• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,221 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 32

Chapter 32

3rd Person POV

In the Apple home Applebloom was putting on her Magic Resistant Hoody. Applejack was biting her hat nervously. Big Mac was trying his hardest to grab Applebloom and keep her as far away from the human across from him. Granny Smith was asleep.

64 laid out the large map of the Everfree Forest onto the table, with red and blue markings forming a long path for Applebloom to follow.

“Alright… Here’s the layout. Applebloom, you are going to enter the Everfree by the Eastern Trail.” 64 said strongly, pointing to a red marker on the map. Applebloom nodded fervently as she continued to listen with rapt attention, not wanting to miss anything. “These red markers on the map indicate ribbons I have tied to trees along the trail. The knots in the ribbon point in the direction you will head until you reach the next ribbon, and then you will follow that one.”

“But what’s with tha different colored ribbons?” Applebloom asked curiously, pointing to a blue marker.

“Let me get to that. This trail leads to a large clearing where I can confront the foalnapper.” 64 explained, pointing to an area where there were no trees. “Your job, Applebloom, is to get to this clearing. This is the optimal area for a snatch and grab style that the foalnapper has been using, so… this is the most probable area of contact.”

Applejack looked at 64 nervously as she realized what that meant.

“So… yer sayin’ that this is where Applebloom will need ta run?” Applejack asked, making 64 shrug.

“Honestly, it can happen at any other time. But this is the safest area. I can set up the Magical Barrier without having to worry about there being anything getting in the way, and it will be the safest area for me just in case the foalnapper decides to retaliate. This is where the Blue ribbons come into play for you Applebloom.”

Applebloom looked up excitedly as 64 continued.

“When the foalnapper appears, I need you to turn around, and run in the exact some direction you came from. The first Blue Ribbon you find will be in the same place as the last Red ribbon you found, but will point in a different direction. This second route will take you out of the Everfree through the Northeastern Entrance, and by that point, your job will be done.”

“But what about you? How close are ya gonna follow after ah leave?” Applebloom asked.

“Depends on how much of a fight this guy is going to try to put up. But when he sees the circumstances he’s going to be in, there’s not that much of a chance that he will try to fight back. 30 minutes tops.”

Everything was set in place, and the time for action came closer. 64 looked at his watch and saw that it was 7:10, and they would have to leave in 20 minutes.

“Alright guys… Let’s getting going. Let me change really quick…” 64 muttered, pulling out a roll of white cloth. He unrolled it to reveal that it was the same Camouflage Suit he had used at the Grand Galloping Gala, before stepping into the jumpsuit and sipping it all the way up to his neck.

“What’s with the fancy get-up 64?” Applejack asked, making 64 smirk and snap his fingers. Everything but his head disappeared, and when he put up the hood to the jumpsuit, his head disappeared as well.

“This is what I’m going to use to sneak through the Everfree. Light reflects around the specialized material so it appears I’m invisible, and there’s padding on the soles of the feet so my footsteps are silent. Got it from the Saddle Arabian Black Market.” 64 explained, moving throughout the room while throwing his voice to make him undetectable through sound.

He stopped the flow of magic to the suit and appeared in the middle of the living room, ready to get the show on the road.

“Alright, that’s enough explaining. Time to move out. Applebloom, I do need you for this, but you can back out now if you don’t feel up to this. I can always try something else.”

“No! Ah’m ready to do this! We’re gonna nab this guy!” Applebloom cheered, the hood on her jacket flapping up and down as she bounced in joy.

“Alright then… let’s go.”

The pair walked out the front door as the rest of the Apple family watched them go, the brother and sister both praying to Celestia that their baby sister would be ok.

Switch To Ethaxial

Ghost was watching as the Diamond Dog leader known as Emerald Graves sat at a private booth across from him as many Gryphonesses began to try and get to the infamous dealer, trying to get their quick fixes of Crystal Dust.

The muscle Emerald had brought with him began to shove them away, yelling over the blasting music to scare them off. Many of the girls decided to not listen and got a talon to the face from the bodyguards, as they stumbled away with their faces dripping with blood and tears.

Reggie was at the bar awaiting for Emerald to approach the bar, but that wouldn’t happen until his favorite song was playing. In a few moments it would be Ghost’s cue to request the song at the DJ booth, with a substantial bribe to play it as the next song.

“Alright 65…… whenever you’re ready… Let’s bag this son of a bitch…” Reggie whispered, a pistol hidden underneath the barstool he was sitting on. Ghost nodded softly as he returned to his drink, ready to act.

Ghost got away from the booth he was sitting in and looked towards the DJ stallion, whose black mane was spiked forward, along with large purple sunglasses donning his face. He approached slowly and pulled out a small bag of gems, placing it onto the Turntable. The DJ glanced at it and grinned, looking towards Ghost.

“What’ll it be my good Gryphon?” He said coolly, as Ghost whispered the name of the Lunar Princess into his ear. “Alright... good choice… just let this track finish up, then we’ll get her rolling!”

Ghost nodded and turned back to his seat, feeling the 9mm taped underneath the table. He didn’t know why Reggie had placed it there, but he said something about it being an extra precaution. Ghost wasn’t gonna use it though… for some reason it felt unfair to him to use it…

ALRIGHT! Looks like a good crowd! Who’s havin’ a good time!” The DJ screamed into the Mic, receiving a large applause. “Alright! Straight from Eurobeat Studios, let’s spin this shit!”

The beat started off with a small piano medley, but slowly began to increase in volume, before it began to pulse with a loud bass. The Piano was replaced by an Electronic Medley, causing all of the Gryphons and ponies on the dance floor to start dancing wildly, some good, others not so good.

Ghost was staring at Emerald who was smiling contently at the sound of the song, before signaling to his muscle to get out of the booth and make way for him. He then got up and dusted himself off, adjusting the Black Vest he had on.

Ghost watched as he made his way through the crowd of dancing Club Patrons, a smile on his face the entire time.

“If only he knew…” Ghost thought, a smirk on his feathered face. Reggie was awaiting at the Bar with the only open seat right next to him, waiting for the Diamond Dog to sit down before doing anything.

“Yes… I would like a Sidebar please, no strainer please…” Emerald asked, sitting next to Reggie.

Reggie was slowly reaching for the pistol underneath the bar stool…

Emerald’s bodyguards saw something was about to happen…

The police in the room began to frenzy…

Ghost made his move…


64 POV

Applebloom just walked into the Everfree Forest, and I already noticed she was feeling a bit tense. This was good, because if the foalnapper was already watching her, then he would see her as weaker than she actually was.

I was following slowly, remaining a good safe distance away from Applebloom. I was an invisible force to be reckoned with while I was in my suit, making sure that nothing would even look at Applebloom the wrong way.

She reached the first ribbon, and was looking at it curiously. “Follow… the… knot…” I whispered in my head, hoping that she would pick it up. She smiled and went in the right direction, as I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

Applebloom had a small basket in her mouth, which I told her to fill with any flowers she found on the way. It would look strange to see a filly just waltzing through the Everfree Forest for no good reason. She was doing everything perfectly, looking interested in small flowers she found along the path, then picking them and throwing the petals into her basket.

“Alright… about quarter of a mile until she hits the clearing…”

I heard a loud zapping sound and turned to the noise, recognizing it as one of my Shock Seal Traps going off. I zoomed off towards the noise as quickly as I could, and saw a dead Cockatrice lying on the ground, small sparks coming off of its body.

“Son of a bitch…” I muttered, running back to Applebloom. She was still walking through the trees, her basket now filled with small flowers. Only a little bit more and she would be at the clearing…

I heard twig snap. My ears twitched as I tried to pick up where it came from, but suddenly I felt something buzzing at the back of my head. By looking at Applebloom I could see that she was feeling it too, as she suddenly began to start stumbling around a little bit.

I smelled chamomile in the air, but it was so strong it was throwing me off. My eyes shot open as I realized that this was how the foalnappers were able to get the drop on his victims! A sleep spell!

“Shit… gotta counteract it…” I murmured, feeling myself grow tired. I charged magic into my palms and released the energy, but not any of the actual magic. The wave of energy disrupted the sleep spell in the air, as I felt myself grow more alert and focused.

Applebloom started to look around nervously, and I could see in her eyes that she wanted me to help her. I sighed quietly, knowing that if I revealed my position now, I wouldn’t be able to get the perp. He was here… He already gave himself away.

Applebloom began to walk a bit faster as I followed, glad that she was realizing that she was being hunted. At the next ribbon she took a right turn, heading straight towards the clearing I needed her to get to.

“Almost there… c’mon…” I whispered, hearing another twig snap in the thicket of trees. I turned to it and saw the quick flash of a black hood hiding. He was tailing her now, I got him…

Applebloom finally reached the clearing and walked into the middle of it, looking around hopefully. The black hood suddenly emerged from the thick trees and began zooming towards Applebloom, as her eyes widened in fear.

“NOW!” I yelled out, dropping the invisibility spell and teleporting in front of Applebloom, throwing my fist out towards the cloaked figure. “Run Applebloom! That way!”

I pointed in the direction she had come from and she immediately zoomed off, but as the foalnapper got back onto his hooves, he pulled out a dagger with his magic and threw it towards Applebloom, catching the hood of her jacket.

She eventually disappeared in the tree line, as I looked back at the foalnapper. I made quick work of throwing up the Magical Barrier around the clearing, causing a dark red barrier to shoot up from the ground and surround the both of us, not allowing him to escape.

“I finally got you. This is the end of the line for you! Drop the hood and show yourself!” I ordered to the foalnapper, who had his back turned to me. “I said show yourself!”

why don’t you find out for yourself…” A distorted voice answered me. The foalnapper turned around and showed that in his grasp he now held a Crooked Dagger, waving it threateningly in his telekinetic hold.

“Wrong move…”

I rushed towards the cloaked pony and conjured a Gladius into my hand, aiming at the knot around the pony’s neck holding his cloak up. Predicting my movements he jumped back while holding his cloak together, not allowing me to see his coat.

This time he was on the attack, launching a small burst of magic in my direction, then following it with a smoke screen. I simply sliced the malicious projectile and spun in a circle quickly, releasing magic as I did to create a gust of wind. The smoke cleared to reveal the foalnapper charging a large amount of magic underneath him, the black color of his magic darkening his fur.

A beam shot up towards the sky as I followed it, guessing that it was a signal for somepony else.

“Who did you just—“

I stopped as I looked down and thought I was seeing things again, but rubbing my eyes proved futile. Two were now standing in front of me… One wearing the original black cloak, and the other wearing a white cloak.

“What the fuck kind of game is this!?” I yelled, demanding an answer. None came as the two of them came rushing at me, as I charged the ground in front of me to explode. I jumped back as I primed the spell, causing it to explode in a burst of flames.

The doppelgangers were undeterred as they simply jumped through the wall of flames, their cloaks not singeing in the slightest. Two balls of magic were shot towards me as I quickly leaned backwards with my hand to support my weight, before I was forced to roll to the side to avoid getting stomped on.

I shot to my feet to see the foalnappers charging a spell together, but I knew I couldn’t allow them to finish. I conjured to Javelins in both of my hands and tossed them with expert precision, forcing them to separate and cancel the spell.

“Drop the hoods now!” I screamed, to the both of them as they circled me slowly, forcing me to switch my view back and forth between them. Of course they refused, but instead both shot towards me ready to attack.

I felt Shining Armor’s words tug at the back of my mind. “Please try and do something differently if you end up fighting something…”

Light and lithe…

I bent backwards as they bucked at my body simultaneously, one aiming for my head and the other aiming for my kneecaps. I shot my foot out and caught the black cloaked attacker in the jaw, sending him towards the ground. I then grabbed the forelegs of the white cloaked one and swung him around, throwing him into the wall of the magical barrier.

He stumbled for a bit after getting up, but fell to the floor in an unconscious heap. I turned back to the black cloaked one and saw he once again had his crooked dagger out, stabbing out towards my neck. I swatted the blade away and twisted the hoof holding it, forcing him to drop it into the dirt and grass below us. I stomped onto the blade and kicked the remnants away, not wanting him to get any ideas.

I then sent my fist into the face of the hooded criminal, forcing him into the dirt as well. I made sure he was still conscious as I stood over him, planting my foot onto his cover neck.

“So are you going to drop that hood yourself?! Or am I going to have it rip it off!?” I threatened, giving this guy to come lean one last time. He stared up at me before turning his head and spitting blood onto the ground, panting heavily.

this will not deter me… only fuel my plan…” the voice whispered, still distorted by a spell and my foot. I applied more pressure to his neck and spoke again.

“I wondered what you’re fueling yourself with, must be pretty shitty if getting beat makes it stronger.”

He chuckled. “How was your little ride in the sewer drain… I was hoping that it would have taken you downstream to the ocean…

“Take. Off. The hood. Now.”
He stared up at me before sighing, put his hooves up to the fabric of his hood, undoing the zipped which discouraged me from seeing him and waited a bit longer, before throwing his hood back.

My eyes widened at the sight of the criminal. His red fur. Sharp Horn. Slicked back black mane. Piercing black eyes. Cutie Mark of a mirror.

“Duplex… Slava…” I muttered, seeing the bruised and bloodied face of the wanted criminal staring back at me. The son of Shura Slava… was the Mysterious Foalnapper. He put his forehooves up in surrender.

“Well… ya got me…” He said clearly, the voice distorter no longer active. I grinned menacingly as I grabbed him by the collar of the cloak he was wearing, lifing him up to my eye level.

“Look at this… Looks like I’m gonna kill two birds with one stone here!” I reared my fist back to knock him, before he sighed and shook his head no.

“Try again human…” He whispered, before he poofed away into dust. I looked at the now empty space in front of me and gasped, quickly turning around and looking for the other one. I saw him slowly getting up and trying to get away, but I quickly ran over to him and tackled him back to the ground, ripping off the hood on his head.

Duplex’s face was once again staring back at me, his lip bloodied and eye swollen.

oh… so close…” He whispered, before he too disappeared into dust.



“No! No! I WILL NOT LET HIM GET AWAY!” I screamed at the sky, dropping the magical barrier around me. I was about go rushing into the forest to go and find him, but I felt the charm around my neck start to buzz violently. I pulled it out and saw that it was glowing a dark red, signaling that there was an emergency signal coming in.

I crushed the gem in my hand and blew it into the air, as the dust began to create an image in front of me.

“Ghost! GHOST! What’s going on!?” I yelled, the dust finally settling into a clear image. My eyes widened at the image in front of me.

There were ponies, Gryphons, and Diamond Dogs alike walking in the nightclub I saw, and it was obvious that a fight had just happened, a large fight. But none of this mattered to me. No. It was what I saw that truly worried me.


Ghost was undisguised, his changeling form revealed to all of the equines walking through the nightclub. Above him were two Gryphons, both pointing Pistols at his head.

“Be careful what demons you stir up son…” The orange stallion growled, walking over and standing over Ghost. I recognized him immediately, Dust Charmer. He turned towards me and grinned wickedly rolling his eyes.

“Well-o Well-o Well… Look who decided to come and butt his muzzle where it doesn’t belong… It truly has been a terrible pleasure having to deal with you Blight.” Dust growled at me.

“64! Reggie set me—“

Ghost was about to keep talking before another pony came forward and sent his hoof into his cheek, sending green blood dripping onto the floor.

“LET HIM GO!” I screamed out, as Dust laughed.

“Let him go? Fuck no! He’s gonna join the rest of the catch in our little operation, but don’t worry… we’ll treat him just fine!”

“Hey… Dust. Let talk about my pay…” the pony who stuck Ghost asked, as the image began to flicker.

“Yeah yeah… cut the shit…”

The image finally poofed away as I began to see red, magic seeping out of body in rage. I couldn’t do anything about it now though…I had to get back. I shot through the trees as quick as I could, rushing back to Sweet Apple Acres.

I made sure to dispel the traps I had set as I ran past, not wanting some unsuspecting pony to be burnt to a crisp or be electrocuted. I burst out of the forest and looked to the farm in front of me, seeing Applejack standing at the front door shaking.

“64! There ya are! Where’s Applebloom!?” She screamed frantically.

Oh shit…

Author's Note:

Oh shit son!

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