• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 1,190 Views, 17 Comments

ApplePie Prompt Tag Group Collab! - Starswirls Beard

A collection of 100-500 word mini-fics about Applejack and Pinkie Pie, written by the many talented members of the ApplePie Group!

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Sugar (Donnys Boy)

"Pour Some Sugar on Me"

Applejack had always assumed that Pinkie Pie would taste like sugar. Goodness knew she’d thought about it often enough--days working on the farm, alone in the fields with her foolish daydreams and silly hopes. Days spent imagining what it would be like to actually kiss Pinkie and to taste the sweet, sweet sugar on those endlessly moving lips.

Foolish. Silly. Something fun to think about during long hours sweating in the sun but nothing that would ever or could ever actually be reality.

Besides, too much sugar wasn’t good for a pony.

But that was then, and this was now. And right now, Applejack was on the Pie family’s rock farm, sitting in the drawing room of the farmhouse on a settee with Pinkie right by her side. The rest of the family had retired to bed at least an hour ago, but the crackling fire and warm blanket had kept Applejack and Pinkie downstairs. At least, that’s what Applejack had told herself.

“Thanks again for coming home with me, AJ!” Pinkie’s eyes were dark, almost violet, in the dim light of the fireplace. “I dunno what Mom and Dad would’ve done without having some extra helping hooves with the emerald harvest this year!”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, I was happy to do what I could to pitch in. Especially with all the apple bucking seasons you been a part of.” She found herself grinning a big, dopey grin. She couldn’t help it. “Us farm ponies gotta look out for one another, don’t you reckon?”

Pinkie grinned right back and scooted a little closer. “Yeppers!”

“Well, don’t you fret none, ‘cause I’ll always look out for ya.” Applejack felt her cheeks burn. That hadn’t come out right--or, at least, it hadn’t come out as she’d meant it to. “Er, that is, I’ll always look out for my friends and my fellow farmers, y’know, ‘cause that’s just what--”

Pinkie Pie kissed her.

It was a soft kiss, surprisingly so, but it was not a subtle kiss. It was not a kiss that could be mistaken for platonic, that could be mistaken for mistaken. Applejack froze for a moment, half disbelieving and half terrified, before leaning forward, sighing quietly into Pinkie’s mouth as she kissed Pinkie back and a pair of pink forelegs wrapped tightly around her neck.

It wasn’t until Pinkie had pulled back, still grinning as broadly as ever, that Applejack realized Pinkie Pie didn’t taste like sugar. There’d been a hint of something spicy on the other mare’s lips, a slow, sultry heat that Applejack hadn’t expected in the least. Applejack was pretty sure she liked it, though.

But just to be sure, she leaned forward to kiss Pinkie again.