• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,226 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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64 vs. The Slava's Part 1

64 vs. Slava’s Part 1

3rd Person POV

Applejack’s legs connected with 64’s chest, sending him into the trunk of an apple tree, causing an apple to dropdown onto 64’s head. The yellow shield around 64 exploded out, as Applejack bore into him with a murderous glare.

“AH’M GONNA KILL YA! YA BASTARD!” Applejack screamed, stomping towards the human. He put his hands out and stopped Applejack’s next attack, pushing her away from him. He got up with a scowl of his own, standing back up.

“You can do that later! If they got her then they still might be nearby!” 64 retorted, already running back into the forest. Applejack followed, but not to look for Applebloom. She wanted his blood.


“That phrase is contradicting!”

The 64 continued to run through the forest at a breakneck speed, scanning everything he could see for any sign of Duplex getting away. He was able to make clones because they weren’t a form of imagery magic, they were actual physical copies capable of independent thought.

“Dammit… if I had just been assigned the Slava case this wouldn’t have been a problem!” 64 yelled angrily, searching the trail Applebloom would have taken to get back to the farm. He noticed signs of a struggle, the bark on a blackened tree having the marks of two small hooves smashed into it. There weren’t any animal tracking’s on the dirt, so it meant that she wasn’t made a meal out of.

“WHERE ARE YA!? YA’RE DEAD MEAT IF I FIND YA!” Applejack yelled a good distance away, obviously enraged beyond logical thought.

“Son of a bitch… words gonna get out soon…” 64 muttered to himself, remembering how quickly the idea of this plan taking place spread throughout Ponyville. Big Mac was still at the farm, meaning he would probably go and round up a search party.

64 did notice dragging mark onto the dirt heading into the dense forest, and immediately shot in that direction. If there was any hope of finding Applebloom quickly, he would have to move fast. Slashing away the brush 64 found a sleeping body of a Giant Spider, and the faint smell of Chamomile in the air…

“He came here…”

“Hey buddy…” Duplex’s voice called out, as he stepped out of the brush, Applebloom being carried on his back. “You looking for her?” He motioned towards the filly on his back. “You’re gonna have to come and get her…”

He immediately shot off into the forest, with 64 already in pursuit. He couldn’t throw a spell with the risk of it hitting Applebloom, so he needed to snatch her as Duplex was running. They were racing towards the Castle of the Two Sisters, so 64 planned to cut them off at the rickety rope bridge.

“GIVE IT UP DUPLEX! YOU JUST MADE THE MISTAKE OF SHOWING YOURSELF!” 64 yelled as the bridge came into view. As Duplex started to run across, 64 leapt into the ravine under the bridge, latching onto the rope and flipping the bridge upside down. Duplex’s first reaction was to teleport away onto the other side, but Applebloom stayed behind due to her hoodie preventing magic from affecting her.

“I gotcha!” 64 shouted, grabbing the unconscious filly in his arm and hold her close. He glared up to Duplex who was smirking.

“Fool me once shame one you…” He whispered, before poofing away into dust. I looked down at the unconscious Applebloom and gasped when I felt her too disappear.

“SHIT!” He screamed, pulling himself onto the rope bridge. He immediate went to turn back to the unconscious Giant Spider where he got lead astray, but realized that Duplex could be anywhere by now. He sighed and hung his head, crouching down onto his ankles.

“fuck… Fuck… FUCK!”

He swung his fist at a decaying tree, causing it to turn to shrapnel and splinter apart. The walk back to Sweet Apple Acres was a quiet one.

64 POV

Dammit… ok? That was all I could say at this point. I was fooled twice… by the same fucking trick. Duplex got away, and Applebloom was with him. What the fuck else could I say?! I only hoped that I would figure out more to say before I got back. I had to face the fire and confront the Apple Family.

My first glance at the farm showed me exactly what I was afraid of… a giant fucking crowd. In the barn ponies were all gathered, as I heard faint shouts and chatter. I needed to face up to what I had caused… but right now I didn’t have the heart. I couldn’t look the family in the eye without something to show that I was going to fix this.

I looked down and noticed I still had my Camouflage Suit on, so I activated it and pulled the hood up, slowly making my way towards the barn. The door was blocked by a multitude of ponies who were still trying to get into the overcrowded barn, so I needed to get in through a window.

I looked up and saw that most of the windows were also occupied by Pegasi, which meant no way up that way. I decided the only way I would get a good looked would be to climb to the room and pull a board out, so applying magic to my feet I walked up to the roof and pulled out a board, looking in at the angry crowd.

The first thing I noticed was Applejack and all of her friends standing on a small makeshift podium made of hay, and it looked like Twilight was trying to get everyponies attention.

“Ponies! Please calm down! We need to do this in a calm and orderly fashion!” She yelled out, which no one paid attention to. I knew that they were all out for revenge.

“We shouldn’t have trusted that thing!”

“We need to go and find Applebloom!”

“Protect the rest of the foals from that thing!”

With every yell of hate and disgust I knew that I had something to make up for, but it was something I had to do from the shadows. With everything that was happening at the moment it wouldn’t be good to reveal myself just yet.

I looked up towards the mountain to the north which held Canterlot along its cliff, and knew I had to move quickly. The longer this problem simmered, the more volatile it would become. I had one card in my deck I could use at this point, and it was all I had.

“We should go and try to find 64 so he can explain himself! There has to be a problem bigger than himself for him to allow this to happen! We can’t go convicting him without knowing what happened!” Twilight called out, trying to calm the situation down.

“AH’LL TEL YA WHAT HAPPENED! THAT SON OF A BITCH LET MAH SISTER GET NABBED BY SOME MONSTER OUT THERE WHO’S DOIN’ WHO KNOWS WHAT WITH HER!” Applejack screamed angrily into Twilight’s face, shooting down the idea of allowing me to explain myself. I wasn’t planning to do so, so it didn’t matter anyway.

I needed to get back to Canterlot as fast as possible, and without the help of a Pegasus Transport, I had to stick with teleporting. I closed my eyes and focused on breaking down my physical body, moving each individual molecule of myself towards Canterlot at the speed of light.

When I reopened my eyes, I saw that I was now standing at the top spire of Canterlot Palace, looking down at Equestria. I had a wrong to right, and I had to do it fast.

If their operation hasn’t changed yet, the Slava’s were foalnapping across Equestria, using Duplex to do the dirty work. They needed Crystal Dust from the Appalosian Desert Mines, so they sent the gems overseas to Ethaxial, where they had a kingpin known as Emerald Graves convert them into the Dust. They then shipped back the Dust and… that was all I had. Ghost was lucky enough to correspond the last of that information to me before he got captured.

“But why steal foals then?” I whispered to myself, climbing down the spire and dropping into a Balcony below. I looked up and saw Princess Luna staring down at me, a non-expressive look on her face.

“Perhaps that is something you must find out post haste.” She said, not changing her glance at all. I crossed my arms in front of me defensively, glaring at her.

“So has word gotten back yet? Twilight write to Princess Celestia?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Luna solemnly nodded back. I looked around and saw that I had dropped into her room, what with all of the Lunar decorations.

“Sister has not taken the news well… She has sent out search parties in search of you, with malicious force authorized if you retaliate. I’m afraid that avoiding her for now would be the best course of action.”

I looked down at my feet and felt the scar on my right eye burning up, as if reminding of the past, and how history seemed to be repeating itself. I was once again a fugitive running from Celestia.

“All I need to do is have a word with Maxis Slava. He’s in the Underground Prison and he has the last piece of information I need to fix all of this.” I asked, knowing that he was under lock and key times 10 right now.

Luna nodded and opened a small chest at the side of the room, pulling out a key with a Crescent Moon at the end. She levitated it over to me, as I plucked it from the air.

“This is a Skeleton Key of a sorts. It will open the Cell. Stay safe Project 64.”

I nodded and pulled up my hood, now knowing that I would need to keep my head down until I talked to Maxis. Slowly opening the door to the hallway, I peered left and right to make sure the coast was clear. I had to get all the way to the Underground Prison, and I was at the very top of the Palace.

“Perfect…” I groaned, moving towards the staircase. Two Solar Guards were stationed at both sides of the stairs, meaning I had four obstacles in my way. I thought back to my old way of causing distractions, and decided that I had no other options. Focusing an incredibly small amount of magic, I sent a small ember towards the tail of the closest guard to me, causing it to light aflame.

“You smell something burning?” One of them asked, turning to one another.

“Is Freda back on kitchen duty again?”

“Nah… it smells like… HAIR! WHAT THE HECK!?” The flaming guard yelled, finally realizing that his tail was on fire. They began to frantically try and put out the flames by patting it out, which gave me time to slip by and head downstairs.

Now at the main level of the Palace, I had more guards that I had to try and avoid. It was just like back in the old days, where I had to go and sneak through the home of the pony who was trying to kill me, except this time maybe she was just a bit pissed at me.

I knew that Celestia wouldn’t actually try to send ponies out to try and kill me; she just wanted me back at the Palace to explain what had happened to Applebloom. Still, if she found me doing what I was planning, she would never let me go through with it.

I saw a lone guard in my path for the Underground Prison, which made it incredibly easy to rush him and knock him out without alerting anypony else. I made sure he was out of sight before continuing through the Palace hallways. I was passing the Throne Room when my eyes twitched at the sound of a voice.

“Make sure to bring Project 64 to me for debriefing at once… I’ve received a distress signal from Agent 65 and wish to address it at once…” Celestia’s voice said solemnly, obviously a hint of worry lacing her voice.

“Perimeter Checks are in place at the moment, and we’ll soon see if he shows up anywhere. I’m willing to bet Bits that he’s actually in the Palace already.” Shining said flatly, as if it wasn’t even that surprising anymore.

“Well I’d like to know for sure…”

I crept by silently and continued down towards the Underground Prison. More Guards were station in front of the door, 4 of them in total. I levitated a banner off of the wall and draped it over the guards, before quickly tying it around their necks. When they tried to run in different directions, it caused them to all fall onto their backs in surprise, giving me a split second to zoom past them.

“Alright… hard part’s over…” I whispered, turning and heading down the stairs as quickly as I could. I reached the Slava holding cells, and slowly walked into the room. Crossroads was standing in front of Maxis’ cell, looking inside.

“All we want is the location of any other of your hideouts. You give us that, we’ll cut you a deal to shorten your sentence. Work with me here!” she yelled angrily, as I walked up and put and hand on her shoulder. She recoiled at the sensation of my warm palm on her fur, looking up at me.

“Ya know we have orders to report any sighting of you and bring you in to Celestia right?” She said seriously.

“Yup, but I know you won’t do that. Go on… leave me with this guy.” I ordered, making Crossroad shake her head at me. She walked out of the room, leaving me with a large map on a table next to the door. I examined it and saw that there were large X’s marking various locations, indicating that these places had been searched for any sign of the Slava’s.

“Are you here to ‘interrogate’ me as well…?” A thick Marescow asked me through the Cell in front of me. Maxis Slava laid behind the thick see through door, his Dark Orange fur and Black mane stained with dirt and grime. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and his horn was filed down to a non-threatening blunt tip. There was an inhibitor ring was around it as well, blocking all forms of magic from leaving his horn. “Because these ponies have done a terrible job at it…”

“Seems like they are closing to breaking you. You look like shit right now. Even more than when I arrested your ass while you were as high as a kite on Amphetamines.” I commented, pulling up a chair that was nearby.

“I will not break… you will not get me to speak…”

“I hear your EX-Wife is going to be shacking up with some new money. Looks like after she sold you out she found somepony else to show her a good time.”

“Let her… she serves me no interest anymore!” Maxis growled, now glaring at me dangerously.

“What about your old Mistress? Siren Song? She ended up with another stallion within 2 weeks of your arrest. Looks like flashing all of that money only gets you so far with a mare.”

Maxis finally reacted, lunging towards the door and banging his hooves onto the barrier.

“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY!” He growled at me, as I simply leaned back in my chair nonchalantly.

“Look… help me… help you. Your family has been swept up in the foalnapping business recently… and they are holding one of my best friends. Right now they are somewhere on this map.” I whispered, pointing towards the map of Equestria in front of me. “I need you to point them out to me. The quicker you do that… the quicker you’ll be out of this hole.”

He glared at me before spitting onto the clear door, effectively killing any chance of an agreement.

“You are even worse than the other ponies who tried to get something out of me…” Maxis growled, turning away from me. I grinned and leaned forward in the chair, knowing that I had one ace in the hole.

“Shura.” I said simply, catching Maxis’ attention.

“What does she have to do with anything?”

“Shura Slava is the current matriarch of your family gang. And your current Ex-Wife. She’s the reason you are now locked up in a cell 15 stories below sea level. You help me out… and I will personally make sure she suffers.” I said menacingly, letting a bit of red magic leak out of my body for effect.

I honestly had no qualms about stomping on her neck, and stabbing her in the head, because that’s how I roll. Fuck with my friends, you won’t be alive very long after.

Maxis stared wide eyed at my deadly demeanor. “I had you pegged as a righteous hero who was set on wiping evil from Equestria.”

“I don’t see myself as a good person. I see myself as a person who passes judgment on those who have wronged others. I’m trying to right a wrong I made on somepony, and I need your help. If you help, I will make sure that Shura suffers beyond comprehension.”

Maxis looked at the map in contemplation, as if he was battling himself in his head.

“If I give you an answer… then I want to be the one to pass the punishment onto Shura.” He negotiated, as I thought about it for a few seconds.

“I’ll bite. You have a deal.” I said, placing my fist onto the door separating us. He looked at my fist before smirking and placing his hoof onto the glass opposite of my fist.

I think we have a good thing going on here.

Author's Note:

Maxis Slava

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