• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,221 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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64 vs. Discord Finale

Chapter 20

3rd Person POV

64 walked down the purple checkered road in the same direction as Twilight, hoping to catch up to her. His head was reeling, knowing that in order for his plan to work, he would have to do something drastic. While turning a corner, 64 noticed that a group of 3 cross dressing buffalo was tailing him, so 64 back tracked to try and lose them.

When they wouldn’t give, 64 turned to face them, and they immediately rushed to try and gore 64. He put his hands out to make a barrier spell, and the Buffalo collided into it, dazed. 64 took their confusion to his advantage and made for the buffalo in the center, slugging him across the face with a magic charged punch. He quickly spun and delivered a left elbow to the one standing at the buffalos left, before turning around and dropkicking the last buffalo.

When the three stalkers were taken care of, 64 turned to see another Cotton Candy Golem lumbering towards him slowly on the Main Road.

“Aww c’mon! I already killed one of you!” 64 yelled, remembering using the dismemberment technique on himself. He sighed and overcharged his fists, ready to fight yet another obstacle in his path. The Golem roared, sending sickly sweet breath towards 64 who ran forward, jumping up at the monster to deliver an uppercut to its jaw.

The monster stumbled back and recovered, using both of his fists to smash down at the ground where 64 was standing. He managed to roll to the side and conjure a Katana Blade, charging forward at the monster to slice its leg off.

The monster saw this and moved his right leg out of the way as 64 took a swing at it, causing him to miss. The monster brought his leg back and swung it forward, making it collide into 64 with immense force. 64 was nearly sent flying, instead gripping the monsters leg as it collided with his body. He quickly climbed up the leg towards the monsters head, avoid the large fists coming down at the monsters own body.

“Stay still you candy covered motherfucker!” 64 swore, having trouble keeping his grip on the fluffy substance coating the monster. He reached the monsters neck and held on tight as the monster began to whip his head in an attempt to try and buck 64 off. 64 noticed that the monster was shaking his head in the same pattern every time, and noticed he whipped his head up violently with every swing.

64 quickly made his way to the Cotton Candy Monsters head and waited for the right moment, making sure to hold on tight. The monster reared his head forward as it prepared to whip its head backwards, causing 64 to plant his feet onto the top of the monsters head and crouch.

As the monster threw his backwards, 64 jumped, causing him to go flying high into the air. As 64 reached the apex of his jump, he formed a Two Handed Warhammer into his hands and raised it over his head. He sailed downwards at incredibly speeds, as the Monster looked straight up at him. 64 roared as he brought the hammer down onto the monsters head, causing his entire body to quickly be crushed before exploding in a mass of Chocolate Milk.

64 hit the ground with a loud crash, down on one knee in a puddle of what just used to be one of Discord’s dumbass demon, with the Warhammer creating large crack into the ground it collided with. At this point, 64 was sick and tired of being drenched with Chocolate milk, which dried and turned sticky.

“I need bath after this…” 64 grumbled, wiping his face and hair with his hands. He continued walking down the road, hoping not to be attacked by anymore monsters, when he heard a voice ahead.

“Oh, my stomach! Twilight, you've got to see what I just did.” Discord said, as 64 dove for cover. Across the road, Discord and Twilight were observing a giant pepper shaker being used on a mare, who was sneezing like crazy. Twilight looked unamused and tried to continue walking. Discord saw this and caught up with her.

“Come now, Twilight Sparkle. You've got to get into the spirit of things! After all, this is your new home.”
Twilight looked around herself, seeing all of the Chaos and Disharmony being caused. She hung her head in defeat, another tear dripped down onto the floor.

“Not anymore she whispered…” as she continued walking, heading towards the Golden Oaks Library and hopefully to receive the messages Spike was receiving. Discord watched her go before laughing triumphantly and doing a stupid dance, making 64’s blood boil. He revealed himself and walked towards Discord, a Broadsword slung over his shoulder.

“Discord!” 64 yelled, making Discord stop his dancing and look towards the human.

“Ah, the little pest who thinks he can still go toe to toe with me. Tell me, did you find what was in that stupid little head of yours? Little Celestia’s alter ego? I still can’t believe she was actually pushed far enough to turn like that! You must have done something terrible…” Discord said, floating in midair as if he was lying on his stomach.

“I didn’t do anything… and yes, I found them.”

“So then you now know how to channel your magic effectively! Perfect! Now you can join me without being a thorn in my side!” Discord said with sickening glee, making 64’s face contort in confusion.

“Join you?! Why the fuck would I join you?! You’ve caused nothing but headaches and chaos ever since you came back! I’d rather die than join you!” 64 responded, making Discord shake his head.

“Oh Poor 64… is this how you get without your little companion?”

64 growled as smoke began to billow out of his mouth. “DON’T YOU DARE SAY A WORD ABOUT GHOST!”

Discord chuckled. “64, you may not realize this, but without a companion, you are nothing but a nervous wreck! You first had that little AI bug floating around you, and after she kicked the bucket, you got your little changeling friend. I can guarantee you, the cycle will continue. Ghost will fall in the Gryphon Kingdom, and you will once again be without a companion.” Discord explained in a mocking tone, nearly making 64 foam at the mouth.

“But… if you join me… you will never be without a companion again! Our Chaotic Magics combined; we can be rulers of the Universe! Spreading chaos far and wide across galaxies, sounds fun doesn’t it? Oh what am I saying, of course it does.”

64 was getting angrier by the second, but he curiosity was piqued by Discord’s statement.

“Wait, what did you say?” 64 said, making Discord’s eyes widen in confusion.

“Wait, you are actually considering it? What with your nobility and honor about helping protect Equestria I thought you would have a few more arguments, but I guess the quicker route in this case is the easiest.” Discord said, making 64 growl.

“I didn’t mean your stupid fucking offer, which I refuse! I meant the thing about our chaotic magics. What are you saying?”

“Well you don’t realize? You should have noticed it when you were able to crack the shield that I put in front of my face when you viciously tried to assault me.” Discord said, making a fake pouty face. “Your magic is chaotic, such as my own. Observe.”

Discord snapped his fingers and 4 Cotton Candy Clouds appeared, as they all made to attack 64. He back flipped to dodge the charging clouds, before channel magic into his hands to create 2 maces. He spun once with his maces held out, successfully demolishing 2 of the 4 clouds. He then threw his maces at the remaining clouds, making the explode into chocolate milk.
Discord clapped in sarcasm, holding up a stupid #1 Foam Finger.

“Bravo 64! Now, let’s see the same results with, a regular unicorn!”

Discord snapped, and a unicorn mare which was curled up in the fetal position while crying appeared before the two of them. 64 rushed forward to try and help her, but Discord pushed him back using his magic.

“Hello ma’am! You are the lucky winner for the position of Discord’s Lab Rat!” Discord said proudly, as the unicorn mare looked up in horror.

“Discord! Please! Please let me have my little filly back! Please turn her back to the way she was, I’m begging you! Please!” The mother yelled frantically, tears streaming down her face and into her hooves.

“Oh… sure… but you have to do one thing for me…” Discord said, snapping his fingers and making 1 Cotton Candy Cloud appear. “Simply blast this cloud with your magic and destroy it, easy as pie!”

The mare nodded desperately and turned her horn towards the cloud, blasting it with her magic. It knocked the cloud back, but didn’t make it disperse. She tried again and again, but the cloud didn’t explode or disperse.

“Oh… so sorry, but you failed to destroy the cloud! I’m afraid I can’t change your daughter back.” Discord said in mock sympathy, making the mother’s eyes widen.

NO! PLEASE DISCORD I BEG OF YOU! NO!” The mare yelled desperately, before Discord snapped his fingers, making the mare disappear. 64 stared where the mare once was, before turning towards Discord.

“You’re a fucking monster! How the fuck can you take pleasure in ruining that poor mare’s life?!” 64 yelled, as Discord shrugged.

“It’s not my problem how ponies take my chaos, it’s my problem to dish it out, that’s it.”

That did it, that was the final straw that broke the camel’s back.

64’s eyes started to glow as he began to gather a large amount of magic, growling as he did so. Discord watched bored at the display, taking out a pair of sunglasses and yawning. 64 continued to gather magic and channel it to his entire body, a red glow of magic slowly shimmering through his entire body.

“MOLTEN ARMOR!” 64 yelled out, as his magic exploded into the ground and molten rock flew up into the air. It stayed suspended in the air for a short amount of time before attaching itself to 64, as a layer of burning rocks created a flaming set of armor around 64’s entire body. The only part of his body that wasn’t covered in burning rocks were his eyes, which were glowing a bright orange.

Discord saw his transformation and lowered his shades a bit, a bit surprised. “Well that is different. Don’t you think it may get a bit heated in there for you?”

64 simply screamed and leapt into the air, aiming to bring his molten fist down on Discord’s head. Discord simply teleported away as 64 brought his fist into the ground, creating an enormous crack in the checkered floor. 64 turned to where Discord had teleported to and threw a blast of magic at him, making Discord set up a shield to absorb it.

The magical shield which Discord put up cracked immensely, leaving it incredibly vulnerable for attack. Discord released the shield and saw 64 charging at him, large blades in both hands. 64 took a swing at Discord, causing the Spirit of Chaos to fly upwards into the air.

“So now you decided to get serious? Well this may be a bit more interesting than I thought! How about I get serious as well…?” Discord threatened, a yellow light enveloping his mismatched hands. The large pieces of the city which were floating in the air were now enveloped in the yellow magic, and sailed towards 64.

He leapt towards the huge rocks and ran across them, leaping from one piece of land to the next, going upwards towards Discord. After running across the last piece 64 jumped towards Discord with his two blades held high over his head, ready to attack.

Discord smirked as he simply zoomed out of 64’s path, but was shocked to see that a tendril of magic with 64 shot out caught on his tail, causing 64 to be pulled with him.

“GET BACK HERE!” 64 yelled as he pulled on his tendril of magic, preventing Discord from flying away. Discord was getting annoyed and shot a blast of magic at 64, who sliced the blast with a swing of the conjured blade in his hand.

64 looked down to see that a piece of a house which Discord had thrown at him was still partially intact, and gripped it in his telekinetic hold. He brought it upwards to act as a platform for the dangling 64, who used both hands to tug at the tendril still holding the Spirit of Chaos. Discord was pulled down to the platform, as 64 rushed at him with a flaming fist.

Discord grabbed 64 oncoming fist and pulled him up off of the ground, before slamming him back onto the platform that 64 was still holding up, causing it to smash into pieces. Discord then used his magic to send 64 launching towards the ground, causing a long larger crater upon impact.

“Grr… I’M GONNA TAKE YOU DOWN DISCORD!” 64 yelled as he got up out of the crater he was in, relatively unscathed thanks to the molten armor he had on. Discord simply chuckled at 64’s enthusiasm, snapping his fingers to create a recliner in midair.

“Oh yeah yeah, you’ll get out of that dirt pit, say a few things about knowing a way how to defeat me, try it, it doesn’t work, then there’s a huge deux ex machina at the end of our battle, eventually saving you from near death and defeating me… I know how this whole song and dance goes. Or we can simply cut to the chase and you can stand still to let me finish you off.” Discord said smugly, taking a drink from a large pitcher of lemonade.

“Or you can simply FUCK OFF!” 64 yelled, augmenting his legs to leap up to Discord. He smashed through the recliner Discord was sitting on and attempted to tackle Discord, who poofed away last second.

Discord appeared next to 64 and whipped him with his tail, sending him sailing in the opposite direction. He then teleported to where 64 was sailing, catching him with an oversized baseball mitt.

“Oh 64, you must learn that a direct approach to anything might not always work… You have to try and pull the sheets over your opponents eyes, then strike when they least expect it.” Discord explained, before throwing 64 toward the ground.

64 used magic to slow his descent, flipping backwards to land on his feet. “C’mon Discord! Why are you hiding in the sky?! Come down here and fight me with some honor!”

Discord chuckled at the challenge and decided to humor him. “Alright Project 64… I will adhere to your complaining. How about we even the odds a bit…”

Discord floated down to the ground, then snapped his fingers. Discord’s wings disappeared, leaving him flightless. “Those things are tiring anyway, and it’s been a millennium since someone was able to give me a good fight. So 64, I ask you,” Discord said, all of a sudden wearing a suit and tie “Do you feel lucky?”

64 growled and looked towards his opponent, gathering magic underneath his molten armor.

“You bet your ass I do.”

Twilight Sparkle POV

I didn’t know what to do anymore…

Friendship was what was able to keep me happy, and now that it was gone, it was like going through the worst withdrawal in history. After Discord had told me about my new “home”, I knew I had to go anywhere but here. I wasn’t going to stay around while Ponyville became the Chaos capital of the world…

I made my way back to the library, and walked upstairs to find Spike. “Pack your things, Spike, we're leaving. Don't ask where we're going, 'cause I don't know yet. Just not here.”

I packed some books and some other necessities, before realizing I was still wearing the Element of Magic on my head. I stared at it for a good long while, before scoffing and throwing into a nearby trash can. Friendship wasn’t going to help anypony now…

“Spike, hurry and pack your things.” I scolded, seeing as Spike was still laying on the ground moaning.

“Can't...move. The princess...has been sending these...since… 64… sent a… letter…” Spike groaned out, before belching yet another letter onto the growing pile. “Make it stop!”

I ignored Spike and grabbed one of the letters, unraveling it and read through it. The letters seem vaguely familiar, as if I had read them before. I then looked to the signature at the bottom.

“Sincerely yours, Twilight Sparkle…” I whispered, seeing the reports of friendship that I had sent to Celestia in the past. I read through them at a feverous pace, remembering all of the good memories that I was able to create to make with my friends.

I felt warmer all of a sudden, thinking of all of my friends who were still out there, knowing that somewhere inside their Discorded minds that they were still in there, waiting to be released.

“Spike! Spike, it's all so clear! Can't you see? Discord's trying to distract us from what's important. He knows how powerful our friendships are, and he's trying to keep us from seeing it. Do you remember what I said the first day we arrived in Ponyville?” I asked, making Spike groan and roll over onto his back.

“I told you that the future of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends. But the opposite is true! The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Nightmare Moon. And now they need to save it from Discord!”

Spike continued to moan and roll around on the ground, as yet another letter came soaring out of his mouth.

“Oh, right… why don't you just stay here and rest? I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself.” I said, picking up Spike and placing him into his bed. He simply moaned and burped out another letter, as I turned around and made for the only place I could think to find my friends.

I made my way of the library and started to run to Sweet Apple Acres, where I knew I could find Applejack. As I ran I noticed that there were a large amount of flame scars all over the ground, along with large craters in the floor.

As I inspected them I remembered something incredibly shocking.

“Oh my goodness… where’s 64!?” I said horrified, knowing how unstable he could get if angered. As if to answer my question, I heard a loud explosion not too far off in the direction I was already running, and went to investigate.

I saw something which made my jaw drop, and immediately make me stop in my tracks. From what I could tell at first glance, 64 had covered himself from head to toe in molten rocks, acting as some sort of armor, and was now pulling himself out of another crater in the ground.

Discord stood across from him, actually scowling and sweating just a little bit. In front of him, a large crater from an explosion stood, no doubt being the reason 64 was blasted back in the first place. 64 then created a large display of magical tendrils which lashed out at Discord, who put his hands out and allowed magic to steadily stave of the magical tendrils which were coming to attack him.

“My word…” I muttered, turning away and continuing to run towards Sweet Apple Acres. I knew 64 would be able to handle himself, but wouldn’t be able to for long. I had to free the girls from Discord’s grasp and help him before he got killed.

Sweet Apple Acres came into view, as many of the trees were now dead and floating around. I saw Applejack relaxing against her barn, and Granny Smith doing some sort of dance with a cane. I ran through the gates and called out.

“Applejack, I'm here to fight for our friendship!” I said proudly, as Big Macintosh came out of the ground like a dog, and licked me across the cheek. I could blush about it and be embarrassed later, I had to focus.

“Oh, now ya want to fight. Where ya went when ah was battlin' Discord?” Applejack said, standing on her two rearhoofs and getting into a boxing stance. I leapt forward and tackled her, knowing what I had to do.

“Snap out of it. This isn't you! You're not a liar!” I yelled in her face, putting my horn to Applejack’s forehead. I channeled memories into her mind, showing her what we had gone through as friends. By the end of it, Applejack looked dazed on the floor, color slowly returning to her body.

“Wh-what happened? Twilight! I saw a vision of us feudin' and fightin'. I couldn't face the truth, so I started tellin' lies. Can you ever forgive me?” Applejack explained, putting her hat over her mouth in shame. I smiled and put my hoof onto her shoulder.

“I already have. Come on! We have to hurry! We don’t have much time!” I yelled already running out of the farm and towards Fluttershy’s cabin. Applejack grabbed my tail before I could get too far.

“Woah there girl! Ah know we gotta hurry, but it sounds like somethin’ else is goin’ on. What’s happenin’?” Applejack asked.

“It’s 64! He’s fighting Discord! He’s distracting Discord so we could gather the Elements and put a stop to this! We have to hurry! I don’t know how longs he’s gonna last!”

This time when I started running, Applejack did the same, nearly leaving me in the dust due to her athleticism. We made our way towards Fluttershy’s Cabin, running along the outskirts of Ponyville. A large rumbling caught both our attentions, as we turned towards the disturbance.

A large flame spout was appearing near the area I last saw 64, and feared the worst.

“Is that who ah think it is!?” Applejack asked, making me nod.

“C’mon! We’ve got to get to Fluttershy!” I screamed, as we continued towards the Cabin in thewoods.

64 POV

A dance of flames is what I was, forcing Discord back into the sky. He was once again flying left and right, using his magic to try and get a clean shot at me. I was shooting pure flames out of my arms, using more power than I had ever done before.

Streams of Flames were being shot at Discord, who was bobbing and weaving in the air. Although it was quite obvious that I was keeping him on his toes, I was slowly losing, feeling myself lose strength with every passing minute. The only think that would allow me to win would be my pure, unadulterated rage.

“STAY STILL YOU CURR!” I roared, spewing flames out of my mouth with pinpoint accuracy towards Discord, who zipping in and out of the way, narrowly dodging my attacks while firing his own. I sidestepped a few explosive spells and allowed my armor to take the impact of a few, knocking me back little bit. I didn’t let up as I continued to fire at the Spirit of Chaos, who was looking a bit singed, on some parts of his body.

I could tell he was getting mad, so I had to end this quick before something bad happened.

“You are nothing compared to me you little human! You stand no match!” Discord roared as the ground underneath me glowed a bright yellow. I dove out of the way before the ground exploded out from under me, kicking up all sorts of stone debris. Discord took this debris and created a large spear out of the molten shards, launching towards me at lightning speeds.

I tried to jump out of the way, but the Javelin managed to slice me across my right side, piercing my armor all the way throught.

“AHH! MOTHERFUCKER!” I yelled, gripping the Javelin which was still embedded in me. I pulled it out with as much force as I could, as blood poured out of the wound. I quickly did something incredibly painful and cauterized the wound by putting a hand covered in fire over it, attempting to stop any bleeding.

I looked up towards where Discord was, and saw something out of the corner of my eye. Twilight’s hot air balloon was being pulled by Fluttershy, who was hauling ass to catch up with an escaping Rainbow Dash.

I saw that Twilight was looking down at me with a scared expression, so I tried my best to get to my feet. I pushed myself up with a heavy wince, holding onto my side. The molten armor I had slowly crumbled around me, leaving me exposed.

I felt the anger and rage slowly start to fade away, though I still held my confidence and cockiness.

“C’mon Discord! I’m right here waiting for you! Finish me off!” I yelled, my right arm outwards, using my left hand to hold onto my side. Discord was panting softly, and held a smirk as he came down to the ground.

“But where would the fun be in that? No, I want you to feel everything. I’m going to keep you alive, so you can see the precious world you sought out to protect crumble at your feet, with you powerless to stop it…” Discord growled menacingly, angered that I was able to hold my own against him for so long.

I conjured a Rapier in my right hand, gripping it tightly.

“I’m not going to go quietly then! I’ll keep fighting until I’m dead!” I taunted, holding my sword in a fencing stance. Although I was usual a very heavy fisted fighter, I knew when grace and precision was needed.

Discord smirked and made his own Rapier, as the ground around us suddenly turned into a metal piste, the usual fencing mat.

“I never expected you to be a graceful fighter 64, but I suppose we all have our secrets...” Discord muttered, getting into his own fencing stance. “Sabre Style, everything above the legs.”

I nodded at the terms of the match, knowing it was only fair. I knew Discord would still have something up his sleeve, so I prepared for anything. I immediately went on the offensive and thrust my blade towards Discord’s stomach, who swatted my blade out of the way with his own.

He attempted to get me in the neck by slashing downwards at me, but I blocked last minute and used my foot to kick him backwards. I once again went on the offensive by striking at Discord over and over, with him simply yawning and continuing to block and parry my attacks.

He swung out at my unprotected left side and managed to give me a shallow slice, causing me to back off and wince. I backed away and allowed myself to get a few breaths of air, already feeling winded so early into our fight.

“Well 64? I’m waiting…” Discord mocked, causing me to go at him once again. I struck at his neck, causing him to block and strike back at my chest. I parried as we locked blades, pressing against each other.

Discord stood a good 3 feet over me, nearly 10 feet tall. I grunted as I pushed the Spirit of Chaos away, feeling a bit faint. I shook my head to try and wake myself up a little bit, but it helped very little.

“Oh, what’s wrong 64? Feeling a bit tired? Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to sleep once you become my Chaotic Slave.”

I growled as I readied myself to stab him, but Discord reached out with his free hand, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward. I felt a hot white pain shoot through my chest, followed by a warm sensation. Discord grinned evilly as he stepped away from me, and I noticed he was no longer holding his Rapier in his hand.

I looked down to see the handle of the blade against my chest, with the entire length of the blade going through my chest and out my back. My vision began to swim as I fell to my knees, feeling blood drip down my chest.

“Don’t worry… it’s not a fatal wound, I made sure of that… we wouldn’t want to dying on me would we?” Discord said, sitting backwards onto a strange throne which he conjured. I felt myself coughing up blood as I fell onto my arms as well, trying to breath properly.

“Y-You… son of… a bitch…” I whispered, as the Rapier which was lodged in my chest disappeared.

“64!” a group of voices said from behind me, although I already knew who they were.

“Oh, would you look at this! Looks like we have a happy little reunion!” Discord said with glee, as the girls all gathered around me in an attempt to help me. Fluttershy turned me onto my back and tore off the remaining pieces of the Long sleeve I had on to get to my chest.

She saw the wounds to my torso from the fight with Discord, along with an unsightly amount of blood.

“Girls! Get ready!” Twilight yelled, knowing she wanted to use the Elements to stop Discord. Fluttershy was busy tearing strips of cloth out of my shirt, and pressed them to the more prominent wound on my chest.

I was fading in and out of consciousness, but I knew I had to do something to keep Discord in one place to hit him with the Elements. I pushed over onto my stomach as I saw Discord looking over to the Elements of Harmony, his hand hidden from them. He was gathering up magic to detonate the ground underneath them, preparing to kill them.

“no…” I whispered, trying to gather enough magic in my hand for a stun spell. I felt my magic being disrupted by my injuries, and knew I wouldn’t be unable to charge the amount of magic needed in time.

Time slowed as I looked around myself, seeing what was happening.

Twilight’s horn was glowing, charging all of the other Elements to attack Discord.

Discord’s hand was charging magic, and managed to finally to build up enough to cast the spell.

64… let me help…She said, as I was suddenly filled with burning heat. It was hotter than any other flame in Equestria, nearly burning me from the inside out. My eyes were filled with bright white light, and my arms turned into pure flames.

I pushed myself onto my feet and aimed my hands at Discord, blasting a Javelin of Flames at him. Discord saw my bolt of fire heading towards him and instead aimed his detonation spell at me, as I saw the ground around me glow a bright yellow.

“Fuck…” I muttered, as the world around me went black.

3rd Person POV

Twilight saw 64 being engulfed in the explosion, and cried out in panic. She then heard Discord scream out in pain, as she looked back at him. Impaling him to his throne was a javelin made of what looked like fire, as he bled profusely.

She knew that now was the time to hit Discord, with him incapacitated. With her already charging the Elements, she and all of her friends began to slowly rise into the air, aiming at Discord.

“NO! I WON’T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN!” Discord roared as he tried frantically to pull out the Javelin lodged in his body. Apparently it was disrupting his flow of magic, because his hands were flickering with a yellow glow, trying to teleport.

“It’s over Discord!” Twilight yelled, as a blast of Rainbow Magic shot out of the Elements like mortar fire, shooting upwards towards the sky. It arched as it reached the apex of its rise, now soaring downwards towards Discord.

“NO! NOOO!” Discord bellowed as the blast collided with him, destroying the javelin of magic impaled in him and slowly turning him to stone. He writhed and squirmed to try and get away from the magic, but it was simply too much, and he eventually was completely turned to stone. The arch of Rainbow Magic split in two, creating a dome of magic around Ponyville, before exploding out in a blast of Harmonious Magic.

Twilight and her friends all descended down from the air, as Discord toppled over onto the ground, a husk of what he used to be. Although he was defeated, the battle was far from over.

“64!” Twilight yelled out, running to where she last saw 64 taking the explosive blast. He was nowhere to be seen, except for the large crater which now was apparent.

“Wait where did 64 go? Wasn’t he just there?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying higher into the air to try and see if he might have been sent anywhere. She saw something crawling a good distance away, and the figure was obviously very injured. “Girls! Over there!”

Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash and immediately started in a gallop towards the direction she was pointing in, wanting to help 64. The girls followed, and near the outskirts of Ponyville, 64 was found, bloody, beaten, and barely conscious.

They all ran to him and looked over his body, seeing wounds which would be fatal if he didn’t get help soon.

discord… discord…” 64 whispered, coughing up blood as he did so. Applejack looked behind 64 to see a long blood trail from when he had tried crawling back, amazed he had covered such distance in the state he was in.

“64 calm down, we did it, Discord is gone. You can relax now.” Twilight said, obviously trying not to panic. Fluttershy was having a harder time and was now crying profusely, worrying for her friend.

“We gotta get ‘im to the hospital!”Applejack yelled out, Twilight shook her head.

“There’s going to be too many ponies there getting treatment for what just happened! We need to—“

Twilight was talking as she noticed something around 64’s neck. It was a small green charm, and she recognized it. She pulled it off and immediately channeled magic into it.

“Twilight what on earth are you doing?” Rarity asked.

“This charm! It’s a communication conduit! 64 used it to contact Celestia! I could do the same once I get past the interference spell!” Twilight explained, sweating as she continued to channel magic into the charm.

“destroy… runes…” 64 whispered, as Fluttershy tried to prevent him from speaking. Twilight eyes widened as she saw what 64 was talking about. There were interference runes disguised as amplifying runes to increase the range 64 could communicate with Canterlot, so Twilight had to overload them with magic to destroy them.

Once the runes were down, she yelled frantically into the charm.

“Hello!? Princess Celestia!?” She screamed, as the Princess on the other side was startled.

“Twilight? What are you doing on 64’s communication channel? Well I guess that’s beside the matter, I can see that Discord’s short reign has come to an end. Congratulations Twilight!” Celestia said gladly, making Twilight annoyed.

“Princess we can’t celebrate yet! 64 is really hurt and needs help! Is there any way for us to get to Canterlot for help?!” Twilight said frantically as no response came from the other end. She waited for Celestia to respond, but all she heard was a faint buzzing sound.


“64 is down?” Celestia said, sounding as if she didn’t believe it.

“Yes! We need help now!”

A few moments later, a bright yellow magic blast appeared in the field, and Princess Celestia stood there in the same field as the dying 64 and Twilight Sparkle. She looked towards 64 and saw Fluttershy trying to stabilize him, and stopped her.

“Princess what are you doing?” Fluttershy asked, as Celestia raised her hoof.

“Allow me to do this…” She whispered, putting her horn to 64’s forehead. She analyzed his memories, seeing him battle against Discord, and buy Twilight enough time to gather the Elements of Harmony. She pulled back and looked down upon 64, who was looking back up.

“well princess… did I earn another chance…?” 64 whispered, a slight scowl on his face. Celestia simply nodded and put her horn onto 64’s stomach, sending a spell into him.

“ARGHH!!” 64 screamed out, writhing in pain at the magic coursing through him. Slowly his wounds closed, leaving disfigured scars and blood stains all over his body. He fell into unconsciousness shortly after, leaving Celestia simply staring down at him.

“He’s gone into a coma…” She said simply, making the group around her gasp in horror.

“But you healed him! How could he have gone into a coma!?” Twilight yelled, as Celestia shook her head.

“His human body couldn’t withstand the amount of punishment which was dealt to him, especially with the severe concussion he had received in the explosion. The coma itself won't be too devastating, but might last a short number of weeks. We can take him to the Medical Center in the Palace, so let us proceed.”

Celestia levitated 64’s body and placed it onto her back, laying him as if he was asleep on his stomach, with his arms and legs hanging off the side. The girls looked upon him, seeing that the powerful being which was capable of going head to head with Discord now looked so vulnerable.

Celestia’s horn glowed for a short moment, as the group which was just standing in the outskirts of Ponyville, was then teleported to Canterlot. The only evidence of their presence there a few seconds ago was the trail of blood leading toward the town, then stopping.

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