• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,232 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 54

Chapter 54

64 POV

"64, wake up. We have to go to the Grand Hall! I've been up since the crack of dawn trying to fix up the plans in any way possible and I've found that there aren't as many cracks that I thought there would be! We have gotta get going right now thought so get you're armor and Security Clothing on right now cause we gotta go!" Frenzy said frantically, waking me up from my slumber. I could feel Luna poking around in my head, but she didn't find anything with a dreamless sleep.

"Alright, alright... give me a few minutes." I groaned, getting out of the bed and cracking my neck. I undressed and put on my armor, along with a pair of dark green combat leggings and my black hooded long sleeve.

"Here! I got ya these too! I figured in a nation going through a blizzard you might need them." Frenzy offered, holding out a pair of dark green cotton gloves. It looked like they were made a bit hastily, but when I slipped them on they didn't feel that bad.

"When did you get these?" I asked, looking at how they looked when I wore them.

"I put in a requisition to the royal tailors here for them. I detailed your hands and approximate sizes and I'd say they did a pretty good job!" Frenzy explained. A buzzing on the intercom in our room alerted us to an incoming call, so Frenzy walked up to it and put a hoof to the answer button.

"Equestria Diplomat Frenzy Scribe here." He said officially, making me chuckle a bit at how ridiculous it sounded.

"In a few moments the automated lock on the door will disengage, allowing you and your bodyguard to leave the room. At this moment you will step out of the room and accompany the small guard detail assigned to you to the Grand Hall." An authoritative voice said on the other side, before a loud buzz indicated the call was cut.

"Well here comes the boring part." I groaned, making sure that my Skeleton Blades were in my wrists and Shock Baton on my waist. Frenzy was putting on his red scholar robes, and putting all of his notes and such into his saddle bags. His silver tongue would be what could save Equestria, so I had a lot of faith in him. "Alright, I'm all ready to go. you ready for this Frenzy?"

Frenzy took in a deep breath, nodding his head with an unsure smile. "Yes, I'm ready." He said confidently, walking up to the door. We waited for maybe 30 seconds, before a click sounded and the Automated lock disengaged. I made sure that I took the first step outside, seeing 4 Gryphon Guards standing at attention in the hallway.

"Follow us to the negotiations. Keep your hooves and hands where we can see them at all times." One of the guards ordered, hefting a Halberd over his shoulder. I eyed the Revolver on his hip wearily. Guns were designed by Gryhpons, and had only recently been imported to Equestria. It seemed as if they were standard issue to all of these Guards though.

"Alright, Frenzy stay in front of me." I instructed, stepping back and letting Frenzy stay in my line of sight. We began walking down the hallways of the Castle, my eyes darting left and right subtly to see anything out of the ordinary. My only job was to keep Frenzy alive, so I was not going to fuck that up.

The Grand Hall was located underneath the Castle, accompanied with dimmer and dimmer hallways as we descended. The gems on the walls were purposefully drained of magic to only illuminate a small section of the room, forcing me to raise my guard. We finally entered a single long hallway, towards a large door which looked like it was made from Iron.

"Alright, open it up." On of the guards said, before there was a hiss, causing the door to slowly swing inwards.

Everyone else was already in the Grand Hall, with Dolus and Novus already standing there next to their respective diplomats. They were all seated in a large circular stone table, but the bodyguards were all standing. Frenzy and I took a step into the room, while the guards behind us stayed on the other side of the door, before it closed us off from the outside. Blackbeak sat in his throne with his cape and crown, with Aurum standing at his side, his Golden Armor not very

"Frenzy Scribe... and Project 64... Now that you two are here, the negotiations can begin. Please, take a seat..." King Blackbeak addressed, the growl behind his voice not hidden from us. Frenzy took the seat directly across from the King, with the Changeling and Zebra diplomats sitting on opposite side of each other as well. I stood to Frenzy's right, magic channeled to my eyes to see in the dark room. "Now then. We are here to negotiate both Peace and Trade Agreements for our respective countries. Since Princess Celestia of Equestria called for this meeting, we will let Frenzy Scribe make the first statement..."

Frenzy was sweating already. The stares from everyone else in the room was starting to get to him, and if he didn't snap out of it soon, it wouldn't look good for us.

"Uh... yes." Frenzy said with a slight whimper, before clearing his throat. "Princess Celestia has called for this meeting in order to find ways to aid in foreign affairs. Such as the famine occurring in this very country."

Blackbeak leaned forward in his Throne. "Are you saying that Princess Celestia doesn't believe I can rule my own Kingdom correctly?" He growled, giving Frenzy a death glare. I could tell the King wasn't really offended, but wanted to intimidate Frenzy so he could swindle him later.

"Nopony is saying anything, let Frenzy continue." I interrupted, trying to shake Blackbeak off of his game. Frenzy was already freaking out, so that didn't do much good.

"Um... y-yes. As Project 64 stated, nopony is making assumptions on how well you can rule your Kingdom. W-We are simply trying to find ways to give aid." Frenzy finished, letting out a deep breath his must have been holding. "N-Now I suggest that we let the Zebras make their statement."

I looked over to Dolus and saw that in the chair next to her, was a male Zebra with a scar from what looked like a blade going from the right side of his forehead, down his nose, to the left side of his cheek. His mane was in a common Mohawk style, and he wore black robes just like Frenzy's.

"My name is Vulnus, speaker for the Zebras of Capras. We are honored that the nation of Ethaxial has accepted us into its borders, and honored that you have accepted into your home, King Blackbeak." the Zebra said, bowing his head respectfully. I noticed that Frenzy was looking around nervously, realizing that he must've forgotten to do the traditional greeting or something. "As you might be aware of, my home is currently enduring one of the worst famines in its entire history. We require land more suitable for farming, in hopes that we may escape from this famine."

King Blackbeak nodded, clasping his claws in front on him on the table it thought. "Very unfortunate indeed. Is that all you have to say so far?" He asked.

Vulnus nodded, "As of right now, yes. The Changelings may now speak."

"Didn't know we needed permission..." Novus said under his breath, but loud enough for all of us to hear. The Changeling diplomat in the seat elbowed Novus in the nose, sending him back groaning in pain.

"You were not addressed to speak hatchling! I apologize for the abrasiveness of my punishment and the disrespectful outburst of this one." The changeling said, narrowing his eyes at Novus. He was wearing dark green robes, and wasn't disguised at all. He really needed to fix his facial expressions, because it looked as if he had a permanent scowl on his face. "My name is Illudere, speaker for the Changelings of Mutarus. My home, although it is not in a dangerous situation, lacks proper homes for its citizens. Without any skilled artisans or craftsponies, we lack the knowledge to build actual homes."

To me... it didn't seem that bad of a problem. But I guess even Changelings were entitled to good homes. Now that the opening statements were done, it was time to start the actual agreements. Of course the problems presented were just the tip of the iceberg. Once the negotiations began, the real problems between the countries would arise.

All it took, was time and pressure.

3rd Person POV

"And cut our lifeline when you see an advantage?! I'd rather align with the Diamond Dogs!"

"No! Then Capras could cut off our supply of coal and oil! It's all set up so that if one country goes back on their agreement, then the other can cut them off as well!"

"Don't forget about this shape-shifting troublemaker! We need that farmland to feed our entire populace! They could sabotage the land and possibly poison us all!"

"Then Equestria would provide support in your struggles! I've been very clear about this!"

64's prediction had been correct. Frenzy came in confidently once it was time to present his plan, complete with a 4 year planner to show how precisely he had thought this out. Of course the sparks started to fly as each of the 3 other nations began to pick and peel his plan apart, pointing out the most minute of mistakes as plans of sabotage.

The Gryphons accused Frenzy that Equestria would give them faulty or even sabotaged gems, no matter how much Frenzy insisted that the Zebras would cut Equestria off. The Zebras were suspicious that the Changelings would give them infertile land, which could make matters even worse in Capras. The Changelings were suspicious that the Gryphons would make buildings which could collapse at the lightest problems, and the nation of Mutarus suffered from constant earthquakes.

Way too much conflict was going on to make any real progress, and 64 saw this.

"If I could make a suggestion..." 64 called out, trying to cut through the arguments. Blackbeak saw this and scowled a bit.

"And what would you have to say that can possibly be beneficial to this conversation?" Blackbeak growled.

"It's obvious that tempers are flaring around here. How you take a recess and cool down a bit before continuing?" Everyone in the room saw the good a short recess could do, and the tension in the room immediately dropped. 64 let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. He was afraid that something might have happened between the diplomats and ruined this entire thing.

"Very well, we shall take a short recess for rest and repose, then continue our negotiations." Blackbeak sighed, before Aurum cleared his throat.

"Permission to request sir?" He called out, looking straight at me for some reason.

"Granted, what is it Aurum?"

"With all due respect towards 64, I request a duel."

Everything went silent for a few moments, Frenzy's eyes widening at the challenge. Dolus and Novus both grinned at the challenge, looking towards 64 to see what he would say.

"I say that a bit of entertainment would do wonders for my aching brain. I would greatly enjoy a battle such as this one." Vulnus chuckled, looking towards 64. "I've heard of your trials and battles, surely you wouldn't back down from a challenge such as this one?"

64 scowled at that, his drive for competition getting the better of him. He looked over to Frenzy, who was shaking his head quickly to discourage him from accepting. This time, he would have to disregard him.

"I accept the challenge. What are your terms?" 64 asked walking forward towards the table and leaning on it with his hands. Aurum grinned and cleared his throat.

"Excellent. The terms are subject to change at your request of course. A simply duel, a battle of strength and skill. I ask that you refrain from using magic, but if you must, you can."

"A warrior uses every advantage they can get." 64 stated, smirking a bit.

"Words to live by. I would also ask that Non-Lethal measures be used, no need for an accident to occur now is there?"

"I thought that was already implied, but ok. What else?"

"The match will end when either of us submits or is unable to continue. Do you accept these terms?" Aurum asked, holding out his talon for a shake. 64 gave one last glance at Frenzy who was now visibly shaking, but knew that nothing he could say would change 64's mind. With a grin, 64 took Aurum's talon in his hand, shaking it heartily.

"I accept. Where will we fight?" 64 asked. Blackbeak was already laying out a map and pointing to an area even deeper underground in the Castle.

"The Guard Barrack training arena. There is a domed cage there used for sparring matches. The match will begin in 20 minutes, so make sure you are there Project 64." Blackbeak warned, 64 putting his hands up in a mock surrender.

'Hey, I literally cannot go anywhere. I'll be there."

"Good. I shall see you all there. Aurum, let us prepare you." Blackbeak concluded, walking towards the exit. Aurum gave 64 one last smirk as he walked away, eager to face off against the human.

"Best of luck to you Project 64, Aurum has a near perfect sparring record." Vulnus warned, a grin on his face.

"What do you mean 'near' perfect? He's been beaten before?" 64 asked, looking over to the Zebra diplomat.

"Not exactly. More like complications occurred, causing the fight to be ended early. Dolus! Let's head to the Arena, I would like to get a decent view of the match." Vulnus ordered, with Dolus bowing her head and escorting the diplomat out of the room as well.

Apparently, Illudere didn't have anything to say to 64, because he left pretty much immediately after the Zebras did, Novus in tow. It was only Frenzy and 64 still left in the room, his head buried beneath his hooves on the table. "Hey, cheer up. This is what they do in Ethaxial." 64 tried to comfort, but Frenzy just held his hoof up to interrupt him.

He lifted his head up, a sullen look on his face. "It's not about that... you were right about the fighting part, you make Equestria seem stronger." Frenzy whispered, looking down at the table. "It's just... I didn't think I would crack so easily under the pressure here. They just glared at me, and I just fell apart back there. If it wasn't for you stepping in and stopping them then I would have messed this all up ages ago."

This was a stark contrast to the Frenzy that 64 first saw when he met him. He was no longer the bounding optimistic stallion, but instead a shaky and bewildered mess, realizing that not all problems could be fixed.

"Hey, you just have to tough it out. I've had experience learning how to develop a thick skin, so maybe I can show you how to get some of your own. But it'll have to be after the match, now c'mon, I gotta be there in 15 minutes!" 64 exclaimed, waving Frenzy over to the door.

Frenzy didn't look any more eager to get up off of the table, but he walked over left the room with 64. They made their way towards the Barracks, both of them trying to psych themselves up for the battles they would have to face in the future.

64 POV

I looked at the cage, and saw that it was absolutely massive. Part of it was in the ground, with the cage dome being there just to prevent Gryphons from flying away. I took out my Skeleton Blades and handed them to Frenzy, who took them and put them into his saddlebags.

"You have a plan once you're in there?" Frenzy asked, looking around to see that an actual crowd was beginning to form around the cage, staff and Guards alike coming to watch the Captain of the Gryphon Warriors fight against the Bipedal Blight of Equestria. I honestly hated that name, but if kept someponies in fear, which was good.

"Yeah, hit him, don't let him hit me. Same as always" I explained simply, making sure that my Shock Baton was charged and ready to go. Aurum was already in the pit and and ready to fight, his Golden Armor somehow managing to glint with light although it was dim in the barracks.

"Really? That's all your going with? How about this? Gryphon combat is nearly always in the air, meaning that if you somehow manage to keep him on the ground, you gain a huge advantage over him." Frenzy told me, actually giving me really sound advice.

"How did you know that?" He literally pulled a book out of this saddlebags which was titled, 'Gryphon Combat Tactics: Unabridged'. "Do I even want to know why you have that on you right now?"

"No time to explain that. Just try to clip his wings and you'll do fine. Now get in there!" Frenzy yelled at me, walking over to the cage and lifting one of the doors to get into the pit. I nodded and jumped into the Pit, looking up to see that Aurum was grinning at me.

"Are you ready for our battle Project 64?" He asked, looking around and seeing the crowd which had developed. "It seems the Gryphons around us are eager to watch your defeat."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that, I mean we haven't even started yet." I replied, pulling out my Baton and sparking it a few times. "Hope your armor isn't conductive."

"Oh don't worry, I've taken into account your exploits of Fire, but electricity is a new one. Luckily I have precautions against that as well." We stared each other down for a few moments, the cheering of our audience increasing to near deafening levels. "On your go Project 64. Just say the word."

"Alright... on go." I growled, cracking my neck. "3...-"

He didn't give me a chance to count down.

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