• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 1,558 Views, 50 Comments

"Is that you, my love?" - Hopefullygoodgrammar

Can a human, a showmare, a chaos god, a changeling and the Elements stop an evil that shakes the foundations of the earth? Amnesia:Justine crossover

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Awakening *

Author’s Note: I don’t own MLP or Amnesia: Justine


Alois felt consciousness return to him. This surprised him a great deal, considering that the last thing he remembered was the crushing feeling of Malo’s bloody hands wrapping around the upper part of his throat, forcing the collar deep into the meat of his neck. Surely that should have killed him, but no, he was definitely still alive; he could feel his heart beating in his chest and he could feel various textures around him.

Alois held his breath, waiting to see if the pain in his throat would intensify, when it didn’t he decided to use his remaining senses to gauge his new surroundings.

He was slumped against something, something rough, hard and tall enough to provide shade, a tree? Was he outside? He sniffed the air deeply, he could smell several different kinds of plant life, some of which he thought could have been flowers, he smelled wood and sap, mushrooms, grass and earth.

These new smells were so different from the usual smells of mildew, decay, excrement and blood. The suddenness of the new scents left Alois stunned, How did I end up here? he wondered Did Malo drag me out? If so, then where is he? Surely he would have tied me up if he wanted to eat me, did someone find me? How did I even get out? I don't remember finding an exit or even fighting Malo off.

Alois decided to see if he could find any sign of civilization, he recalled that, although Justine’s mansion was secluded above ground,the tunnels below ground were massive. He hoped that it would take less time to get to the town nearest to her mansion because of this.

His stomach groaned and so did he, he had no clue how he had staved off starvation for so long, the only things he had eaten from the time that Justine began her little games to his reawakening had been a few filthy rats and some rather large insects that might have been roaches.

Alois ignored his hunger of a while longer before another agonizing cramp hit him, he doubled over, desperately wanting to vomit, but he knew that there was next to nothing in his stomach and losing anything else at this moment might have serious repercussions.

Alois regained his balance and staggered onwards, stopping only when more cramps came, eventually he felt the ground change under his feet, going from roots, rocks and weeds to soft grass that cushioned his footfalls.

As he continued his trek he began to feel afraid, Have I gone in the wrong direction? What will I do when night falls? I’m in no condition to defend myself should I come upon a bear or a wolf, Basile and Malo were the strong ones, I bet they could survive in this situation.

Alois sighed as he remembered his father, he hadn't taken to Justine at all, he had thought that there was something wrong with her, when Alois had asked him what it was he had only said “Her eyes… it’s like looking into a darkened window, like she has no soul.”

Now Alois wished that he had taken father’s advice and stayed away from her.

Then he heard something, it wasn't too far off and it sounded like… singing? Hope surged through Alois’s being, he was close to civilization after all! He hurried forwards, his keen hearing leading him on.

The singing got louder and more beautiful, it was obviously a female singing, her voice sounded soft and sweet, unlike Justine’s brash and arrogant voice, Alois drew nearer, but then stopped himself, Wait…. what if it IS Justine singing? She could have learned to mimic voices. No, that’s ridiculous, Justine is not the type to dedicate herself to something so trivial.

Alois sniffed the air again, hoping to smell smoke, exhaust fumes, metal or something that would indicate a town, but there was nothing, Alois’s hope faded and was replaced by suspicion, What would a person be doing this far away from civilization? he wondered, the singing stopped and he moved in closer and listened: there were other people and, judging by the sounds of chewing and idle conversation, they were having a picnic.

“Hey Twilight! Earth to Twilight, c’mon snap out of it” said a raspy voice

“Huh? What?” came a startled-sounding reply

“Ugh, I wanted to ask you if you wanted any fritters.” said the first voice

“Oh, sure, sorry about that, this is just a really fascinating book on the nature of signs and portents.”

“Portents? Like the Legend of the Mare in the Moon?” said a new voice, this one sounding much more refined than the rest, her voice reminded Alois of Justine, although this voice was warm and happy-sounding, rather than cold and prideful.

“Yes, Princess Luna contacted me and asked me to look into something for her, apparently she saw three red comets during the meteor shower last night, she says she thinks it might mean something, but I think she just wants to hear from us, I feel kinda bad for not visiting her more often.” the voice took on a guilty tone.

“Darn tootin’” said a new voice, this one sounded American, with a thick southern twang, “Ah think we should invite her over for a little get-together, it’ll gimme a chance to try out mah newest recipe, too!”

“That would be nice, but what if Luna says no?” asked another new voice, this one sounded like the singer, but the owner of the vice spoke very softly, almost as if she were afraid.

“Of course she’ll say yes, silly filly!” said another voice, this one high-pitched and full of energy, “nopony can resist a good party?”

Alois cocked his head, did she say noPONY? Were these women mad or had he misheard? Who was this Princess Luna character? He hadn't heard of her before, maybe Britain had given the title of princess to someone else whilst he had been imprisoned, Luna was a very fitting name for royalty.

“Wait a second” said the hyperactive speaker “twitchy tail, knee cramp, scrunchy ear and…. wonky eye!” there was a deafening silence before she continued “that means that there’s somepony watching us!”

Alois felt his heartbeat quicken.

There was a noise like a miniature stampede followed by a chorus of whispering which was too low for even Alois’s ears to pick up, he waited with baited breath before the raspy voiced person spoke up

“Alright bub, come outta wherever you’re hiding and maybe, just maybe I won’t decide to thrash you.”

Alois didn't want a beating, he didn't know how much more abuse his body could take, so, with a swallow and a slight tremble in his appendages he walked out of his hiding place and into what he guessed was the clearing in which they were having their picnic.

Before he could even open his mouth to ask for help he was met by a chorus of screams, he cursed himself, he should have known that his appearance would frighten them, why couldn't he have warned them first?

Alois held his hands up and said “Wait! I mean you no harm, I just want to-”

“Eat our brains??!!!!” growled the raspy-voiced one

“Turn us to stone?” whimpered the posh-voiced one

“Swallow our souls?” asked the American one

“Eat our brains. turn us to stone AND swallow our souls?!” squealed the hyperactive one

“No I just-” Alois began, but he was cut off by a whooshing sound, like a very big bird taking off, Alois instinctively ducked and felt something brush against the top of his bald head, it felt like feathers, Alois backed away, wishing that he didn't look so monstrous, he heard the raspy-voiced one say “Don’t worry girls, I’ll protect ya.”, Alois turned on his heel and ran to the best of his ability.

As he ran he wondered if he’d ever be able to show his face to people without them screaming and running, he felt tears begin to leak from his sockets as he wondered if that had been Justine’s plan all along, to turn him into a beast.

If it was, then she had succeeded.

Author's Note:

Now the fun really begins, please feel free to leave any constructive criticism, I'd love to be able to make this story better.