• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,226 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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64 vs. Discord Part 1

64 vs. Discord Part 1

64 POV

Blood… Blood… Blood…

Is… is it mine…?

I… where… he…?

I smelled smoke… heard the flames… saw destruction… Ponyville…





10 Hours Earlier

I woke up in my cot in the Clock Tower and looked around a bit with bleary eyes, remembering that dinner had kinda sucked. Spaghetti was pretty good, but without meatballs it wasn’t anything to love. I pushed myself up off of my bed and remembered that I had decided to go shirtless to bed, due to the fact I had been wearing the same shirt for 2 days.

I looked through my Duffel Bag and pulled out another hooded long sleeve, slipping it on. I twisted my back a few times to work out a few kinks, and then realized something smelled really, really sugary. I wasn’t near the Sugarcube Corner, and I obviously wasn’t carrying any sweets on me or else they would already be devoured.

“What the fuck?” I whispered, blowing my nose on a small rag to make sure there wasn’t anything stuck up it. I heard the pattering of rain outside, and looked towards the windows covered by blinds. I pulled them down and saw the rain falling, and I immediately noticed something was wrong. Instead of the crystal clear rain along with darkened skies, it was still crystal clear skies, but with pink clouds floating in the air, and brown water falling from them.

I pulled my hood over my head and leapt out the window, channeling magic into my eyes to try and find Rainbow Dash among the clouds of pink. I saw her zooming around Sweet Apple Acres, chasing dozens of the pink clouds around in an effort to try and stomp them out.

I saw a few flying towards me and I dove out of the way, rolling and channeling magic to my hands. They once again rushed me as I did the same to them, only sliding underneath them as they came over me, punching them into nothing but pink dust as my fists connected with them.

I got up and looked around to see the residents of Ponyville all running around in chaos, and I knew they needed something that would get them to calm down. Chaos begets Chaos.

I knew using the same spell I did at the Grand Galloping Gala wouldn’t really do anything here, due to the fact that with all of these ponies running around it would require too much focus that I wouldn’t be able to give. I immediately started to climb back up the Clock Tower, knowing what to do.

I conjured a large hammer into my hands and swung at the Bell, its loud ringing catching the attention of the ponies running around mad.

“PONIES OF PONYVILLE! GATHER AT THE CLOCK TOWER! GATHER AT THE CLOCK TOWER!” I yelled as loudly as I could with a voice amplification spell, causing the ponies to flock to the Clock Tower and see what was going on.

As I was about to speak, a large purple flash of light illuminated in the distance, and a wave of purple magic blasted past the entire city. The town’s ponies, shortly after the harmless blast passed them, once again immediately started to panic and run around, causing me to groan.

I knew that wouldn’t be able to grab their attention again, so I decided that I needed to find Twilight and find out just what the fuck was going on. I jumped down from the Clock Tower and landed on the ground, splashing in a puddle of what smelled like Chocolate Milk. More clouds began to dive bomb me, forcing me to quickly sidestep and duck under a consecutive torrent of the pink masses.
I conjured 2 Maces to beat the clouds into dust, causing them to explode in masses of Chocolate Milk. I looked around to find that other ponies were also running from clouds, but they seemed less violent than the ones targeting me.

I finally caught a small break and was able to flee from the clouds by leaping into an empty barrel and closing the lid, giving me a minute to think.

“Dammit, looks like my vacation is gonna be cut short. I gotta get to Sweet Apple Acres.” I whispered, peeking from the barrel and making sure the coast was clear. I hopped out and snuck along the walls of buildings until reached the open road which would lead to Sweet Apple Acres, and I knew that it would be an incredibly mad dash for me to get there.

I saw the pink clouds patrolling through the streets, and I knew that the second I exposed myself, I would be spotted.

“Fuck it…”

I ran as fast as my legs would naturally take me, and immediately saw the clouds give chase. I continued down the road and saw the cornfields which Applejack had were exploding into large mountains of popcorn, and the Apples on the trees had grown into gargantuan sizes.

I needed to go a bit faster, so I augmented my legs enough to where the clouds weren’t nipping at my heels to closely. I saw Rainbow Dash gathering a large abundance of the clouds into compact form, and it was apparent that the group of mares ahead didn’t see me coming in hot. I had to get rid of the clouds at my tail, and I saw the perfect little dragon to help me.

“HEY SPIKE!” I yelled loudly causing him to turn around. When he did, I used his head as a foothold to vault myself into the air, flipping to see the clouds chasing me while I was upside down. I threw 4 blasts of magic to dissipate the attacking clouds, and landed gracefully on the ground. Spike was now on the ground with a large shoeprint on his face, obviously dazed from my sudden jump.

“64! You’re just in time. We just figured out a way to keep the clouds from attacking anymore.” Twilight said proudly, as looked over to a large bundled up cloud tied with rope being munched on by a disproportionate group of animals.

“Twilight, no offence, but I don’t think that’s gonna hold for very long.” I said honestly, making her scowl.

“Well I don’t see anypony else doing anything about the cotton candy clouds. And if what Rainbow Dash said is true then the entirety of Equestria is experiencing strange weather patterns, so we have to think of a permanent solution before this escalates into something we can’t handle.” Twilight said worriedly, causing me to sigh.

“Alright, Celestia has to know something about what’s going on. This seems like a bunch of disturbances in the natural magical order of things, so it can be detected and put down. All it will take is time.” I said, as I heard a choking sound behind me.

Spike suddenly sat up and burped out a scroll with Celestia’s crest on it, which Twilight immediately took and opened. She read it fervently for a few seconds before suddenly gasping and looking up at us.

“C’mon! Princess Celestia wants to see us all in Canterlot immediately!” Twilight yelled, as I immediately knew what to do. I pulled out the Messenger Charm from my shirt and channeled magic into it.

“This is Biped ready for pick-up, 6 passengers, immediate evac.” I said into the charm.

“Copy Biped, ETA 2 minutes.” The voice of the Pegasi Guard replied, as the glow from my charm dissipated.

“Why 2 minutes? Last time you did that they came almost instantly!” Rainbow Dash asked me.

“That’s because they didn’t have to account for passengers that time. Spike, listen. You head back to the Library and stay put alright? We don’t know what could happen and we don’t need you getting hurt, alright?” I explained, making Spike scowl.

“And why can’t I go? I can help!” Spike argued.

“I know, there can be plenty of ways you can help, but right now we can’t have anything—“

A large roar stopped my sentence and startled me into making two Tomahawks in my hands, and turning towards the monster. The girls slowly back away from what they saw, and Spike immediately zoomed off to the library, heeding my advice.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me…” I groaned, seeing that the bundled up mass of Cotton Candy clouds that Twilight had bound together was now a 16 foot behemoth made of Cotton candy. I looked down at my watch and saw that I only had to hold this thing off for a minute and a half, but I would rather kill it so it couldn't attack Ponyville next.

“Alright girls, stay behind me! I’ll handle this!” I yelled, rushing toward the monster. He swung his massive fist at me, causing me to roll under it. I shot back up and jumped up to his face level, taking a swing at his large glowing green eyes.

He roared in pain as I was able to destroy his right eye, the remnants simply dripping down in green goop. He smashed down at the ground in an attempt to try and smash me, but I jumped to the left at the last minute. I decided I needed a smashing weapon, so I dispelled the Tomahawks and formed a large two handed War Hammer in my hands, ready to destroy this thing.

I once again charged at the behemoth, as he once again smashed at the ground with his two enormous fists. I sidestepped them as I ran towards him, sliding last second underneath his legs. As I turned around to smash him in the back, I was met by the backhand of the monster, sending me skidding against the ground.

“Argh! Motherfucker!” I yelled as I brought the War Hammer over my shoulder, augmenting my eyes so I could see the weak points on the monster. I saw the Cotton Candy on his neck was very fragile, compared to the rock hard compacted candy of the rest of his body.

I augmented my legs and dashed over to the monster, using my large hammer to swing at his leg as I ran past. He roared and swung at his leg with his large fist, destroying it himself. I turned around and dashed at his back, leaping for the back of his neck.

The behemoth turned around and swung his large fist at me again, only this time I swung the hammer in my hands at his fist, causing it to explode in Chocolate milk. I continued to zoom towards the monsters face, dispelling the hammer in favor of simply augmenting my fists with magic. I gripped the monsters face when I collided with it, holding on with my left hand and feet while I pummeled at his using my right fist.

With his other fist he grabbed me and threw me towards the girls, who moved out of the way to avoid me crashing into them. I landed harshly and used the momentum of the throw to roll onto my feet, shooting up quickly to charge once again.

“64! Look!” Twilight yelled, as I looked up to see the Pegasi Chariot coming in.

“Dammit! Gotta end this quick!” I yelled, as my eyes glowed red with anger. I looked towards the monster who was slowly limping his way towards us, his left leg and right hand destroyed. I stepped forward and gather as much magic as I could into my right shoulder as I could. I looked to Twilight who was shivering with fear, and I knew the next question I was about to ask her could freak her out.

“How well can you reattach an arm!?” I yelled, making her jump back.

“I-I-I have some healing experience, but nothing with dismemberment!” She yelled frightened, as I growled.

“Then you better learn quick!” I roared, making a Long sword in my left hand. I continued to build up magic in my right shoulder as the monster finally came close enough. I stuck out my right arm in front of me, as I looked back at Twilight.


I brought the blade of the Long Sword down at my elbow, slicing clean through my arm as my forearm fell to the ground. All of the magic I had built up in my shoulder suddenly shot out, forming a Red Glowing Arm. I ran forward while screaming in pain, leaping up to the chest of the behemoth and sending the magical fist into it.

He roared in pain as he exploded in a mass of Chocolate Milk, the entirety of his body disappearing. I landed less that gracefully into the ground, feeling the rush of magic through my body slowly diminishing.

The magical arm I had suddenly faded away as I started to bleed profusely from my severed limb, forcing me to rip the fabric on my fallen forearm off and hold it to the stump.

“FUCK THIS HURTS!” I yelled as the adrenaline rush faded away, nearly causing me to pass out. The Pegasi landed and quickly undid themselves from their harnesses to drag me on board, along with the now unconscious Fluttershy who must’ve passed out when she saw me take my own arm off. I saw the trail of blood from my arm as they pulled me on board, and tried increasing pressure to my arm.

The girls quickly boarded as well, as we took off from the ground and started towards Canterlot. I felt myself starting to black out, and Twilight’s horn started glowing. She nearly vomited when she took my dismembered forearm in her magical grip, and put it to its respective place.

She was grunting in focus, and I felt numbness in my arm. She was now sweating profusely as the rest of us looked on, as she was finally able to fuse my arm back to me.

"T-There… I had to reattach and repair the destroyed nerves, torn muscles, and the sliced bone, so it may feel a bit numb. Try flexing your arm.” Twilight panted, as I did as she told me. I winced as I was able to close my right hand into a fist, but it took a bit of effort.

“Thanks Twilight, I’m sorry I yelled at you back there. I get like that when I use too much magic at one time.” I apologized, as she waved a hoof.

“No, thank you for stopping that thing. My magic doesn’t seem to work against whatever is going on, but you were able to destroy those clouds using your magic. It’s probably because your magic is from an Alicorn, and mine isn’t.”


I sighed in relaxation as I laid my head back on the chariot, continuously flexing my arm to get feeling back into it. I noticed that Rainbow Dash suddenly stood over me, and she poked at my right arm.

“How did you do that!? You sliced off your own arm!” She screamed, obviously still freaked out.

“Hell, I’m not even sure… it just… came to me… kinda regretting thinking of it now though…” I groaned, feeling a bit dizzy. We were quickly approaching Canterlot, and my arm had started to get some feeling back into it. Fluttershy woke up to see that I had my arm reattached and wondered for a moment if it was all just a dream.

Then she saw the blood in the Chariot and realized it actually happened.

“Oh! 64! Are you ok?! Is your arm feeling alright? Does is feel as if the bone is misplaced or the muscles not working right!?” Fluttershy yelled, suddenly going into her ‘medic’ mode for animals. I simply shook my arm and nodded.

“I feel fine Flutters, just ruined one of my shirts is all…” I chuckled.

We finally came down into the Canterlot Hedge Garden, and the girls shot off towards the Palace, but I immediate knew something was horribly wrong.

A statue was gone.

As a person with their own statue in the Garden, I had spent some time here. But one of the statues was missing. I couldn’t remember which one it was, but I knew for a fact that one of them was missing.

“Fuck, there’s no time to investigate a theft…” I whispered, following the girls into the Palace. I entered and found Twilight trying to ask Princess Celestia a flurry of questions.

“Is this about the weather? And the animals' weird behavior? What's happening out there? Why isn't my magic working? Is there–“

“Follow me. You too 64, I feel you may be of assistance as well.” Celestia said, making me angry.

“Oh… I may be of assistance… yeah right…” I muttered, following begrudgingly. We began walking to a place I knew very well, Canterlot Tower. It was where I fought Super Nova, and Shining Armor respectively, along with Snowdrop’s memorial being a few floors above.

“I've called you here for a matter of great importance. It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name... is Discord.” Celestia explained, as I heard Fluttershy give a small shriek behind me.

“Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone!”.

“I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell has been broken.”

“No longer connected?” Twilight asked, although I had already put it together in my head.

“It means that Celestia doesn’t control the elements of Harmony anymore, you do. You all do.” I said, making Celestia nod her head.

“64 is correct. Now that you and your friends now control the Elements of Harmony, my sister and I have no power over them. It will be your job to defeat Discord…” Celestia said, almost frightened.

Twilight suddenly understood the responsibility which was being put onto her and her friend’s shoulders. She looked down contemplatively for a short time, before looking up with bravery.

“Princess Celestia, you can count on–“

Twilight was cut short as Pinkie Pie suddenly interrupted her.

“Hold on a second! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys. Chocolate rain!”

Twilight simply disregarded her and nodded towards the Princess, who stepped over to the door which protected the Elements of Harmony. She inserted her horn into the small keyhole, and allowed a large blue light to illuminate the room.

“Déjà vu…” I whispered, remembering the experiences I had with that door. Within the door, the gem encrusted case sat, shimmering with all colors of the rainbow.

“Ooh. You can keep the Elements. I'll take that case!” Rarity exclaimed, making me think, hadn’t she already seen the case before?
“Have no fear, ponies. I have total confidence that you will be able to defeat Discord with these!” Princess Celestia exclaimed, opening up the case to reveal……


Everyone in the room gasped, including me, but then I remembered that I had broken into the room before, so it probably wasn’t beyond a spirt of Chaos’ abilities to bust into it.

“Oh, well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside in the chocolate puddles with a giant swirly straw.” Pinkie said, making me grab her by the hair and pulling her back.

“No Pinks, we gotta work together and find out what’s going on. Celestia, do you know anypony else who is capable of opening this door besides me?” I asked, making Celestia shake her head no.

“That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!” Celestia explained, as a deep, throaty chuckle rang throughout the room. Everyone looked around for the source, but none was found.

“Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?” The voice taunted, making my blood boil in anger for some reason.

“Discord... Show yourself!” Princess Celestia called, but of course the voice disobeyed.

“Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you.” The figure in the stained glass window suddenly started to move, moving from window to window. “It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone.”

That struck a nerve with me, knowing that I was saved from an eternity of stone prison by her

“Enough! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?” Celestia yelled angrily.

“Oh, I just borrowed them for a teensy little while.” Discord said, snapping his fingers to make the elements in the stain glass window disappear.

“Permission to destroy all the windows to shut his trap!?” I growled, making Celestia put a hoof on my shoulder.

“Not yet… You never get away with this Discord!”

“Oh, I'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring.” Discord said lazily, reclining on one of the paintings.

“Hey! Nopony insults the Princess!” Rainbow Dash yelled, zooming towards Discord. He teleported last minute out of the window, causing Rainbow Dash to crash harshly into the window. A moment after she was able to pull herself off of the window, Discord reappeared.

“Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the Element of Harmony you represent.” Discord snickered.

“That's right! I'll always be loyal to the Princess!” Rainbow Dash replied, causing Discord to chuckle.

“We’ll see about that…”

“I can’t believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window.” Rarity scoffed, making me laugh a little bit.

“The beautiful Rarity, representing the element of generosity, if I'm not mistaken?” Discord questioned, making Applejack step forward.

“So you know who we are, big deal.”

“Oh, I know much more than that, honest Applejack.” Discord responded, growing to fill up the enormous window he was standing in.

“You seem to know our strengths too.” Twilight perceived. Discord shrunk and laid on his stomach, resting on the small picture of Fluttershy.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most powerful and elusive element, magic. Fluttershy's is kindness and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine - laughter.”

Pinkie Pie looked as if she was holding in a heavy laughter, before suddenly bursting out laughing.

“He’s… He's standing on your head! Hahaha!” Pinkie Pie chortled.
Discord suddenly cast his eyes on me, and once again growing to the enormous heights.

“And then… there is you… The Variable. The Jack of All Trades. Yet, you are chaotic… Anger… Cruelty… Dishonesty… You and I are very alike…” Discord chuckled, as I growled.

“You and I are nothing alike…” I whispered, gathering magic in my hands and eyes to shut the window up.

“Stop stalling, Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?” Princess Celestia stepped in, making me glad for the distraction from this prick.

“Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began.” Discord said, slowly fading back into a simple stained glass portrait.

I sighed as I let go of the pent of anger slowly building up inside me.

“What the fuck was that guys deal? He just showed up and left us with a shitty riddle?” I yelled out, before getting shushed by Celestia.

“64, now is not the time to get angry. We must discover what he meant by his riddle, and find the Elements of Harmony.”

I shook my head and sighed, sitting down on the floor to catch my breath. I saw Twilight talk to Applejack a little bit, before she started to pace back and forth muttering to herself.

“Twists and turns... twists and turns...” Twilight said to herself, walking by a window which showed a view of the Canterlot Hedge Maze. A light suddenly clicked in her eyes, and she jumped back. “Twists and turns! Discord must’ve hid the Elements of Harmony in the Palace Labyrinth!”

I stood up and went over to look out the same window as Twilight just did, but I noticed something was happening. The maze looked 10 times bigger, and the paths were shifting right before my eyes.

“Shit… that’s gonna be easier said than done guys. It looks like Discord is changing the outlay of the maze as we speak. Putting your hand to the right wall and going forward isn’t gonna work here.” I said, as Princess Celestia and the girls came to see what was happening.

They all saw the layout of maze shifting and changing, so I pushed myself away from the window and sighed.

“We gotta get to the middle of that maze, and quick. Who knows what Discord is doing in there.” I said, making Celestia nod. She walked over to Twilight, and placed her horn on her shoulders.

“Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves.” Celestia told the ponies in the room, but I spoke up.

“Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell are you gonna do? The least you can do is help us navigate through the maze!”

Celestia shook her head in my direction, speaking sternly.

“I’m afraid I cannot be of assistance. Discord’s magic is too powerful, even for me. The energy in his magic is derived from pure Chaos, and nopony else in Equestria wields his magic. The only tools that can stop him are the Elements of Harmony, so to him, I’m no more of a threat than the weakest of Earth Ponies.” Celestia explained, making me understand.

“Alright then… C’mon girls! We gotta get through that maze!” I said, running towards the window and smashing through it. I fell and rolled when I landed, looking back up to see if anypony else followed me. Celestia was glaring daggers at me for destroying the stain glass window I just smashed through, and Rainbow Dash was the only one to follow me down.

“You know?! We’ll just take the stairs!” Twilight yelled down to me, making me nod.

“We’ll take down Discord like it’s nothing! All we gotta do is make sure that we don’t fall for anything of his stupid tricks!” Rainbow Dash said confidently, borderline cocky.

“No Rainbow, this is gonna be harder than any of us thinks it’s going to be. There’s no way Discord’s gonna make it as simple as navigating a maze, there has to be something behind all of this…” I said, whispering the last part to myself.

I saw the rest of the girls running towards us, I waved my arm towards myself as I too began running towards the main tourist entrance. We all stopped in front of the entrance, taking in the situation at hand.

“We…We have to go in there?” Fluttershy quivered, taking in the now intimidating entrance.

“Nope! Dopey Discord forgot about these babies! I'll just do a quick flyover and we'll have the Elements in no time.” Rainbow Dash said, already zooming over the hedges.

“RAINBOW NO!” I yelled out, before she suddenly stopped flying, and came plummeting to the ground. I ran up to her to tell her about the enchantment in the Labyrinth, but saw that she stopped flying for a totally different reason.

“My wings!” Rainbow Dash yelled, terrified. I heard three more magical bursts as Fluttershy, Rarity, and Twilight all started to yell in horror. I saw that all of their appendages that gave them their special abilities were now gone, and they were now all Earth Ponies.

As they all began to freak out, a large green ball of light began to form in front of us. It grew larger and larger until it exploded out in a soft blast, and a loud roar bellowed. In front of us, was a mass of mismatched body parts, ranging from bat wings to lion paws.

I only uttered one word.


Author's Note:

BUM BUM BUM!!! Early update to make up for what I am about to say. Sadly I WILL NOT be able to update until next week Monday. Why you ask? I will be in Las Vegas, Nevada for a Cheerleading Competition, and I am the oil boy for the High School All Star Team.

Ok I wish, but I'm really going becasue I'm one of the stunt coordinators for my sisters team, and I need to go along. With me only being 15, it's probably going to be pretty boring, so I'm gonna bring my 3DS and watch some TwitchPlaysPokemon.


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