• Published 28th Nov 2013
  • 459 Views, 14 Comments

Blue Bones, Necromancer of the Cold - StockPhotos

Blue Bones, prince of Whitehorse, the biggest city in all the Frozen North, is secretly a necromancer. When his father, King White Hoof, discovers this Blue Bones is exiled to a far away land. Baltimare. The thriving port city.

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"You don't even know me and you're letting me stay at your place for the night? Why?" I asked with curiosity and gentleness, not knowing she would say,

"Because you can tell me about your magic and where you're from. A favor for an answer?" She attempted to get answers from me, but I am in need of somewhere to sleep for the night. I'll have to let this one slide for now.

"Alright deal, but I'll have to tell you your answers in the morning." I agreed with some hesitation to say.

She led me further down the docks to a somewhat small ship compared to the others gathered around the crowded port. She showed me to a plank that stretched to the bow of the ship from the docks. It was black with purple accents. I can guess what the inspiration for the colors were. There is only one mast, but there are three sails. They were curled up and I couldn't see the design. It was a fine ship indeed, but no finer than my brother's. I've been thinking of getting a ship of my own and finding my brother. Or what's left. I followed her down a stairway into a room with four bunkbeds.

"Over there are my quarters," she pointed to a door in the back of the ship. I suppose I should've mentioned there are two sets of stairs. One was in the front, the one we went down, and the other in the back. "Pick any bunk you want, I'll wake you up for breakfast." She mentioned, turning to her quarters and went through the doorway. She stopped to look at me and smiled. I cocked my head with a confused expression on my face.

I walked over to the nearest bunk and slept on the bottom. It was pretty comfortable compared to the matts made of Coef feathers. Coef were domesticated birds that thrived in cold climates, similar to Burammas, farmed for food and insulated feathers used in most clothing in the Frozen North. I hung my coat on the bed post and laid down.

As I closed my eyes, it was black and then an image started to emerge. I was having a nightmare throughout my sleep. Everything was faded as if I were in a thick fog. I saw myself, face to face with a demon. A demon that I could not recognize, but knew it came from the Rift just like all demons. This demon had a worm's face, exposed muscles for a torso, arms made of smoke, and a savage wolf's legs. It seemed familiar like a reletive, but forgotten like something on the tip of your tongue where the harder you try to remember, the more you forget. I tried to use my magic, but failed into sparks. I tried desperately to cast spells several times only to find the results the same. The demon started to grow larger and larger by the second. I backed away slowly, then I turned around and darted in a full sprint! I could not run another step for I had stepped in a sticky trap, glueing my hoofs to the floor. The monster had circled around to face me. It openex it's void of a mouth and had begun to suck the very soul from my body. When my vision turned to the darkest of black shades of the demon's mouth I have ever seen, I woke in the bed I fell asleep in. I was screaming, panicking and my heart racing the seconds of daylight.

There were more ponies onboard the ship this time. I counted five others: pale, yellow, blue, pink, and white. They were all staring at me. I was nervous, glancing my sight swiftly to all of them and back to eachother. It continued like that until the captain came through those doors to greet us.

"Good morning everypony! Good to see you all up."

"We didn't really have much of an option with this one yelling." The red pony said pointing her hoof to me.

"Well, let's not bicker like little fillies who are arguing about a piece of candy. How about we get some breakfast, I'm sure you're all hungry."

"Yeah, we probably should get some food."

We all gathered our things and vacated the ship. While we were walking through the bustling town of businesses and warehouses and normal houses, I overheard the blue pegasus talking to the purple host.

"Um, Twi, who is that and why was he sleeping in your ship?"

"Well, I don't quite know his name, but I had some questions to ask him and he was looking for a place to stay so I told him he could sleep on my ship if he would answer my questions."

"And what were these... questions if you don't mind me asking?" The white one joined in on their conversation.

"Things like who he was, where he's from and how he can do magic without a horn." Answered "Twi"

"Just to make a guess, where do you think he's from?" The pale pony inquired.

"I'm not sure I mean I've never seen magic done by somepony without a horn, nor a coat made from feathers. He could be from anywhere be anypony."

"Whitehorse, I'm from Whitehorse. And my name is Blue Bones of the Frozen. If you ever have a question just ask it's not that hard." I said in a very irritated tone for them talking behind my back.

"Mr. Bones, do you like parties?!" The pink one was jumping up and down when she was asking.

"I don't know, I've never been to one." She stood dead in her tracks by this piece of information she could hardly believe. "And the coat was made by my mother incase you were wondering as well." I directed that to the white pony.

It was very silent until we got to a big pink building that read "Sugarcube Corner" in big white letters. I assumed this is where breakfast was. When we stepped through the doorway, there was a dinging sound. I looked up to see a curved brass ... thing. I don't know what that was, but it made a sound nonetheless. I smelled a foreign scent. Curiosity got the better of me when the pink pony went in the back room and came out with a tray that had the source of the scent.

"What are those?" I asked

"They're muffins, silly." answered the pink pony with the "muffins." Hoofing them out to every one of us.

Before I bit into my muffin, I heard a rattling in the kitchen. The stuff of nightmares had jumped through the window between this room and the kitchen. A demon. They've never seen one before and the yellow pony cowered under the table while it came running up to the table and roared the mightiest of roars one could only imagine. The saliva from the beast's moth poured onto our muffins. "What a waste of a good muffin." I sighed.

I shoved it forcefully sending it to the other half of the room by using a "Catapult of Souls" spell (Foor-tiig Vhasa Jur). It definitely left a hole in the wall. It had quickly rebounded and lept straight for me, but I had already went to a different spot in the room while it was down. "Get out of here, the demon is too strong for you to face. Run back to your ship!" I shouted to the ponies who were accompanying me.

"No, we can't just leave you." "Twi" argued. During that time span the demon had lept from the wall and crashed me through another wall out onto the streets of Baltimare. Everypony that was outside threw into a huge panic and ran to their homes, fleeing the scene.

I was knocked unconcious, and entered a black mist. The only thing I could see was the demon and it had me in its grip. It was sucking my soul into it's mouth. Black as void. Then it hit me, this was my nightmare from last night. My life was going to end right here. Something wasn't right though, it wasn't growing any larger. I took my chances and yelled Hierta bi Wyk, meaning Soul Rip. The demon had dropped me onto the ground and returned my soul and shattered like a pane of glass, fading away and left blood every where. I snapped out and becam concious once more. I gasped for air and took deep breathes and when I attempted to lift myself from the ground, my right arm was bleeding where the monster's claws were piercing my flesh, leaving deep wounds.