• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,231 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

3rd Person POV

64 reached the Underground Prison G-Floor, and saw the aftermath. The Guards who had been defending the Slava Gang’s cells had been nearly cut to pieces, some of the bodies hanging together by small pieces of muscle and tendons. As brutal as the image was, 64 noticed something about the mortal wounds.

The cuts were incredibly clean, slicing through and through every part of the body. There was no sign of the blade that was used had any trouble in cutting through both the heavy armor and the actual bodies.

“Fuck… Fuck… FUCK!” 64 screamed, sending his fist into the side of one of the cells. With the Gala still continuing upstairs, 64 wouldn’t be able to alert Celestia of anything. All he could do was wait, and that was something he absolutely hated to do.

“Where the fuck could they have gone? There was only about 3 minutes between me getting here and them escaping, so how the fuck did they manage to leave?” 64 asked himself. The only way he could think of was teleporting, but they wouldn’t have been able to teleport out of Canterlot, Shining Armor had set a much larger Magical Barrier around the city.

64, unable to do anything from where he was, raced back up to the Palace, needing to get out of the Camouflage suit so he could get around the Gala.

“I gotta talk to Celestia. Hopefully things haven’t gone to shit since I had to leave.” 64 muttered to himself, quickly reaching his Quarters and changing into his Gala outfit. Once again suited and ready, 64 made his way to the Main Ballroom, and couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

There were animals running amok, Fluttershy yelling and screaming her head off which 64 thought was terrifying, Rarity was now covered in what looked like cake and yelling at Prince Blueblood, who looked like he was about to start crying. Rainbow Dash stood in the middle of it all with the now destroyed pieces of the Marble Columns sitting around her, including a Alicorn Statue which took 64 nearly a week to buy. Pinkie Pie was dancing, Applejack looked around in shock just as 64 was, and it looked as if Fluttershy was now trying to eat a squirrel.

“Eh, I’ve been in stranger situations.” 64 shrugged.

Twilight stood next to Princess Celestia who bent down to whisper something into her ear, before turning around and running from the ballroom. Twilight whistled as her friends quickly followed after her, not wanting to be around when things got worse.

64 had a quick thought to follow them out the door, but thought better of it. He walked out into the middle of the chaotic ballroom, almost basking in all of the disorder happening all around him, then put his hand straight into the air. He charged magic into it, making sure it was just the right amount so it didn’t kill everypony.

“Earth moves to quake and shake, now flip onto their backs to stop in their tracks!” 64 yelled, slamming his hand into the ground, causing tremors to shake the entire Palace. The Ponies and animals alike running around were and suddenly now all on their backs, disoriented and dazed.

“Alright! Enough screaming and running around! All ponies in the Main Ballroom please proceed to the Main Lobby while the attendants and I proceed to clean up the mess! The Gala will continue shortly!” 64 yelled, as all ponies now listened to the new authority figure in the room. They filed out of the Ballroom as Attendants quickly came and started to clean up the mess, gently taking the animals and throwing them out the windows to the main gardens.

Other worked on repairing the decorative Marble Columns, along with the Alicorn statue.

“Ugh… I was gone for 30 minutes and this shit happens?” 64 said, rubbing the bridge of his nose once again. He was still aching all over from being in the Treasury for too long, and the last quake spell he had performed had him pretty drained.

Blusa was one of the attendants who was sweeping up and saw 64 leaning against the wall, and walked up to him with her horn lit up a bright green.

64 perked up a bit when he saw her, know that she was someone he could “talk” to when he needed moral support.

“Hey the Blu, some Gala huh?” 64 said, to which Blusa nodded. Her horn blinked red a few times, with her scowling at 64.

“What? You mad about me not being able to keep things together here? This is my first time trying to do security for anything, ever!” 64 said, to which Blusa shook her head no. Her horn lit black then green, meaning ‘Ghost’.

“Oh… you’re mad about me letting him take the mission overseas?”

Blusa nodded intensely.

“Look, it wasn’t my decision to make for him. If he wanted to go, then I have no right to hold him back from that. I know you see him like a son, but he’s big enough to look after himself. We should get word within 2 weeks of how he doing, ok? Now I gotta go find Princess Celestia. Get one of the attendants to signal everypony outside when it’s alright to come back in here.” 64 said, still angry about losing the Slava’s.

Blusa watched 64 walk away while undoing his bowtie, and saw that he had something else on his mind. Not wanting to bother him any further she continued to sweep up the many piece of broken glass littering the floor, not wanting a pony to step on something and getting a piece stabbed into their hoof.

64 on the other hand wanted to smash something made of glass, shoving Ponies aside as he made his way out of the Palace. He needed to find Princess Celestia and talk to her, and for some reason she wasn’t receiving any messages form the charm around his neck.

He knew where to find her, because she had an incredibly disturbing obsession involving frosted treats.

“For fucks sake. She know that 4 fugitives escape from the Underground Prison and all she can do is get a fucking pastry!?” 64 yelled to no one in particular, turning a corner in the road to see Donut Joe’s Donut Shop down the street.

He attempted to calm himself down so he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself by barging in and chewing her out, but deep down that’s all he wanted to do.

He pushed open the door to see Princess Celestia with Twilight and her friends, all laughing.

“I assume you all had an enjoyable evening?” 64 asked leaning against the wall as everypony in the room smiled at him.

“Oh, 64. I’m glad you’re here. I would like to talk to you first thing tomorrow morning. Unfortunately with the recent, ‘events’, which have transpired tonight I feel it need to wait.” Princess Celestia told 64, stressing the word events to get her point across.

“Yes ma’am, but I feel the quicker this is sorted out, the quicker I’ll be happy.” 64 said.

Twilight spoke up at this. “Are you disappointed because we sorta ruined the Grand Galloping Gala? We can go back to fix things up if it would make you happy.”

64 shook his head. “No, No, it’s alright. Before I left I ordered a few of the attendants to clean up the mess then resume activities. They’ll have everything cleaned up within the hour if you do wanted to head back.

“No thanks. I think we’ve all done enough damage tonight.” Rainbow Dash joked, making everyone in the room but 64 laugh.
He walked up to Joe who was working the counter and pulled out 4 Bits.

“Hey, I’ll take 3 Chocolate Sprinkled and 1 Coffee, 3 creamers 2 sugars.” 64 ordered, taking a seat on the incredibly small stool set on the counter. He wanted to start screaming and find the bastards who helped spring the Slava Gang.

“64, you feelin’ okay partner? Seems like ya got somethin’ on yer mind that ain’t coming out.” Applejack asked, making 64 chuckle.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about. It’ll be settled within a few days, hopefully…” 64 said, muttering that last part under his breath. Tomorrow he would scan the Prison for any clues, and hopefully talk to both Luna and Celestia about the situation.

“Well Twilight, you and your friends are welcome to stay in the Palace for tonight. You can stay in your old quarters with your friends.” Celestia said, subtly nodding her head towards 64 to go outside. 64 caught it and followed the order, walking outside with his coffee and donuts.

“Excuse me, but I have a few things to discuss with Project 64. I’ll be right back.”

Celestia followed 64 outside and saw him chugging the still burning coffee down, throwing the cup onto the ground once it was empty.

“This coffee bullshit isn't working for me right now. I’ll tell you what I need, Bourbon.” 64 growled, taking small bites of the donuts in his hand. “Marcus was the fucking diversion. Whoever set the Slava’s loose planned on him going in there to try and break the gang out.”

“That is what I figured. Marcus betrayed my trust, and for that I take full responsibility. All we can do now is keep an eye out for the Slava’s and wait for their next move.” Celestia said, making 64 scowl at her.

“And why the fuck do we have to wait!? Why don’t we take the fight to them and kick ‘em while their down!?” 64 yelled, as Celestia also raised a scowl.

“Unfortunately we have no idea where the Slava’s could have gone. Reports from Shining Armor report they used a Longshot Teleportation Spell to flee once they escape the Barrier, and they could have gone a dozen miles in any direction. As I said, all we can do is wait for their next move and prepare for it.”

64 clenched his fists, breaking skin as he continued to scowl at Celestia.

“How can you just tell me that? We just let them run off and not do anything!? What the fuck kind of plan is that!?”

“It’s the only option we have! And I will not stand for your disobedience any longer 64. We must first think logically, and in order to do that, you must calm down.”

“You want to see fucking calm!? I’ll show you!” 64 screamed, before backing up and expelling magic in all directions around him, making it look like he was shooting fire out of every pore in his body. It eventually died down and 64 stood there growling and panting, magic still igniting his hands.

“Do I need any more proof you need to calm down?” Celestia deadpanned, causing 64 to sigh. “With your recent job in Trottingham and the recent events of tonight, I feel that you need a vacation 64.”

64 was about to yell and scream at Celestia once again, but realized he would be playing right into her hooves. He simply shook his head.

“I can’t take a vacation, I need to help investigate where the Slava’s might have gone.” 64 said, realizing the donut he used to have in his hands was burnt to a crisp.

“I have the Investigative Guards working on that right now as we speak. If we find anything informative, then I will allow you to start your search. For now, I officially order you to take a week’s leave vacation. Things have been hectic lately, and I feel if you continue any longer you will fall where you stand.” Celestia said, surprisingly thinking of 64’s well being.

64 decided he had nothing else to do, and the idea of a vacation, although boring, sounded incredibly relaxing.

“Ok… Ok fine I’ll take the stupid vacation. I don’t see you giving me any other alternative anytime soon. And I can already guess where you want me to spend my weeks’ vacation. Ponyville right?” 64 asked, causing Princess Celestia to laugh.

“I was going to suggest to Crystal Tundra’s to the North, but the choice is completely yours.”

64 thought about it for a bit, wondering what he should do. The solitude of the Tundra’s sounded good, but he was really more of a person who enjoyed scorching weather to freezing.

“Fuck it, Ponyville. It’ll be nice to stay for a visit rather than stay for one afternoon. I’ll go and pack my shit for tomorrow when we head back to the Palace.” 64 said, rubbing his eyes and finally feeling the fatigue beginning to affect him. He walked back inside and took his seat once again, ordering one more donut to make up for the one he turned to ash outside.

Twilight walked up next to him and looked at him curiously. “We... all heard yelling outside. Is everything alright 64?”

64 rubbed his eyes and sighed. “There’s just been a few problems lately. Hopefully everything will get sorted out soon, but for now there isn’t anything I can do about it, Celestia is sending me on a vacation to Ponyville for now.”

“You’re coming to Ponyville!?” Pinkie Pie yelled, suddenly appearing from behind the counter 64 was sitting at.

“HOLY SHIT!” 64 yelled before falling backwards on the stool, scared half to death at Pinkie’s sudden appearance.

“Oh! I’m sorry 64, but is it true you’re coming to Ponyville on a vacation?”

“Yeah, a week to be specific.” 64 said, getting up off of the floor and dusting himself off. Rainbow Dash flew over and hovered at 64’s eye level.

“So we’re gonna have that hoof wrestling contest you promised me?” She asked making 64 chuckle.

“Maybe, all I want to do tonight is lie in a bed, and close my eyes for a few hours. That sound good to anypony?”

Everypony in the room agreed, as 64 finished up the donut in his hand. “I’m gonna head back to the Palace with Celestia. I gotta help finish up cleaning, and make sure that there isn’t anypony thinking about hiding in the Palace once the Gala is over. Shining Armor might be coming back soon so I want to meet up with him when he gets there.”

“Ok, well we’ll be seeing you tomorrow in Ponyville then?” Twilight asked, to which 64 nodded. “Ok, bye 64, see you tomorrow.”
64 walked out of the Donut Shop and headed for the Palace, wanting to get all of his responsibilities out of the way so he could finally fall asleep.

64 POV

I woke up in my bed after the long night, still angry at the events passed. I just couldn’t believe that the Slava’s escaped, and that Celestia wouldn’t let me help the investigative team. Although I wasn’t really one for finding evidence and more of a stab first ask questions later kind of guy, I feel I could help them in their efforts.

Looking at the watch on my nightstand I saw it was 8AM, and I knew I was gonna get going to Ponyville at Noon. I decided it was time to get up and get ready, so mustering all the willpower I had in my body, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and pushed myself up onto my feet. I had to pack up and talk to Luna to see if she knew anything about the Slava’s. She was on lookout from the Observatory, so it isn’t likely that she missed them.

I nearly called to Ghost before realizing that he wasn’t there, and I shook my head to try and clear it a bit.

“Damn, I’m already missing him.” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck as I walked to my drawers to pack up. I opened the first shelve and saw all of my Combat Pants sitting inside, all neatly folded and ironed already.

I took an old Duffel bag out of my closet and stuffed the clothing I was gonna take to Ponyville in it, the contents consisting of black long sleeves, black cargo pants, undergarments, and an extra pair of boots. After feeling I was optimally packed and ready to go, I made my way to the Royal Guards mess hall, where I knew I would find Shining armor there getting breakfast.

My predictions were correct as I walked into the Mess Hall, but what shocked me was that Shining Armor wasn’t alone in there. Sitting across from him was his marefriend, Princess Mi Amore Candenza. She was Princess Celestia niece apparently, but for that to be true Luna would have needed to have a daughter, and I don’t see a stallion anywhere in Luna’s life. Maybe it was just niece by title?

I decided that I didn’t want to interrupt anything they were talking about, so I casually made my way over to the serving area, and got myself a nice helping of scrambled eggs and refried beans.

“Oh! 64 why don’t you come over and sit over here with us? Shiny has told me so much about you!” Princess Cadenza called, waving me over with her hoof. I grabbed a few tortillas that were on a heating plate and walked over, setting my tray down and taking a seat.

“Hello Princess Cadenza, pleasure to meet you.” I said, trying to be courteous to the Alicorn Princess. She giggled at my introduction, while I tore a few pieces of the tortilla to scoop up the eggs and beans.

“Oh, no need to be so formal, you can call me Cadence. I never did like when addressed like that by friends.” ‘Cadence’ said, making me chuckle.

“You think of me as a friend? How kind.” I said sarcastically, making Shining Armor laugh.

“Don’t worry; I painted you in a good light. She knows all about 6 months ago and what went down. Luckily she wasn’t here for those three days, she was down in Las Pegasus for one of her other friends birthday parties. Apparently the party must have been crazy if she was gone for 5 days.” Shining Armor joked, inciting a kick from Cadence.

“Well I wish I could have attended the Gala last night, but with Shining Armor’s assignment last night and my unusual fatigue I stayed the night with Aunty Luna in the observatory. Speaking of which there was a moment later in the night which had Luna acting very strange. Did anything serious happen last night?” Cadence asked, making me and Shining Armor look at each other for a second.

Both our eyes read the same thing, “What the fuck do we tell her?”

"Well... There were a few fights down in the Ballroom. A few ponies were injured and I had to knock out a few ponies so my guess is Luna thought I was being too violent." I said, quickly making up a lie and rolling with it. Cadence seemed to accept it and continued to eat her bowl of oatmeal, with Shining Armor doing the same.

I seriously wanted to enjoy the vacation Princess Celestia was going to send me on, but with the Slava's on the loose I couldn't shake the feeling I would be on high alert all week.

Damn Celestia was right. I do need a vacation.

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