• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 1,771 Views, 30 Comments

totallynotabrony's totallynotastory - totallynotabrony

Pieces and parts that didn't work out.

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retro techno thriller (adventure/drama)

(no cover art)

I based this story on real-life history, with maybe some steampunk elements. There would have been aerial battles, fedoras, ‘n stuff. The airship captain would have been Rainbow Dash. Rarity might have appeared as a lounge singer. Ultimately, the plot was just too straightforward and not worth writing. I also couldn't seem to make the humanizing work, and keeping them ponies would have made the retro technology not retro at all.
Casting by Navieka, SilverScales, and Dafaddah.

October in Washington, D.C. is a fine line between summer and fall. The weather progressively gets colder as the month goes on, gradually fading into winter.

It was on an October day that Sunburst walked to work. He had just begun to wear a coat and grow his beard out due to the downturn in temperature. He lived two blocks from the Bureau of Internal Revenue building, where he was an Agent with the Prohibition unit.

Sunburst had been with the Bureau for six years, going to work for them after getting out of the Navy. During his time as a sailor, he’d rarely set foot on a ship, despite serving through the Great War. After scholarly pursuits in his teenage years, his business in the military had been in intelligence.

He hadn’t been a spy, not really. Sure, they had trained him in field work, but he had never seen anything important, and most of his time had been spent sitting cramped at a desk analyzing information that had come in.

Sunburst didn’t look like a spy, either. He was skinny and redheaded, with delicate hands, pale skin, and wore glasses. The beard made him look a little older than his twenty-eight years. The clothes he wore were nice enough to conform to the office dress code, but everything came off the rack.

The United States was doing fairly well for itself in 1924, but that didn’t mean people like Sunburst could relax. Being with the Prohibition unit, his job was to enforce violations of the 18th amendment, which banned the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol.

He got inside the building a few minutes before nine and went up to his desk. He shared a room with three other agents. Waiting on his desk was short message written on memo paper.

Bureau of Investigation called. AJ Edgar Hoover herself wants to talk with you. Can’t imagine what she wants. Driver from the Bureau will arrive at 9:00 to give you a ride.

Sunburst picked up the message and went down the hallway to the switchboard room. Ms. Harshwhinny worked there. She was perhaps sixty and had been around the Bureau of Internal Revenue for as long as anyone could remember. She reminded Sunburst of a least favorite aunt.

She looked up when he walked in and pulled back one side of the earphones she wore.

“What’s this about the Bureau of Investigation?” Sunburst asked.

“What’s written on that paper is all I know. I sent a message to the boss. He said he’d just heard about it a few minutes ago. Whatever’s happening, it’s moving fast.” She turned back to her board.

Sunburst said thank you, though she wasn’t listening to him anymore, and went back to his desk. At the dot of nine, a young man poked his head in the door.

“I’m looking for Sunburst.”

“That’s me.”

“I’m supposed to take you to the Bureau of Investigation building. I’m Agent Pipsqueak. You can call me Pip.” He stuck his right hand out for a shake and handed Sunburst a business card with his with his left. Sunburst shook his hand and slipped the card into a pocket. He thought Pip looked to be in his early twenties, with a cheerful face.

Sunburst went back to his desk to get his hat and then followed the Pip outside to a shiny new Ford with government plates.

Pip was a good driver. Sunburst had a license, but didn’t get much practice. At that hour of the morning, the streets were crowded but Pip wove in and out of traffic without a problem.

“Do you have any idea what your agency wants me for?” Sunburst asked.

“You don’t know either?” asked Pip, surprised. “I was just told to go get you and take you to the director’s office.”

“Then what could this possibly be about?”

“Well, I guess you’ll learn soon enough.” The Bureau of Investigation building came into view. Pip found a place to park the car and they went inside.

Sunburst had never visited the building before, and followed Pip. At a door marked DIRECTOR, Pip stopped and swept his arm forward. Sunburst turned the knob and walked in.

AJ Edgar Hoover had been a name known to government people around Washington for a long time. She was famous for getting results and unflinching stubborness in going to any lengths to get them. When Sunburst came in, she was seated at her desk talking with a sharply-dressed man.

The Director of the Bureau of Investigation was a mysterious figure. No one was quite sure what AJ stood for or where “Edgar Hoover” came from. She was blonde with freckles and had traces of an unplaceable accent. She stood as Sunburst came in.

The man with her turned. He was tall and wore a well-trimmed mustache. His clothes cost more to just look at than Sunburst had paid for his.

“Agent Sunburst,” said AJ. “I was hoping you could help the Bureau of Investigation with something.”

Hello, it’s nice to meet you, too, thought Sunburst. “Yes ma’am, what is it?”

“We have a prisoner that was caught making a deal involving alcohol. He has information that could lead to the conviction of Donut Joe. You know him?”

“Heard of him. Isn’t he some liquor runner out in California?”

“That’s right. The prisoner works for him, but he’s agreed to help us put him away. We’re going to be transporting him to Los Angeles to testify.”

“So why do you need me?”

“Well Sunburst, not only are you from the Prohibition unit, but what we’re planning might go more smoothly with your Navy background.”

Sunburst frowned. “What’s that?”

AJ gestured to the man beside her. “You’re going to help Agent Fancy Pants here get the prisoner aboard a Navy airship for the trip to Los Angeles.”

Sunburst had heard that the Navy was experimenting with blimps and dirigibles but had never seen one during his time in the service. “The Navy agreed to this?”

“Not quite yet, but they were planning to make the trip across the country anyway. Joe isn’t going to be happy about an employee of his turning on him, and might try to silence him. I’m convinced that traveling by airship is the best way to make sure that doesn’t happen. Besides, it’s faster than the train.”

Sunburst nodded. It was all he could do. “Alright, when do we leave?”

“Three days from now. The airship is at Naval Air Station Lakehurst, in New Jersey. We’ll get a train ticket for you.”

It seemed as if this was really happening, not just speculation. “All right, then. Anything else?”

“No, I don’t believe so, Sunburst. Agent Pip will drive you back.”

Sunburst turned to go. Fancy Pants walked over and followed him out.

Pip leaned against the wall outside. He straightened when he saw them come out.

“Give us a minute,” Fancy Pants said to him. Pip shrugged and headed back towards the car. Fancy Pants turned to Sunburst.

“Sorry about her.”

Sunburst shrugged. “So what’s the deal with this prisoner?”

“His name’s Zephyr Breeze. We caught him while he was trying to set up a Canadian supplier of liquor for Donut Joe. I heard from some of the fellows who arrested him that he’s a real piece of work. Right now, he’s in a holding cell in New York. He’ll be delivered to us when we leave.”

“Speaking of leaving, what do you think about the airship?”

“I think it’s a completely insane plan.”

“You’re not the only one,” said Sunburst. He said goodbye to Fancy Pants and went to find Pip.

Back at the Bureau of Internal Revenue, Pip dropped Sunburst off. The gossip had already made its way around and everyone knew that he was working for the Bureau of Investigation.

Sunburst didn’t get much work done the rest of the day because people kept dropping by to talk to him or ask him questions. He wished he knew the answers. Late in the afternoon, a messenger appeared with an envelope for him. Sunburst signed for it and the man left.

Inside the envelope was a handwritten note from Fancy Pants and a train ticket to Hartford, Connecticut.

Fancy Pants explained that Sunburst should be at Union Station the next day. They were going to go to Connecticut to take care of a few things before going to Lakehurst. They were expected to be gone for three weeks. Sunburst began to think that he might have gotten himself in over his head. So much could happen in the span of one day.

Sunburst put the envelope in his pocket when he left the office that afternoon. On his way home, he stopped at a corner flower shop to buy a bouquet for his wife. He was going to need all the help he could get.

Starlight was as pretty as the day Sunburst had married her, six years before. She was smart and loving but had a temper that would make brave men cower.

As Sunburst came in, she saw the apologetic look on his face and the flowers in his hand.

“What’s the occasion?” she asked.

“The office wants me to take a trip.” This was not something new. He would sometimes go with a team for investigation, or occasionally, arrests.

“How long?”

“Three weeks.”

Three weeks!?”

“It’s a joint operation with the Bureau of Investigation. They seem to think I’m the only man for the job,” he placated.

Starlight shook her head and moved in to embrace him. “When do you leave?” she asked into his chest.


He waited for another outburst, but instead she sighed and said, “Well, I suppose we’d better get you packed.”

Starlight made him breakfast in the morning and sent him on his way. Sunburst caught a cab to Union Station.

The station was an enormous white stone building located on Massachusetts Avenue. The architecture was big on arches and open space, with some ceilings reaching perhaps ninety feet above Sunburst’s head.

He checked with the ticket office and they told him his platform number. He had arrived twenty minutes before the train was scheduled to depart.

Sunburst stood near the platform and smoked a Camel. The train pulled up and passengers began boarding. Sunburst put his cigarette butt in an ashtray and followed the crowd aboard the train.

Fancy Pants arrived a few minutes later and sat next to Sunburst. The ride to Harford would take nearly all day, but that didn’t appear to keep Fancy Pants from dressing as sharply as ever.

Sunburst said good morning to him and asked, “What are we doing in Connecticut?”

“There’s a man I want to see before we leave. Donut Joe knows a lot of people all around the country he can call to assist him. We might need all the help we can get.”

Sunburst shrugged it off, figuring he would find out what Fancy Pants was talking about soon enough.

He dug into a scientific journal he’d purchased for reading. It was speculated that the Nobel Prize in Physics this year would go to a fellow who had researched X-ray spectroscopy. That didn’t mean much to Sunburst, but learning was why he read.

The train passed through Baltimore, Philadelphia, Trenton and New York City before getting to Hartford. Sunburst stumbled off with his suitcase, stiff from sitting too long in one place. After the train trip from Washington, the idea of riding in an airship sounded like Heaven.

Fancy Pants had already booked two hotel rooms using a government expenses account. Sunburst was beginning to suspect the Bureau of Investigation was rather well-heeled. After the trip, he fell into his bed and was out like a light.

In the morning, the two of them got into a cab and went to the Colt Firearms facility. It appeared to Sunburst that Fancy Pants had been there before and that someone was expecting him now.

The two of them went into an office building separate from the factory. It was much quieter inside, with only the sound of pencils scratching on paper, instead of machines forging weapons.

Fancy Pants knew where he was going and led the way to an office. The door stood open and Sunburst glanced at it as they went inside. It read Big Macintosh, lead designer.

“Mr. Macintosh,” said Fancy Pants, addressing a very large man sitting at a drawing table.

“Howdy,” said the man, standing and extending a hand

Fancy Pants said, “I’d like to introduce you to my associate, Sunburst.”

On hearing his name, Sunburst came forward and shook the man’s hand. He had the feeling that he’d heard the name Big Macintosh somewhere before, but couldn’t think of where.

“We’ve come to Hartford on business,” said Fancy Pants. “You might say we’re about to embark on a little adventure. I’m not allowed to disclose specifics, but I’ll tell you about it when it’s over. Believe me, it’s going to be a good one.”

“Are you working on a Bureau expense account?”

“We most certainly are.” Fancy Pants smiled.

Macintosh nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.” He left the office.

“What’s going on?” asked Sunburst.

Fancy Pants grinned. “You’ll see. So will I, come to think of it.”

Macintosh returned a few minutes later lugging a heavy suitcase.

“Mr. Sunburst, may I see your sidearm, please?”

Agents of the Bureau of Internal Revenue were not specifically authorized to carry firearms, but some, especially of the Prohibition Unit, did. Sunburst owned a Smith & Wesson .38 Special.

“How did you know I was carrying?” he asked.

Macintosh did not reply, and merely looked at him.

Sunburst removed his pistol from its shoulder holster and held it out to Macintosh, who took it and examined it for a moment. He nodded and handed it back.

“Mr. Sunburst, were you ever in the military?”


“Then I assume you are familiar with the Colt Model 1911 pistol?”

Sunburst suddenly remembered where he had seen Macintosh’s name before. It was engraved under patent numbers on more than a few firearms he’d seen.

Impressed, Sunburst said, “Yes, I know the weapon. A fine pistol it is.”

“A fine pistol it was,” Macintosh corrected. “It had a few flaws, some of which I have been working to correct.” From the suitcase he produced a pistol that at first glance resembled a standard 1911.

Looking closer, Sunburst saw that there were numerous small modifications. There was a slight curve on the back of the grip now, and the ejection port was larger. The trigger looked like it had been recessed and the frame around it had been cut down and streamlined.

There was one modification that showed above all others, however. The barrel was half an inch longer than normal, and had several small holes drilled on the topside. Sunburst noticed that the bore was also smaller than usual.

“What in the world is this?” he asked.

Macintosh smiled faintly. “The military wanted to make a few changes to the original design. They’ve just put the new version into production. This particular pistol, however, is chambered in .38 Auto. At high-power loadings, I have found this cartridge to be effective in penetrating body armor.”

“Body armor?”

Macintosh nodded. “There have been some inventive fellows who have taken to wearing steel plates in order to stop bullets. Rifle bullets should have no problem going through the metal, but pistols are somewhat lacking in power.”

Sunburst nodded. He’d heard stories about inventive criminals, but never encountered any. He touched the holes that had been drilled into the barrel. “What about these?”

“They’re called compensators. As the bullet leaves the barrel, some of the hot vapors from the burned gunpowder are directed upwards out of those holes. The force helps hold the end of the pistol down and reduces recoil.”

“Mr. Macintosh, I do believe you are a genius.”

Macintosh shrugged. “I’m just doing my job.”

Macintosh handed Fancy Pants another one of the pistols. He gave each of them two magazines and a box of the high-powered .38 Auto. Sunburst discovered that the magazines held nine rounds. Having no holster to put the pistol in, he shoved it in his waistband, covering it with his coat. He dropped the spare magazine in his coat pocket.

Fancy Pants worked out a price with Macintosh to go on the expense account. Sunburst joined him in thanking Macintosh and they left.

Fancy Pants had tickets for a train to New Jersey. Sunburst spent the ride getting comfortable with his new pistol. It kept digging into his hide, and Sunburst had to surreptitiously adjust it several times. He wasn’t used to carrying a gun without a holster.

Because Lakehurst was not on the main rail line, it took most of the day to get to their hotel. It was located just outside the naval base. Sunburst went out to smoke before retiring for the night. Behind the base fence, he saw a few towering hangars that were so big they could only be for airships. Even from a distance, they were absolutely massive.

Sunburst finished his cigarette and went back to his room. He usually slept well, but the anticipation of the next day kept him awake.

In the morning, Sunburst and Fancy Pants went to the front gate of the base. Security was a little tighter than usual due to the launch of the airship that day. They both had the proper authorization and the sailor on watch directed them where to go, not that they needed it.

The airship, USS Shenandoah, was even more impressive than the enormous hangar needed to store her. She was painted silver and seemed to Sunburst to be larger than most buildings he’d ever seen.

Shenandoah’s bow was tied to a pylon. It looked completely unnatural for such a large object to simply be floating a few feet off the ground.

A member of the ground crew met Sunburst and Fancy Pants and directed them to the officers in charge of running the airship. Before they could make the meeting, however, a sedan pulled up.

Two men got out and showed Bureau of Investigation credentials. One of them said, “We have the prisoner.”

They pulled an unkempt man in handcuffs from the rear of the car. He had a couple days of beard stubble and his hair was pulled back and tied, though some still fell in his face.

“Zephyr Breeze?” asked Fancy Pants.

“That’s my na-” He stopped midsentence, awestruck at the sight of Shenandoah.

“We’ll take him from here. Thank you, gentlemen,” said Fancy Pants. He nodded to them and took Zephyr by the elbow. Sunburst formed up on the other side of Zephyr and the three of them walked towards the airship.