• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,226 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 41

Chapter 41

3rd Person POV

64 was still sewing his costume together when Ghost came into the room and jumped onto the bed. “Hey 64, what are you making?” Ghost asked curiously, eyeing the hood that 64 was sewing together.

“My Nightmare Night costume, speaking of which… what did you want to go as?” 64 asked, looking over to the Changeling. Ghost face scrunched in thought, not exactly knowing what the point of Nightmare Night was.

“I don’t know… all of the dressing up and asking for candy thing sounds kind of stupid to me for some reason… Plus I can change into anything I want anytime I want! Why does this day have to be any different!?”

64 sighed and turned in his chair towards Ghost. “It’s not really about dressing up and eating candy Ghost. It’s about being scared for fun, but I guess the part about the Nightmare Moon legend could be tad less offensive for Luna… For us, it’s gonna be our first ever Nightmare Night, so we should enjoy it! Plus you can eat all of the candy you want and not get sick! How cool is that?”

Ghost’s face lit up at that realization, bouncing up and down on the bed. “I FORGOT ABOUT THAT PART!” Ghost screamed happily, making 64 chuckle. Sometimes 64 forgot that Ghost was a trained killer.

“So how’s Applebloom? She feeling better?” 64 asked, turning back to sewing his costume.

“Yeah, after she woke up from her nap we started to draw in the coloring books. She did say that she wanted something a bit more fun like a board game or something, but she told me not to worry about it.” Ghost replied, lying onto his stomach on the mattress. “I just came by to ask if you needed anything.”

“Not right now no. But you should be getting ready to head to Ponyville. I already have you assigned under your mission log as Applebloom’s caretaker, and you’re gonna be staying over at her farm until she’s all better.”

Ghost nodded and hopped off of the bed, he went for his Weapon Cabinet and was about to pull out a set of throwing knives before 64 stopped him.

“Not that kind of ready. I mean… Ponyville has a habit for not being all too friendly with new arrivals… I mean they were terrified of a Zebra walking in and just trying to buy some ingredients, so what do you think their reaction is going to be when a creature capable of extracting love from a pony is going to be?”

Ghost nodded and put his Knives away, before suddenly scrunching once again in thought. “Wait, what kind of ready does that mean?” Ghost asked, making 64 sigh and stop sewing once again.

“I mean… it might be best… if you… wore a disguise. I know you hate them, but this time it’s for your own good.” 64 explained, as Ghost’s eyes widened.

“What?! No way! I’m a Changeling! If they have a problem with it then they should change, not me!” Ghost shrieked adamantly, his eyes narrowing.

“Ghost, you have to realize that your appearance can frighten someponies. I know that I’ve always taught you to stick to your guns and not care what anypony thinks of you… but I just don’t want to see you being the target of attention for everypony in Ponyville.”

Ghost huffed and scowled, walking out of the room angrily. 64 sighed and turned back to his sewing machine. “Teenagers…”

Ghost POV

“What was he saying that I should get a disguise!? Why should I change what I look like!?” I screamed in my head, stomping down the hallways of the Palace. 64 has always taught me to not be ashamed of what I am, but to embrace it! Why was he changing his mind now!?

“I’m not going to wear a disguise, and that’s final!” I shouted, not looking where I was going. I bumped into maid who was carrying towels, and all of a sudden I had a bunch of them on my head. I quickly tried to get them off, but they were pulled off by a unicorn’s magic. When I looked up at the maid, I saw that it was Blusa who I had bumped into.

“Oh! Sorry Blusa... I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going…” I said bashfully, knowing that she probably heard my outburst. Her horn glowed a green color, meaning that she wanted to talk using magic. I connected our magics together and heard her voice.

“Ghost, I heard you yelling. What’s bothering you?” She asked, tilting her head curiously. I really didn’t want to tell her, but the look that she was giving me was enough for me to crack and open up.

“It’s just… I mean… I’m gonna go to Ponyville to be a PTSD caretaker for a filly named Applebloom, but… but 64 said that I should wear a disguise. He’s always told me that I shouldn’t care what others think of me because I’m a Changeling, but now he’s telling me that I should change because other might not like what I am! What if they think I’m hiding because I’m scared of them!? What if they find out I’m a Changeling and get all frightened!? What if they—!?”

I wasn’t able to continue speaking because Blusa had put her hoof over my mouth, shutting out any more noise I was going to make. She looked down at me with a gentle smile and motherly eyes; as if she knew what I was going through.

“Ghost… I understand that you are in a state of trouble. Whenever I have a problem, I always try to look at it through the eyes of the ponies I have a problem with. Let’s try that for your situation. Now imagine that you are a pony living in Ponyville.” Blusa instructed, as I closed my eyes and started to picture everything.

“Ok... now what?”

“Now… imagine that one day a changeling colt, with the abilities to impersonate anypony they wanted and suck the love out of everypony, walked into town saying that they were going to be taking care of a filly that was just recently foalnapped. What would you do?”

I thought about for a bit, imagining that I was an Adult living in Ponyville. I… would definitely be scared… not just for me, but any friends or family I might have had. And there’s already such a negative light on changelings with everything they had done to ponies in the past… that even one of them living within the town would scare me.

I slowly opened my eyes in realization, looking at Blusa’s smug face. “Now do you see what I am saying? Someponies might not be ready for the news that a Changeling is living with them. How about this?” Blusa said, lying onto her stomach. “You disguise yourself to the town at first. Then when you have gained everyponies trust, you start to reveal yourself slowly. By then everypony will know you enough to not lash out or do anything harsh.”

I blinked at the plan and thought about for a bit, realizing that it was a pretty good plan. Once everypony knew I wasn’t bad, I could reveal myself to be a changeling!

“That sounds good Blusa! Ok, I’ll do it. I’m gonna go and try to pick out a form to use. Bye Blusa!” I said happily, waving back at her. She waved back with a smile, before she turned away to go and do whatever she does around the Castle.

I had to try and find a form to use!

Blusa POV

This day is going to be perfect…

64 POV

2PM rolled around and Ghost wasn’t at the landing pad where all of the foals were being transported back home. Applejack was waiting patiently with Applebloom sitting on her back, patting her hair were her bow used to be.

“Applebloom, what happened to your bow?” I asked, barely noticing it for the first time.

“In the caves it was too dark for us to see, so ah let Ghost use it to let him make a torch. He was able to do all kinds of thing with only a little bit of stuff to use!” Applebloom said in a half praising tone, almost dreamily.

I barely stifled the chuckle that made its way to my lips, putting a hand over my mouth. “Well, I did teach him how to be resourceful. I’m glad that not all of it went over his head.”

I looked around for Ghost, wondering if what I had said earlier had maybe have had a stronger effect than I thought. He was really sensitive about not being ‘normal’ as he had described it, and I had always told him that he was a Changeling for a reason, and one day he would find out why.

I based what I taught him on a few things I had asked Vi when I younger, wondering why I had to be a human rather than a pony.

Because, you have a destiny 64… and one day you will find out what that destiny is…” Vi’s voice called in my head, not sure if it was actually her or the twisted version of her that Super Nova was manipulating.

“64… I’m here and ready to go.” A voice said behind me, causing me to turn around and look. Nopony was there until I looked down, and I saw a small unicorn colt. I was wondering if it was one of the foals that was also heading home, until I got a good look at his eyes.

He had forest green fur and a black mane which wasn’t very well kept. He had a short black tail along with black eyes which screamed familiar. His cutie mark was a compass rose with a heart in the center.

“Ghost?” I asked, taking in his appearance a bit.

“Hey 64… I… I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I know that I should have at least tried to understand what you said, but instead I just got angry and walked away.” Ghost apologized bashfully, rubbing his leg with his other hoof.

I knelt down and ruffled his head a bit, making sure to avoid his horn. “Aww don’t worry Ghost. I was once your age and was angry about everything once. Then again, when I was your age I was getting cut open on a near daily basis, so I guess I had stiff to be angry about.”

Ghost laughed as he looked over to Applebloom, who tilted her head at his new appearance. “Wow Ghost! You look like an actual Colt!” She exclaimed, looking him over. He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his head.

“Heh, well it feels kind of weird without my wings, but I can get used to it. I just hope I can keep it up for as long as I need to.” Ghost said, motioning towards our awaiting Chariot. “Let’s get going to Ponyville! I already have my Nightmare Night costume ready!”

That reminded me of my costume I had folded in my Satchel Pocket, now completely done and ready to be worn. We all stepped on board the Chariot and took a seat, with Applebloom hopping off of Applejack’s back and onto the bench.

Ghost in his new form gave the order for takeoff, which the Pegasus Guards followed to a T. We were in the air headed for Ponyville now, only a 10 minute flight.

3rd Person POV

64 looked over the edge of the Chariot and saw that in the town square of Ponyville, an entire crowd of ponies were waiting for our arrival. Many posters were being held up with the words ‘Welcome Back Applebloom’ plastered all over them, with drawings and pictures adorning them as well.

“Well it looks like there won’t be a lack of a welcoming committee.” 64 muttered, wondering what their reactions would be for him when they found out he had helped free Applebloom.

“There’s always one for any occasion ‘round here. If ah know Pinkie Pie she’s probably already got one heck of a hootenanny ready for us.” Applejack explained, holding one leg around Applebloom’s shoulder protectively.

“Ah love Pinkie Pie’s parties! Ya’ll have lots of fun there Ghost!” Applebloom exclaimed happily towards Ghost, making him frown.

“I’ve never been to an actual party before, what would I do?” Ghost asked, putting a hoof to his chin thoughtfully.

“Ya could play games with me and mah friends! Ya can dance and eat cake and make new friends!”

Ghost eyes slowly widened in wonder at the description of the party, especially with him never having been to one before. He and Applebloom continued to talk about the wonders a party could hold, as Applejack and 64 looked on with smiles.

Eventually the Chariot touched down, and there was no shortage was gleeful shouts as Applebloom stepped off of the chariot and waved to everypony. Out of the blue, two other fillies, one Pegasi and one unicorn, came running out of the crowds and nearly tackled Applebloom to the ground.

“Oh! We were so worried about you Applebloom! We didn’t know where you were!” Sweetie Belle cried, shedding tears of joy after seeing her friends once again.

“We thought we were gonna lose you forever!” Scootaloo yelled, also crying out of joy. Applebloom returned their embrace, tearing up at hearing her friend’s cries of joy.

“Ah’m never gonna leave you guys again ever!”

The entire crowd Aww’d at the display of emotion, and 64 swore he could see some drool dripping from his mouth at the emotion flaring. But as quickly as the sounds of affection started, all went silent as 64 stepped off of the Chariot and looked around.

All eyes that went towards him widened in terror, some parents grabbing their children and bringing them closer to them. 64 sighed and shook his head, knowing that nothing he said would be able to change their minds.

“Now hold on a minute! Why are ya gettin’ so defensive about 64 bein’ here?” Applejack called out, scowling at some of the stares 64 was getting.

“Well, you saw what happened when he came to town before! He got Applebloom kidnapped didn’t he?” a stallion cried out, making sure to hold his little filly protectively.

64 was about to shout out at the stallion, but Applejack put a hoof out at him. She gave a death glare at the stallion and marched up towards him, getting in his personal space. “Now dontcha think that if 64 could’ve stopped that he would’ve tried?! Applebloom told me that she did exactly what 64 asked of her, but there were too many ponies for him to stop!” Applejack yelled out, trying to set things straight after she nearly sent out a lynch mob for 64.

“But doesn’t that mean that if more ponies come to take our children he wouldn’t be able to stop them?” A mare’s voice called out, but it was 64 who called out this time with a barb he was ready to use.

“Did Celestia do anything to get all of those foals back?” He called out defensively, gauging the reactions of all of the ponies in the crowd, especially Twilight. She stepped forward and cried out.

“The Princess doesn’t have time to fix everyponies problems at once! She tries to fix the bigger problems first!” She cried out, but Applejack deadpanned at her.

“And 20 foals disappearin’ off of the face of Equestria isn’t a big problem? Applebloom wasn’t theonly one Twi!” Applejack retorted. 64 saw what he had started and stepped in, waving his hands.

“Look! The most important thing right now is that Applebloom is back home and everypony is safe! Let’s just celebrate that, and then I’ll get out of your manes, ok?!” He called out, causing all in the crowd to go silent. After nopony moved to answer, and only more stares came towards him, he realized that it was a lost cause. “Alright … I’ll be going then… Pegasi, Ready?”

64 was about to give the order for takeoff, but a voice called out.

“WAIT!” Applebloom cried out, getting the attention of everyone in the town square. “Why are ya treatin’ 64 like this? It’s not his fault that I got nabbed! If it wasn’t fer him, I woulda never gotten back! Are we gonna have another Zecora happen in our town again?!”

All were stunned at the remarks of the small filly, and soon more cries filled the air.

“Yeah! We all thought that Zecora was a weird evil creep! But she wasn’t evil or a creep at all!” Scootaloo joined, further encouraging the crowd.

“Besides! He’s helped us all before when that big evil fire ball came to town remember? All he’s done is help us!” Sweetie Belle added, trying to get the town to stop picking on 64, who couldn’t do anything to retaliate.

Everypony started to look at 64 in different manner, not exactly with hate and contempt anymore, but a bit of understanding. There were only a few that still gave him untrusting glares.

“Let him stay fer the Nightmare Night celebration ya’ll! Then ya can see that he isn’t all bad on the inside!” Applejack yelled, receiving a few grumbles of acceptance.

“I for one thank Mr. Project 64 for assisting in the rescue of little Applebloom and all he has done for our town!” Mayor Mare called out, knowing that her public image might help 64’s case a little bit. 64 grinned at the support he was receiving, glad to know the he had some allies in this world.

“Alright then, I bet that Applebloom wants to go home and see her big brother and Grandma again, so everypony can celebrate her return later tonight, got it?” 64 yelled, receiving disgruntled nods from those who began to slowly walk away, some glares still headed in 64’s direction.

“Son of a bitch, I can get why they acted hostile towards me when I wasn’t able to protect Applebloom in the first place, but why when she returns is everypony acting like this?” 64 grunted to the remaining ponies in the crowd.

Twilight stepped forwards and sighed. “Well maybe you can show them that you aren’t that bad of a person tomorrow. And… I’m sorry for saying that thing about important problems Applejack, I relaly didn’t mean it like that.” Twilight apologized.

“Aw don’t’ fret none Twi, things got a bit heated back there. Let’s jus’ get Applebloom settled back in and then we can get goin’ with her welcome back party!”

“Sounds good to me. Ready to see where you’re gonna be living for a while Ghost?” 64 asked, looking down at his ‘companion’.

"You bet I am!

Author's Note:

I'm not going to state the obvious here! Something big is going to happen!

Here's Ghost!

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