• Published 18th Jan 2014
  • 1,476 Views, 13 Comments

A Canterlot Rebellion - Minds Eye

Rainbow Dash walks the path of a hero to free Canterlot from the changeling occupation.

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Chapter 5: Hope


"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash tried to jump back, but only succeeded in rolling over in bed. She struggled with the sheets before managing to push them off. She glared back into Fluttershy's eyes, just inches from her face moments ago.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I didn't mean to startle you. I was just trying to figure out how to wake you up."

"Giving some pony a heart attack isn't the best way! What's so important?"

"I just think you should see this."

"See what? Turn the light on. Or open the curtains at least."

"Rainbow...they are open."

Now that she mentioned it, there was a slight orange glow illuminating Fluttershy's face, probably from the street lights below. But that wasn't enough. The full moon should be bright enough to let her make out all of Fluttershy that close to the window. The dots connected in her head. She jumped off the bed to look outside. The moon was gone!

The two ponies locked eyes. Fluttershy looked confused as Rainbow smiled wide. "Rainbow, what...what's going on?" Rainbow zipped past her and out of the bedroom. She stumbled through the dark hallways of the unfamiliar house, banging into walls and furniture in her rush to the hole. Flying up to the roof, Rainbow scanned the skyline.

Changelings were high in the air, still on the lookout for green bolts of magic. A few stubborn stars still burned above them. There were no clouds. Rainbow wheeled around. Fluttershy was standing there, and behind her was a distant glow in the horizon. Fluttershy turned to follow Rainbow's stare. She fell down and buried her face in her hooves. Rainbow went to her side and lied down as well, wrapping a wing around Fluttershy's shoulders.

Fluttershy looked at her with a tear in her eye and a small smile on her face. "Did Applejack tell her to do this? Can she do this?"

Rainbow shook her head. "Do I look like a unicorn?" Her voice was soft. She didn't expect this.

The glow slowly brightened. At times it seemed to dim, as if it was unsure of itself. Rainbow lost track of how long the two of them stayed there watching, waiting, hoping. At last, the golden face of the sun showed itself and started moving on its long path across the sky. A new day began. Fluttershy cried. Rainbow Dash laughed. All of Canterlot came alive.

They could hear doors opening. Hooves pounded the streets. Voices were raised in laughter and joy. Rainbow stood and pulled Fluttershy up with her. "C'mon. It's time we got to work."

Fluttershy couldn't believe her ears. "Now?"

Rainbow walked to the edge of the roof and waved for Fluttershy to follow. They saw colts and fillies running in the streets, finally stretching their legs after days of staying inside. Stallions and mares celebrated with any pony they saw. "You see that Fluttershy? Spitfire always says that you can plan a routine, train for a race, prepare yourself anyway you want. But whatever show you're trying to put on, there comes a time when you just have to give the ponies what they want. These ponies were waiting for a reason to cheer. Let's keep giving it to them."


Changelings flooded into the city from the castle. An uneasy peace went with them. Ponies watched them move through the streets from a respectful distance. Two ponies followed them through the day on the rooftops. Gray cloaks covered their golden armor from the rays of the sun. One kept her eyes on the sky; the other tracked the changeling horde. Rainbow Dash noted a group of five separating from the pack. She tapped Fluttershy's shoulder and the two ponies changed direction to follow them.

"Fluttershy, I have a good feeling about this." Her voice was muffled by the black cloth wrapped around her face, tied around the back of her head. "I haven't seen a single pony run away from them. I think they're sick of hiding." Rainbow ran ahead before Fluttershy could respond. She saw an intersection ahead of the changelings and wanted to check it out. There were ponies crowding all four corners, sharing food at a cafe, passing out supplies from general stores. Plenty of witnesses, the fewest soldiers she'd seen today, and there were several escape routes. She couldn’t ask for more.

"I think you're looking forward to this." Fluttershy finally caught up to her, panting from the exertion.

"I'm in the mood for a flank kicking, yeah. This can work. The more we keep them focused here, the faster Luna can get ready. Now you remember the signals, right?"

Fluttershy nodded. "One long whistle from me means more of them are coming. Three circles with your tail means I get ready. Making an X with your front hooves means we get away."

"That's right." Rainbow looked down the street. The five changelings were just entering the city square. She looked at Fluttershy as she started removing her cloak. "I'm ready. Get down."

Fluttershy lied down to stay out of sight. She pulled her own mask up and over her face. "Good luck."

Rainbow Dash snorted and let her cloak fall off of her. She spread her wings and stood tall on the edge of the roof. The scene in the square was becoming chaotic. The changelings were forcing their way through a crowd of ponies. The ponies backed off, but Rainbow could hear voices crying out insults. Black horns glowed green and the voices grew louder. It was time.

She let herself drop, holding her wings steady to glide down. Every pony stopped talking when she landed behind the changelings. They backed away as the changelings turned to face their new challenger. Rainbow smiled as they formed a line against her. Predictable. She took off to her right the moment she saw their horns glow again. Their blasts flew by harmlessly as she circled around them.

They were single file now. She charged ahead in a reckless blitz. The first ducked. The next dove out of the way. She grabbed the third, pushing him and barreling over the last two. Rainbow stopped and pulled him back. She drove her left hind knee into his midsection, then raised and slammed down her right front hoof on his temple. He fell as she took off to avoid blasts from the first two. They followed her into the air.

Rainbow dodged and rolled while making her way to a light post, the changelings close behind. She grabbed it as she passed and pulled herself into a ball, swinging around like a slingshot and kicking her first follower. The ponies went wild at her acrobatics. The changeling dropped like a rock as his partner froze in mid air. Rainbow Dash soaked in the adulation and her opponent's panic as she slowly flew towards him.

"Look out!"

She completely forgot the other two. They grabbed her from below and pulled her down. Rainbow twisted and kicked, but they held firm. The third landed in front of her with a snarl. She had been here before.

A glint of gold caught her eye. Fluttershy was standing at the edge of the roof and was ready to fly down. Rainbow shook her head. She wouldn't give up their secret this easily. Besides, she had one more idea.

Rainbow Dash threw her head to the side. She was rewarded with the sound of metal striking bone. The changeling crumpled to the ground and clutched his skull. The one in front of her jumped backwards and lit his horn. Rainbow twisted around to dodge the shot, but instead of aiming for her he fired up towards the sky.

She turned to the changeling still holding her and struck at him with a free hoof. His grip loosened. She grabbed onto him and pivoted, throwing him into the one standing. Rainbow flew up as they fell down. She dove to spike them in the ground. They both rolled out of her way and took off. They were running away!

The crowd of ponies laughed as they fled. Rainbow Dash flew after them before hearing a long whistle. She remembered the one shot to the sky. A signal! Laughter turned to cheers as the ponies copied Fluttershy's whistle. Rainbow quickly looked around and to the sky. How long did she have? She raised her hooves for silence and moved them into an X for an instant.

When she had all their attention she dropped to the ground. "I need all of you to scatter!" Rainbow flew backwards as she spoke, dragging an armored hoof on the street. She moved to the side and moved flew forwards, dragging another hoof. "Tell every pony what you saw here! Their days in Canterlot are numbered!" Rainbow turned and flew away at an angle to scratch one final line in her H. She looked back once and saw looks of amazement on every face. Some watched her fly while others read her letter in the street. If that didn't get those ponies talking she didn't know what would.

Fluttershy was not on the roof, but Rainbow's cloak was. Its hood pointed to one side. Rainbow grabbed it and jumped off that side, putting the building between her and the ponies. Fluttershy was waiting at the bottom and helped Rainbow pull the cloak back over her armor. They ran down the alley as shouts and hoof steps thundered from the square. More changelings had arrived.

The two pegasi pulled down their masks before they exited the alley and mingled with a crowd of ponies, walking farther and farther away from the scene. They did not stand out amid all the clothing of Canterlot. Rainbow Dash was shaking with excitement. "Did you see that, Fluttershy? Did you see that?! That was perfect! And did you see their faces when I drew the H? Message received!"

"H? What H?"

That's right, she told Fluttershy to leave before her speech. "Remember that book you gave me? The one about the good fox that guarded the hen house from the Timberwolves? He carved a symbol to warn off his enemies. I thought I might do the same."

"So we're done? We can go home now?" Fluttershy sounded hopeful.

Rainbow shook her head. "No way. There are still a lot of them out here. We don't even know why they're out here. Besides, three knocked out guards won't scare them very much."

Fluttershy was quiet for a moment. "But I'm scared..."

Of course she was. But what was she scared of? "I told you we'd have to fight them when you decided to stay. Besides, I didn't even need you against that gang."

Fluttershy paused again. Her voice dropped to a frightened whisper. "They caught you."

"Yeah, but they couldn't hold me, could they?" The two walked on. The scene on the street was similar to the corner they just left. Ponies socialized, asking about friends and relatives elsewhere in the city, while shops opened up to the public. One conversation caught Rainbow's attention.

"One of the Royal Guards I think! The pegasus wore that gold armor of theirs." Rainbow fell in step behind the pair of earth stallions to hear more. "It might have even been a mare. The voice was muffled a little bit."

"One mare? One mare fought off five of these things?"

"It MIGHT have been a mare. Anyway, whoever it was scratched an H in the street before they took off."

The other was quiet for a second. "H? And you said they wore black and gold?"

"Hurricane! Some pony is fighting back as Hurricane!"

Rainbow stopped and looked back at Fluttershy, grinning with smug satisfaction. "Did you hear all that? Don't you remember what I said this morning? This is how we can help every pony. This will buy time for-” Shadows flew by on the pavement. Voices on the street fell as the changelings passed overhead. Round 2.


"Rainbow, please wait-” Too late. Rainbow shook off her cloak and launched herself after the group. Fluttershy ducked to gather the cloak and to get out of sight. She raced into an alley so she could fly to a rooftop unnoticed. The sound of a crash followed her. The battle was on the street by the time Fluttershy could see it again. A small group stood against Rainbow now, one of their members already unconscious on the street. A larger one was circling around behind them.

Fluttershy watched in awe as Rainbow Dash fought with the changelings. Of all her friends, Rainbow Dash always seemed more alive when she was in motion, when she was taking on a challenge, and this was no exception. She made it look easy.

One guard tried to fight her toe-to-toe. Rainbow twisted to let one of his blows strike her armored chest. He cried out in pain and was finished with a punch.

Rainbow jumped in the air to avoid a bolt of magic. She somersaulted towards her attacker and brought both front hooves crashing down on his head.

A third charged forward to grab her. Rainbow rolled back with the impact, raised her hind legs between them, and threw him into a wall.

Fluttershy forced herself to look away and check for the skies and streets for more changelings. The large pack making a landing were the only ones she saw. Rainbow Dash stood alone, a silent challenge. The sudden battle had scattered the other ponies.

Rainbow Dash was outnumbered. Her element of surprise was gone. Fluttershy waited for her signal for a distraction. And waited. And waited. She watched in disbelief as Rainbow charged forward to attack. What was she thinking?! More importantly, what was Fluttershy supposed to do? Her knees started shaking as Rainbow Dash was enveloped by the black of the changeling bodies. An instant later Rainbow took off and swooped down on the mob like a bird of prey, knocking out the only one that tried to follow her up.

Fluttershy jumped across rooftops as cheers issued from the buildings below. No pony else could do what Rainbow Dash was doing. Even outnumbered and with no magic ability her speed and agility were enough to keep all the changelings off balance. She lashed out and took down another one with every pass. But it had to be taking a toll. Rainbow would need to catch her breath. Fluttershy had to be ready whenever Rainbow needed her.

A loud crack sounded from the street. Rainbow Dash was frozen in mid-air. One changeling was hovering next to her. Another blow sent her down in a heap. Fluttershy winced as Rainbow stood up, took flight, and collapsed to the street again. She was hurt.

A bolt of magic from the remaining mob knocked a recovering Rainbow down a third time. The changeling in the air wasted no more time pressing his advantage. Rainbow tried to fight him off and was able to get back on her feet.

Panic was rising in Fluttershy's heart. Now was the time to help. But the last time Rainbow was in trouble she shook her off. What should she do?! What could she do? Her fear grew with every heartbeat, every strike between the fighters. Rainbow Dash was right. She didn't belong here. Applejack wouldn't hesitate like this. And there was still no signal from Rainbow Dash!

Two more changelings flew towards the fight with some substance stretching between them. It was the same green material she saw in the throne room on the wedding day. The two of them tackled Rainbow Dash and held her to the street as the slime covered her. Fluttershy held her breath as Rainbow fought back. She struggled and twisted and turned and was finally able to free herself before the slime hardened. Her enemies gave her no time to rest. The three of them grabbed her and threw her through a glass window. They followed that by firing random blasts after her.

That was it. Rainbow Dash needed her help. Fluttershy had a promise to keep. She took off, her wings beating the air as she flew over the heads of the changelings below. Her armor hindered her movement. Fear took hold of her again as the reality of the situation sapped her courage. She could barely fly. How could she possibly win against them if Rainbow Dash couldn't? This armor was so heavy and...that was it! Her wings snapped back to her sides and she began to fall. Her fear was replaced by the instinct that years of crashing practice taught her. Fluttershy curled up, closed her eyes, and braced for impact.

She landed with a dull thud and, as she hoped, she didn't feel a thing. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see that a now unconscious changeling broke her fall. The two standing on either side of her jumped back with a scream. Wild cheers again broke out again from the surrounding buildings. What now? Every pony was watching her. The other two guards would collect themselves soon. What did she do now? She couldn't be Fluttershy. She couldn't afford to be scared and intimidated. If she let them past her a wounded Rainbow Dash would be all theirs.

The answer came to her. She had to be Hurricane. Fluttershy mustered all the attitude and pizzazz she could and flew back up into the air to strike a pose. She made sure to spread her wings wide for the changeling to see. It didn't matter that they saw her fall earlier. It didn't matter that they had her on the ropes. Hurricane took their best shot and was ready for more.

It worked! The remaining changelings took off in a rush. Fluttershy watched them flee and saw ponies enter the street to take their place. Several shouts of "Hurricane!" filled the air. Fluttershy trembled as the rest picked up the chant. She needed Rainbow Dash for this part of the act. Rainbow Dash!

The crowd slowly stopped the chant as Fluttershy dove into the broken window. The interior was devastated by the barrage of magic from the changelings. Shards of glass, broken furniture, and pieces of the walls were scattered on the floor. Rainbow Dash's head poked out from around a hallway corner. "Did you remember the H?"


"Ah!" Rainbow Dash gasped as Fluttershy's hooves sunk into her wing. The pain evaporated as Fluttershy slowly pushed and pulled back and forth. Rainbow let out a long sigh while her wing relaxed under Fluttershy's touch. She was lucky not to have broken it in her fall. A pony's full weight behind a solid metal chest plate landing on top of it could have done that. Even without a break the pain was bad enough that she needed Fluttershy's help to remove all her gear. And so here she was, lying on the bed, Fluttershy massaging away her injury.

"Does it feel better yet?"

"Oh yeah. Where in Equestria did you learn this?"

"At the spa. You really should join us there someday."

Rainbow Dash might consider it. This felt amazing. Fluttershy finished and Rainbow stood, stretching and flapping her wing to test it. "Good as new. That's two I owe you today. Thanks."

"You don't owe me anything. Why don't you rest for now? I'll get something to eat for dinner." Fluttershy walked out of the bedroom and turned back with a start. "Oh! Why don't we eat on the roof? We can watch the sunset together."

Rainbow could see the shadows growing longer out of the window. When would Chrysalis leave for Shining Armor? "I'll have to pass. Twilight is expecting me soon."

"What?" Rainbow could see the shock in Fluttershy's eyes without looking at her. "You're going out there again?"

"Yeah. I'll have time to talk to her now. I can find out more about Rarity and Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash started making her way down to the first floor. Fluttershy followed her. "She might have a new target for us too. We did great today, but we're not done yet. And maybe she can give me an idea how to talk to AJ and Luna again? I haven't figured that one out yet."

"Should I come with you? I mean, I know I'm not Applejack, but I don't want you out there alone."

"I won't be fighting. I won't even wear the cloak. They might be looking for a pony dressed up now instead of Rainbow Dash. I'll just sneak in and sneak out like last time."



"Pinkie Pie swear?"

Ugh, she almost dodged it. Her hoof was right on the door knob. Only for her..."Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I won't pick any fights without you to back me up."

Fluttershy smiled and turned back. "Thank you Rainbow Dash. I think I'll look around the house again while you're gone. Maybe I can find something helpful."

She helped enough already. Fluttershy took care of their food, helped pull off the Hurricane deception, saved her flank from the bad guys, and fixed up her wing. Could any of the others have done all that? Could Rainbow do all that alone? "Hey Fluttershy?"


"Thank you. I'm glad you stayed here with me."