• Published 27th Sep 2013
  • 1,662 Views, 30 Comments

Diamond Days - Bysen

Your standard Diamond Tiara redemption story but with a twist. And that twist is that it's actually about Twist.

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Late for class

This morning was the same as yesterday. In every way. She waited, hoped, that Silverspoon would show up to walk to school together. But of course she never did. And by the time Diamond Tiara had finally accepted that, she was already going to be late for school even if she ran there. She thought about just skipping today but knew her father would find out about her leaving early yesterday sooner or later. Diamond thought better than doing it twice in a row. Being late was better than not going at all after all.

But with that being said, she still trudged to school at a snail’s pace. At one point even being passed by Snails who was also running late apparently. Once she finally arrived, DT quietly snuck up to her class room and peered inside. Silverspoon was there, the last tiny glimmer of hope that she simply hadn’t come to school today, that she’d been sick or something, and that’s why Silverspoon hadn't stopped by her place was shattered even though Diamond Tiara already knew why Silverspoon hadn’t came by.

As Diamond walked in, she expected to be questions as to why she was late by Cheerilee. Instead she noticed that her teacher wasn’t even in the room. DT took her seat by Silverspoon as usual. There wasn’t assigned seating or anything but everypony usually took the same chairs as always, and because she was so late, the only two seats she could take where next to her or between Snips and Snails. And one of those just wasn’t an option. She didn’t want to speak with Silverspoon and didn't plan to either. But to her shock “Did you see Cheerilee in the hall?”

It took Diamond Tiara by surprise. Sure she and Silverspoon had had a fight but at least she was being civil; speaking with her. “No, how long has she been gone?” Diamond replied, more concerned about whether or not she could pretend she'd been here much sooner than she really was. School had started nearly half an hour ago at this point.

“Since class began. She told us to take our seats and that she’d be back in a short while.” Silverspoon answered. It wasn’t uncommon for the teacher to let the class talk amongst themselves for a few minutes before she began a lesson but this seemed excessive. “I’m getting a bit worried, are you sure you didn’t see her in the hall?”

“What am I, blind?” DT said. Instantly regretting her choice of words.

“Fine, forget I asked…” Silverspoon grunted. She wasn’t really mad at her friend, and yes, they were still friends. Or she hadn’t been mad at least, even if she was a little so now. But she wanted to stay friends and added “If Cheerilee asks I’ll say you got here just after she left… ok?”

“Ye…” Diamond Tiara began but was cut short as the door opened and Cheerilee walked in. As if on queue, actually her walking in WAS there queue… the class as one called out “Good morning Cheerilee.” as they did every morning.

Usually she would respond with a ‘Good morning class’ of her own, but that never came today. Instead she walked over to her desk. Her eyes stuck towards the back of the class more, staring at Snips and Snails. Normally she looked happy and cheery, like her namesake. But that was nowhere in her expression right now. Whatever Snips and Snails had done must’ve been something really bad. They’d get in so much trouble… this was going to be good!

Mood lifted, Diamond Tiara awaited them to be called out. But that never happened as Cheerilee started to scan over the entire class, but still often looking back towards those two. Nearly a minute passed before somepony raised their hoof to ask a question. “Yes Applebloom?” she said solemnly.

“Are y’all alright Miss Cheerilee? Ya don’ look so good.” she spoke. And now that she she mentioned it, Diamond Tiara could see it too. She’d been more focused on what was going to happen than how Cheerilee herself was. The air of the classroom shifted to a more nervous feel as Diamond Tiara and most likely the rest of the class realise that this wasn’t going to be good after all… far from it.

“Yes Applebloom, I’m fine.” she managed to say with forced calmness. Cheerilee took a few steps past her desk and looked over the class once more before finally saying what she’d needed to. “I don’t know quite how to say this…” she really didn’t either, despite never having had trouble speaking in front of others. This was different though. “I… I regret to inform you…” that was too formal, or maybe just right. She had no idea. “A classmate has…”

The whole class was silent. None of them had seen their teacher like this before: crying. “Miss Cheerilee?” Applebloom said once more.

“One of our classmates has passed away.” this was greeted by silence for a few seconds before small whispers from nearly everypony could be heard. And it didn’t take long for them to figure out who. She was the only pony not here today. And Diamond Tiara was the first to say it out loud “Twist?”

And the first to know, without even needing to look.

Author's Note:

What a Twist!

This is a little shorter than the others and even seems a bit rushed in places but I don't think I could lengthen it without taking away from it more than I would add.