• Published 20th Jan 2014
  • 491 Views, 10 Comments

A Bad Wish Gone Worse - Pt. 1 - Burning_Halo

A new pony by the name of Wildfire goes to Ponyville with the same task Twilight was given; making friends.

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Chapter 19

The day has arrived. Two days since the deal between Dash and Wildfire had been made. The ponies had already started making their long trip to Ghastly Gorge, but the trip was not at all a lonely one. A small portion of the town had shown up at the site for the race as well. Word had begun to spread fast after the boulder Wildfire launched out of fury landed in the vicinity of the Ponyville school yard, bearing a set of deep, jagged hoof prints in its surface. Cheerilee, the Ponyville school teacher, only knew Big Mac and Applejack to possess enough strength to even be able to move a boulder. Yet, the scrawnier Wildfire threw it through the air like a cannonball.

Cheerilee had talked to Applejack about the problem, and was quick to surprise upon hearing the entire story; Dash, Wildfire, and their challenge. It wasn’t very long after that the word of said challenge began spreading through Ponyville.

It wasn’t a horrid day at all; completely clear and sunny skies. A perfect day for flying, for what it was worth. It was all the more reason for there to be such a crowd, all lining up along the edge of the Gorge, taped off neatly by wooden dowels and long yellow streamers. A small crowd also gathered around the start/finish line, also tapped off on either side with a large checkered banner spanning over it. A few signs even stuck out above the crowd, all cheering on Rainbow.

The shadows cast by the ponies, signs, and streamers began to disappear underneath them, just as the clock struck noon.

Just over the hill from the direction of Ponyville, a small group of ponies could be seen arriving on time. Wildfire glided over the ground gracefully, unhesitant to make a bee line for the starting gate. Twilight followed up behind, wearing her saddle bag, joined by Rarity and Spike. From the opposite way, another group of ponies were arriving simultaneously. Rainbow Dash floated out of the woods from the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage, her goggles on her head smashing her rainbow mane down beneath the lenses. She was followed up promptly by Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy.

They both made their way to the starting gate in a gentle haste, both ready to get the race done and over with. The girls arrived behind them, Spike breaking off and quickly waddling along to the middle of the starting gate after taking a few supplies from Twilight’s tote. Wildfire and Dash exchanged nods, walking side by side up to the starting line.

“Rainbow Dash! Wildfire!” shouted a voice from the side of the gate.

It was Princess Celestia, quickly stepping into the path of Dash and Wildfire and stopping their advance to the starting line. Wildfire wondered how Celestia had heard of the race. Had word really spread as far as Canterlot of his and Dash’s fight? Or more likely, Twilight must have sent a letter to Celestia. In either case, Wildfire didn’t object to the notion of Celestia being there, but he didn’t want to be talked down. He held true to his word. Both Dash and Wildfire bowed lightly as Celestia stepped forward.

“Are you two sure you want to do this?” asked Celestia.

Dash and Wildfire looked at each other, expressionless. Wildfire turned back to Celestia, “We already agreed on it, we have to do this.” said Wildfire.

“No one has to do anything, if you two would…” Celestia paused, her eyes wandering form Wildfire’s eyes down to the mark on his face.

“Wildfire, what’s that cut on your cheek?”

“Um…” Wildfire hunched a bit, his eyes turning angrily over at Rainbow who was looking at the ground with a bit of shame.

“Those cacti in the Gorge are hard to maneuver around.” said Wildfire.

Rainbow turned slowly, eyeing Wildfire in a fit of confusion. He was defending her, again? Why would he lie to Celestia about being hit? Perhaps he was embarrassed about getting hit by a mare? Perhaps, but Rainbow thought of him as a bigger stallion than that.

“See, and that’s just it, you two are putting yourselves in danger just to prove who’s best?” Celestia looked out at the canyon, beginning to get a bitter feeling in her stomach. “It’s not just a regular flight over Ponyville, this is life threatening, and I shouldn’t allow this kind of behavior. A promise, or even a bet, that’s one thing, but a dare such as this...”

Dash began mouthing her words and waving her hoof around childishly, openly mocking Celestia behind her back, Celestia’s words beginning to annoy the blue pegasus. Wildfire caught her quickly, firmly elbowing her in the ribs to get her to stop. She jumped a bit and brought her hind leg up to her side, shooting a dirty look over at Wildfire. Wildfire shot back the same scowl, gesturing her to plant her hooves back on the ground. Rainbow Dash, with a sigh, complied, turning her attention back to Princess Celestia, still speaking nervous enough for both pegasi.

“Princess.” said Wildfire, reassuringly, “You know I’ve been through worse, and I’m pretty sure Rainbow Dash over here has been through worse too. We can handle ourselves.”

Celestia moaned and nodded, looking both ponies stern in the eye. She was clearly bothered, but had trust in Wildfire and Dash that they could both handle what they were dishing out on each other.

“I know, you’re both very talented fliers… just be careful out there.” said Celestia, turning and leaving, receiving farewell bows from both Rainbow and Wildfire.

Spike walked forward, joined up by Twilight. Spike cleared his throat, holding up a small sheet of paper.

“Ahem. Ok. Here are the rules. One lap around the course; straight out, around the course, and back to this finish line. The flyers are to remain inside the Gorge at all times, except for the above ground parts marked off by the red tape.” Both Dash and Wildfire listened intently as they stared each other down, focusing all their energy on the race.

“You are to stay inside the marked off areas at all times.” Spike continued. “A time penalty will be issued if you fly outside area. There will also be no hitting, shoving, poking, bumping, biting, eye jabbing, ear pulling-” Twilight tapped Spike on the shoulder, telling him to hurry up, “… or any other physical interference between the racers at any time during the race. A time penalty will also be issued for this kind of conduct. Finally, there will be no trash talk. Keep the race good, clean, and fair. Remember, there will be judges watching you to make sure that you do so.”

Both Wildfire and Dash nodded in agreement to Spike’s rules, still locking eyes with each other. Dash’s eyes strayed a little, catching glimpses of the mark upon Wildfire’s face.

“Alright, the race will begin as soon as the poppers go off. At that time, the racers will proceed to gallop out of the gate and to the edge of the gorge, wings are only allowed when you have crossed the yellow line at the end and you have cleared the cliff. You will dive down to build speed, skimming the cliff face, and staying inside the flagged area. As soon as this is clear, you are free to fly about the space of the gorge. Again, racers are not to fly above the gorge and are to stay within the course until the race permits it.” Spike searched the paper one last time looking for anything he may have missed. “You guys got all that?”

They both responded without breaking eye contact.

“Yeah.” said Dash.

“Crystal.” Wildfire nodded.

“Have a good race! Get to the line and stand by.” said Spike.

All who stood nearby wished Dash and Wildfire good luck, even Twilight who was saddened that she was powerless to stop the feud between the ponies gave them praise. Though, as they all watched Wildfire and Dash walk off side by side, they all could smile a bit. It was a refreshing change to see them cooperate on some level, but still not comforting to watch them go through with such a dangerous stunt. They both walked forward with their gazes fixed ahead, eyes on the finish line ahead of them.

Wildfire wasn’t showing any sign of remorse, but Dash was beginning to feel a little apprehensive. Her eyes kept wandering over to Wildfire, trying to get a better look at the mark upon his cheek.

“So.” Dash broke the intense silence between them, “How’s that, um… mark?”

“It’s fine.” said Wildfire, not breaking his eyes with the finish line.

“Maybe you should put some ice on it or something?” suggested Dash.

“Already did.” said Wildfire, getting a silent nod from Dash.

“Do your teeth hurt?”

Wildfire sighed a short annoyed breath. “It hurts to chew, but it’s alright if I don’t bother it.”

Dash nodded, and sighed quietly. She moped, hanging her head shamefully again. She was beginning to become aware that she had not been herself lately. She also began to wonder what her friends must have thought of her at this point, pushing this total stranger to the limit. She wanted to apologize, she had too, and her sorry eyes pointed up at Wildfire would have said that for her. Wildfire would have seen that, but he was too focused on the race to even notice.

Dash opened her mouth, the words not coming out at first, but eventually she found the courage to speak.

“I’m sorr-“

“Good luck to you.” said Wildfire, cutting off Dash, not wanting to hear another word from her.

Wildfire held out his hoof in front of Dash. She didn’t expect it, and she was almost reluctant at first. But she put on her game face anyway, locked her hoof around his, and gave a firm shake. Wildfire stepped up to the line and began stretching out some, limbering up. With the way he was treating her, it was getting harder to feel bad for him. Though, in the back of her mind, she couldn’t help but think that she was forcing him to be like that. Her friends clearly didn’t approve, even as they stood by the gate, all watching on with genuinely concerned stares.

“They’re right… What am I doing?” sighed Dash.

It was too late for her to back out. She had to shake herself out of it and put herself back into the race. She followed in Wildfire’s example, stepping up to the line and giving herself some time to stretch out some.

She observed the starting gate and double sided starting banner that she could see read “finish” on its reverse side as the light of the bright summers day shone through it and made the cloth of the banner transparent. The line itself was about double Dash’s wing span, enough for the ponies to stand next to each other, but a tight fit for them to stretch their wings out as they stood side by side. The starting line gave way to the short sprint to the cliff, where the funneling gate began to widen as it extended further out. On either side, behind the tape, the crowd of ponies stood, waving their signs and getting riled up for the start of the race.

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road.” said Spike, stepping out in the middle of the field, a bright yellow popper gun in one claw, and a matching yellow flag in the other.

“Ladies and Gentle colts! Mares and Stallions! Today, we are about to witness a race against wits, smarts, and most of all, SPEED!” announced Spike as the crowd began to silence itself. Spike threw his claws about and gestured as the words came from his small dragon snout, loud and enthusiastic.

“Today, we are going to witness a one-on-one race between the fastest pony in Ponyville, and possibly in all of Equestria, Rainbow Dash!” cheers rang out through the crowd. Dash waved back to the crowd, but not as enthusiastic as her personality would allow, addressing her fans somewhat despondently. Wildfire watched as she waved to the people cheering her on, wearing a somewhat bitter smile on her face as she did so.

“And, the pony who dared to take her on, the newest and mysterious out of town pony, Wildfire!” the crowd cheered once more, Wildfire nodding and smiling, waving back modestly to the cheering crowd.

“Now, racers! Get ready to start the race, and may the best pony win!” shouted Spike.

Both Dash and Wildfire stretched out one last time, making sure they were loose and warmed up enough. Dash slid her goggles down her face, securing them tightly over her eyes. The crowd hushed itself once more as the race was preparing to get underway.

With absolute silence, both of Spike’s arms raised steadily. The small yellow flag flapped in the wind, both Dash and Wildfire watching it intently as they kneeled slightly. Spike slowly lowered the flag next, and both Dash and Wildfire leaned back and raised their hind ends. Everything froze, the silence deafening as the soft wind blew in the ears of all the ponies staring down the racers, anticipating the start. Spike stood still, flag lowered to the ground and popper gun held up in the air straight. Both Dash and Wildfire stood just as still, their manes and feathers blowing in the wind, eyes locked on Spike, awaiting his command.


The popper went off with a deafening pop, and not one millisecond passed that both Dash and Wildfire rocketed out of the gate with super athletic reflexes. They both galloped right on by on either side of Spike, the smoke from the gun caught in the stream of gust that blew right by Spike and trialed on them both.

Wildfire began nosing ahead, his longer legs giving him an advantage over Dash. Dash saw it coming, knowing that she wouldn’t win on foot. Though she continued to push harder and over take him, Wildfire pushed back, keeping his lead a definite one, disregarding saving any energy and hoping to gain a demanding lead over Dash. His longer legs could only offer him so much though, and it wasn’t but a few seconds that they were closing in on the cliff.

Just feet from the cliff, Wildfire had already gained about two horse lengths on Dash. He reached the yellow line on the ground, spreading his wings and threw himself over the cliff, bounding out far and away from the cliffs edge. Dash tailed closely behind, slowing herself some and leaping inside Wildfire’s wide arc. The fenced in area, marked by more poles and streamers, stood out to them immediately, and they both dove under the flags lined up along the canyon wall. They picked up speed quickly, gravity taking the aerodynamic pegasi down without restraint.

Dash, wanting an early leg up, dared to accelerate, her speed picking up radically as she skimmed the rough, rocky surface of the canyon wall. She passed Wildfire, blowing on by and flipping acrobatically over him, taking the lead and reaching the canyon floor with a huge velocity. They each soared through the last of the flags, pulling up sharply and leveling out, a slight amount of vapor coming off of their wings as they fought against gravity to pull away from the ground. A judge at the bottom of the canyon passed them as ok in their rapid decent.

They both continued on, Dash hanging slightly ahead of Wildfire in their race through Ghastly Gorge.