• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 754 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Ponies - chubbysonicfan

One boy leaves in the middle of night to find very important guests on his lawn.

  • ...

Chapter 1

After a long day of excitement, all Julian wanted to do was get some shut-eye. Just as he turned a corner into the hallway, a loud BANG! emanated from the front yard, shaking the ground for a split-second.

"Oh for fuck sake," Julian groaned as he dragged himself towards the door.

The moon glittered against the night sky, shining brighter than if ever had before. The grass, still wet with dew, glistened brilliantly in the moonlight. Every star poked through the blanket of dark blue draped across as far as the eye can see, with a very small blend of orange visible in the distance.

Julian's eyes grew heavier each step he took, he hadn't had a good night's sleep in quite some time. He expected to see his next-door neighbor toying around with his car, something he have a knack for.

Julian never really thought about his neighbors too much until now, standing there in the middle of his door way. They never really acknowledged him before, which he preferred. As he strolled across his lawn, Julian thought more about his neighbors, and how they all almost shun him for his tail, something else Julian never really acknowledged before.

His tail nicely complimented his overall figure: slight build, spiky hair slightly squared off in the back with three bangs hanging over his forehead. Julian thought his tail somehow completed his look. He's been told to wrap his tail around his waist in a pseudo belt fashion, so no one could poke fun at him.

Julian never minded, though he does feel more comfortable letting it hang freely. He never liked his skin complexion, though. It can't be helped. But looking at his hands, he felt he was too pale for his heritage.

Julian was so caught up in thought, he didn't notice something bump against his foot, causing him to fall on his face. Taking a minute to compose himself, Julian searched for his attacker, eyes landing on an old cardboard box.

The box was a tattered mess. Most of the box was just duct tape, whatever wasn't covered in it was ripped, as if something tried to claw at what was inside. Julian kept starring at the box, ignoring the pain in his elbow, wondering why it was so beaten, and why would it end up on his lawn.

He couldn't help but notice the box was pulsating slightly, almost breathing- albeit very weakly-. Julian rubbed his eyes, surely they were just playing tricks on him. He decided to bring the box in anyway. There might be something worth while inside.

Julian grabbed a small knife and, carefully, cut open the box. His eyes met with the eyes of a tiny, white unicorn-pegasus hybrid.

He jumped at the sudden reveal. The little creature looked strikingly familiar, but he couldn't quite figure out why.

Putting the knife away, he investigated the creature further, discovering there were about ten more inside the box. He didn't know how to assess this, he was looking at creatures, obviously, from another world.

Then it struck him, he was starring at a box of fillies from that t.v show he watched once. The name escaped him at the moment, but it was the last thing he was concerned about.

Julian panicked. He was tired and looking at a box of alien lifeforms that happened to be characters from a cartoon show.

"Dammit! my head hurts." Julian picked up the box and slid it under his bed, not too concerned about their comfort.

He paced back and forth in his room for a while. His eyes were blood-shot and his hair was a mess. He couldn't stop thinking about those ponies.

Holy fuck, he thought, The hell do I do?

Julian kept pacing back and forth. His mind kept throwing thought after thought at him. He continued to deteriorate as he was speeding up his strides. He was bumping into things, he was so exhausted.

What if they were found? he thought, What if they book me for hiding them?

Maybe I should turn them in.

But then someone might hurt them. I don't want them to get hurt.

Why the hell do I care? They're not real, right?

What if they are? What if...

Julian didn't have time to finish that sentence, as he felt a bit of pressure on his nose before his eyes grew too heavy to keep open. With a yawn, he slipped into bed and quickly drifted off to sleep. But not before hearing a tiny voice, he could have sworn said Thank you.