growled "What are you doing? These creatures are trespassers. They took our cubs."

"The cubs are safe Father," Fluttershy answered back looking over her shoulder to see if the girls were alright, only to see them trembling and seeing shock in their faces that she was doing this and could understand them. "They're hiding in the bushes. I told them to stay there where it was safe until some-wolf came for them."

"But they're still trespassing on our land Daughter Fluttershy," a smaller wolf to her right was saying.

"What's going on?" the Earth pony with the bow asked out loud her voice shaking.

Fluttershy turned around to face the fillies. "My family thinks you're trespassing on their land. And before I told them they also thought you did something to their cubs," she said pointing to the bushes where the cubs she was looking after were beginning to poke their heads out.

At this all three girls spoke at once.

"We didn't know we were treading in Timber Wolf territory," the Unicorn called out.

"We're sorry. We... We were sent out by my big sis to see what King Sombra was hunting for around the Everfree yesterday," the Earth pony said.

"What do you mean family?" the Pegasus asked, raising an eyebrow.

Thinking it would take a while to answer the question the Pegasus asked, Fluttershy turned to the Alpha-male again. "Father, these ponies mean no harm. Can they come back home with us so I may tell them how I came to be part of this family?"

This got the Timber Wolves to start growling, muttering to each other about the proposal that was just set. After the Alpha-Male finished sniffing the air (sensing there was another pony out there) and made eye contact with two others and sent them off the way the fillies came from, he answered Fluttershy's question.

"Very well. But just these three, tell them to leave anything they have here, and tell them they must not tell anyone where our home is when they go back to theirs." Then getting up he and the rest of the pack along with the cubs went into the bushes.

Before Fluttershy could do anything, noises were being heard of the two the Alpha sent into the woods made every-pony spin around, where out popped the two wolves and....

"Thunder-Lane?" the Crusaders called out.

Then with one wolf guarding the stallion, the other turned to Fluttershy.

"Daughter Fluttershy," it said "You must tell this pony its cubs are in no danger, tell it to go home and say the cubs will be back with him before we go out hunting again."

"Em... Ok..."

Then turning to Thunder-Lane (who was rather cute, in Fluttershy's opinion) she cleared her thought about to relay that message, but before she could do anything, he got up and ran to the girls to protect them.

"Now... Now don't you think you can go and take these girls back to your hideout," he said trying to be brave "It's... It's my job to watch them and and keep them safe."

"Sir..." Fluttershy said not trying to look in Thunder-Lane's eyes "Sir I promise that they will be ok. I'm just going to take them further into the wood to tell them a story. Please go back to where you came from to tell their carers they're safe and... and they'll be back when I'm done."

Stopping to think this over, Thunder-Lane kept shifting his eyes between Fluttershy, the Crusaders and the Wolves, all waiting to see what he would say.

"Alright Miss," he said backing up from the girls a bit, keeping in eye contact with Fluttershy. "But if they're not, or they're hurt, or there's any hair or feather out of place I'll come hunting to set fire to your so called 'family' and burn them all to the ground." This got the wolves to start growling their eyes glowing green.

This scaring Thunder-Lane, he turned around and went back to the Royal Castle.

Fluttershy turned to the Crusaders. "Father said you must leave all your things here. Don't worry I'll bring you back when everything is over so you can get them again. And when you go back home, you must not tell them of ours or where it is. If... If that's ok with you."

Not saying anything, the Crusaders did as they were told and dropped everything they had at the trunk of a tree to get later, and followed Fluttershy deeper into the forest to hear what she had to say about the Wolves.

A few miles out from the Everfree Forest, there was a town. Well actually a village, where there were floating houses, the clouds were cotton-candy, where the rain from those clouds was chocolate milk, where the rabbits had long hoof-ending legs and they stampeded around everywhere. This place, once known as Ponyville, was Discord-ville. The god of Chaos and Dis-Harmony's home, along with all those he paw-picked to live there for his enjoyment.

"Any one living there who wore a frown, life for them would be turned upside down." would be a few words the Zebra Zecora would say, if she was still there. A few days after the Summer Sun Celebration when Nightmare Moon came back, sensing the danger that would come, Zecora repacked her hut and went back home to Zebrawe. The ponies living there always had to have a smile on their faces in fear that Discord would do something to them or their families.

Discord was on his throne in the town hall, feeling bored. Discord didn't like being bored, it reminded him of how he felt when he was turned to stone. That was why he did all this to Ponyville, and changed the roads and the main chaos every day, So he wouldn't be bored. But he was.

Snapping his eagle's talon, sighing on the inside, a pink pony with poofy hair popped up out of nowhere, in an ancient times court jesters outfit and a baton with ringing bells on the top.

"What would you like today sir?" she asked bouncing up and down the with joy that she would be getting another dose of her town leaders chocolate rain when she was done.

"Anything that will make me less bored Pinkie Pie," Discord said getting comfy in his throne. "But no singing, and no confetti or cake."

"Yes sir," she said saluting before thinking and coming up with an idea.

"Two ponies walk into a bar," she began her first joke "After sitting down at the table and ordering their drinks the prince walked in with a frown on his face. One pony turned to the other and said "I know why he's like that," "Do you? Why then?" the other asked, "Because that's Prince Blue-blood."" she finished with a clapping of her hooves and the ringing of the bells.


Pinkie went on to her next joke. "What's a Changeling's favorite cheese? ...... Swiss cheese!"

Still nothing.

Getting worried that she would not be getting any chocolate milk today, Pinkie went to something new. "King Sombra was spotted around the edge of the Everfree Forest a few days ago. Ponies are saying he was looking for the Elements of Harmony."

"What was that?" Discord said raising his head from his paw.

Not sure whether to be scared or not Pinkie went on. "Sombra was looking around the forest, said there's something in there. But then a purple Unicorn who came out of nowhere got his attention so he went after her instead." Seeing Discord was thinking hard, Pinkie stayed quiet.

"Hum.... Yes of course, Celestia would put them somewhere safe where no-pony would think of looking for them for fears of what else lives in there," Discord said to himself. "The only thing is... Why would he want them?"

"Someone said it was to use them on Queen Nightmare Moon, so he would have Equestia all to himself. They also said he took a shine to that new pony," Pinkie said in hopes of getting more chocolate.

Hearing this Discord poofed himself up a detective's outfit, and started puffing on the essential pipe that came with it. "He did seem to like her this morning," he said. "Good job Pinkie, I'm no longer bored." He snapped his talon and a jumbo glass of chocolate milk stood in front of Pinkie who squealed, grabbed it and ran off. "I think it's time I went to have a small talk with Nightmare Moon."

And he was gone.