• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 1,014 Views, 1 Comments

A Chaotic Adjustment - OverThoughtBrony

Sometimes the only thing that can stop evil is acceptance.

  • ...

Joseph's Journal


..Joseph's Journal..

Ponyville, Equestria; January 19, 2017 (3:17am)

A large and glowing green 7; the foot of the seven was right in front of the purple unicorn, only about ten feet away. The head of the seven was more than one hundred feet away from the unicorn. Her confused face was illuminated by the light that the number emitted. Twilight Sparkle looked around. “What is this?” she asked, backing away. She faced the seven, squinting to see across it. She spotted the silhouette of a... pony? Yes, it was definitely a pony, standing at the far end of the seven. A clear male voice spoke from the stallion, “Accept… accept me... please?"

Twilight woke with a start, shaking her head groggily. The recurring dream was very irritating; she had been having it periodically for years. She was in her library and had fallen asleep on the floor, a few books scattered in front of her. One of her late-night studies... and she fell asleep… again. I need to drink more coffee, thought Twilight. She looked down wearily at the book she had rested her head on.

The book was unfamiliar... wait no, that’s right, she remembered now; Rainbow Dash found this book in her mail box and with no return address. She didn't feel like reading it (seems Rainbow will only read Daring Do) so she handed it over to Twilight earlier that day so she could figure out what it was about. It was old and covered in leather binding with crackling yellow pages. The book glowed purple as she closed it with her magic to put it back onto the bookshelf when the cover caught her eye again. The cover had a little green star with golden wings centered on the bottom and at the top was golden and scribbled text, reading Elements of Harmony. A single large green number covered the rest of the book’s leather cover; 7.

Joseph R. Harris JOURNAL 8 YEARS AGO (Earth)…
September 9, 2009

I grew up in a small town in Florida, and didn’t talk to people with the exception of my brother and parents. I was mute until one day when I was seven and my dad had brought me to a flight simulator at an Air Force training base. When I started the simulation, I noticed a recruiter had walked up to watch me and while I was flying, I had started talking to him. I remember landing the plane safely and turning around to see me parents’ shocked faces.

I always liked the idea of flying through the sunny Florida skies with large, feathered wings. It is a bit far-fetched now that I think about it, but I was only a little kid at the time. I grew up in a military family; my dad was in the Air Force before he transitioned to the Army. They used to call him “High-speed” and it stuck with him into the Army. He wasn’t home much but when he was, he was actually a great father.

After I joined middle school, the music teacher saw me walking through the hallway and tried to convince me to join band. I was reluctant but after continuous and thorough persuasion, he convinced me to join. The band in where I learned how to play stringed instruments, the piano and the trombone. I could only play one wind instrument; I was never good with them. I was actually better at singing and percussion based instruments, although I didn’t really plan to use singing or any other music in my career; it was only a hobby. Also, I have been trying to persuade my parents to go to Australia but they wont listen… I’ve always wanted to go.
I am in 8th grade right now and 13 years old. My brother, Mark, made me write in this thing. –Joseph H.

October 12, 2011

My name is Joseph Randy Harris and I am currently 15 years old. I am still in band and I decided to write in this journal because I got bored. I also like the television series My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic now. You see, I was on YouTube, looking up videos of planes reaching and breaking the sound barrier. When I searched the phrase ‘sonic boom’, I scrolled down and my phone accidentally selected a video captioned ‘Sonic Rainboom’ and because I've never heard of it before, I watched it. It got me curious so I looked in the related videos and saw it was a clip from the show, so I started watching from the beginning and it is a GREAT show. Apparently guys who like the show are called bronies which is a combination of the words 'bro' and 'pony'.

April 17, 2013

Wow, I forgot about this journal. I found it when my older brother Mark tipped over my dresser. I must have hidden it there. Well anyway, I was forced by him to tell my family about me being a brony. They really didn’t care much so I don’t mind. Rainbow Dash is now my favorite character… well actually she’s been my favorite from the beginning. The others are equally my second favorite which a couple of my brony friends say is odd but oh well. Something happened last night; I had a dream that I was sitting at the head of a giant seven and was asking someone to accept me. I don't know why I would ask for someone to accept me... anyway what was even weirder was the fact that I saw six people... except they weren't people. They were the mane six from My Little Pony. They were spaced evenly, spread in front of me; from left to right it was Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy... they all had the same confused expression. I’ve seen that in dreams before, when I was a small child which is odd because Friendship is Magic didn't exist at the time so It gives me an odd feeling.

Meanwhile in Ponyville (3:17pm)

Rainbow Dash was flying through the air, practicing her signature moves above a hill near the outskirts of Ponyville. While she did this, Pinkie Pie was sitting below, watching her cyan friend maneuver through the clouds. Twilight walked up the hill to watch Rainbow Dash with her.

"Hi Twilight!" Exclaimed Pinkie, greeting her friend with a bright smile.

"Hey, Pinkie.." Twilight replied, yawning and forcing a tired smile.

“You okay Twilight?” Asked the pink pony, raising a concerned brow.

“I’m fine, Pinkie. Just had a bad night.”

It was true, she could not sleep very much, for when she finally went to sleep, a disturbingly familiar dream had entered her mind. She had a dream that there was a large green seven on the ground with her at the foot, and with a stallion at the head. She could barely make out the wings on his back as he asked her to accept him. She didn't know who it was, but the voice seemed familiar, like a childhood memory. She might have had this dream before but she was currently too tired to remember. She looked up at Rainbow Dash. Was it just her or did Rainbow look tired as well? Oh well, Twilight thought, probably just imagining it...

June 27, 2013

It’s my birthday today, turned 17. Didn’t really get anything but I’m fine with it. I’m graduating in a year and I know that my senior year is going to be easy, so I’m ready for it. I started training for the Air Force but Dad won’t tell me anything about the Air Force. I heard of an Air Force Special Operations unit, it seems interesting… I’ve also been thinking about mechanics lately. I have designed some new flying machines but I don’t know if they would work.

June 15, 2014

I graduated last night. I haven’t written in this thing for a long while, but I have been busy. I have built this little machine that can fly into the air using a propeller and after it reached a certain altitude, the propeller then falls off and the machine goes into a nose-dive and pulls up at the last minute by shooting off and reading high-frequency noises. I have even figured out this machine that can reduce Gs forced on a human’s neck and brain. I’m also joining the Air Force next week.

June 24, 2014

Joined the Air Force today and MEPS (military entrance processing station) was interesting. I can’t wait to go to Airmen Training and start flying, I wonder what my nickname will be... I’m going to see if I can make a fighter-jet version of Rainbow Dash’s tricks from the earlier seasons, with the exception of the Buccaneer Blaze of course; they didn’t really show it so yeah. The sonic rainboom would be cool to learn but I think humans can only break the sound barrier, not make colors in the process.

November 1, 2014

I got my ship-date! I just got done with the college today and I am going to BCT next month. I had the dream again last night.

Meanwhile in Ponyville (11:21pm)

Walking home from one of Pinkie's random parties, Fluttershy was deep in thought. She was glad that the party was able to get the dream out of her head; the same dream she has been having for half a year.
When she arrived at her cottage, she walked in, wished Angel a good night, walked up stairs and went to bed.
She was too tired to worry, she just closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

December 23, 2014

I am in the middle of basic right now, MLP has been helping me through after a friend of mine died; it’s a long story. I’ve also been having the dream again. I have had it several times since I got here… and each time, I take a small step closer and staying there for a few more dreams, I ask for them to accept me. Anyway, I should get some sleep.

Meanwhile in Ponyville (6:39pm)

Rarity was sitting at a desk, working on an order from Lyra who had a formal concert the following night in Canterlot. Lyra had ordered a mint-green and white dress (although Rarity instead chose a shining silver, for she thought it would look better), with a gold lyre design. She wasn’t very specific about how she wanted the design.

"I want it green and white like my mane," she said, flipping her main to show Rarity with a grin, "I also want it to have a Lyre somewhere on it,” pointing her hoof to emphasize.

Rarity was glad with work here lately. Her clients never really cared about the details, but it let her use her imagination, creativity, and personal touch. It was a good opportunity for bigger and more important figures in fashion to notice her, even though not many have popped up after Hoity Toity… with the exception of Photo Finish who had been interested in her attire but in the end completely ignored her and basically forced her friend Fluttershy to become a model.

While deep in thought, she absentmindedly grabbed the wrong shade of green, choosing a slightly darker green. She hesitated and stared at the marker.

This color…, thought Rarity as she laid her tired head on her hoof, supporting her foreleg with the desk’s clean surface. She turned the marker in her hand, staring at it further. She took it and drew a seven on a separate sheet of paper. The same thing she had seen in her dreams… and that stallion she saw moving closer with every few of the same dream. His lost voice played back in her head, Accept… accept me... Please? A shiver rolled down her spine. She didn’t know what the recurring dream meant… She just wished it would go away…

March 3, 2015

I’m done with Basic and flight school as of yesterday; I got my wings. My buddies from training want to get me to join a flying group that they made which is a bit like the Blue Angels but I don’t know; don’t have the money right now for a plane, let alone a fighter-jet. The dream has been coming once a week now.

March 18, 2015

My buddies, Johnny “Hype” Ford and Fred “Streaks” Anderson are the guys who wanted me to join their flying group. They actually bought me a fighter jet; it’s green with a grey stripe running along the sides and down the wings. We’re re-painting it so it fits into the group colors so I’m excited. John and Frey started calling me Jet Stream after I was offered a job with the Special Operation Command. The commanding officer even called me “the best in my unit”. I went ahead and accepted it.

April 20, 2015

Streaks and Hype were offered the job too apparently; they joined as well. We are getting deployed later to Canada this week, although they won’t tell me what for. The dream has still been occurring once a week.

Meanwhile in Ponyville (7:24pm)

Mr. and Mrs. Cake were off in Canterlot to help Pony Joe with a very large donut order from the Gryphon lands in the north, so Pinkie was at the shop by her self, taking care of the few orders while also taking care of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake.

After closing the bakery, Pinkie turned the 'open' sign to 'closed' and went to the babies’ room. Inside, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake were sound asleep so Pinkie went to her room and lay down in her bed.

The usually hyper pony was strung out after a long day of hyperactive babies and baking but she was a bit scared to fall asleep. She was used to weird dreams, but never recurring ones… especially ones that happened once a week. The dream started to play back in her mind but she shook her head to keep it from invading her thoughts.

Regardless of her worries, Pinkie slowly closed her tired eyes and went to sleep.

January 20, 2016

I have been deployed for almost a year. I don’t know where I am; just somewhere in Eastern Canada, near Toronto. I woke up to a large hole in my cabin's wall and neither of my men in sight. I will have to leave this place and dispose of this book. This is my last entry, for I have to leave and I don't want anything in this book to give me away or tie me to any locations of which I will be hiding. I am Airmen First Class Joseph "Jet-Stream" Harris of the United Stated Air Force Special Operations Command, good bye.