• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 1,558 Views, 50 Comments

"Is that you, my love?" - Hopefullygoodgrammar

Can a human, a showmare, a chaos god, a changeling and the Elements stop an evil that shakes the foundations of the earth? Amnesia:Justine crossover

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Author’s note: I don’t own MLP or Amnesia/Amnesia:Justine, those two thingies are owned by Hasbro and Frictional Games.


Alois shuffled through the passageway, the stone was cold under his bare feet and the chill wind was harsh on his naked body, he was honestly surprised that he could even feel anything after all that he had been through.

The chains that were wrapped around his wrists and ankles made soft clinking noises as he moved, no doubt the sound would make his love aware of his presence, he felt a smile tug at the corners of his dry lips, maybe this time Justine wouldn’t run from him, his stomach rumbled like a volcano about to erupt, then cramped painfully, Alois groaned and clutched his hollow stomach with a maimed hand, How long has it been since I ate? he wondered.

Then he heard something to his right, the sound of a box being scraped along the floor, Alois had walked the various corridors and had paced each cell and room so many times that he knew exactly from which room the sound emanated.

Speeding up as fast as his blindness and frail body would allow Alois felt his way past several cells, his breath coming out in painful wheezes as he did, the collar around his neck had been making his breathing steadily more harsh, he could feel the cold metal slowly digging into his throat, but none of that mattered as long as his darling Justine was with him, all he had to do was find her and then all would be well.

And what if it isn't? asked a traitorous little voice in the back of his head, a voice which, over time, had been growing stronger,

Alois angrily brushed that thought away, he knew that Justine would make everything better, SHE would make the voice go away and then she and he would live a peaceful life-

The voice laughed derisively You’re the most pathetic man in all of France, there will be no peace for you and Justine, that woman has poisoned your mind and twisted your body, even if you did get to the surface you would be reviled, you would be nothing more than a sideshow oddity, come and see the man with no eyes and a thousand scars!

I love her! And I know that she reciprocates my feelings! Alois thought defensively

Oh? Would someone who truly loved you make you mutilate yourself in such a manner or even do the mutilating? Would someone who truly cares for you leave you naked and beaten in this cold, dark place? Face the facts Alois, you are little more than a guinea pig to her.


You are just a toy to her Alois, what would Father say? What would Mother? They would be appalled beyond words, they would disown you, they would-

Alois let out a bellow that sounded more animal than man, he lashed out blindly, his fist connecting with the damp stone of a wall, he heard the stone shatter and felt a wave of pain coarse through his arm, with a growl Alois let his arm hang at his side, then he heard it: a cold giggle.

“Justine? Is that you, my love?” he croaked, the collar feeling heavier than it had before.

“Hello Alois” said Justine, her voice as beautiful and soft as ever, “I was wondering where you were.”

“You came for me.” he said, advancing on her.

Justine snickered as Alois moved closer to her, his hands outstretched, now he would finally be able to hold her, for her to take him in return, he had bested Basile and Malo, now he could spend his days with her.

Then his hands met steel bars.

The snickering became full blown, cold, cruel laughter, Alois felt confused, “Justine? Why won’t you let me be with you? I must have outlasted Basile and Malo, that means that I won your game, right? Justine? Please answer me!” he began to feel dread welling up within his heart.

The laughter stopped and Justine spoke, her voice icy: “Has the truth really not made itself apparent to you, my dear? Are you so unbelievably stupid that you would still think that I cared for you after all of the things that I’ve done to you? I must confess I am surprised at the tenacity which you use to cling to your delusions.”

Alois felt his heart grow heavy as Justine continued, “You were nothing to me, Alois! Nothing at all! I only wanted to test you, to see how far I could stretch your psyche until it snapped, you were just a guinea pig.”

Just a guinea pig….

Alois felt his heart break, the treacherous voice in his head was right, the truth of his situation hit him like a ton of bricks: he was alone underground, ensconced deep within a series of tunnels that very few people knew about, he was naked, he was blind, he was starving and dehydrated, he was wounded and bleeding, but the worst thing was that Justine, the woman that he had thrown his life away for, cared nothing about him.

He felt tears flow from his sockets, sobs tore their way out of his throat as he curled into a ball, the haunting laughter of Justine filling his mind.

As he lay there he wished that he could undo all of the things that he had done, all the time that he had wasted, he had just wanted peace, had wanted someone to love and to love him back, he desperately wished for a chance at that

Then he heard the sound of clinking chains accompanied by psychotic laughter.

Malo De Vigny, the mad suitor, had arrived.

“Well, well, well if it isn’t little Alois Racine” said Malo in his high-pitched voice “I thought you would have died by now….. I guess I was wrong, I guess I’ll have to eat you now mon petit adversaire, then I’ll finally be able to taste Justine’s warm blood and soft flesh!” the mad suitor burst into peals of laughter as he wrapped his fingers around Alois’s neck and squeezed.

Bon voyage, mes ami!!” he crowed.

Please…. Please…. Just one more chance…. Alois thought as consciousness slipped from him.

Across the incomprehensibly massive sea of the universe...

In a planet called Equis…

In the land of Equestria…

In the city of Canterlot…

Princess Luna could barely contain her excitement; it was only a few seconds before the meteor shower started, being the ruler of the night had its perks if you were astronomically inclined, and Luna most certainly was.

Tonight was going to be spectacular, she had set up a cushion under the massive telescope that dominated a good portion of the royal observatory, she had laid out several dozen different types of snacks, some comic books and her favorite plushie, which looked like a crescent moon with a gaming headset on.

Luna looked at the clock that hung above one of the many windows: it was 12:00 on the dot.
Luna got up and trotted over to the telescope, she put her eye to the scope and looked out at the wide blanket of stars, all twinkling like little diamonds.

When the clock struck 12:01 the shower started.

It was amazing, Luna felt her breath catch in her throat at the sight of the hail of golden lights falling from the heavens, Luna had seen only three meteor showers in her long life, but this fourth one was definitely the most spectacular, Luna felt like she was a thousand years younger.

Then something caught her eye: it was a meteor, but it wasn’t the usual golden color, it was bright red and it was also moving very slowly.

Luna watched in awe as it was joined by two more just like it, all of them moving far slower than their siblings, Luna wondered if this was somehow significant, like the whole “The stars will aid in her escape” bit from The Legend of the Mare in the Moon, Luna thought on it for a second, then grinned and went over to a nearby desk, picking up a quill and scroll in her magical aura she began to write:

“Dear Twilight Sparkle.

Hello, it is I, Luna, I discovered something very peculiar whilst I was watching the meteor shower: I saw three red comets moving much slower than the rest, I would like to know if this has any significance, maybe it’s a sign or portent?

Please get back to me, I haven’t heard from you in a long while and I would very much like to meet with you, maybe we could talk about this odd development over tea?

Please get back to me.

Your friend
Princess Luna”

Luna rolled up the scroll and sent it out,wondering if she should have put a question mark after “Your Friend”, she felt a very familiar sense of loneliness fill her, it was true that she was free of Nightmare Moon’s evil, but many of the public and a great deal of the royal staff were still wary of her, the only ones who seemed to accept her were Celestia, who was often asleep when Luna was awake, and the Elements of Harmony, who had seen her striped of Nightmare Moon’s influence first hand.

But Luna hadn’t seen them in a few months, not since the events of the Canterlot Wedding, she turned back to the telescope and walked back to it, she looked out the scope and saw that the shower was almost over, Luna sighed and laid down, the feeling of awe replaced by one of sadness.

I just wish that they’d accept me again, even if they don’t like the night it would still be so wonderful to have a true friend. she thought as she closed her eyes.

Author's Note:

Author's Note: Whoo-hoo, first MLP fanfic is a go! Like it so far? Hate it? Don't care? Tell me what you think!