The Sorrow Of The Remaining Crusaders - Chapter 2
It was a depressing, cloudy saturday evening. Two days have passed since the funeral and it seemed that everypony in Ponyville was sad. Especially Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.
"Sweetie Belle dinner is ready!" Rarity yelled up the stairs.
Sweetie walked down the stairs with her a messed up mane and she tired and sad face, she was extremely depressed and only came out of her room for school, the bathroom and the meals through the day. All Sweetie Belle did on her room was thinking about Scootaloo, blaiming herself for the passing of her fellow crusader, she hasn't slept properly since that day, so the sorrow would go until she finally falls asleep deep in the night which sometimes led to nightmares. There were days that Sweetie didn't even sleep at all.
When Sweetie Belle came downstairs Rarity already put everything on the table and sat at there waiting for her. She looked at Sweetie with a concerned look.
"Sweetie, shall we go to the cinema this evening?" Rarity asked her with a fake smile on her face. "Going outside the house for a bit will do you good." She tried to think of something to do together all the time, but the answer was always no.
"No, thanks sis." she responded with a low, joyless tone as she climbed up the dining chair opposite from her big sister. She sat at the table with her head down, not hungry, but she didn't want to dissapoint Rarity after she was in kitchen for a quiete some time.
Her big sis made a delicious looking meal, well atleast, to non-depressed ponies.
"Sweetie Belle, seriously, you can't keep torturing yourself up there. It wasn't your fault nor Apple Bloom. So, do you have something in my that we can do outside this house?" Rarity asked as she stared concerned at her little sister.
The little unicorn looked up at her sister on the opposite side on the table and sighed. "No" she responded, still with a low, joyless tone "I can't think of anything." She returned to lower her head when she finished her sentence
Rarity began eating, but Sweetie Belle didn't.
"S-sweetie please eat something." tears began to well up in her eyes. "I-I....beg you, you are getting thinner and thinner." She burst into crying after she finished the sentence and collapsed onto the dinner table. Sweetie Belle gaized at her sister with a confused, but symphatetic look. She stood up and walked to her sis and placed her right foreleg around her while tears began to well up in her eyes as well. "It's okay sis." Sweetie said with a symphatetic tone. "Please don't cry, I'll eat my meal." Rarity raised her head and gaized at her sister next to her with a little smile. "Thank you."
A gloomy atmosphere also hung around Sweet Apple Acres.
The Apple family was sitting at the dinner table, but one of them wasn't there, Apple Bloom.
"Ahm a bit worried about Apple Bloom, it's dinner time an' she hasn't shown 'er
face since this mornin'." Applejack said when dinner was almost ready.
Since the death of Scootaloo, Apple Bloom has been making herself extra tired every day in order to sleep at night. It didn't serve as a distraction though, Apple Bloom's mind was bringing up the prashe "Scootaloo's death is your fault, you should have stopped her." throughtout the entire day followed by suicidal thoughts.
"She had a extra sad look on 'er face this mornin', so, ah figure that she why shes out longer. Don't worry." Big Macintosh replied to his worried sister.
Just as he said that, the front door opened and a sobbing, soaking Apple Bloom walked in. Big Mac and Granny Smith and Apple Jack immediately stood in front of the little filly. "Apple Bloom! What happened to you?!" Applejack asked, while Granny Smith and Big Mac just looked at Apple Bloom in confusion. The filly, looked at the ground, trying to up with. "Well," she said as she looked up at the adult ponies. "Ah....uh..tripped," the little earth pony replied nervously, "and uh..fell into the water afterwards," she said as her eyes were going across the room to avoid eye contact. "and mah uhh...hooves hurt from the fall. That's why ah was cryin.' "
Applejack sighed and shook her head.
"Apple Bloom, you know you can tell us anythin'." AJ replied, with a high, comforting tone and a smile on her face. "Now tell us ta what really happened, would you?
Apple Bloom looked at the floor and sighed, "Ah can't tell y'all, let's just forgot it and eat supper." The other Apples looked at each other with a frown and shook their head. "Apple Bloom, you can tell us, we won't tell anypony else. Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" AJ replied with a little smile.
Apple Bloom burst into crying, looking at the ground. "Ah- Ah t-t-tried to d-d-drown myself in the l-lake nearby" she stuttered. She collapsed onto the floor covered her face with her hooves. "b-but obviously, Ah couln't do it."
The tree were schocked and stared at the crying filly with disbelieve, tears in their eyes. It took a while before Applejack responded. "A-a-apple Bloom, w-why w-would do s-such a thing?" Applejack whispered, staring at her little sister, tears running down her cheeks. She walked over to her little sis' side, sat next to her and placed her foreleg around the little earth pony.
Apple Bloom was stilling crying, covering her face with her hooves. Why would you say that, you idiot?! She mentally slapped herself for telling that she tried to commit suicide and tried to think about what she should say next.
Applejack ran her other hoof through the filly's cold, wet mane.
"A-ah jus' c-can't go on." she sighed. "A-ah c-c-can't live with the guilt of not stopping S-scootaloo from going d-down that hill."
After she said that, there was a complete silence, except for the sobbing of the two ponies.
"Apple Bloom, can ya please dry youself up in the bathroom and go to your room and let the big ponies talk for a moment?" Applejack whispered.
Apple Bloom fel a bit of anger going through her body, she'd rather discuss on what will happen next, but also because she WAS a big pony.But still, she didn't try to argue, wiped her tears away and slowly walked up the stairs with her head down.
Apple Bloom dryed herself with a towel in the bathroom and looked at her gloomy self in the mirror and thought about what she'd done.
She did really wanted to kill herself and join Scootaloo in the afterlife. But she couldn't do it, drowning herself was too hard.
The little earth stayed in the bathroom for a while, looking in the mirror, thinking of the consequences of telling her family what she tryed to herself today until she heard her name from downstairs.
"Apple Bloom, can ya come downstairs, please!?"
She panicked and locked the bathroom door to keep her family out. I can't let them ground me for eternity! The filly felt her heart race and sweat started to appear on her forehead. Apple Bloom looked around the bathroom for something that could provide her her hapiness in the afterlife.
Her eyes fell on Big Mac's shaver an looked at the bath tub after wards with a smile afterwards.
Her eyes picked up the sound of a pony coming up the stairs as the filly filled the bath tub. She looked nervously at the door as she heard Applejack talking to her on the hallway.
"Apple Bloom, what are ya doin' in there?"
The bath tub was filled with enough water for Apple Bloom to sit in. The little noticed that and yelled back at AJ.
"Sorry sis, it's the only way!"
"Apple Bloom, NOOO!"
She kicked in the door, but it was too late.
Apple Bloom was ready, looked at her big sister with a smile
and dropped the shaver in the tub.
"Aaaaaaarrrrrghhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaahhhh!" echoed in the bathroom.
Applejack was shocked and just stood there and looked at the dying, screaming filly.
After a few seconds the screaming stopped and Apple Bloom's body turned into a lifeless floating corpse.
Applejack suddenly fainted, the floating corpse of her little sister was too much for her.