• Published 21st Jan 2014
  • 1,051 Views, 6 Comments

No Fear for the Setting Sun - TheEighthDayofNight

A surgeon turned protector, David ends up with an offer that he can't refuse. Right?

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No fear for the setting sun

Author's Note:

So, this was originally just something to get rid of writer's block, but instead turned into a two chapter short story.

Songs that helped inspire:
Shinedown- Call me
Shinedown- Second chance

Also, the beginning lyrics are from second chances, so if you want to know the method to the madness, listen to that as you read.

Comment any crituqes, all opinions that are constructive are helpful!

♪ Tell my mother! Tell my father! I’ve done the best I can! ♪

I air drummed along as I drove home, listening to the local rock station. It had been another average day at the hospital. A few car accident victims, a few retard drunks, no one died though, so it was a good day.

♪ To make them realize! This is my life! I hope they understand! ♪

I pulled my SUV into the driveway of my house, flicking the radio off as I pulled in. Grabbing my lunchbox with one hand, I got out of my car and stretched. The sun was shining bright in the sky with a few clouds in the distance. The air was just slightly crisp and a breeze caused the leaves to rustle. It was a good day for a jog.

I unlocked the door and entered my house. As I hung my keys on their hook I realized that I was the first one home today. Perfect.

I dashed upstairs and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a Megadeth t-shirt. I also took my small leather holster and hid it underneath my baggy shirt. Living in a large city like Chicago, despite its laws, you could never be too careful.

I left a hasty note on the kitchen counter and then left my house to jog to my favorite park.

As I entered the park, the sky began to grow darker. A look up showed me that a storm was apparently rolling in.

“Shoulda brought a jacket.” I muttered to myself.

I began my normal circulation of the park. It was only three miles so it wouldn’t take me long to jog.

Lightning flashed as I passed the first mile. Damn this storm came from nowhere. A bright bolt of lightning hit one of the rods on a nearby skyscraper, followed immediately by a loud crack of thunder.

I picked up my pace and passed the second mile marker. I tried to run faster and faster as more lightning struck nearby buildings.

I stumbled through a break in the trees and into a long clearing. Almost immediately the hairs on my neck stood up. Desperately, I put on an extra burst of speed, but it was too little, too late. I felt a wave of heat and was blown backwards. I blacked out quickly as the patter of rain began to fall through the trees.


Slowly I drifted back to consciousness. I shakily checked to see that I was still alive. Using a tree for balance I got to my feet. I noticed right off the bat that this wasn’t Chicago. The familiar skyscrapers and noise were gone. The air too, was different. It felt… cleaner.

“Definitely not in Illinois anymore.” I said aloud.

A sudden thought hit me and I grabbed my wallet to see if the picture was still okay. I let out a sigh of relief upon seeing it. The picture of my wife Lucy and my daughter Katy was slightly burnt, but was otherwise in good shape.

My head shot up. I could’ve sworn I had heard… Another scream battled the thunder. I took off in the direction of the scream. It had sounded just like Katy.

Another scream permeated the air, this one much louder than the last. As I ran closer o the source of the screams an unseen root tripped me, sending me into a roll. I crashed through a bush and landed flat on my back at the edge of the woods.

A scream tore through the air once more. I sprang to my feet and finally saw the source of all the screams.

A small yellow creature was backed under a large boulder. Subconsciously the word ‘pony’ rang through my mind. A large wolf was growling at the pony, occasionally springing forward to bite at it. I took my pistol from its holster and aimed at the wolf.

Now I’ve never been much of a shot, but God was on my side because the bullet tore through the wolf’s leg. It yelped and ran into the wood, allowing me to check on the pony.

The pony whimpered as I came closer and screamed when I tried to touch her. I holstered my pistol and spread my empty hands.

“It’s okay now. The wolf is gone and I’m not gonna hurt you, alright? No need to be scared now.”

The little pony stopped crying and opened her eyes. She cringed when she saw me and curled back into a ball. I sighed and put a hand on her small shoulder.

“I know you’re scared, but you can’t just sit here and cry. I need you to point me in the direction of where you live.”

The pony didn’t move. I tapped lightly on my knee for a second, trying to think of what I should do. For some reason I felt compelled to ask her,

“What’s your name?”

The little pony looked at me with her huge eyes and said,

“A- Applebloom.”

For some reason, I didn’t panic at the pony talking. Instead I talked to her the same was I would my daughter.

“”Well Applebloom, my name is David. Do you need help getting home?”

Applebloom got to her feet and used a leg to try and wipe off her tears. I almost laughed at her attempt to try and seem tough to me.

“Nah, I’m fine mister, now that the timberwolf is gone! What’d ya hit it with anyway?”

I pondered for a second; trying to come up with a believable lie, when Applebloom’s ears flattened and she took a step back. I turned around and saw why.

Three timberwolves were slowly creeping out of the trees with a hungry gleam in their eyes.

Keeping one eye on the wolves, I took my revolver from its holster and gave Applebloom several instructions.

“Applebloom, listen close. You’re going to run as fast as you can towards those buildings.”

I pointed with one hand towards a series of stone buildings in the distance. They were maybe a mil or two away by my guess. For right now, they were close enough.

“You’re just going to run and run. Fast as you can, okay? Run and don’t look back.”

Applebloom looked at me with huge eyes.

“B-but what about you?”

I glanced down at her and smiled.

“If you don’t look back I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.”

She seemed to accept enough of my BS to take of running towards the buildings. One of the wolves took its focus off of me and leaped towards Applebloom’s fleeing form.

Two pulls of the trigger later the wolf’s head was missing and a pool of green blood was spreading through the grass.

A mouth clamped down on my free arm, dragging me to the ground. Another toothy maw bit into my leg, causing me to scream. The second I had diverted my attention the other two wolves had taken the advantage and had attacked.

I vainly tried to push the wolf off of my chest. I couldn’t get my gun unpinned. The wolf on my chest began to tear at my stomach and ribs with its claws. I continued to scream as the beast tore through my thin shirt and began carving away at my exposed flesh.

I squirmed and kicked as the wolf at my feet began to tug and pull on my leg. ‘They’re trying to pull me apart’, I thought. I flailed harder, blood beginning to splatter as my insides became exposed.

My arm suddenly pulled loose and I slipped my revolver under one wolf’s jaw. I pulled the trigger and the wolf on my chest became dead weight.

I looked the second wolf in the eyes while I pulled the trigger again. The bullet made neat hole in its eye, but exploded in gore out the back of its head. The wolf collapsed to its side, dead.

I didn’t even try to push the wolf off of my chest. I suddenly felt extremely tired, and all I really wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep. The doctor in me resisted this urge. In the back of my head, a little voice shouted at me.

Get up! You can’t quit! You’re a surgeon damn it! Get some treatment done!

These thoughts pushed me back to reality. I had blacked out for some time, because a different voice joined the one in my head.

“Come on, you’re going to push through big guy. I know it.”

Something fairly large and hard patted me roughly on my cheek. I tried to swat at it with my hand, only to have the limb pushed down. My eyes cleared enough so that I saw where I was.

Everything was covered in glistening water droplets, adding a glisten to the trees and the grass. The sky was clear and a deep red sun was ducking under the horizon. A white pony with light pink hair was wrapping my lacerated thigh in gauze. I used my arm to gently push her away. When she tried to continue, I pushed her away slightly harder.

“Don’t wast… the… bandages.”

Man, I sounded weak.

“Trust me, I’m a surgeon. I know when you just can’t fix a person up anymore.”

She gave me a stern look.

“Well then you must be terrible at your job! It’s never over as long as you keep trying!” she snapped.

She took my meaning though, and stopped wrapping my leg up. I attempted to smile reassuringly, but instead coughed a spray of blood into the grass on my left.

As my hacking fit settled down, I leaned my head back against the tree. My hand withdrew my wallet from my back pocket and I took the picture out. Dropping my wallet to the side, I fingered the worn image. The nurse pony gave a light sniffle before trudging off.

I lost track of time, just sitting there, thinking. My thoughts drifted from one thing to another. Had I done well in life? What would my parents think? My thoughts always drifted back to my little girl. Would she miss me? Would she be alright without her father? Could she cope?

My apparent focus or lack of had caused me to become distracted enough that I hadn’t noticed a few more ponies walking towards me. One was particularly tall, an all white pony with a gold colored necklace and crown. The thought danced across my mind that this was royalty and that I should feel kind of honored, but honestly right now, I didn’t care.

Now, I’d been to talk with enough families after a long day of surgery to know the look of worry. Sometimes I imagined I could even smell that kind of tension in a room. Right now, the air reeked of it as the groups of ponies approached.

Besides the royal pony, there was a tall red pony, a small but sturdy looking orange pony wearing a cowboy hat, and an elderly looking green pony. I took my photo in my left hand and set it on my non-gored leg. Just because I was bleeding to death didn’t mean I was getting it all bloody.

My wounds seemed to immediately capture all of the ponies’ attention

“I thought I had sent a nurse to tend to your wounds.” The tall one asked.

I coughed.

“I sent her away. Like I told her, where I’m from, I’m a doctor. It didn’t seem right to waste those bandages for no reason.”

The tall pony looked like she was going to argue, but instead held back. Instead she asked,

“What is your name?”

I laughed and weakly extended my right hand.

“Dr. David Lewis, and yours?”

She took my hand and shook it. It was a soft handshake. It didn’t feel like she was trying to avoid it she was just being, gentle.

“I am Princess Celestia. You risked your life for one of my little ponies today, and for that I am eternally grateful. But, I believe the somepony else wanted to express their gratitude as well.”

She stepped back, allowing who I assumed was Applebloom’s family to come forward. The elderly looking one came first.

I was more shocked than hurt when she smacked me in the face. She waved a hoof at me.

“That’s fer goin’ and getting’ yerself hurt!”

She then gave me a small hug and a light kiss on the cheek.

“And that’s fer savin’ my little Applebloom. Yer a fool youngster, but yer heart’s in the right place.”

I opened my mouth to respond when I coughed. It was a small cough, but then I couldn’t stop. Each cough grew progressively louder and more painful. As my coughing reached a peak, I sprayed the grass to my right with a mist of bright red blood.

My coughing subsided, leaving me breathless and in pain. My head thudded against the tree as I tried to prop myself so I could continue to see the ponies while speaking to them. Before anyone else could speak up, the Princess spoke.

“You said you were a doctor, correct?”

I nodded.

“How long would a member of your species survive with your wounds?”

I chuckle a little bit to myself.

“If I couldn’t treat them? Ten minutes, and that’s a generous offer. It will be gradual though. The chest tightens, I’ll start losing vision, numb limbs, sudden drowsiness… in the end, it will be painless.” I lie. It’s going to hurt like hell, but they don’t need to know that.

The Princess stopped for a moment as if she was calculating something. She took a deep breath before speaking.

“David, I have an offer for you. A second chance if you will. As we speak my sister and my personal student are preparing a spell that could potentially save your life.”

I had seen many an overdosed teenager trying to hide details from their parents, so I could tell that she was holding something else back.

“So what’s the price?” I asked.

Her face didn’t change, but there was the slightest twitch in her tail and her back leg.

“The spell won’t really cost anyth…”

“Well, now that I know what you look like when you’re trying to lie, we can cut the crap. You seem to be smart enough to know that there is always a price.”

Princess Celestia sighed. She seemed a bit more downcast now that I had caught her.

“The spell will change you into a foal.” She started


She seemed to wince and she fixed me with a sad gaze.

“As a part of your “second chance” you would have absolutely no memory of any of your past. Old family, friends; you wouldn’t remember any of it.”

My breathe cut short. That was a pretty big bombshell to drop. It made the choice so much more difficult. I could remember my family, my life, most of all, my daughter, but I had to die. Or I could take the offer and live out the rest of my days as a pony. I might be happy, but I wouldn’t remember anything. Would I still be… me? Could be starting off on that clean of a slate be considered living?

“That’s not much of a choice.” I started, my eyes never leaving the picture of wife and daughter. “Honestly I can only see one option that’s even considerable.”

“Excellent, my sister should arrive shortly wi-…”

I looked up from the picture.

“You misunderstand. I choose to remember. If that path leads to my death, then so be it.”

As if on cue, my right leg fell completely numb. The princess seemed extremely thrown off by the fact that I had said no.

“But, but why?” she asked.

“I can’t really explain it to the point that you would know how it feels. If I take your offer, I would be forgetting my daughter, and just don’t think you know what that feels like.”

“You think I don’t know what it’s like to lose children?” she snapped angrily.

I shook my head and looked back at my hands.

“You might have been a mother to children, but that’s not quite the same as being a father, is it? A man measures his life by what he’s accomplished. By what his own two hands have worked hard to do.”

My voice cracked as I continued.

“ A… and I know that my little girl is going to grow up calling someone else, “Daddy”. But… but I can’t forget the first time I held her. That little baby, just sitting there in my hands sleeping. In that moment I forgot everything I had thought had made me a man. That was the happiest day of my life.”

My hands quivered and shook as I stared at them.

“These hands have saved so many lives that I can’t even count, but they’ve only held one.”

I looked clenched my fists and turned to look the princess in the eyes as tears slowly streaked down my face.

“And I will not let her go.”

“I-… I see. If that is truly your choice then…”

She didn’t finish her sentence and instead just turned around and walked away. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the tree. I was exhausted. A decision like that; I had to keep believing I had made the right choice.

“I kinda’ understand, but ah still gotta ask. Why?”

I opened one eye. It was the orange pony. The rest of Applebloom’s family had left. I decided to answer the pony’s question with one of my own.

“Where’s Applebloom right now? Who’s she with?”

“She’s at the farmhouse with some of mah friends. Why?”

I opened my other eye and stared at her.

“Think about it like this. Imagine our places switched, but your friends and family didn’t know. Far as they have it figured, you just went for a walk and didn’t come back. Got all that?”

She nodded her head and I continued.

“You’re offered another chance at life, congratulations. But here’s the catch, all those friends, that family that you love, you lose them all. Just for a chance to draw breathe for a few more years. Would you take the offer?”

She flattened her ears.

“Ah, ah don’t know.”

“There you go. I feel the same way. I still don’t know if I made the right choice. But honestly, I will never get the chance to find out. I can’t try both.”

I smirked and picked at the corner of the picture.

“What’s your name?” I asked the pony.

“Applejack.” She replied.

“Can I be honest with you Applejack?”

“Shoot, you can tell me anythin’.”

My left arm slowly lost feeling and it dropped onto my lap. I turned and stared at the sun before continuing.

“If your princess came back up here, I’d probably take the offer. It’s not a guarantee, but it would take all of my willpower to say no again. It scares me that I couldn’t say no twice.”

I looked at Applejack to find her staring at something else. I followed her line of vision to see a familiar figure followed by two other ponies. I shook my head closed my eyes again before saying,

“Speak of the devil.”

Princess Celestia was prepared and launched right into her question.

“Are you completely sure about your decision?”

I laughed, or coughed depending on how you look at it.

“No, I’m not sure, and I never will be. I really don’t want to say no, but I can’t say yes. I’ve got to stick with what I know.”

Princess Celestia sighed.

“Than you leave me no choice. Luna, Twilight, take your places.”

My eyes widened and my breath left my chest.

“Wha-… but you…” I stammered.

“I know I gave you a choice David, but I’ve seen many an early sunset. I refuse to believe your time ends now.

Instead of screaming out refusal and a long string of curses like some people would, my mind sort of… clicked.

“Can you do a few things for me first?”

“Anything you need, just ask.”

I took a deep breath before tossing my wallet at her feet.

“First, my possessions, my clothing and especially the gun. Destroy it all. If I ever come to remember anything, a part of me, no matter how small, will hate you.”

I took another shaky breath before continuing.

“Second, know that I don’t hate you, any of you for doing this. Hell, a part of me is happy, and honestly, I wouldn’t want anything to change from the way it is.”

I coughed before looking at the small photo in my hands. Taking a long look at my daughter, I made my last request.

“Finally, just make it fast. Finish it as fast as you can.”

Princess Celestia gave me a curt nod before her horn began to glow. I looked over at Applejack, who had tears in her eyes. I couldn’t help but give her a weak smile before I closed my eyes. Like a wave my body was wrapped in warm energy.

And then…