• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 4,679 Views, 1 Comments

Orbit: The Future Of Equestria - Ace26

This Fan Fiction revolves around two infantry stallions in the military. When they are tranfored to a new job they soon discover a long kept secret of their governemnt.

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Chapter Fifteen: The Last Place To Go

The fight had been raging on now. Charger had told Fluttershy how to treat stun wounds and to bring the swelling down. She was working hard, using anything she could find to help.

" That you… Miss." One squad member said as she put ice over his inflamed leg.

" Your welcome, thank you for your help." She would say to those able to thank her. She looked at the mouse. he was in a corner taking cover from the fight. Fluttershy never thought she would find herself in another combat zone, but she did and she was actually getting used to it.

When ever she heard shots, she ducked. When she didn't here shots she worked on wounded, and the enemy seamed to just forget about her. Charger had come over to check in on her a few times, but he always had to go and stop another part of the bar from falling into enemy hooves. He would rich off and Fluttershy prayed she wouldn't be mending a wound of his in the near future.

As she worked the fighting seemed to intensify. Friendly numbers seemed to drop, while enemy numbers rose. There was more screaming now. Fluttershy didn't like this part of war. She almost broke down a few times, but she kept working on the stallions injuries. he had to keep them comfortable and alive. Stun rounds weren't meant to be lethal, however they could kill if fired at certain areas of the body.

She was working on yet another soldier, when a group from Shadow Squad came ducking behind her table! She looked up at them in surprise.

" What's going on?" she asked. The group of pilots began firing in envy direction. Fluttershy heard ponies dropping to the floor.

" We're being over run!" Cloud Surfer said as he fired off more shots.

" What does that mean?" Fluttershy asked nervously. The fighters shot some more.

" We need to leave, that's what it means!" The stallion said. He then grabbed Fluttershy by the hoof and pulled her along with him while they ran behind the bar. Cloud Surfer popped up and provided covering fire so the wounded could be retrieved.

" Why are we leaving!" She asked. Cloud Surfer wasn't listening, he was shooting like crazy. Fluttershy knew he had been stunned in the leg, so he had better aim do to how stiff he was.

" Charger said he was at the back door with some more stallions!" Cloud Surfer said! Fluttershy did not want to here what he was going to say next.

" We can hold them here! You just need to get to the back door!" He yelled.

" Someones showed up with a ship!" Cloud Surfer yelled. He then pushed Fluttershy out from behind the bar. She galloped like never before as shots flew by her. She wanted to turn around and fight, but she knew that would do no good for Cloud Surfer. She galloped and galloped. SHe went through the kitchen and then the supply area. She finally made it to the back door where she found the rest of the elements, Charger, Sights, and a few more squad members.

" Thank Celestia, you're safe." Charger said hugging her. Fluttershy blushed a small bit.

" Hold up, where's Cloud Surfer and the others!" Sights asked. Fluttershy looked at the group around her. They looked back fearing her answer.

" I'm sorry, I couldn't do anything, they told me to run." She stammered. Charger just hugged her.

" You're ok, you did the right thing." Charger reassured her.

There was a honking from back behind the bar. They opened he door to see a large fighter ship hovering over the back parking lot!

" Come on… Let's go!" Gold Wings grunted though the pain.

" Is that?" Applejack began to ask.

" I think it is." Twilight answered smiling. The ship let down a latter and the group climbed it. Once they were all in the door closed.

" I never thought you would be coming back." Charger said as he sat in the co pilot seat.

" Charger, this is serious! They're after you now, Boston released a report and everything." Gold Wings yelled.

" Tell me about it, He knows he's in the wrong, that's why he called us terrorists." Charger was angry when he thought about that report. He pictured Boston running out of the bar and firing at them, with his angry expression on his face. He then heard a thump against the window, and then another.

It took him some time, but he finally realized they were being fired at from the ground. A squad of officers had made it out back! They were firing on the ship and among them, was Boston! He and his angry expression on his face as well as a giant bruise. He was firing with his pistol, not even caring where bullets went!

" Hold on!" Gold Wings said as he pulled away from the bar. The shots slowly disappeared as the ship speed away through the sky.

After traveling for some time, they were over the undeveloped areas of the ring. They were far beyond any cities. The only light around was the ship. They couldn't even see the pitch black ring under them, that's how dark it was.

" So, I take it the apartment was compromised." Charger said to Gold Wings. Gold Wings looked at him confused.

" How did you know that?" he asked. Charger just pointed down to Gold's gunshot wound.

" Oh yah, that." he said.

" So, know anywhere else to go?" Charger asked looking out the window. Gold Wings was confused. he was thinking of places out of the way, but cops would look there now. They had to be in a place only few were allowed to go.

" Yah, I can't think of anything either." Charger said noticing his silence. Gold Wings just looked down and sighed.

he switched the ship to autopilot.

" This whole situation is crazy, you know that?" Gold Wings said chuckling a little bit. Charger laughed too.

" It is crazy, we have the six most famous and important mares in the universe, with the whole military, police force, and government chasing us. It's pretty crazy." Charger said with his grin disappearing. There was more silence.

" Why did you do it?" Gold Wings asked. Charger looked at him confused.

" Why did you start all of this, why didn't you just tun the cold shoulder?" Gold asked. Charger looked at him very seriously.

" I didn't ignore them, because I have a pair." Charger said laughing at Gold Wings. Gold Wings smiled.

" Ok Ok, but seriously why?" He asked again. Charger was serious again.

" I saved them, because they deserve it Gold. They deserve better then a freezer. They saved us before we were even born countless times, I'm just returning the favor." Charger said looking out the window again.

" They've kept the flame of equestrian burning. They've kept this world form falling apart, take them away and now look at the world, we're dealing with a civil war." Charger continued.

" It just shows you how important they are, and how much they deserve, they need a life Gold. They need to finally have the opportunity to make their own choices and let everyone else fix there own problems." Charger said. Gold Was listening to him, he picked up on the words Flame and Free. These words just seemed so important to him, he then had an idea.

It was a crazy idea, but the place he was thinning of was the only place left. The only place that they had friends left. They would hopefully shelter them. If this didn't work though, they were all going to jail.

He flipped off the auto pilot an aggressively grabbed hold of the controls.

" What are you doing?" Charger asked curiously. Gold Wings was too busy punching numbers and commands into the dash board of the ship.

" seriously, where are we going?" charger asked. Gold Wings just smiled.

" Somewhere you know my friend." Gold Wings smiled. Charger looked at the dash board before Gold Wings hit the hyper space button. His eyes popped wide open.

" You are insane!" He yelled.

" Yah, coming from the guy who blew up a government building for a mare!" Gold Wings laughed as the ship shot into hyper space.

Back on Celestium Boston was walking through the capital building. There were portraits of past rulers on the walls. The floor was covered by a large blue carpet, and everything was white marble. He walked past all of the doors leading to conference rooms and offices. He marched right up to the door at the end of the hall. There was a small silver place above the board that read.

" Lunar Office." Boston knocked and a secret service member answered. He was patted down and checked for weapons, then he was allowed to enter.

He walked through the door nodding at the guards. Inside the room there was a large wooden table with a light blue hologram of the home land security emblem. Sitting at the table, flanked by two guards in royal knight armor, was Princess Luna.

" Greetings, Agent Boston." Luna said motioning to a chair near her. Boston took the hint and sat in the chair. The princess then nodded her head and the guards walked out of the room.

" Now that we are alone…" Luna began.

" What is the progress on the search for our fugitives?" Luna asked. Boston pulled out a small chip and put it into a small slit in the table side. The emblem disappeared and a HD stream of Chargers apartment came up.

Inside the windows you could see secret service agents searching the place. They were flipping tables, throwing books everywhere. They were destroying mechanical pieces within the house!

" This, princess, is a live stream of the apartment we tracked them to." Boston said. He pressed an arrow button on the table. The stream then transferred to a camera inside the apartment.

" As you can see we are still searching the residence for information, they have abandoned the place, and we do not think they will be returning." Boston said. Luna looked at the video stream. Her face was twisted with concentration. Finally she looked away and at Boston.

" I am glad to see you are taking this search seriously." Luna said. She got up and began to pace the room, as she started to make her way to the door she remembered she had one more question to ask Boston.

" Boston, what did they take from the tower any way?" Luna asked raising her eye brows. She couldn't believe she hadn't asked this when the incident first arose. It was so important to know why the attack was committed.

Boston began to sweat a little. He knew that Luna had a long history with the Elements of Harmony. He would be viewed as the villain of the this situation if he revealed the truth. Chapter Fourteen: Bar Fight

Back on the Eternal Flame Gold Wings was in the hanger bay. He watched and studied the night guards movements. They moved from position to position at thirty minute intervals. Gold Wings watched them. he made note of which ones moved quicker and which ones didn't. He made sure he also knew which ones were armed. If he was going to steal a ship from his own team, he was going to make sure he didn't get shot in the process.

It was about ten at night. The guards would be going in for a break. They would still watch from the window of their reck room. They would be to caught up in their conversations to notice Gold Wings though. He slung the bag he had over his back as the guards moved into their break room. He knew he wouldn't be able to return to the ship if this went right, but his friends were more important. When the last guard entered the room. He galloped out from behind a shuttle. He scanned the mine of jets and ships. he went from cover to cover. He kept glancing at the guard booth. They weren't even paying attention to the ships.

" When this is over, they are all getting fired." Gold Wings said to himself. He dove behind some barrels. Looking over at the second hanger bay he knew he would need something fast. he was going to need something that could hold every pony too.

" The ship would have to be armed too, no doubt, if we get into trouble I don't want to be shot down." He said to himself. He scanned the second line of ships as he did the first. Then he found it.

It was an arrow shaped black ship. It had a small canon mounted on the front. Missiles were already attached to the wings. There were to large guns on the wings. Yes, this was the ship. He looked at the name of the ship, it read "The thunderbird".

" what a beautiful name for such a beautiful piece of technology!" Gold Wings thought to himself. He looked around for a latter and found one laying by a work bench. He tip toed over to it. and grabbed it. He picked it up off the ground and began to walk back towards the ship. Little did he know that half of the ladder was under the work bench. he lifter the ladder and it hit the work bench.

I wrench hi the floor making a loud "CLANK" that echoed through the hanger. Gold Wings tried to duck behind the ships, but it was too late. The guards had stepped out of the room and spotted him. They starred at each other for a moment. The guards had blank faces on and so did Gold Wings. He dropped the latter and still stood there.

" Um… Hey guys." Gold Wings said.

" Nice night aint it?" he added. The guards just looked at him. Then one of them spoke

" Open Fire!" he yelled. The guards pulled out their stun pistols and began firing at Gold Wings.

" Holly CRAP!" he yelled. he picked up the ladder and galloped for the ship. Red lasers kept flying by. They hit cans and threw them over. Some hit tool benches and sent metal and tools flying into the air. Gold Wings ducked behind equipment, vehicles, and once another guard. As he was stunned and fell Gold Wings looked down at him.

" Thanks." he said. Then he kept running. He galloped until he got to the ship. He shoved the latter up against it and climbed as fast as he could. One guard tried to climb the ladder. Gold Wings pushed it over while he was on it.


Gold Wings threw the cockpit open and jumped in. Red beams of light bounced off the ship as he drove it out towards the launching door. He used the cannon on the front to shoot out the blast shield controls. They hanger door opened he could see space.

" Pilot, you are not cleared for launch, I repeat you are not clear!" Yelled the control tower operators. Gold Wings shut the radio off and proceeded to hover off of the ground. The ship then lurched forward and he rocketed out into space. He saw some red beams fly towards the ship, but they gave up firing after he left the hanger.

He knew they would try to shoot him down so he immediately went into hyperspace. he pulled back a lever on the control board. Everything around then flashed by. The starts were now lines of white light flying by his cockpit. He no longer had contact with the Eternal Flame. he was now speeding his way towards Celestium.

" I better make it to my friends before the feds. do!" Gold Wings said to himself.

Back in the bar Charger and Fluttershy couldn't separate from each other. They held in the tight imbrues that we left them off in. They kept getting closer. Their nuzzles almost were touching. Sights and Twilight were anticipation the moment.

They were both over whelmed with joy for their friends. Time stood still. Charger and Fluttershy were almost touching. They were centimeters away from each other. They both gazed into each others eyes. Nothing around them mattered. Suddenly lights flashed outside. They were red and blue! There was a loud siren and the sounds of doors closing and opening! Hooves were heard coming to the door. Charger and Sights both looked at each other.

" Cover!" Charger yelled. Just then the door burst open and a squad of officers broke through. There were in all black jackets and bullet proof vests. Some had stun rifles, others had assault weapons and pistols! They immediately saw Charger and opened fire. Charger thrust Fluttershy out of the way and dove behind a table, flipping it completely! The officers kept firing as ponies scattered screaming for their lives!

The mane six had made their way to cover behind chairs and tables. Twilight and Sights were behind the bar.

" How did they find us!" she screamed over the chaos.

" I have no idea, but they're here!" Sights bellowed. He pulled out a small pistol that he had kept on him since the tower attack.

" You've caring that with you!" Twilight screamed in alarm.

" It helps!" Sights answered. He popped up from behind the bar and began firing. He hit two officers in there front legs. The third officer ducked behind cover. Sights took the advantage and signaled to Charger.

" Moving!" he shouted.

" Covering!" Charger shouted as he pulled out a pistol. He began firing at officers, hitting one in the shoulder, and two others in the legs. They didn't let go of the trigger when they fell and they sent a massive amount of bullets his way.

" Holly Sh.." He said as bullets pounded the table he was behind. More officers poorer into the room. The cars were outside, Charger knew that. They probably had the back door rigged too. The only way out was the roof!

Charger looked around to find Fluttershy. He scanned the area where he threw her in found her in no time. She was bent over something. Charger didn't know what it was, but he didn't like it. He jumped out from behind the table firing randomly as bullets whizzed by him. He dropped and slid behind the table Fluttershy was behind. he grabbed her shoulder.

" Are you alright!" he asked. FLuttershy didn't answer she was working on something, she was bent over an object? Charger looked at what she was working on, he was right, he didn't like what he saw.

On the ground was a mouse. There was a large amount of blood on it head. Fluttershy was working frantically with tears in her eyes. She was using a napkin as a truncate. she was bandaging the mouses head, trying to stop the bleeding. It took Fluttershy a second to notice Charger.

" He was hurt when the kicked the door open!" she screamed, trying not to cry. Charger had to give her this, she was tearing up, but she was wasn't panicking or crying like the last battle they were in. Charger couldn't help but watch though. he knew there was a fight going on around him, but he wanted to see if this mouse lived. He watched Fluttershy work, until another officer came over the table. he tackled Charger and was now on top of him. Fluttershy looked up from the mouse and gasped. The officer had his knee on Chargers throat. He was slowly adding pressure as Charger chocked and gagged. The officer kept his gun fixed on Fluttershy if she tried to move.

" You will pay for what you did at the tower!" The officer said. Charger looked up into his face. It was hard to see who this officer was, but his voice sounded familiar. Charger looked away from his face and at his body. He was blue. He was a blue stallion. Charger immediately knew who he was looking at.

" B..Boston?" Charger asked trying to speak. Boston just pushed harder down on Charger's throat.

" LONG time no see Charger, you gave us a run for our money trying to found you." Boston laughed. He added more pressure to his throat.

" Well, the point is I have found you now, and I'm going to take back the government property you've stolen…" He pointer to Fluttershy with his pistol. Then he looked back down at Charger.

"…and then I'll kill you." Boston grinned. He put more pressure on Chargers throat. He felt as if it was going to snap. Right before Charger blacked out, right before the cold and of death grasped him. Right before his flame was extinguished. He felt the pressure come off his neck. He felt the weight of Boston on his chest leave. He looked up and found Boston stunned on the floor. He wasn't moving, but he wasn't dead. He glared angrily at Charger. Charger got up. He looked around and thought Sights may have done it, but he was no where to be found. He looked over at Fluttershy who was looking at some pony in the crowd. Then, a larger brown pegasus walked over. He had a black mane, with a crew cut. His eyes were yellow and he had the mark of a fighter jet on his rear end. Above his mark there was another tattoo, something that wasn't natural. It read "Up We Go!" Charger knew who this stallion was, he knew exactly where he had come from too. He got up and addressed him.

" I thought you air men where to professional to get into bar fights." Charger joked. The pegasus spoke back.

" This obviously isn't a normal bar fight." The pegasus said. He stuck his hoof out and Charger shook it.

" PFC, Sun Rise, Eternal Flame." Charger said concealing his identity.

" Secondary Squad leader Cloud Surfer, Eternal Flame." The pegasus answered. Charger walked over to Fluttershy and help her up off the ground. She picked up the mouse with her. She looked down at it and then back up at Charger. Charger just smiled.

" So, you wouldn't happen to be from shadow squadron, would you." Charger asked.

" Yes I am, shadow all the way." Cloud Surfer answered proudly. Charger already knew what he would say. Gold Wings had designed that tattoo for all of his squad members. Charger remembered how mad he was when he found out he couldn't wear the tattoo anymore. He giggled at the thought. All of a sudden more shots flew by! All three ponies ducked down.

" Say there wouldn't be more of you Shadow Squadron guys hanging around would there?" Charger asked as he fired back. As if on que Sights came running out from behind the bar with more pegasus behind him. They all bared the tattoo of Shadow Squadron.

" Hey Charger look who I found!" Sights said as he ducked behind the table. Charger gave hims quick look not to say his real name so loud. He then looked at Cloud Surfer.

" Yah, I found them too." Charger said. More shots flew bye and they all fired back.

" Alright Sun Rise, you're the infantry man here, and I'm a pilot, how do we get out of here?" Cloud Surfer asked. Charger pointed to the where the rest of the Main Six were hiding.

" THey are your main objectives, you get them over here, sir." Charger said, getting unite at the last second remembering he was ordering his superior.

" Don't bother Charger, in a ground fight, I'm as good as a cadet, there's no need for sir." Cloud Surfer said. He then relayed the message back to his men and they took off in opposite directions toward the mares. The remaining fighters took up a defensive position and attacked the advancing officers.

" Shoot for the legs!" Sights ordered. Officers were now dropping like flies. They were no match for the combined skills of Shadow Squadron, Sights, and Charger.

The fight raged on. It didn't seem like any innocent ponies were hit, but some of shadow squad had been brushed by stun round and frozen in areas of their bodies!

" GAAAA! Damn!" Cloud Surfer bellowed as he was stunned in his shooting arm. Charger looked over to him to asses his wound.

" Alright it didn't leave a mark, just stiff thats all!" More shots zoomed by Charger. He quickly dropped down to the floor pulling Cloud Surfer down with him.

Across the bar officers were handling a less dangerous situation.

" Boss, wake up boss." one of the officers said lightly tapping Agent Boston's cheek. he had been knocked out cold from Cloud Surfer's attack. The officers continued to try to wake him. They slapped him a bit yelled at him.

" I don't think he's coming to." One of the officers said. The other officer looked at him with a smile.

" Hey, boss." he started. He was smiling and almost giggling as he said this.

" Boss, they're transferring you to a desk job." The officer said laughing. Boston quickly shot awake.

" NO, NOT A DESK JO… oh." He said realizing the the officers had tricked him.

" Do not do that!" he screamed at them. Both officers stopped their laughing.

" I'll make sure your transferred to desk jobs!" Boston continued to yell.

" Now get moving!" Boston yelled pointing at the fight around them. The two officers quickly galloped off into two different directions. Boston just pouted where he was. He hatred it when people messed with him. He hated it so much.

As the fight raged on within the bar a lone fighter craft zoomed through the city. It ducked under on coming ships. It drifted around buildings and under over hangs. It almost crashed a few times.

Piloting this ship was none other then Gold Wings. he was so worried for his friends he could hardly fly straight. He kept going. He ignored the flashing warning symbols on the road. He was racing towards the apartment he thought his friends were at.

He pulled up to the apartment. There didn't seem to be any pony there.

" Hey, guys, we've got to go!" He shouted from the ship. He only heard silence in return. He tried calling out to his friends again. He didn't hear any responses after calling out to them.

He decided that he was going to have to exit the ship to try and contact them. He stepped down from the seat he was in and opened the door. He was about to step outside onto the platform leading to the the apartment, but a shot rang out!

He daw the bullet bounce off the side of the side of his door! It was near his hoof!

" Holly crap!" He shouted. As he fell back into the ship a large amount of police and federal agents popped out from areas on the roof of the apartment! They sprayed the ship with gunfire! Gold Wings was able to close his ship door just in time.

He quickly booted the controls back up and turned around. He gunned it, zooming away from the apartment.

" Ok, wrong spot to loo…gahhh." He said feeling a pain in his side. He looked down to see blood coming out of him.

" Oh crap, they didn't all miss." He said. He ripped a part of his sleeve off and rapped it around his stomach over the bleeding. The rag was soaked with blood in minutes. He kept flying though. He ignored the pain. he knew he had to find his friends and quick.

" Come on, why are you never easy to fi…" He looked over into the distance and saw flashing lights! He immediately turned the course of the ship and head towards the location.

" I better not be to late." Gold said while arming the guns of the ship.

The organization that contained the elements hadn't been known to the public or even the royals of Equestria since its creation. This was to ensure the security of the information surrounding the organization. Boston could not simply spill the beans now.

He gulped, adjusted in his seat and took a deep breath.

" They were weapons my princess." Boston lied.

" They were weapons we were experimenting with, sadly they are now gone and the documents surrounding their existence were burned in the attack." Boston said trying to sound sad and disappointed. The princess just nodded and walked out. Their meeting was over.