• Published 21st Dec 2013
  • 926 Views, 7 Comments

Old Friend - Ali-Chan

Before the sisters banished him, he was my best friend. He was someone I could always rely on, kind of like that warm feeling on Hearts Warming Eve. Like a big brother, he protected me. Now, he's nothing more than old friend.

  • ...


To whomever reads this, please help us. The crystal empire has been taken over, and ruled by a ruthless king. He demands we work day and night, farming crystals for some kind of weapon. I managed to escape, but never the less I know he will find me. Please, help us. We need help as soon as possible, anypony.

Signed Citizen of Crystal Empire

Memories of my friend filled my head as I ran, this couldn't be him, could it? It was the dark magic! He was simply corrupted by the power going to his head, right? I wish I could believe that, I really want to believe it. I just don't know what to do anymore. I tried talking to him, but it's no use. He won't let anyone get through, not even me.

My thoughts now are just a jumbled mess, memories, worries, everything just a incoherent mess, much like what's happening now. Just a big mess of crystal ponies chained together, working for our "King's" selfish goal. I feel my tired hoofs getting heavier as I keep running towards the Crystal Mountains, even more running, wonderful. Already my hoofs are trying to give out, but I'm not even past the barrier yet.

"I must get there..I must," I urge myself, trying to force my aching hooves to continue running.


I hear my name echo throughout the kingdom, echoing,and echoing. It can't be..He's back at the palace.


Again and again, the voice echos. Seeming to bounce of the new crystals forming everywhere in the ground. It sounds so close by, but it can't be can it?

"Join me,Scarcity"

That voice, that deep, brooding voice. It just keeps calling my name, trying to influence me.

"No, I'm stronger than you Sombra," I practically whisper, trying to give myself strength.

"Scarcity, it's Somie. Your Somie."

Oh how it taunts me so. As my name seems to echo off the walls, I throw the letter over the newly forming sphere wrapping around the empire.

"STOP IT!" I yell in my hoarse voice, the sound of my scream bouncing off the crystals.

"That's a good girl."

His voice again, it seems to be getting closer. I tried my best, I reached my limit. With a remorseful heart, I drop down on the ground and cover my ears with my hoofs. Maybe it'll drown out the sound of the tragedy going around me.


I'm woken up to the sound of a familiar male voice, and it sounds pretty angry.

"Y-Yes?" I call out groggily, my own voice sounding hoarse.

"You were screaming and shaking in your sleep again," He responds, My eyes didn't have to be open to tell he had rolled his eyes at least once through out that sentence.

I open my eyes slowly, the image of a blurry dark gray figure with red eyes in front of me is the first thing my adjusting eyes see. His eyes give off a look of annoyance, as I finally open my own groggily.

"S-Sorry...It was that dream again.." I explain as I lazily stand from my bed, stretching half asleep hooves.

"Will you ever tell me what that dream is about?" He questions, and as usual the same thing happens.

I remain silent, unsure if I should tell him or not. He is after all my best friend right? But then again..

"What's for breakfast?" I blurt out, in an awkward attempt to change the topic.

"There's a few muffins left. We'll probably have to buy some more food."

He was so calm, unlike my dream. His red eyes seem to just hold the seriousness he feels, unlike the green glowing eyes he had in my dream. Then again, it was just a dream right? Maybe it was just another nightmare, I do get those often anyways..

I trailed off into my own mind, completely forgetting about breakfast. I went straight to the "painter's den" as Somie called it, and tried to paint my dream so I wouldn't forget. A bit of a habit I had formed since I was a little filly.

"Scarcity, you forgot your breakfa-" I heard a voice call in my little "den" as I was nearly finished with my painting.

"What's this?" I head hoofsteps come closer to me as I felt Somie eying my painting.

"It's...My dream..." I responded as I moved out of the way so he could see it.

He would have to know sooner or later, and the painting wasn't done yet,so maybe I could get away with this one.

"This is...your dream?" He questioned as he lifted his gaze from it to me.

My amber hues met his ruby gaze, and with that I felt like I had forgotten the basics of speech. I just couldn't explain it now that he had his eyes on me.

It was a very different painting from those I usually do, It was a dark, ugly painting. Crystal ponies were around a large hill top, gathered in a circle and chained to the ground. And at the top? A dark grey stallion, clothed in armor, and with a mare imprisoned on to his side.

It wasn't complete, the pony at the top didn't have a face yet, and the mare who did resemble me wasn't completed either.

"It was just a stupid nightmare, don't worry." I tried to say, as I nuzzled his neck in a comforting manner.

"Perhaps you're right." His tone didn't sound so sure, but I could try couldn't I?

I smiled at him, putting a hoof around his shoulders. "You see? I'll go get rid of it."

"NO. I mean..No it's alright, I'll get rid of it for you. Go eat breakfast."

I could have sworn his voice sounded even deeper than his own and had a menacing tone to that simple no. Maybe I just imagined it, I am still a little sleepy after all. His voice sounded normal after that anyways.

"Alright, You'll eat breakfast with me right?" I said with a pout, putting out my best puppy eyes towards Sombra.

He always studies so much, he barely eats. Usually I eat the food, and then we go out and buy more, and from there the cycle continues.

"Fine, but-"

"I don't like but..." I interrupted, probably sounding like a whiny filly.

"Yes but. I can't stay for too long, I need to go brush up on my studies at the library."

I rolled my eyes, knowing he was going to say those exact words. He was so predicable at times.

"But..." I tried to start out.

"You said you didn't like but," He smirked , using my own words against me.

"Fine, you win," I finally gave in, he was going to the library whether I liked it or not.

Author's Note:

Edit: 12/24/2013
-Fixed up a few things the story needed.

As always, thanks for reading and thank you all for being so kind.