• Published 28th Jan 2014
  • 544 Views, 3 Comments

The Ponyful 101 - Durant

The main six gain powers after Discord is released somehow, after Discord is gone, they find King Sombra released Discord so they find a defeat King Sombra

  • ...

Discord Awakes

Rainbow Dash was just laying down on a cloud not doing much of anything. Rainbow looked up so she could watch the sky, the clouds were drifting by, a few pegusi flying around, birds chirping somewhere nearby, fish swimming though the sky, everything was just fine. Rainbow decided to take a little nap, and closed her eyes, until she realized what she saw, fish in the sky. She flew off her cloud and looked at the strange sight. The fish just kept swimming onward as if nothing was wrong.

'What the buck?" Rainbow thought to herself. Rainbow Dash took off toward Carousel Boutique hoping that to find some help.


Rarity yawned and stretched, waking up from her nap, she rolled out and bed and walked over to the mirror. She smiled as she levitated a brush to comb her mane into the style she usually had it in, she then did the same thing to her tail. She looked back at her reflection, she loved the way she look after she had just woken up. She walked down stairs ready to reopen for the day, and flipped on the lights. As the room brightened her jaw dropped from the image she saw, all of the dresses were eyesores. it was as if somepony had painted all of the dresses to look as ugly as possible.

"Sweetie Belle, get in her right now!" Rarity shouted. She waited for about thirty seconds, but no call back nor the sound of little hoofs rushing towards her. Rarity was about to shout again, when a knock was heard at the door, Rarity wasn't sure if she wanted to open it, no costumers could see her dresses like this. She slowly walked over to the window, and peeked outside, only to see Rainbow Dash waiting at her door looking a little worried. Rarity let out a sigh of relief and opened the door to let her friend in, Rainbow flew in almost knocking Rarity over.

"Rarity have you se-" she stopped when the terrible dresses caught her eye.

"Whats with the bad dresses?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know, they were fabulous before, then I took a nap, and when I woke up, they were like this." Rarity answered

"Oh....anyway, have you seem the sky lately?" Rainbow asked. Rarity looked at the friend puzzled then walked outside. Outside she could see the sky was red and green and fish were swimming around as if they were in water, along with a few trees floating by. She shook her head, and looked again, but the sky stayed red and green. Rarity slowly walked back in and closed the door.

"Whats going on?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know, I was hoping you might." Rainbow answered.

"Why would I know, as I have already said, I've been asleep for a while."

"So, its not magic?"

"Not any that I've ever seen."

"I wish Twilight was here she might know what was going on."

"She'll be back tomorrow, we can ask here then."

"I think this isn't the kind of problem you can just wait out."

"Why don't we go check on everypony else, maybe they know what happened."

"Good, idea, plus, if there really is something going on there is safety in numbers."


Applejack walked out of the house with Big Mac ready to do some apple bucking, but stopped when they notice the apples ,if you could call them that, where different sizes, shapes, and colors.

"What in the-?" Applejack asked herself, She looked at Big Mac "Please tell me I'm hallucinating."


"Well, lets get some of the fruit out of the tree and see what it is." Applejack said as she walked to the nearest tree and hit it. Nothing, but a few leafs dropped, Big Mac walked over and hit the same tree , nothing, but a few more leafs dropped down.

"Lets trying hitting it at the same time, ok?"


"Ok, on three...one, two, three!" Applejack yelled as they both hit the tree with all their might, again nothing, but leafs fell.

"Big Mac just stand right there." Applejack said as she got on his back and tried to pick a fruit, but as soon as her teeth touched the fruit it shocked her. She feel to the ground dazed, and she could see red and green swirling around. As she regained her senses she noticed it wasn't a the shock that caused the colors, the sky really was red and green.

"Are you ok?" Big Mac asked. Applejack nodded, and get back on her hoofs. She looked at the tree trying to find out what was going on, but her thoughts were broken by two mares calling her name. Applejack looked toward the road to see Rarity and Rainbow Dash running towards her.

"Applejack are you, and your family,ok?" Rarity asked

"Ya, Big Mac and I are ok, Granny Smith is sleeping and Applebloom and her friends are up stairs doing who knows what." Applejack laughed a bit.

"At least now I know why Sweetie Belle didn't answer back when I called her earlier" Rarity thought to herself.

"We still need to check on Pinkie and Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said.


Pinkie was bouncing a ball around with Gummy, who wasn't very good at it, he just wanted to bite it. Pinkie giggled as Gummy chewed on the ball lightly. As Pinkie watched him, she noticed something out of the comer of her eye...a pink cloud. Pinkie eyes widen as she realized it was a cotton candy cloud. She ran into her closet and started digging though her belongings, she throw some party supplies out of the closet, then some alligator care products, a few toys and finally found her trampoline. She grabbed it and ran downstairs as fast as she could. She got outside with it and positioned it just right so she could eat some of the tasty cloud. She was about to jump up when she thought "Something about this seem awful familiar." She couldn't put her hoof on it, but she did something like this before. She decided to throw caution into the wind and jumped up and took a big bite on cotton candy. The sugary treat disappeared in her mouth, Pinkie loved the taste. She swallowed it and jumped up for another bite.

"Um...excuse me Pinkie" a voice from down below called. Pinkie looked down and saw Fluttershy looking up at her worried. Pinkie got off her trampoline and looked at Fluttershy, smiling.

"Hey Fluttershy, can I help you with something?"

"Well , do you think things look weird today? Pinkie was so happy about the cotton candy cloud she didn't even notice the sky.

"Yep" Pinkie said with a smile after looking up at the sky for a short moment.

"My animals have been acting odd all day as well." Fluttershy said with a worried look on her face. Pinkie gave her a hug trying to clam her down, and gave her a big smile.

"Everything will be ok Fluttershy, don't worry." Pinkie looked back up at her cloud, but notice a rainbow blur coming towards them with her Element of Harmony on. It didn't take long for them to notice it was Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, Dashie, want some cotton candy?" Pinkie asked pointing out her cloud. Rainbow don't answer, and looked very nervous about something.

"Is something wrong Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked

"Something is wrong,but you need to see it I doubt you'd believe me. Grab your elements of harmony and follow me."


Twilight was running towards the throne room in Canterlot Castle, Twilights mind was racing with thoughts about what Celestia wanted to talk to her about. Spike had his claws wrapped around her neck as she ran. Twilights Element Of Harmony sat on her head, as she raced towards Celestia.

"What do think Celestia wants to see us about?" Spike asked.

"I don't know, but what ever it is, it must be important, to have guards searching the whole castle for me." Twilight answered. She ran up to the huge doors and pushed them open quickly racing into the room towards Celestias throne. Twilight look up at the alicorn princess, Celestia got up and walked down towards Twilight.

"Princess, is something wrong?" Twilight asked. Celestia didn't say anything, instead she started to cast a spell.

Fluttershy and Pinkie meet their friends at the base of a hill. Rarity put Fluttershy and Pinkies Elements of Harmony on them, they both looked at her confused. They noticed all of their friends had their elements on as well

"Rarity, why do you all have your elements on?" Fluttershy asked.

"Follow us" Rarity whispered as she started to walk up the hill. As they neared the top everyone got down low, Fluttershy and Pinkie followed their lead. They all peeked over the hill. trees were floating, the ground was split in some places, some buildings were halfway into the ground, then they saw him. Sitting on a throne, which was also floating, sat Discord.

A portal formed in front of twilight, she looked into it and saw her friends, and Discord. Twilight ran to go into the portal, but smashed into it as if it were made out of stone. Twilight looked at her friends, they could truly stop him with all six Elements

"Princess, send me there, I have to help them, they can't bet him without all six Elements!" Twilight stated. Celestia shook her head, and Twilight looked at her in shock.

"Please, I need to help them" Twilight pleaded.

'Twilight I know its hard, but if you go, things will be worst" Celestia said trying to clam her down. Twilight ran at the portal again, but bounced off it a second time. Looking defeated she just watched Discord and her friends, hoping nothing bad would happen.

Discord saw the five ponies, and waved at them, motioning for them to come closer. They all looked at him and hesitated, but decided to get closer. They slowly and careful got near him, and glared up at him.

"Well isn't it my favorite ponies, well minus one." Discord chuckled.

"Don't get to comfy, as soon as Twilight gets here your going right back to stone." Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Oh, really, well mind if you give me a sneak peek?" Discord asked.

"Sure we could" Applejack growled. Discord stood right in front of them and poofed a blindfold around his eyes.

"Ok, everypony this won't stop him, but it will slow him down a bit" Rainbow Dash told her friends. They all stood in front of him, aiming their element at him.

"NOW!!" Applejack shouted as they Elements shoot out beams of light going towards Discord. The beams hit Discord, but didn't seem to do anything to him, he just smiled at them. It was at that moment they could see a thin black layer of something around him, it shimmed a little then became invisible again.

"W-what was that?" Rarity asked her voice shaking slightly.

"Oh, that's just a little shield that got after wakening up again." Discard said smirking at them. Discord snapped his finger and five thunderbolts came down and hit all five of them, Discord just started laughing, but then stop when the smoke cleared. All five ponies stood there looking as confused as he was. Discord stood there and thought for a moment, then he realized what had happened

"Now I get Celestia made it to were my magic can't hurt you, but at the same time, other things can" Discord laughed as he snapped his fingers and they disappeared with a poof. Discord sat back down, looking at were the ponies once were.

"What happened to them?" Twilight asked.

"Don't worry they are fine, Discord just send them far away from each other" Celestia said, Twilight looked at her puzzled.

"Why do you look so clam, who knows what will happen if Discord continues." Twilight said panicking.

"Everything will be fine, right after you find the seventh Element of Harmony" Celestia said and she started to cast another spell.

Author's Note:

kind of a slow start, but it will pick in the next chapter.