• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,231 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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64 vs. Nightmare Night Part 2

Chapter 46

3rd Person POV

64 ran after Twilight, bolting through the same path they had taken when they went to the Nightmare Moon statue. He hoped she she wasn't too hurt after what had happened, knowing that she often used force to demonstrate that even though she had been imprisoned on the moon for 1000 years, she was still a Princess.

64 arrived at the statue and saw Twilight was talking to Princess Luna, who looked a bit downtrodden.

“You know, that might explain why your appearance was met with... mixed results. I think if you just changed your approach a bit, you might be met with a warmer reception.” Twilight suggested, adjusting her costume as if it were just hit with a blast of wind.

“I know you’re having trouble getting used to being out in public like this Luna, but if you want ponies to start warming up to you, you might need to meet them halfway.” 64 said, walking up to the pair and taking off his Manticore mane.

“Meet them halfway? But why would I need to walk only halfway to them? As Princess of the Night they should be more than willing to go the whole way as they do my sister!” Luna exclaimed, her voice now regaining a milder tone now that she was talking to a friend.

“But Celestia does meet her subjects halfway.” Twilight cut in, stepping forward. “She treats ponies as her equals, not subjects who have to cater to her every whim. Maybe… if you act a bit more friendly and talk in a softer tone to ponies, then they might start warming up to you.”

Luna looked up and put a hoof to her chin. Turning to Twilight to speak, she began to speak in a ‘Regal’ tone again. “ Oh. We have been locked away for a thousand years. We are... not sure we can…”

Twilight’s eyes widened at this, suddenly reaching out and grabbing Luna’s hoof. “Oh! I know somepony who will be perfect for that! C’mon Princess!” Twilight said, trying to pull Luna’s hoof. Luna recoiled at the touch and flew back, her horn glowing defensively. 64 jumped in front of Twilight with his arms out.

“Woah woah! Luna wait! She was just trying to lead you somewhere! Not attack you!” 64 called out, ready to take a blast of magic if he needed to. Luna calmed down after she saw that 64 was in the way of her shot, floating down back to earth. “Don’t worry Luna. Just remember to not see yourself as a princess tonight, but another commoner among the ponies. I guarantee that you’ll have those ponies loving you by sunrise.”

Luna smiled at the kind words, bringing her wing around the human and hugging him. “Thank you 64, this night might have been much worse without you.” Luna said thankfully, letting go of the human, who blushed bashfully.

“Aww, think nothin’ of it. Twilight, who were you going to take Princess Luna to?” 64 asked.

“Fluttershy of course!”

64 blanched at the name, looking down at his costume and remembering how he got it. To a mare whose cutie mark meant she could communicate and connect with animals, she would no doubt at one glance know that it was real Manticore fur.

“Uh… I don’t think… I should go with you to go see her… She might… uh… get frightened by my costume! Yeah!” 64 lied, thinking of the best excuse he could come up with. Twilight seemed to accept the thought and took off with Princess Luna, who gave 64 a wave before going off with the Element of Magic.

“Whew, dodged a bullet there…Let’s find Ghost…”

64 charged up his magic and teleported towards Sweet Apple Acres, managing to flash in a nearby Apple Orchard. He looked around to find where he was when he heard the sound of loud laughter, no doubt being from a group of fillies 64 knew Ghost would be with. Heading towards the sound, 64 saw that there was a clubhouse in the middle of a small clearing, easily hidden from prying eyes that weren’t looking hard enough.

“Ghost! Ya gotta be gentler than that! Move like this!” A voice 64 recognized as Applebloom’s rung out, making his eyebrows rise at the out of context conversation.

“C’mon Ghost! You’re already so close! Just a bit more!” Scootaloo voiced out, further peaking 64’s curiosity.

“And you said you could take all 3 of us at once! Even Pipsqueak can probably do better than that!” Sweetie Belle, ask 64 walked up to the door and nearly kicked it off of it’s hinges.

Alright, what the hell is going on here?!” 64 yelled, taking in the image in front of him. He saw that there were 3 fillies and 1 Changeling colt, all on the floor, costumes stripped of their bodies, a warm temperature in the room, along with sweat glistening off of them… all while playing a game of Twister.

At the sound of the intrusion 64 made, the 3 fillies all tumbled into pile on the Twister board, but Ghost managed to teleport out last second and charged his horn at the door, ready to strike. when he saw it was just 64, he smiled and waved a bit.

“Hey 64! Tonight is going awesome! Applebloom told me about this game and said that we should play a few rounds before going back out and getting more candy! We had to come back and dump all of our excess sweets!” Ghost said excitedly, pointing one of his hooves over at a corner, holding what could be called a hill of candy. “What are you doing here?”

64’s face flushed as he recalled why he barged in like he did, hearing some… sounds… that could easily be taken out of context and taken as something else.

“Just heard laughter and was wonder what was out here! Nothing else!” 64 said a bit too quickly, but luckily none of the foals managed to see the true meaning of what he meant. “Now c’mon. Luna arrived and she’s feeling a bit left out around here. Let’s go back to town and make sure that she has a good rest of the day. But remember girls, She isn’t Nightmare Moon. She’s just Princess Luna.

The 3 fillies in the room all nodded and went to go put their costumes back on, going into a separate room to change. When the door closed, Ghost morphed back into Frankenponie’s Monster and made sure everything was right in a nearby mirror hanging on the wall.

“Have you told the other 2? Sweetie Belle and Applebloom?” 64 asked, but Ghost shook his head.

“I…I didn’t think a celebration like this would be the right time to show them… I already made Applebloom promise not to tell anypony, and Applejack already knows that I’m gonna tell the rest of the Apple family tomorrow morning.”

“Well… I think you should just keep it to yourself for now… we don’t need word getting out.”

“Alright! We’re all ready!” 3 filles screamed at the same time, all back in their respective costumes.

“Ok. C’mon, I’ll take you to go get a bit more candy and play some of the games in town.” 64 said, now opening the door of the small clubhouse much gentler this time. Once they all filed out, 64 started walking after them.

64 POV

“64, how are all of the other colts and fillies that were rescued from the mountain? Are they all alright?” Applebloom asked, her eyes showing concern. I rubbed the back of my head and sighed a bit.

“All of them made it out alive… if that’s what you’re asking…” I said slowly, not exactly wanting to answer this. “Some of them got really hurt, so they’ll have to stay at the infirmary in Canterlot Palace for a bit until they can go home with their parents.”

The response I received were 3 gasps of shock, each of the girls horrified.

“That’s horrible! How could somepony do something like that?” Sweetie Belle asked. I really didn’t want to keep talking about this, so I made up a distraction.

“Hey look! There’s a house we haven't been to yet! Let’s get some candy!” I said enthusiastically, as the 3 fillies suddenly forgot the horrible subject and went racing towards the door. As they chanted the Nightmare Night song for candy, Ghost and I hung back and watched. “Well it looks like Applebloom isn’t going to have many problems getting back into the normal swing of things. From what you’ve told me the only thing that really sets her off is blood.”

“And anything that looks like blood. A few times already I’ve had to divert her attention when a few ponies had more… grisly… costumes. No way she wasn’t going to have a reaction from that.” Ghost replied, kicking the dirt a bit in frustration. I noticed he always acted a bit more mature when referring to something serious, such as helping Applebloom, but often acted carefree like a colt his age should when things got more relaxed. Right now worrying about Applebloom wasn’t very relaxing for him.

“Ghost, I know that you are scared for her, but Ponyville is an amazing town for something like this. She’s gonna feel safe here.” I reassured him, kneeling down and patting his head. He buzzed a bit at the gesture, smiling a bit.

“I know 64. I think-”

“Ghost! Come on! This house has full sized candy bars!” Scootaloo called, waving her hoof over to the front porch. I nodded and let him go towards the house, watching as he ran over and collected the candy. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a small chocolate bar and started to eat it, looking back at Ponyville. We were in a more residential area, but Town Square was just down the block.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the Stage was occupied by a band playing country music, complete with a Fiddle, Banjo, and Harmonica player. Ponies were dancing like crazy and enjoying themselves, but all of a sudden I could see them all stop and gasp, some bowing down and others running away.

“Ah shit here we go again… c’mon you guys! We gotta go help Princess Luna!” I called, as Ghost and the CMC all came back to me. “Let’s follow Twilight and Princess Luna. They may need some help.”

The all nodded in understanding and followed me towards Town Square. The two saw me and smiled, Luna smiling a bit more. “Hello Project 64. How has your night been?” Luna asked me, now in a much softer tone than before.

“Wow! Those lessons from Fluttershy actually worked? Forgive me if I was a bit doubtful, but I thought it would take a bit more than one pony to help you with that.” I said honestly.

“Do not apologize. I too was doubtful of my ability to gain a voice publicly acceptable. Sadly… I doubt it has helped much.” Luna confessed, gesturing around to many of the ponies who were bowing down in fear, all of them shaking.

“Get up! Everypony get up!” I commanded, once again having a small bit of rage bubble up to the surface. Slowly but surely, all of the ponies returned to their hooves. “Ok Luna… just repeat after me…”

I whispered into Luna’s ear, telling her exactly what to say and how to say it. She nodded slowly as she took in a breath to speak.

“Citizens of Ponyville… we- I… respect that you are so eager to bow to me, but I do not wish to be a symbol of royalty tonight. I only wish to join all of you in this festival as a normal pony! You do not have anything to fear of me!” Luna finished, with me reminding her to keep her volume at a moderate level. I nodded and grinned at the conclusion of her small speech, looking around to see the results.

Many ponies still looked scared, but just like my return to Ponyville after rescuing Applebloom, there were a choice few who actually stopped and listened to her words. They looked less frightened, but not any more eager to actually meet the Princess, but that was fine to me. As long as they were willing to listen.

“So where were you two headed?” I asked Twilight, fluffing my mane a bit.

“Well, if anypony is going to be able to help Princess Luna become more approachable, it has to be Applejack. We’re going to go and see if she can give her a bit of advice.” She explained, pointing in the direction of Applejack’s stall. “Want to come along?”

“Sure. Want to go see your sister Applebloom?” I asked, looking down at the now smiling filly.

“Yea! She has really good costume and ah haven't been able to try her pumpkin catapults yet!” The filly said excitedly, nearly hopping up and down in delight. We all walked over to Applejack’s designated area, where she had an Applebobbing station, Pumpkin Catapults, and Spider Chucking stand. She didn’t see us coming because she was helping Pipsqueak not get dunked in the green water. When she set him down, she started to walk towards us with her eyes closed, and when she saw Princess Luna, she jumped up in a startled tone, before falling onto the floor and bringing her hooves over her head.

“Wow Applejack. Really? I thought you of all ponies wouldn’t act this way.” I said disappointedly, scowling down at her. She looked up at me and coughed nervously, getting back onto her hooves and seeing her sister standing in our group. Not wanting to look like a bad role model, she put on a fake smile which could easily be seen through.

“Uh Hey Twilight! Princess! What brings ya two here?” She said nervously, eyes darting around a bit.

“The princess is looking for a little advice on how to fit in around here.” Twilight explained, causing Applejack to lose her pleasant demeanor.

“Fit in? Really?” Applejack replied deadpanned, causing me to growl a bit and my eyes to glow red. She saw me and coughed again. “I mean... that's easy! All you gotta do is have the right attitude.” Applejack said, walking up to Princess Luna with a much more genuine demeanor. “Loosen up a bit, be positive, play a few games, have some fun.”

“Fun? What is this "fun" thou speakest of? Pray tell, what purpose do these serve?” Luna asked, slipping back into her Royal Tone. Applejack motioned to the game to her side, showing a spider across a long stretch of grass.

“Try to land the sp-sp-spiders on the web…” A scared mare said on the ground, not even bothering to raise her hooves that were covering her eyes. Luna looked at the game and saw a large bowl of spiders to the side, grabbing one of them in her hoof.

“Go ahead Luna! Just aim and throw!” I called out encouragingly, clapping my hands in cheer. She looked back nervously, turning back to the spider web and taking a deep breath. With a small grunt, Luna tossed the plush spider, but it fell just short of the web.

“You can do it, princess!” Applejack called out, clapping her hooves onto the floor. With a nod of courage, Luna tossed the spider with a bit more force, causing the plush to stick onto the webs and stay there.

“Ha! Your princess enjoys this ’fun’!” Luna cheered loudly. “In what other ways may we experience it?”

Only a few moments later, we had Princess Luna shooting off Pumpkins, with an added twist that as she fired them through the air I would blast them with my magic, causing pieces of pumpkin guts flying everywhere.

“Ha ha! The fun has been doubled! Literally!” Princess Luna exclaimed happily, as cheers from ponies came to her ears. Ponies that were now seeing Princess Luna behaving like a normal mare instead of a frightening Princess were now cheering for Luna, rooting for her to make the shots onto targets as she played the game.

“Why don't you try bobbin' for apples? We got the best apples in Equestria here, princess!” Applejack recommended, motioning to the Applebobbing tub across the street.

“I ask that thou call us... me... Luna, fair Applejack. Hear me, villagers! All of you! Call me Luna!” the Princess exclaimed, as I cheered along with the rest of the ponies who murmured the name Luna. “Show me to these bobbing apples.”

Applejack and Luna began walking across the street when we all saw that Pipsqueak was once again trying to bob for apples on his own, but ended up falling into the water. Luna, seeing the colt fall into the water, rushed forward and sunk her head into the water, trying to get him out.

“Hey, gals. Anypony seen Pip? We lost him the last time we had to run– “ Pinkie asked, just as the moment that Princess Luna came up from the water with Pipsqueak hang from her mouth. One word went through my head as I saw Pinkie Pie’s eyes dilate.


“Ahh! Nightmare Moon is gobbling Pipsqueak! Everypony run!” Pinkie screamed at the top of her lungs, causing the multitude of foals to run away with her.

PINKIE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I yelled at her as she ran away, but I wasn’t sure she heard me.

“Help! My backside has been gobbled!” Pipsqueak yelled, being dropped when Luna’s mouth gaped in horror.

“'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!” Luna yelled, falling back into her Royal Tone, and as if there was some otherworldly force trying to fuck with us, Rainbow Dash sent a bolt of lightning down behind Luna, giving her a fearsome look. Ponies seeing her angered demeanor, began to back away slowly causing her to gasp. “Fair villagers, please do not back away. Let us join together in... fun!”

Luna tried to save herself some face by grabbing another plush spider and tossing it into the center of the the ponies. They recoiled at the plush as if it was explosive, so Luna wanted to step up her game. I went in to try and defuse the situation.

“Luna just calm down, Pinkie Pie is just a little more excitable than most ponies. You don’t have to do anything about a few ponies a bit too air headed to actually think straight.” I said, trying to calm the flames in Luna’s eyes. It did little, because with a single shove to the side, I was pushed to the side and Luna set her sights onto the plush spider she had tossed.

With a single bolt of Lightning Magic, the plush spider became animated and slowly turned towards the ponies who were backing away. At the sight of the frightening Spider, the ponies all screamed and bolted away, screaming as they did so. Luna shot the entire bowl of spiders with the animation spell, causing a multitude of spiders to come to life and crawl around.

They all spread out and were able to actually trample a mare, but most of them went towards the spider web net and stuck to the center. “ Huzzah! How many points do I receive?” Luna asked excitedly. not realizing that she was terrorizing the townsfolk.

“Luna! I don’t think you should be making Spiders come to life!” Twilight called frightenedly, stepping away from a few spiders surrounding her.

“Do not run away! As your princess, we command you!” Luna yelled, slowly making the situation worse. The pandemonium around us began to escalate towards disastrous levels, all of the ponies running around trying to get away from Princess Luna. She slowly got angrier and angrier, before she absolutely bellowed to the sky.

“BE STILL!” She bellowed in a deafening tone, making the mistake of standing way to close to me as she did. As she yelled I suddenly felt my vision go blurry and my world to start spinning, not being able to stand on my feet for long. In my state of confusion I fell to my knees, nearly vomiting all I had eaten tonight on the floor.

“Princess, remember! Watch the screaming!” Twilight called out, but to me, it sounded like I had cotton balls stuffed into my ears. To make it all worse, she kept yelling near me.

“No, Twilight Sparkle! We must use the traditional royal Canterlot voice for what we are about to say!” Luna roared, causing me to actually vomit onto the floor. “Since you choose to fear your princess rather than love her, and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, we decree that Nightmare Night shall be canceled! Forever!”

The ringing in my head became too much, and I fell to the ground unconscious.

3rd Person POV

“Ugh… where the fuck am I?” 64 groaned, rubbing the side of his head as he sat up from his unconscious position. He noticed he was in a small cot in a medical tent, but wasn’t wearing his Manticore Mane. “Hello?!” 64 yelled, seeing that it was pitch black outside.

“He’s awake!” Twilight yelled, walking into the tent. “Are you ok 64? You don’t look so good.” Twilight commented, seeing that his face was a bit paler that it should have been.

“Yeah… I’m good. What happened?” 64 asked slowly, actually not feeling that hot. “All I remember is Luna saying something about Nightmare Night being cancelled…”

“Well, she did! But now everything’s ok! Everypony realized how horrible they were acting, and are giving Luna a second chance. I think it’s turning around ofr her!”

64 smiled a bit at that and went to sit back up placing his feet onto the ground. “Alright… let’s go see how she’s doing. We walked outside to see that Luna was playing the Spider toss game once again, playing competitively against a stallion dressed as a fisherman getting eaten by a shark. She beat him, causing both of them to laugh at the friendly game.

A group of foals went up to Princess Luna and dumped their candy offerings in front of her, causing her to blush slightly and accept the candy bashfully. “Wow, what happened when I was out?”

“Project 64! I’m so sorry that I did that to you!” Princess Luna apologized, running forward and grabbing 64 in an apologetic hug. 64 returned the hug chuckled.

“You just rung my bell a bit Luna, nothing too bad. I’m glad to see that you are out here enjoying yourself with all of the ponies now! What happened to make this change?” 64 asked, seeing everypony now laughing and celebrating.

“I just needed to remember that this is a night for fun and fright, not to honor Nightmare Moon. Plus knowing that the little one’s actually enjoying being frightened helps.”

64 chuckled and looked up towards the Moon. “You know… I’ve been having some pretty strange dreams lately. Do you think you can help me out a bit?” 64 asked, looking at Luna with a small smirk.

With a grin and blush, Luna nodded and sighed. “I think I may be able to help with that.”

Even though it didn’t exactly go as planned, to 64 it was the best Nightmare Night ever.

Author's Note:

OMG I'M SO EXCITED FOR WATCH DOGS11!1!!! I've been on the hype train since it came out, and now that it's near, I'M SO EXCITED!

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