• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 2,196 Views, 53 Comments

On Your (Cutie) Mark... - Scantrel

A Cutie Mark Crusaders adventure. The fillies latest scheme goes horribly right, can Twilight put things back in order before it's too late?

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The Last Crusade?

Scootaloo was the first to reach the clubhouse, flying in through the door and sticking a perfect landing, one that even Rainbow Dash would have admired. Walking over to the wall where the roll sheet was posted, she lifted the pencil that was hanging by a cord next to the sheet and made a checkmark next to her silhouette. Scootaloo grinned to herself, being signed in first gave her the right to call the meeting to order when the other two fillies arrived.

As she waited, Scootaloo found herself growing fidgety, more than usual. It was like she itched in a place she couldn't scratch and the sensation bothered her. She tried pacing back and forth, but that didn't do anything to alleviate the feeling of restlessness. Finally, it grew to the point where she couldn't stand it anymore, it felt like the walls were closing in on her.

Stretching her wings, Scootaloo zoomed out of the tree-house and up into the air. The rush of the wind through her mane felt like such a relief and she started to relax as she soared lazily around. As she turned a slow circle in the sky, Scootaloo spied Apple Bloom cantering up to the clubhouse. With a huge grin, Scootaloo pulled in her forelegs and dove back down, once again zipping through the door to land next to a startled Apple Bloom.

"Hey now Rainbow Dash! That ain't funny ta scare a filly like that!" Apple Bloom grumbled, then realizing the pony standing next to her wasn't blue, her eyes opened wide as saucers. "Scootaloo?" she breathed in surprise.

"The one and only!" Scootaloo said, trying her best to sound nonchalant. It didn't last though as the two fillies stared at each other then started to giggle.

"You can fly?!?" Apple Bloom asked incredulously. "Since when?"

"Since this morning, when I got this beauty!" Scootaloo said proudly, whipping her flank around to display her new cutie mark.

"You got your cutie mark too?" Apple Bloom cried out. "That's unbullevabull!"

"Well, believe it, because it's true." Scootaloo said, beaming from ear to ear. "Got it during flight lessons with Rainbow Dash. She said I was totally awesome and that I'm probably the second best flyer in all of Equestria now!"

"Oh wow, two in one day! It's like a dream or sumthin'!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Huh? Two? Two what?" Scootaloo asked, not sure what her friend was talking about.

"I got ma cutie mark too! Lookie here!" Apple Bloom gushed, turning her flank proudly so Scootaloo could see the trio of apples.

"Whoa! That's totally cool! You got that today?" Scootaloo asked, her eyes wide.

"Eeyup! Got that this mornin' doin' chores at the farm. I jus' decided to try apple buckin' an' sure enough it showed up right after. After all the crazy things we've done, all it took was some hard work back home." Apple Bloom said happily.

"This is like the best thing ever, wait until Sweetie Belle..." Scootaloo started, but then her voice trailed off and her expression turned to one of horror. "Oh no...what will she think if she's the only Crusader without a cutie mark?"

"I hadn't thought about that." Apple Bloom confessed. "I know she'll be all happy fer us and stuff, but it'll jus' break her heart if she's the only one of us without one."

"Yeah, we'll have to play it cool for now until we can figure out a way to break it to her." Scootaloo said thoughtfully. The little pegasus furrowed her brow as she tried to come up with an idea. Finally, she said "Let's put on our capes, at least that way she won't see them until we can come up with something."

"Good idea," Apple Bloom agreed and the two of them quickly donned their Crusader capes.

The sound of hoofsteps outside coming up the ramp made the two fillies breathe a little "Whew" of relief that they had thought of their plan in time. Sweetie Belle trotted through the door wearing her Crusader cape, her face sporting a broad smile. "Hey guys!" she said cheerfully. "I brought some presents to start the day!"

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both gave a look of surprise. "Presents? But it's not our birthday" Apple Bloom pointed out.

"Oh, I know, but these just couldn't wait. I made us all new capes this morning." Sweetie Belle answered.

The other two fillies exchanged nervous glances. "New capes? That's...that's really great, Sweetie Belle, but there's nothing really wrong with the ones we have." Scootaloo said, trying to keep the concern out of her voice.

"Yeah, these are still jus' fine." Apple Bloom chimed in. "No need to take these off, nope!"

Sweetie Belle cocked her head and raised one eyebrow. "What are you two up to?" she asked accusingly.

"Us? Nothin'! We ain't up to nothin' at all" Apple Bloom answered a little too quickly. Scootaloo plastered a wide grin on her face and nodded in support.

"OK, now I know for sure you two are up to no good." Sweetie Belle said, then she grinned. "But that doesn't matter. I have presents and a surprise for you both and you're going to get them whether you're ready or not!" With that, Sweetie Belle turned and brought in a package she had left sitting outside by the door and placed it down in between herself and her friends.

"Crusaders, I present you our new official attire!" Sweetie Belle said flamboyantly and opened the package, revealing a stack of folded capes. "Scootaloo, here's yours." Sweetie Belle said and took the top cape off the stack. The cape was resplendent, made of jacquard wool that had been dyed burgundy and lined with golden silk brocade. The rampant pony emblem had been hoof-stitched to perfection and the clasp was made of golden filigree, set with an orange garnet to compliment Scootaloo's coat.

Scootaloo reached over and took it, too stunned to speak.

"And here's yours Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle lifted out the second cape handing it to an equally speechless Apple Bloom. The only difference from the one she had handed Scootaloo was Apple Bloom's clasp had been set with a yellow citrine to match her color.

"And of course, one for me!" Sweetie Belle beamed and lifted up the third cape. Her clasp was set with a sparkling diamond that dazzled in the sunlight streaming in through the window. "What do you think?" Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes shining with hope that her friends would love them.

"They're...awesome!" Scootaloo finally managed to squeak out. "These look like something Rarity would make." Catching herself too late, she gulped and said, "Sorry! I didn't mean it that way. These are just amazing, Sweetie Belle."

"I think they're the best cape I ever saw." Apple Bloom added. "Eeyup, definitely the best."

"Thanks, I worked really hard on them this morning." Sweetie Belle said with pride. "Go on, put them on and check the fit."

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom glanced at each other nervously and Scootaloo gave a little hesitant laugh. "Oh right, have to check that fit. After all, it wouldn't be cool if the fit didn't fit."

"You all are acting really weird." Sweetie Belle said. "That's ok, I'll go first. Oh, and...you all might want to be sitting down."

"Huh??" Scootaloo and Apple Bloom chorused.

Sweetie Belle didn't answer, she just smiled and levitated her old cape off of her, holding it in the air surrounded in a soft white aura.

"Whooaaaaaaa...." the other two fillies gasped. After a few moments, finally Apple Bloom had the wits to notice that Sweetie Belle had turned sideways a little and the three diamonds on her flank stood out prominently. "You got your cutie mark!!" she exclaimed.

Sweetie Belle levitated her new cape around her withers and fastened the clasp before settling the old one back in the package and releasing her spell. She blushed and said contritely, "I didn't want to show off too much, I hope you girls aren't jealous of me."

"Oh no, not jealous at all, that is totally cool!" Scootaloo congratulated her friend. "And that's a huge relief as well."

"Relief? Why a relief?" Sweetie Belle asked, not comprehending.

"'Cause a' this!" Apple Bloom burst out, pulling off her cape and twisting to show her cutie mark to Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo quickly did the same, causing Sweetie Belle to gasp with surprise. "You both got your cutie marks too? This is the best thing EVER!" She dashed forward and scooped up her two friends into a huge hug which was eagerly returned.

"Yeah, we didn't want to say anything in case you were still a blank flank." Scootaloo admitted.

Sweetie Belle pulled back from the group embrace, her eyes were shining with happy tears. "I still can't believe it." she said. "Does this mean...we're not Crusaders any more?" she asked uncertainly.

"Naw, we'll always be Crusaders!" Apple Bloom answered. "We'll jus' have ta find new things ta Crusade about!"

"Absolutely!" Scootaloo agreed. "I'm just so happy we all got our cutie marks together." She raised up a hoof over her head. "Crusaders forever!" she cried and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom joined in to give their trademark group high-hoof.

"Since I got here first, I get to call the meeting of the new Crusaders to order!" Scootaloo stated. Hovering up and flying behind the podium, she found and banged the little gavel to start the official business of the day.

At about the same time the three fillies were conducting their meeting, six other ponies were gathered out in one of the fields, a large picnic blanket spread out with a variety of snacks and tea.

"So I blew the whistle and she just skyrocketed up!" Rainbow Dash said, zipping upwards a few feet to emphasize her story. "She was so high I couldn't believe it, but then she started to fall. I totally took off to catch her, but she just turned it into a dive and zoomed past me to land. That's when I saw she had my cutie mark. Well, her cutie mark, I guess." Rainbow stopped hovering and landed to grab another sandwich. "It was totally awesome."

"You can only imagine my surprise when I returned from my errands and found Sweetie Belle surrounded by a bevy of levitating objects, staring at the dress I was working on. Even more amazing were her insights on fashion and sewing." Rarity said from the little chaise that she had brought along to the picnic to keep her from having to lay on the ground. "At first I though it had to be a prank, thinking she must have asked Fluttershy for some of her freaky knowledge to tease me, but no, it really was her talent. She even was able to replicate the pattern and sew a mock-up just from her examination. I believe that is when her mark appeared. I'm just so thrilled, I cannot wait to have my little sister share in my business!"

"I reckon I jus' about fell over myself when I saw Apple Bloom buckin' those trees like it weren't nothing." Applejack said proudly. "I ain't never seen her so eager to do chores before, an' hoo-eee, you should'a seen the job she did cleanin' up the house an' the barn. Big Mac was the one that first noticed she'd gotten her cutie mark. Thought she'd gotten some apple stains on her flank or somethin'." Applejack smiled as she remembered the morning. "I'm jus' so happy I could jump over a cloud for my lil' sis."

"Oooh, oooh...this totally calls for a party!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she shot up into the air hovering like Rainbow Dash, which shouldn't have been possible. "It can be like a cuteceaƱera but not as stuffy. This will be so much fun!" Applejack reached up and pulled Pinkie Pie back down to the ground with a grin.

Fluttershy set down her teacup and looked over at Twilight. "Is it normal for other ponies to share cutie marks? I don't think I've ever heard of that before."

Twilight looked up from her thoughts and her face creased with a look of concentration. "It's not unheard of, though it's not commonplace." Twilight said. "Usually, if a particular talent runs in a family, it tends to skip generations, so there have been cases where a great-grandpony might pass down a particular talent to a descendant. I can't think of a case though where siblings have shared a cutie mark, so this is a very unique situation."

Twilight looked up at Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and said, "In fact, I was hoping it would be alright with all of you if I studied the phenomenon. It should make a fascinating research paper!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "So you want to do egghead stuff to us? And why me, Scoots isn't really my sister, even if I kinda think of her that way."

Twilight nodded her affirmative. "You especially, Rainbow. While it's highly irregular, I can somewhat accept Rarity and Sweetie Belle sharing talents, as could Applejack and Apple Bloom because of their genetic similarity, bloodlines, and constant interaction. Why Scootaloo would somehow earn your cutie mark is the most puzzling thing about all of this."

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash." Pinkie Pie chimed in. "It's really fun, you get to go into the laboratory and Twilight hooks you up with a bunch of wires to all of these machines with flashing lights while your hooves are clamped into some sort of device."

"That don't sound like a lot o' fun to me." Applejack said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's nothing to fret about, just a few measuring instruments," Twilight said as soothingly as she could. "I'd actually like to start with the fillies first, but I wanted to ask each of you if that was alright with you, and ask if you'd help me talk to them about it."

"If you really feel it's necessary, dear, then of course we will. Just please don't do anything too scary?" Rarity prompted.

"I promise," Twilight said. As the others returned to their picnic chatter about how exciting the morning had been, Twilight's thoughts drifted. It was extremely statistically unlikely that all three fillies would earn their cutie marks on the same day and even more unusual they had earned them in areas where they hadn't shown any previous talent or ability. Twilight couldn't shake the feeling that something else was involved and she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. Only time and tests would tell.