• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 6,909 Views, 86 Comments

The LUNA Project - The Equestrian Gentlecolt

A science fiction origin story. An alicorn foal awakens alone in an abandoned world.

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Chapter 11 - Homecoming

All things must eventually end, and so it was with Luna's first day in Equestria. The sun's fading light painted the horizon in a fiery mix of reds and oranges, tinged with rosy pink where it met the darkening cerulean blue of the sky above. Two alicorns lay once again upon the snow-capped peak of a mountain, the larger with one great white wing over the smaller, out of companionship more than any need for warmth. They simply watched the sun setting for a time, the younger leaning her weight comfortably against her sister's side. The first words spoken between the two were the most important that any siblings could ever share.

"I love you, Celestia."

"I love you too, Luna."

The blue alicorn returned to silence after that, gazing out over the horizon at the setting sun. Below them, in the developing city of Canterlot, lights went out one by one as humans and ponies completed their daily tasks and retired to familiar homes and beds. The houses gradually disappeared from view as the sun slipped below the horizon, and a silvery-white crescent moon had taken its place in the sky before Luna spoke again.

"What will happen to them?"

"Hmm?" Celestia's attention returned to her sister and she glanced over at the younger alicorn.

"The humans. Our family. I've read their books. They must have known when they did this that humankind can't survive in a world made of magic, with no magic of their own. They'll weaken with every generation, until..." Luna trailed off uncomfortably, but the white alicorn beside her simply smiled.

"You saw their future today." Celestia lifted her wing and swept it in a wide gesture. "Our little ponies."

"The golems?" Luna looked dubious.

"Oh Luna, just because they were created instead of born doesn't make them golems. You and I should know that more than anyone. They're just as much living, thinking beings as our family."

Luna still seemed uncertain, tilting her head slightly as she looked up at her sister. "But what do they have to do with the future of humankind?"

"Interbreeding." Celestia raised a hoof to forestall Luna's next question with a soft chuckle. "I know, it's terribly awkward to suggest that humans breed outside their species. No, that's where magic comes into play. It would be far too dangerous to try to alter a grown human, but for any couple who is willing, I can arrange for their newborns to be foals. Not all of them will choose that, of course, but each new generation will bring more. Over time, that human lineage and upbringing will mix with the ponies I've created, until it touches the entire population. Humankind and ponykind will become one and the same."

Luna looked thoughtful. "It would be a long process, but it would allow the human race to live on, in a way." Her gaze on her sister became intent. "We'll live to see it."

Celestia nodded. "We'll live forever," the white alicorn agreed.

"But what about our family? They'll..."

"They'll live forever too," Celestia reassured her with a gentle smile. "Here," she touched a hoof to Luna's chest, "and of course, here." She tapped lightly on the crescent moon that hung from her sister's neck. Luna looked down at her shiny in surprise.

"There?" she asked, confused.

Celestia nodded again, sadness briefly crossing her face. "I didn't have the power necessary to protect both my human passengers and their possessions, as well as form a world where they could survive on the other side of the portal. You, though, you only had yourself and this access key. Dear sister, you now hold the sole remaining copy of the collected works of humankind. You've recovered a far greater record of human history and culture than we could ever have hoped when we passed through that portal."

Luna's gaze remained on her sister for a long moment before returning to the night sky. The silence fell over them again as she digested this information. A crisp wind picked up around the alicorns for a time, the breath of the mountain peak caressing their coats, making the younger press instinctively closer to the elder. Finally, the blue alicorn voiced the concern that had been bothering her since nightfall.



"There aren't any stars."

The elder sister's expression grew into a warm smile. "Would you like to help me make some?"

The following day was a day of surprises. Morning found not one, but two magnificently regal alicorns sitting side-by-side in the throne room of the Canterlot Palace. The second throne was every bit as grand as the first, shining silver beside the golden seat of the sun, upholstered with plush dyed the deep blue of midnight. The sudden appearance of the additional furniture caused a bit of a stir among the palace staff, but not nearly so much as the being who sat upon it. News spread quickly, but before the petitioners of the day could begin lining up, a royal decree was made summoning the engineers of the LUNA Project for a private audience.

The reaction from each of them as they arrived was the same. First, the shock of seeing what could be mistaken for nothing but a second goddess in the royal throne room. Second, the dawning joy as they realized that the dark being before them was none other than the daughter they had thought lost forever. Third, an awkward mix of supplication, reverence, and familiarity as they introduced themselves to a creature who was both long-lost family and an all-powerful deity. Fourth, after the alicorn had reassured them that they had no need to treat her any more formally than they did her sister, were invariably the hugs.

That day, Luna decided that she very much liked hugs.

Once they had all gathered, Celestia laid out her plan for the future of the kingdom. There was no objection when she declared her sister to be a Princess of Equestria, but eyebrows were raised when she announced that she herself was also taking the title. The alicorn shook her head and put up a hoof to silence the torrent of protests.

"This is final," she stated firmly. "The past months have made it clear to me that I am not capable of being the sole ruler of an entire land. I need a balance, someone to challenge my decisions and keep me in check when my emotions overcome my judgement. Luna," and at this she put a wing around her sister, "will be my balance. We will sit upon the twin thrones as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia."

Although there was still some discomfort with the idea, none could dispute that Celestia had a point. The conversation moved on to other matters, shifting from Luna's questions about Equestria to her retelling of her experiences in the Project LUNA facility. The assembled humans were overjoyed to hear that she had recovered so much of the material they had left behind, and plans were made to transcribe much of it back into book form. Luna made many promises to meet again with individual humans and discuss one or another point from her adventures or her reading, and the audience stretched long into the afternoon. However, one more thing had to be done before the day was over.

The sky was only just showing the first blush of sunset as a white alicorn stepped out before a waiting crowd of humans and ponies.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the newly self-appointed Princess's voice rang out over the assembly, "fillies and colts, mares and stallions, beloved citizens of Equestria. I present to you all my sister, my co-ruler, Princess Luna!"

Cheers broke out as the second alicorn stepped forward, taking her place beside her sister. She was dark and beautiful in the new regalia that Celestia had fashioned for her, with her crescent moon mark on the black collar and the lighter blue shoes, her flowing mane sparkling with the stars of the night sky. She seemed to strengthen with the setting of the sun, and she raised her head proudly to address the crowd.

"Greetings, citizens of Equestria!" Celestia jumped slightly as her sister's voice boomed across the square. "We are both honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve as thy ruler, and We vow to live up to the trust placed in Us by Our sister." The night princess paused as the aforementioned sister caught her eye.

"The majestic plural?" Celestia inquired under her breath, arching an eyebrow. "Really?"

"If We are to be royalty, We must needs act the part," Luna replied firmly. "Our reading has described this in detail."

Celestia just shook her head with a bemused smile. It seemed that she still had some work to do to familiarize her newfound sister with Equestrian society. Still, she thought as the other alicorn's speech resumed, it was well worth the effort. She would never be alone again.