• Published 20th Aug 2013
  • 466 Views, 0 Comments

Canary - thewriter133

Someone is hunting the elements of harmony.

  • ...

1 the death of harmony

I am Black as night the shadows hide me.

The robed Minotaur monk stood near an eight foot tall spiked statue representing the Chaos god Sidrodc. He was in a Chaos temple. The walls were stone and crystalline. They sparkled ethereally in this cavern. The light in the temple, since it had no windows, was emanating from the crystals. They pulsed with psychic energy. He sat down crossing his legs. He raised his hands to his face and straightened out his thumb and pointer so that they formed a triangle. He began praying to Sidrodc via the statue described before.

After his prayer he heard a soft pattering sound. He kept his eyes closed and heard the soft steps getting nearer. He chuckled under his breath and began meditating. The psychic energy engulfed him. The walls glowed grey, the crystals burned purple, and the statue shined white with holy energy.

He saw the feminine figure as a gold form signifying the amount of psychic energy a normal person would have. He also saw the figure holding a red blade. This was odd because only hell like beings glowed red in the psyche. Normal blades and technology glowed brown.

The figure raised its blade and swung it. A small startled gasp escaped the figure as it saw its sword blocked by the monk’s katana. The katana was floating in the air holding back the hellish blade. The figure pulled out a dagger and stabbed down. The two blades dropped clattering to the ground. The monk slumped and then sprawled out.

The figure pulled out a communication device that was shaped like it’s gauntlet spikes and all. It spoke “boss the old monk is dead. Who shall I strike next?” a holographic form appeared floating in front of the figure. It spoke “very good Fluttershy. I promote you to grand assassin. Your next and final target is an old man living in the dark hut in the middle of the nearby forest. Remember get the artifact the monk was protecting. It is a katana covered in runes.”

Fluttershy picked up the katana to see if it was covered in runes. She gasped as the monk’s body vanished leaving behind the robes. She saw that this katana was not covered in runes. So she began exploring the temple after placing the katana in its sheath and placed it in her bag after wrapping it in the robes of the dead monk. She had the armor of a warlord she was to kill along with the rune armor she was to find with him. She wore an emerald and jade necklace along with the real necklace in Sapphire and onyx.

    The last thing she needed was the cloak of shadows which supposedly the old man had. She finally found the real katana held by a statue of a strange horned and spiked samurai. She saw this samurai had the same armor she had collected. She was awed by this being. Finally she snapped out of the trance and left the temple. The trance was very odd because she was awake but asleep at the same time. Her eyes were glazed and far off as if staring into the past.

Three years later

    Fluttershy was in her changing room. Angel, her bitchy Bunny, was munching on some salad. If she did not need of Angel he would be dead by now. She was looking over her letter. It was a contract to kill her friend Pinkie Pie. She smirked and licked her lips. She donned her yellow catsuit with glee. Tonight she was going to bake a pie.

    On her way to Sugarcube Corner she began thinking.

Back in the day when she wasn’t killing off her friends. She was once a lowly stripper which was saying something. She didn’t know what it was saying. But man did she like to rub her body against that cold pole. Thinking about it made her body shiver with excitement. The dance floor pulsed with red and gold lights. Flashing to the heavily mechanically influenced music, dubbed Techno by the other girls. Onstage first was a cute changeling by the name of Bon Bon who did her usual dance accompanied by Nors Techno which included mechanical fiddles, Mechanical bagpipes, and mechanical Bass Guitar. She was up next her small frame shaking excitedly as the first act finished. She stepped on stage and began doing her dance a seductive yet childlike dance. Those horny bastards in the crowd loved her money flew from men’s hands and onto the stage. The other girls, as per orders, came on stage and collected the money. She earned over nine hundred bits that night.

  Her musings were cut short as she entered Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie was behind the counter.

  "Oh Hi Fluttershy! I was just about to close up."

  "Oh sorry Pinkie I just needed your help with this recipe I'm working on."

  "Okie Doki Loki what does it call for."

  "Oh it calls for a hyped up on sugar mare"


  As Pinkie opened the oven to take out her cupcakes she was shoved inside. She looked out to see the manic face of Fluttershy staring at her as she closed the door. Pinkie could only scream as the flames engulfed her.

  A while later Fluttershy turned off the oven and walked out. It would look like an accident. She hoped. She smiled and closed the door to Sugarcube Corner.

  "That looks like a good pie."

 Octavia was walking down the dusty streets of Ponyville. She had been sent here by Celestia to oversee the precinct of Ponyville. But right now her assistant slash ward were hungry.

  "Come on Octavia lets go to Sugarcube Corner they have the best muffins ever."

  "Okay your majesty. I still do not understand why you came with me."

  "Oh that's easy. I don't belong in the castle. Also my father wanted me to meet his brother who was just assigned here about a week ago."

  As the two turned the corner they were stopped by a black haired goat with the front part crimson with a black beard. He was taller than both of them. His gold eyes stared through them.

  "Sorry ma'am and your highness but this is a crime scene. Please go around the block."

  "Agent Octavia Philharmonia of her majesty's secret service. Are you the presiding officer?"

  "Yes ma'am Inspector Axel Foal at your service."

  "What seems to be the problem Inspector?"

  "One Pinkamena Diane Pie was found by her landlords in the oven this morning. The crime scene investigators think it was an accidental death. It looked like she was getting some baked goods out when the door closed trapping her in."

  "Couldn't anypony hear her?"

  "No princess. The Cakes were out of town and the new club in town was too noisy. If you want to help investigate be my guest. We could use some non biased help."

  As Octavia and the princess entered the abode slash bakery the smell of cooked flesh was too much.

  "You okay Derpy?"

  "Ugh....urp...not really. I was hoping to propose today to my mare friend. Now she's dead. By Celestia's left buttocks it smells horrible."

  "Yeah that's the smell of cooked flesh."

  "How can you not feel ill?"

  "I'll tell you later. But it involves my first case."

  The two looked around. That was when Octavia noticed the oven. She walked outside and looked at Mrs. Cake.

  "Ma'am can you tell me what temperature is required to bake cupcakes?"

  "three hundred fifty degrees."

  "Thank you ma'am."

  "Inspector Foal this was no accident. The temperature to bake cupcakes is three hundred fifty degrees. The dial was set at five hundred degrees and if it had maintained that temperature the bakery would be in danger of burning to the ground."

  Derpy was inside still looking for more clues. She noticed with her lazy eye a light yellow feather. She used her levitation spell and picked it up. She placed it in an evidence bag and set the bag with the rest. She was glad for her wonky eyes since she would probably not have seen that.

  Octavia went back inside to get Derpy. She saw her sitting staring at the bodybag.

  "You okay princess?"

  "Not really. I don't understand how somepony could do this. Pinkie was the fun one she made everypony smile." "Such a gruesome way to die too. Wait! How did you know this was a murder?"

  "Axel came in yelling about a murder and how could those idiots miss the stove. Can we go? I don't want to be here anymore."

  "Yes. I think it would be best if you broke the news to the Elements of Harmony. If they havn't already heard by now."


"Okay I suppose I can."

 Fluttershy sat on the floor of Twilight's library. She was summoned here along with the other element bearers. They had just gotten news of Pinkie's death. She could see Applejack comforting Rainbow who was actually showing emotion. Rarity had fainted at the news and Twilight was pacing back and forth. She had done her best to look horrified. Even going so far as to make herself vomit. She smiled inwardly at that.

  Derpy was sitting there looking at the mourners. It was her duty as princess to restrain her emotions even though she wanted to sob and cry and wail. They had lost a friend she had lost a lover. She swallowed and stood exiting the Library to leave the mourners alone.

  Fluttershy was next to leave on the excuse that she needed to make sure her home was secure. In reality she was going to her next target.

  She was onstage dancing with Bon Bon, Lyra, Minuet, and the Stallion Golden Grape. They were stripping to a remix by the club's DJ. Vinyl Scratch had mixed it up especially for this dance. She could feel the heat. She smiled as the tell tale chink of bits hitting hardwood lulled her. She was to kill Rarity. Rarity deserved to die extravagantly. She first needed a specific potion called The Gorgon. She knew one pony who had the ingredients for that complicated potion.


Fluttershy slammed into the door. She held her muzzle as Zecora opened it.


"My my Fluttershy. What a surprise."

  "Sorry Zecora but I need to brew a specific potion. I do not have time for you." With that Zecora fell in a puddle of blood. Fluttershy wiped her blade off and walked inside. She grabbed the herbs she needed and then went hunting for a cockatrice. As soon as she found what she was looking for she glared at it and it froze she giggled and forced the Cockatrice to bite down on the potion glass to milk it's venom. She then unceremoniously tossed the bird into a bush and walked away.


She closed her eyes and the memories overtook her.


She was dancing when this strange biped girl with hair like the sun, alternating red and yellow, came into the Honey. She looked strange with a black jacket over a shirt and a too short skirt. The boss unicorn looked her over saying she was hired. That night had to of been the worse for Fluttershy. Her dance had no effect. It was this Huu-maan, that word still sounded strange human, that got the most bits.

  Fluttershy entered Carousel Boutique she saw Rarity was struggling with the five Cutie Mark Crusaders. She immediately knew this would be harder than she thought. But her opportunity came when she saw Rarity bring out some ice water for the girls. She did not like the thought of killing innocent fillies. But she needed to kill Rarity. She quickly dumped the potion in the water as it passed under her. She waited in silence as the six drank. Her grin became deranged as she saw the potion take effect. Within minutes there were six statues standing in agony. She looked at the red on the floor and sighed.

  "Ooo my you girls would look marvelous in my garden."

  She spent the rest of the night transporting the petrified bodies to her yard. She threw vines over them and smiled stroking Apple Bloom's stone head.

  "You look so beautiful."

Derpy and Octavia were running. Derpy had received distressing news and was rushing to make sure it was true. Her daughter, Dinky, dead. Her eyes were straight and focused. She was focused on the news. As they arrived at Carousel Boutique she saw hazmat ponies. Axel blocked their path.

  "Princess i forbid you to enter this establishment. Your father would be very mad at me if I allowed you to die."

  "Please tell me it's a lie. My baby cannot be dead."

  "I am afraid she is. We found traces of a poison called Gorgon in the drinking water. We have yet to find the statues to confirm their status. But as of now we must believe the worst."

  "What's with all the Hazmat ponies?"

  "Well Agent Octavia Gorgon is a vicious poison. One drop and you can become encased in stone. Ingested it's fatal. It causes the body to expel fluids within minutes. Once all fluids are out of the body it takes the place of the fluids and the one being poisoned is fully petrified."

  "That sounds Horrible. Who would have access to that stuff?"


"Who is Zecora Derpy?"

  "My father's oldest and most trusted apprentice."

  "Then I had better come with you two. I have yet to meet any of my brother's apprentices."

  The three began walking through the town as they reached the Everfree forest they came upon bloody hoofprints. Axel immediately went ahead of them. That was when they heard the distinctive voice of Applejack.

"Ya killed her. Get back here ya scrawny bird."

  Axel, Derpy, and Octavia walked upon the strangest thing. Applejack was swinging her rope and caught a pegasus around the neck. This pegasus had yellow leather armor on. Her wings glinted in the sunlight.

  "An assassin?"


  "That is an assassin look at the wings. Underneath those wings is a harness of blades. This is definitely a talon of Canary."

  "What is that?"

  "Well inspector. Talons are the top forces in the cult of canary. The Canaries have been around for decades. They are hired for tough jobs. I know this is one because only Canaries wear yellow leather armor for assassinations."

  "Octavia why would a Canary be trying to kill Applejack?"

"I think, Derpy, we have found our culprit."

Applejack had yanked the pegasus down and was now chasing after her. She wasn't watching where she was going. She was slammed into the ground as the assassin kicked her in the spine. She quickly rolled over and struck the face of the Canary ripping the cloth covering her mouth.


The yellow pegasus smiled a deadly smile as she swiped at Applejack. Before she could strike she was hit with a flying kick that sent her sprawling near a cliff that she had run up hoping to lure Applejack off the edge and to her doom. She looked up to see a dark brown stallion with a red mane, He flexed and motioned her to attack him. She would not fall for his trap and she leapt off the cliff to get away. The rope around her became taut and she went limp.

As it turned out the rope had gotten snagged on a branch. She woke to find herself staring up at a white stallion with no face and four shadowy arms coming off him. He reached down with one of the shadow arms and picked her up. She heard in her mind.

"Ah. So this is why I could not find the Souls of Pinkie, Rainbow, Zecora, Rarity and the foals. You have been busy little canary."

With that he stomped down on a white rabbit. He lifted his hoof and wiped it with the Fluttershy doll he now held. He opened a rift into Tartarus and unceremoniously threw Fluttershy into the sulfuric river. He walked back out and appeared in front of Celestia. He placed the soul dolls on her bed and vanished.

Derpy stood in front of the club called Honey. Octavia stood next to her in a brown trench coat. She was appalled that a joint like this was in her former home town. The bouncer outside was a white and gray Minotaur. He looked familiar to Derpy but then so did the Reindeer on the other side of the door. She and Octavia entered to see the club crowded. They went to the bar to start asking questions.

  At the bar was a purple-ish mare with a grape and strawberry cutie mark. She was the bartender and thus the one to ask.

 "Scuse me miss?"


 "Agent Octavia, I just wanted to ask a few questions."

 "Busy now can we talk later. I you need to know something ask the boss."

"Who's the boss?"

 "Back of the building first door on your left. Ya can't miss it."

  "You go ahead Octavia. You're better at interrogating pony's better than I am."

Derpy was watching the stage. She saw a strange biped walk out followed by her friends Lyra and Bon Bon. She was nervous Bon Bon looked different than what she remembered. The three were followed by a stallion with two green grapes for a cutie mark and a red haired mare with a rose for a cutie mark. The DJ turned up the volume and the girls and one stud began to dance.

 There was a commotion in the back as Octavia was thrown through the door. As the dust settled a large pink unicorn stallion walked out. He lifted Octavia and tossed her easily she landed with a crash on somepony's table. Octavia got up and wiped her mouth spiting out the blood.

  "You think you can barge in here askin' questions? I don't answer to the sun or the moon for the Canary guides my hoof."

  "Mr. Orchid you are hereby placed under arrest."

The stallion looked up to see a black and crimson goat with a black beard. The goat did not seem too pleased.

"Come along quietly now. Or I'll use force."

  "You have no jurisdiction here freak."

'Au contrare. I have every jurisdiction here. Inspector Axel Foal on duty."

Orchid lashed out striking the gold eyed goat with his hoof. The goat looked at him disdainfully. One hoof strike and Orchid was out cold. Axel looked down and rolled his eyes. He hoisted the perp up on his back and walked out.