• Published 21st Dec 2013
  • 926 Views, 7 Comments

Old Friend - Ali-Chan

Before the sisters banished him, he was my best friend. He was someone I could always rely on, kind of like that warm feeling on Hearts Warming Eve. Like a big brother, he protected me. Now, he's nothing more than old friend.

  • ...


"Look at all those crystal ponies...They look so pretty.." A young silver furred filly said as she sat by herself.

Unknown to her, a young colt was watching her. He took curiosity at the pony that had no crystal gleam to her pelt. She had her head lowered, was something wrong? And why was she in the harsh cold with nothing more than a black scarf?
As he approached the filly, he noticed her forelock hiding the side of her face. He also took note of back, she had no wings either. What kind of pony was she? The male unicorn had never seen any ponies beside the unicorns and pegasi, plus the occasional crystal-like ponies that stepped outside of the large kingdom.

"W-Who's there?" She called out, hearing hoofsteps but she was not sure which direction they came from.

The colt took a few steps back, afraid of what the mare could do, and what she would do if she found out that the male was watching her. Many of the others were quite mean and disregarded him with not another thought, maybe she would be the same.

"Come on out...I kn-know you're here.." She said gently, trying to coax the male to reveal himself.

"You'll make fun of me.." He said lowly, hoping the filly wouldn't hear his pathetic sounding voice.

Her ears perked, picking up his low voice, "I promise I won't, just please come out."

"I'm b-behind you..."

The filly turned slowly turned around, only to be face to face with a dark furred colt. As their eyes met, he mumbled a shy 'hi' to her,as he stared into her soft, amber eyes.

"How long have you been there?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"A while.."

The filly sat on the snow once again, raising a hoof for the male to shake. Her expression wasn't one of anger nor annoyance, it was one of kindness.

"Hi, I'm Scarcity." She introduced herself, her hoof eagerly waiting for a shake from the young male.

He took her hoof in his own in an awkward shake, before introducing himself, "M-My name's..." His eyes gazed towards the ground afraid to stare at her face again, "Sombra.."

His cheeks dusted pink with embarrassment, as he put his hoof behind his neck in an shy manner.

"Sombra? Hmm.." She lifted her hoof, and tapped it to her chin in thought.

"It's too long for me..How about..." She pondered on a nickname, "Somie!" She declared.

The filly smiled ear to ear, as she waited approval from the colt. She felt proud of her idea, but she wanted to hear the male's opinion.

"Somie?" He questioned her nickname, only to see her face sadden, "I love it!" He lied, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"I'm so happy you like it!"

It seems so hard to believe that their meeting had happened quite a long time ago, to Sombra it felt like it had just had been yesterday. How time passes, now Scarcity had grown up to become a lovely mare, and he had begun his long studies that were complex but powerful.

"Somie! Breakfast!" Scarcity called, breaking his thoughts.

He knew the first thing she'd do is force some food on him, do her puppy eyes and make him eat it. Who could say no to those eyes? Plus, patience wasn't her forte either. With a roll of his eyes, he dragged himself to the kitchen, knowing it was not a smart idea to keep her waiting.

The second he entered, he felt her gaze upon him. Any second she would say something ab-

"Hey bed-head," She smirked, letting out a small chuckle.

Oh that smugness..How he wanted to knock that smirk of her cute little face. Suddenly an idea hit him, oh how cruel.

"You like it? Maybe we should try it out on you." He answered with the same smug tone that she had.


It was too late, with a glow of his horn the magical aura surrounded her mane and removed the two pins keeping her style in place.

"I'll get you for that!" She growled, before attempting to tackle the larger pony to the ground.

Her mane fell out of it's normal style,and hung over her shoulders and back, making her look quite...different. Sombra, distracted for a moment was tackled to the ground by the small mare, who used her earth pony strength to her advantage.

"Fine, I give in. What does her highness want?" He tricked her, seeing if she'd take the bait.

"You must actually eat something with me," She smirked, thinking she had some kind of advantage over the stallion.

"Hmm..." He pretended to ponder, tapping his chin with his hoof.

"Well, I guess I won't be moving an inch," She lifted her head, showing her 'superiority' over the larger male.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yes, There's no way you're getting me of-" She was cut off by Sombra rolling under her, and pinning her from above in the position he was in just a few seconds ago. The mare blinked, everything had happened just so quick.

The female underneath him pouted in a childish manner, "No fair.." She mumbled, her ears lowering in a submissive state.

He stared into her amber eyes, studying her state like a book. He did like having power over the mare, oh yes. His smirk widened as she started to notice their state. Her eyes widened slightly, as she noticed their 'situation', oh how she hated the dark stallion on top of her now.

"Miss Scarcity, I have come to pick up the painting I ordered!" A loud voice rang through, and a loud snap was heard as the door flew off it's hinges.

"Hello?" The pony called throughout the house, passing by each room until she reached the kitchen.

"Ah Miss Scarcity! I have come to pi-" The pony covered her eyes with a hoof, her cheeks dusting a light pink, "Am I interrupting something?"

Scarcity struggled under Sombra's hold as she saw one of her customers, her cheeks reddening even more.

"N-No, We just..." Scarcity started, thinking of something that made the slightest bit of sense for the current predicament she was in, "Slipped! Y-Yeah..That's right!" She lied, her crimson cheeks telling another story.

Sombra glanced up at the crystal pony and awkwardly stepped of the mare, his cheeks tinting a pink as well.

"L-Let's go find your painting.." She said to the crystal mare, still trying to recover from the situation from before.

"Y-Yes lets.." The mare walked with her, the two ponies going to the den.

Sombra on the other hand needed some time to gather up his thoughts. Gathering up his books, he took off to the library through where the door had once been. At least he could practice and contain his thoughts all in one place, by himself. Plus, he needed some fresh air..Yes, that's what he needed.

Author's Note:

Edit: 12/24/13
-I was kind of in a rush when I made this one, but I had to get it out of my head nonetheless. Hope you guys like it, and have a good one.

Woah...A little romance huh? And a bit of the past too?

Hope you guys like this chapter, and thank you all for the support. Especially for the kind comments I got on the last chapter.