• Published 24th Jan 2014
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It's a wonderful friendship - Ugly-Duckling123

Twilight sees what Equestia would be like if she never went to ponyville

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Chapter 10

In Discord-ville, Discord was on one of his days off, away from town hall, floating around making every-pony's life miserable.

With a 'SNAP of his fingers, he turned the dirt roads into soap trails. With another, a whole street of houses lost all sense of gravity, turning upside down. All the while the ponies of Discord-ville had to laugh and go with it, in fear of being sent to Canterlot.

"Sir," someone said in a shaky voice. Spinning around, Discord now lay down on a floating cotton candy cloud.

"Yes you little jack-in the-boxes?" With a flash the two messengers turned into giant jack-in-the-boxes complete with the same court jester look Pinkie had.

Swaying one said nervously, "There was an unscheduled train that came to Discord-ville this morning Sir."

"And?" Discord said zapping up a glass of chocolate milk, drinking the cup and throwing it over his shoulder making it explode, not caring that it blew up the school house.

"Well, we don't know if it was important," the second one said "But there were two Unicorn mares, and an Earth filly and colt on it."

"One Unicorn was white, wearing one of King Sombra's badges, and the other was purple. We didn't get to see the foals."

"Oh, how boring," Discord groaned, over-exceedingly. "Pinkie Pie's way better fun than you two." Getting ready to snap his fingers again, one messenger called.

"We also have news from Canterlot, Sir."

"And what might the be?" Discord said, halting himself.

"We got news, that King Sombra, turned Queen Nightmare Moon to stone," the other said scrunching up his eyes for what would come.

Quiet. Then great howls of laughter were heard as Discord was lying on his back rolling around on the floor. Not knowing what to do, the two ponies (now ponies again) laughed as well.

"Well it seems I should go and congratulate the new King and Queen." Discord said appearing in a 'Sunday's best' outfit.

"Sir?" the two asked.

"Why that Unicorn he's got an eye for, of course." Then with a bang he was gone, leaving a very confused pair of ponies.

Sombra was pacing around his new single room, wondering where Twilight could possibly be. Then sensing someone was in there with him, he stopped and shot a beam of dark magic to the chair.

"Hey watch it Sombra," came Discord's voice as he materialized in the very chair Sombra just shot at.

"What do you want Discord?" Sombra asked, returning to his pacing, "I'm waiting for some-pony."

"Nightmare Moon?" Discord asked looking around, already seeing the blue and silver had changed to purple and pink.

"No..." Sombra said looking around to face Discord.

"Well, are you going to tell me?" Discord asked conjuring up a polka-dotted rose out of nowhere. "I'd really like to get to know this new Queen of yours."

"Get lost Discord," Sombra said. "Return to that messed up town of yours," he said turning around.

Here Discord's rose caught on fire, as anger showed in his face. "What did you say about my Discord-ville, Sombra?"

"I said it was a 'messed up town'."

"Alright. You asked for it." Suddenly the floor was covered in ice, there were cotton candy clouds pouring chocolate rain, and lightning was shooting at everything.

Sighing, not turning around, Sombra used the same spell he had used on Nightmare Moon that morning. After a few seconds everything turned back to normal. All except now there was a statue of a draconequus in the middle of the room.

"GUARDS!" Sombra called in a voice, a not as loud a call as Nightmare Moon's. Two Nightmare... no, two newly-named Sombra guards came running into their King's room to see what was wrong, bowing.

"Yes Sir," they both said.

"See to it that heap of junk gets to the throne room," Sombra said pointing a hoof at Discord's statue. "And send a squad out to the train station to bring my new queen to me when the train arrives."

"Yes Sir," they both said bowing, one going to inform the others of the Kings demands, the other using his Unicorn powers to teleport the statue to the throne room, on the other side of Nightmare Moon.

When everything was quiet again, Sombra returned to pacing.

In the Everfree Forest....

"How much farther Applejack..." Rarity whined "My hooves are killing me. How long have we been walking for?"

"About five minutes 'your highness'." Applejack said sarcastically, looking around for the rope bridge that would lead to the castle. Then spotting it ran over to it, only to see... it was down?

"Now, what the hay happened here?" Applejack said seeing the rope had been cut! at the other end.

"Something's not right," Luna said looking towards the castle's tower holding the Elements.

"Quick Rainbow, fly over and retie the bridge so we can get across!" Twilight said.

"Why? Can't you just teleport us all over there?" Rainbow shot back.

"What happened to being loyal to you friends?" Twilight said "And 'never leave your friends hanging'" she quoted the line her Rainbow had used when they went hunting of the Elements in her world, when it came to the same task.

Every-pony looking at her, Rainbow just sighed and did what had to be done.

Tying it up and flying back to let the others across, Rainbow was held back by Fluttershy who let the others go ahead so they could talk.

"I'm so glad you're back Rainbow," Fluttershy said hugging her childhood friend.

"Yeah..." Rainbow said hugging her back.

"I really think we should get to know them," Fluttershy said playing with her mane. "You know, seeing as we're all Element bearers and everything."

"We'll see." Rainbow said. And with that the two Pegasi of the group flew over the bridge. Only to get ambushed on the other side and knocked out.


As Rainbow Dash was coming to, she felt that there was someone tied against her back. Keeping her eyes shut, but still listening (a trick she got off her father Spectrum Dash who used to be in the Couldsdale police force) she could hear Applejack yelling at someone.

"Just how long have you been working against us then boy!" she called.

"Ever since I joined you," a cruel but slightly familiar voice answered "Not as good at seeing liars as you thought, are you?"

"Let every-pony go Lane. They came here to get away from the Three Rulers."

"Oh I know. It's such a shame they were missing out on so much fun."

"What are you going to do to us?" Twilight's voice butted in.

"Why take you to Canterlot of course," he answered. "There King Sombra will make me his right hoof pony for all I've done for him, bringing him the Elements and the bearers. Not to mention his new Queen."

At this Rainbow opened her eyes in shock of hearing something had happened to Nightmare Moon. Looking around she saw that she and the other bearers were tied up in pairs - she with Fluttershy, Twilight with Rarity both with rings on their horns, and Applejack with Pinkie - (three were still knocked out), and the foals were all knocked out as well. Searching for who did this, she saw...

"Thunder-Lane," she said getting annoyed.

"Ah Captain Dash," Thunder-Lane said giving her a mock bow. "I was wondering when you would wake up."

"You know this jerk?" Applejack asked.

"He's one of Sombra's spies," Rainbow answered "Nightmare Moon always knew he had them, but thought her King was better than that." Then turning to Thunder-Lane, "Now whats this on Sombra having a new Queen?"

"Why Miss Sparkle here of course," Thunder-Lane said showing every-pony.

"And what, Lane, happened to his old one?" Rainbow said, getting protective over Nightmare Moon.

"Like all the worthless ponies... He turned her to stone." Laughing at the reactions he was getting, Thunder-Lane didn't hear the howls of a Timber Wolf coming from outside.

"Papa," Fluttershy whispered loud enough for only Rainbow to hear.

Suddenly, all the grown Timber Wolves of the pack came running into the tower, with Luna leading them.

This stopped Thunder-Lane from laughing. He was surrounded by Wolves, all growling, every eye glowing green. Then Lupin stepped forward, looked at the ponies and said, "Daughter Fluttershy, I suggest you and your friends look away."
Then looking at Thunder-Lane, "You were the one from before, who threatened my pack, and now you're threatening my daughter, and for that... You must pay." After making sure everyone was looking away, Lupin attacked a frozen-in-fear Thunder-Lane, killing him with a bite though his head.


After the screams had stopped ringing around the hall, every-pony was untied, Twilight and Rarity had the rings taking off, and Applejack went to check on her Resistance to find them all ok. Everyone else was showing their respects to Lupin for saving them.

"Come on, let's go get those Elements," Rainbow said and zoomed off in the direction of the stairs, the others running behind her.

As it was like when Twilight found the Elements before, on a pedestal, stood five of the six Elements, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty still turned to stone. Remembering how she and her friends got them before...

"We need to break them."

"What?" five cries came.

"When we smash them, the shards will go to the right pony, and we'll get the sixth Element as well as bringing the others into the new era of time," she explained running to get the boulders that were the Elements.

Sensing to just go with it, Rainbow helped bring them down. "Ok, Now what?"

"Rarity," Twilight said "Can you use you powers to break them up into tiny shards. Think of it as that rock you broke open when you got your Cutie-Mark.

Rarity was about to ask how Twilight knew how she got her Mark, when she thought now wasn't the time. Lighting her horn with blue aura, Rarity gripped the stones and after a few seconds, broke them up.

As Twilight had said, and hoped, the shard went to the right ponies, while a new one appeared above her head. Bright light filled the room. After a final flash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had golden necklaces, each with a gem of their Cutie-Marks, while Twilight had a golden tiara with her Cutie-Mark on the highest point.

"Ok." Rainbow said looking at Twilight, "We got the Elements, now what?"

"Now, we go after Sombra, and make everything right."