• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,227 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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64 vs. Marcus

Chapter 9

Ghost POV

Loud music blared through the Night Club I was in, a steady bass beating throughout everyone in the dance floor. Now hooves down in Griffon Kingdom, my first order of business was to find a lead on the Crystal Dust runners. I was disguised as a Griffon by the name of Fonix, who after being heavily inebriated revealed to me that he was on vacation from Equestria. I stole his identity and put him onto a shipping freighter headed back to Equestria, that way family back home would know he was still alive, and anyone he made contact in Ethaxial wouldn’t question his disappearance.

The Black feathers on my head and Brown feathers on my body were slightly uncomfortable at first, but after a good while of dancing in this Club, they felt natural. I was told by one of the Bouncers that the Griffons I was looking for often frequented this club, so all I had to do was wait and see if they would show tonight. Once I found them, they would lead me to the Diamond Dogs who were running the actual Dust into Equestria, and it would only be a matter of how long before 64 could pound them into the ground after that.

Seeing two Griffons making out in one of the booths made me chuckle, seeing how Princess Luna often discouraged me from coming into places like this to prevent me from seeing things like that. She said that I was still a “colt”, so I needed to spend my time still being one.

In reality Changelings minds often matured way faster than their bodies, so I already knew what procreating entailed. 64 was afraid that I might need to feed using those techniques while here, and not the ones we usually used. I didn’t see myself using them either, but I would if I needed to.

“Hey good lookin, you gonna sit there all day, or are you gonna but this gal a drink?” A raspy feminine voice said from behind me. I turned to see White and Brown feathered Griffon giving me a lustful gaze, as I felt the raw, unadulterated emotion she was giving me.

This mare obviously wanted something, and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to give anything up.

“Sorry, but I’m not here to hook up with some mare. I’m here to meet a friend. How about this? You tell me anything you can about Crystal Dust, and I’ll go ahead and buy you that drink.” I offered, to which the Griffon instantly perked up.

“Oh… you want the stuff right? I know a dealer who can get you any kind you want cheap… Ice Breath, Red Raze, Terror Frenzy? No one in Ethaxial uses it for that namby bamby pony bullshit. Us Griffons know how to really party with it… How about I go show you where the fun really is?”

Jackpot. Find the dealer, move up from there.

“Alright babe, lead the way…”

64 POV

I made my way into the Underground Prison, formally the Underground Labs. My freak-out flashes stopped after a few times of coming down here to interrogate the inmates, but I still had a tingling feeling at the base of my neck. Thankfully the flashes of Blue I began to see subsided shortly after I started to go down the steps, making my way all the way to the G-Floor.

The entire Slava family was all being held on this floor of the Prison, so if Marcus was really planning a jailbreak then he would have to come here. After reaching the correct floor I looked at the designated cells, making sure none of them were compromised. All cells assigned to the Slava Gang were still locked tight, and all prisoners were accounted for.

“Hey fuckface.” A voice coming from the cells said. I turned to look into the cell and saw Dust Charmer through the window, glaring at me.

“Yeah? What do you want?” I asked, not really caring.

“I know why you’re here. You wouldn’t just come and visit little old me. You want something, or rather somepony, right?” Dust said, sneering at me. I squinted at him, suspicious to how he knew.

“How do you know that?”

“Hehe, that little asshole Marcus. He came down here a few minutes before your sorry as showed up. He tried picking the locks to the fucking doors but they wouldn’t budge, so ran off saying he was going to grab some amulet that would help him out or some shit. Something about reversing the gravity so we could bust out through the vents on these tall ass roofs.”

There were ventilation ducts on the roofs of all the cells, mainly because the doors were sealed so tight that air wouldn’t be able to get in. They were set so high that nopony but a Pegasi would be able to get to them, and in that case we had specialized cells with much smaller ducts, too small for a grown pony to fit through.

“Why are you telling me this?” I growled, knowing there was something up.

“I hate that little asshole. Before your ass came into the picture he ratted nearly the entire family out to your pretty fucking princess, telling them what we were up to. I’m guessing that’s when you caught wind of us. The only reason he came here was to bust out his brother, and when Duplex said it was either all of us or no one, Marcus ran off to go get that fucking amulet. I would like to get out of the joint, but I’d rather rot in here rather than have him bust us out.” Dust explained, growling every time he said Marcus’s name.
I had no choice but to believe what he had to say. If Marcus was going to try and get what I think was going to get, then I knew exactly where to go.

“For fucks sake…” I grumbled, running to where I needed to go.

“FLY YOU FUCK FLY!” Dust yelled, cackling loudly as I began to hop over the railings of the stairs.

Celestia took all artifacts that I recovered and put them into a specialized room, made to withhold the magical energy radiating off of the artifacts at all times. A unicorn had to wear a specialized suit in order to not feel frenzied the second they stepped into the room, so even if Marcus managed to get into the Treasury he wouldn’t get very far.

Making my way out of the dungeon looked to the nearest window that could be opened, and saw one next to one of the many stain glass windows adorning all of the walls. I opened it pulled myself outside, seeing the 2 story drop below me. I sent a surge of magic into the suit I was wearing, making me nearly invisible to somepony that wasn’t looking really hard.

In this surge of magic I also activated the charm hanging around my neck, and heard Celestia voice from the other side.

“Yes 64? You needed to contact me?” She asked, obviously a bit hushed.

“Yeah, I just talked to Dust Charmer in the Underground Prison. He says Marcus went down there to try and bust out his brother, but he couldn’t break open the Cell. He’s going to try and get the Reverse Gravity Amulet from the Treasury, so I’m en route to intercept him. Have guards on full watch around the Dungeon exits, and a few stick by the Elements of Harmony. With them here I would rather be safe than sorry.” I replied, scaling the walls of the Palace heading up to the Treasury room.

“That would be wise. I’ll send a few more Guards to the Underground Prison, and have a few keep an eye on Twilight and her friends.”

“What was that Princess?” Twilight said, hearing Celestia say her name.

“Oh nothing Twilight. You were saying about the Dragon leaving the cave?” Celestia covered up, as Twilight began to explain. I cut my connection to Celestia as I scaled the wall upwards to the top floor, where the Treasury was located.

I could already feel the vibrations of magic buzzing through the air, so once I opened the window I would need to get in as quick as I can to make sure that Marcus hadn’t already weaseled his way in there.

“Ah Shit… this is gonna suck…” I said, finally reaching the window which would open into the Treasury. I undid the latch and opened the window wide, feeling the sudden rush of magic emanating from the room.

Luckily all it felt like to me was a bit of nausea, and maybe some dizziness, thanks to Super Nova’s magic not being entirely benign. To other unicorns it would burn like a fire in the pit of their stomachs, and the only cure was to have the magic flushed out of the body by extremely advanced medical spells. I wasn’t able to perform regular medical spells, but due to the fact it was a magic which flushed out other kinds of magic, all I would need to do is retract my magic when the spell was done.

A bit complicated but effective nonetheless.

I swung myself into the room and swiveled my head around, and was shocked to see what was standing before me. Marcus stood in front of the deposit box which held the Reverse Gravity Amulet, with no protective clothing on. He stood steadily on his 4 hooves, unwavering as he opened the deposit box and pulled out the Reverse Gravity Amulet, its Blue Downward Arrow shimmering brightly.

“I knew you were going to come for me… Like you did for my entire family…” Marcus whispered, his back still turned to me.

I didn’t answer, knowing I had to get that Amulet out of his hoof.

“Barrier Shield.” I muttered, closing the window and releasing a large pulse of magic, not allowing him to escape or use the full effects of the Amulet.

“Look, you can go down easy. You haven’t done anything seriously wrong here. I can escort you out of this Palace, and the out of Canterlot, and then let you go. You wouldn’t be in any trouble. Or you can do the exact opposite, and get locked up with the rest of the Slava gang. Your choice.” I said, wanting to see what he would do.

Neither of us moved, so I decided to make the first move. I lunged forward at him, but before I even made it halfway, he did a backflip into the air, and activated the Amulet. It went from a Blue Downward Arrow to an Orange Upward Arrow, and I felt everything suddenly go upside down, literally.

I was pulled from my feet and started flying towards the ceiling head first, colliding with it and falling onto my back. I quickly tried to pull myself onto my feet, but the vertigo I was undergoing got the best of me, and I only got up to my hands and knees.

“The Slava family has kept this Amulet for over 5 decades. It’s passed from Leader to Leader. Although I chose not to become the new Figurehead of the Slava’s, this was our family heirloom, and I won’t let some disgusting 2 legged creature ruin my family.” Marcus said, kicking me in the side as I struggled to get up.

Now regaining my sense of balance I pushed myself up back onto my hands and knees, now moving on getting up.
I saw Marcus’s punching come at me and reached out to catch it, blocking it and pulling it towards me. I brought my forehead forward and collided it with his, causing him to stumble backwards and shake his head. I stood up and quickly looked around the room, seeing the deposit boxes and desks which were neatly organized now scattered everywhere due to the change in gravity.

Marcus sent a bolt of lightning at me, and I quickly conjured a Longsword to deflect it. I rushed at him with the sword, taking swings at him as he jumped back and started to dodge. Eventually he ran out of space to move and growled, pulling out the Amulet once again and diving at my feet. My first reaction was to jump up and slash downwards at my feet, but the Amulet’s magic once again filled the room and I was sent flying upwards, once again crashing into the ceiling as the many deposit boxes fell around me.
Marcus landed gracefully on the floor, obviously having experience in using the Amulet.

“Allow me to leave peacefully and I promise I will make your death a bit less painless.” Marcus spat, as I quickly regained my footing and dispelled the sword in my hand. Instead I channeled magic to my eyes and focused on Marcus, trying to replicate his movements next time he tried to activate the amulet.

“Like hell I would just let you walk out of here. The only way you are going get out of here is in a body bag!” I yelled, throwing a bolt of fiery magic at Marcus who ducked down to dodge. Marcus then decided to go on the offensive and charged at me with a dagger in his mouth, making me wonder why he wasn’t using magic to levitate it.

Instead of thinking any longer I charged as well, sliding last second underneath Marcus who sliced down at me. As the blade grazed my cheek, I planted my feet onto Marcus’s stomach, launching him upwards towards the ceiling.

He and the ceiling collided, and I quickly reacted as he began his descent. I rolled out of the way of his falling body, and quickly roundhouse kicked him while he was in midair, causing his body to go sailing towards the wall.

“You’re not much of a fighter are you? You seem to be more of a mage. How the hell would you know Alicorn Magic spells?” I asked him as he lay on the floor, groaning at his new set of broken ribs.

“Those Nightmare Spells… were nothing…” He wheezed out, holding his side. “I learned those as a mere colt, learning under my bastard of my father with my brother… I was more adept in Alicorn Magic, mimicking its properties perfectly, while my brother failed to understand the mere concepts.”

I had enough of his monologue, only wanting to know who taught him. I made my way to him with a dagger brandished in my hand, ready to kill him while he was down.

Marcus had other ideas though, activating the Amulet and sending the both of us rocketing towards the ceiling. Seeing him flip in mid-air I did the same, landing on one knee with one fist hitting the ground. I felt a hard buck kick me square in the jaw, sending me onto my back. I rolled backwards as quickly as I could, seeing a relatively unhurt Marcus now rushing at me with the same Dagger in his mouth, now shimmering with purple magic.

Forming 3 knives in my right hand I threw them at his hooves, 2 hitting their marks and stabbing cleanly into the legs, and the last slicing the outside skin. He stumbled but didn’t fall like I wanted him to, grunting as he jumped up towards me. I brandished a sword and blocked his incoming strike, sweeping his hooves from underneath him with a quick kick of his two front hooves. I stabbed down at his prone body but he rolled away quickly, jumping to his hooves.

I saw the injuries to his front hooves start to slowly close up, making me growl at his abilities.

We stood on the ceiling apart from each other, wait for one of us to make a move. It was obvious any injury I would inflict on him would just heal, and if I was about to make the mortal strike he would just use the Amulet to throw me off balance and send us in the opposite direction.

I saw the Amulet light up as I turned around and ran towards the wall, running down as Gravity shifted to its normal state. I continued running once I hit the floor to see Marcus gracefully land, before I launched myself at him with two Tomahawks in both hands.

He saw me lunging at him as he once again activated the Amulet, jumping in the air towards the ceiling. I felt myself now launching towards the wall, going upwards to towards the ceiling. I flipped midair so my back hit the wall and I slid ‘up’ towards the ceiling, once again shooting to my feet and running at Marcus.

He could now see that the sudden shifts in Gravity no longer fazed me, and was starting to become worried. His eyes steeled as he entered my range for attack, and I saw the dark purple charge of Alicorn Magic ignite in his horn.

He sent a bolt towards me, but I sidestepped and swung a Tomahawk into his face, getting a clean slice across his right eye and cheek. He screamed out in pain as he pushed a hoof into his new injury, causing blood to stain his appendage.

I smirked knowing it would take a while before he would be able to weasel out of that injury, so I decided it was time to end him.
“Alright Marcus, time for you to go to sleep.” I said, bringing the Tomahawks over my head as I prepared to bring them down onto his head.

“YOU WILL NOT!” Marcus yelled, his eyes being filled with the Dark Alicorn Magic and turning to me, blood dripping down his face and neck. I was paralyzed by the gaze that was digging into my very core, freezing me in my tracks as the weapons in my hands dispelled, and a flash of blue filled my vision.

I stumbled backwards as I felt Marcus buck me in the stomach, sending me to the wall. I cleared my eyes and saw he had thrown his dagger at me, narrowly missing as I moved my head last second. I wasn’t about to let this bitch take off running.

“Magical Barrier’s all have time limits. All I have to do is wait out the timer and I’ll be out of here.” Marcus said, growling as blood dripped down his chin from his destroyed eye. I got up and shook the pain of his kick to my stomach off, ready to use his new blind spot to my advantage.

“You aren’t gonna be alive long enough to do that.” I said, seeing something glint in the corner of my eye. A sword by that name of Chaos, said to be forged by Discord himself, laid on the floor next to me, obviously tossed around due to the random shifts in Gravity.

I picked it up and felt its weight, feeling comfortable in my hand. The constant stream of magic in this room was starting to fuck with my magic due to prolonged exposure, and I would need a weapon for now.

“What, that little butter knife is supposed to do something to me?” Marcus taunted. I grinned and held the sword out.

“Yeah, it’s gonna put you 6 feet under!” I yelled, charging at Marcus who took a few steps backwards. I felt myself leave the ground as Gravity once again shifted, sending the two of us back towards the ground.

I was still charging at him and we collided in mid-air, me landing on top of him. I brought Chaos up to chop down onto his head, but once again we left the ground, sailing up towards the ceiling.

“For fucks sake! Enough with that shit!” I yelled as I gripped the Amulet around Marcus’s neck, who brought his head up to try and impale me with his horn. I pulled the Amulet as hard as I could, but Marcus was continuously channeling magic through it, sending us up and down while we were still midair.

I began to get incredibly dizzy as I began to send my fist into Marcus’s stomach over and over, dropping Chaos sometime while crazily flipping through the air. The Amulet just wouldn’t budge, no matter how hard I pulled and tugged at it. Having enough of this shit of randomly flipping through the air, I pushed Marcus away from me, hearing him land with a thud on the ceiling.

I followed shortly after, landing with Chaos next to me.

Due to my incredible dizziness and Marcus’s inability to move yet, we both stayed laying on the ceiling, groaning and trying our hardest not to puke.

“I… I don’t get it… the spell I placed you under was supposed to make you relive your greatest nightmare… why didn’t it work...” Marcus said, still groaning and laying down. I didn’t have to think.

She saved me there… I would have been dead if it wasn’t for her

“I don’t have to think about it…” I groaned, standing up and shakily and making my way to Marcus’s incapacitated body. I kicked him in the side of the head to make sure he would stay down, though it wasn’t enough to knock him out.

“I believe this is supposed to be in the possession of The Canterlot Royal Family, not with the son of the Slava gang…” I said, grabbing Chaos and using it to pry The Reverse Gravity Amulet off of Marcus. He made a feeble attempt to try and take it from my hands, but I brought my fist to his horn, snapping it in two.

“AHH! YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Marcus yelled.

“I don’t know… Shura had a pretty damn loud mouth. I would say the real son of a bitch is you.” I said, walking backwards with the Amulet in one hand, and Chaos in the other. I saw something that made me choke down a laugh.

Marcus was attempting his best to try and crawl his way to me. I looked behind him and saw that the red glow indicating that the Magic Barrier was still up was beginning to flicker, and next to the flickering was the window that I used to climb into the Treasury.
I chuckled as the opportunity presented itself with shimmering colors, and I decided to send Marcus out with a bang. I lifted the Amulet to look at the Orange upwards arrow, and charged a small amount of magic into it. I felt the gravity in the room begin to let up, and cut off the magic flow.

“Alright Marcus, I hope you have a nice flight.” I said, to which Marcus looked confused. I overcharged the Amulet with magic and threw Chaos overhanded, sending it spinning forward. The shift in gravity sent everything towards the ground, including Marcus. Chaos was flying so fast that the change in gravity didn’t affect him, as he and Marcus met in midair.

Chaos impaled Marcus through the stomach, sending him flying in the same direction as Chaos was headed. The Barrier shield dispelled as Marcus was sent flying out the window, sending pieces of glass and one dead pony towards the ground below.

I sighed as I heard a loud scream and dead body hit the ground, no doubt making quite a mess. I reached for the charm around my neck, channeling magic into it as I laid on the ground from also sailing to the floor.

“Yo, Celestia. You might get word of this in a few minutes, but Marcus is dead.” I said, sighing as I rubbed the bridge of my nose.

“64! Something is going on in the Underground Prison! I’ve lost contact with all Guards currently assigned to the Prison! Something big is going on but I can’t make a scene!” Celestia yelled through the connection.

My eyes shot open and I forced myself onto my feet already heading out the same window I just sent Marcus through. I grabbed the edge and flung myself over, quickly climbing down the side of the Palace with incredible speed. I had to see what the fuck was going on.

3rd Person POV

A bladed wing feather picked the lock to Shura Slava’s magic negating cell, successfully managing to break it open. She stepped out with a confident smile, looking at the figure that had successfully killed and disposed of every Royal Guard guarding the specialized cells.

“Ah, finally. Free from this idiotic prison. Thank you for your assistance Red Wing.” Shura told the Pegasus known as Red Wing, who did nothing but nod. He proceeded to break open Dust’s, Duplex’s, and Deimos’s cells, but as he was about to open the last one, Shura put her hoof out.

“Leave that scoundrel in his cell. He wants to cross me like that? Leave him to rot in this prison.” Shura said, glaring at the Cell placard.

“Leaving the matriarch of the Slava’s to be locked up? Admirable.” Red Wing growled. “The escape chariot awaits. Follow me.”
Red Wing flapped his large bladed wings as he began to spin at impossible speeds. Everypony else’s horns in the room glowed, ready to perform a teleporting spell. Red Wing finally reached his highest speed and actually managed to teleport along with the Slava’s channeling Pegasi Magic.

They arrived at the edge of Canterlot, just behind the Canterlot Train station. Red Wing hurried to attach himself to the front of the Chariot, being more than capable of transporting the 4 ponies now standing on the large Chariot.

“Hey, you best be thanking me for the help! I managed to get that big lummox to go after that idiot Marcus. He woulda stayed at the Prison and waited for your ass.” Dust said, earning him a smack in the head from Duplex.

“He is not an idiot. He is my brother.” Duplex said with a growl, as Red Wing took off from the ground.

Shining Armor saw the chariot take off, eyes looking through binoculars and seeing who was onboard.

“PEGASI! ATTACK THAT CHARIOT WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!” Shining Armor yelled, charging his horn and preparing to launch a shield spell. The Chariot exploded in a flash of light, though it wasn’t from it being attacked.

“For fucks sake… 64’s gonna go on a fucking killing spree.”

Author's Note:

Hello there! You might notice that the Chapter name is a bit different then usual. Every time there is a plot driving fight the title name will be "64 vs. X". I've been wanting to do this for awhile, so I thought "fuck it".

If you were wondering:


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