• Published 11th Nov 2013
  • 317 Views, 4 Comments

differentiation - Cos

A stranger finds himself in ponyville to find the first shred of comfort in a while.

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Um…………..well let’s do what I came here for, the words that I had been telling myself the walk over to her house. How could I tell her that I haven’t left town? That I had been making most of what I told her up, she won’t understand. She could never understand. I don’t have a home, well…………not that I want to go back to. This all sounds so stupid I haven’t thought this out right, I would be on to the next town if it wasn’t for her. Something in me does not want to leave……………. I’ll find a hotel room.

Damn, why do I have to do this to myself? I should have either dipped town or knocked on her door. The time is passing so slowly. I am not well-off, cool or successful, why did I tell lies to her? I should have just refused that dance, but her hair and her eyes disabled me to. That has never happened to me before; I have sisters and have been in long relationships, talking to women has never been an issue. I would have done absolutely anything if she had asked in that moment.

“So boy, tell me you ever had a job before?”

His voice was heavy and made me uneasy, how embarrassing that I never have.

“No, but I have done some volunteering.”

Don’t ask where, don’t ask where. I let out an obscenity in my head once I realized that he was going to ask.

“Where at?”


“What are you doing all the way over here?! And why do you want this grunt work anyway?”

“I have a semester off and I need some cash.”

“If you go to ACU your parents should have loads of money! Just bother them, stop wasting my time.”

“My parents are gone.”

I really hate pulling that card.

“……….Ok, just work hard….Don’t let me down… and sorry kid.”

I don’t mind the job, it isn’t what I would call mentally stimulating, but at least in a couple days I will have my first payday. Then I won’t be as pathetic when I ask her out.

“Excuse me do you know much you guys charge for twenty pounds of Coal?”

I turned around and I was mortified, her friend, the one at the dance a little over a week ago. Maybe she won’t recognize me.

“Hey I know you hmmm… Emerson right? You were at that dance!”


“Yeah and you are....”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

“Sorry about that I am usually better with names.”

“That’s just fine; you weren’t too interested in me that night. Can’t say the same about Applejack though”

She laughed a little. “Umm yeah” I laughed awkwardly with her.

“Applejack just couldn’t stop talking about you to the whole group! She was a bit down that she didn’t get any way to reach you before the night was over, didn’t you say that you were leaving town the next day?”

“I was, but I had some things to attend to in Ponyville.”

“Well how come you haven’t visited her yet? You walked her home that night, it’s a big red barn you can’t miss it.”

She said in an annoyed voice.

“And didn’t you say you worked somewhere else than a coal shop?”

She is good; I think she has got me figured out.

“Ok look, I really do like Applejack. She is the only reason I am still here, I am here to make money so that I can ask her on a date. I may not be as impressive as I made myself out to sound.”

“Well I know Applejack and she liked you for more reasons than the amount of bits in your wallet, if you go over there and let her know you are here and that you are interested in her. I know she will be pleased as soon as she sees you.”

Her advice was actually what I needed to hear.

“Ok I will….. As soon as I get paid.”

Twilight chuckled.

“Oh and Twilight?................. Could you maybe not tell her you saw me here?”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

I finally got off work with some money to show for it and tomorrow I am going straight to the acreage to see Applejack. This is the first time since that one night that I have felt comfortable to be myself. It is an exciting feeling, finally being able to see her astonishing green eyes and gorgeous blond hair. I miss her terribly. Every thought is gone………….not gone but taken up by thinking of her. I curl into bed and try to rest before the following day.

I open my eyes and it is a familiar setting, my dorm room.NO, why am I here, how am I here, I need to leave. I get out of bed and start running down the halls as fast as I can; ponies around me are snickering and laughing. I need to get out, but I thought I already was. I think I see somepony familiar, “Applejack!” she in smiling down the hall. She takes off before I have the chance to say anything else. I try to chase her but I can never seem to catch up.

I find myself deadened in an empty office. An office my father spent, what seemed like an endless time in. I had always wondered what was so important that he couldn’t leave it often. I hear whispers around me, my name. The walls and furnishing of the office turn grey and monotone. I feel a hoof on my shoulder and I become unable to move, all I can do is look ahead. A book on the desk opens up and flips slowly to a page at the end of the book. A “V” is the only thing written on it.

I wake up in a cold sweat. Not the ideal way to wake up today of all days. I wash up and try to shake the nightmare off. I grab my cap and head to the door. My mind is clouded only with the imagery of my nightmare and Applejack. I stop at a booth in town for some flowers; at this point I am still spooked. I feel at any time a hoof will rest on my shoulder and I will be immobilized. I see Apple Acres in the distance and run to the door, my heart is under so many emotions at this point. I take a long deep breath, and think about Applejack. I knock on the door.

Author's Note:

Thank you for Your Valuable time.