• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,566 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkie Pie Gets Amplified! - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash pulls a rather dangerous prank on Pinkie Pie.

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Pinkie Pie Terrorizes the Town

The girls traveled across town. Nearly everything they saw was ruined in some way. This was as bad, if not worse, than the time when Discord reigned over Ponyville for a while.

The ponies of Ponyville were shouting obscenities and were furious at what happened to their homes and properties.

Twilight and her friends tried to gather information about where the rampaging party pony might be from the victims, but everything had happened so fast that they couldn't pin point where her exact location would be. The girls searched everywhere across the town. They could sometimes catch glimpses of the manic pink pony here and there, but she would always speed away so fast.

Hours had gone by and Twilight and her friends were starting to get tired. Rainbow Dash was the only pony who was still full of pep and energy. She made it her mission to track down her wild friend and put an end to her rampage. If anypony was capable of blowing up the world, Pinkie Pie would fit that criteria perfectly.

Out of no where, a loud bang had occurred followed by many explosions.

Twilight and her friends hit the ground and covered their ears in fear. It was almost as if a bomb went off right next to them.

The ground continued to shake violently with the many explosions that were going on. Twilight Sparkle took her hooves out of her ears and looked up to the sky.

A massive display of fireworks were going off in town.

Twilight got up and ran towards where the explosions were coming from. The rest of her friends followed behind her.

There they found Pinkie Pie setting the last bit of fireworks off.

"Pinkie Pie! You need to stop! You are firing these fireworks way too close to the trees and you can start a fire!" Twilight cried out.

Fluttershy trotted nervously over to Twilight's side and said, "Um, Pinkie Pie, you are terrorizing my animal critter friends. Please stop."

Pinkie Pie smiled and set off the last remaining firework. It malfunctioned and hurled towards Rainbow Dash. It wound around in a desultory manner and Rainbow Dash leapt to the side and did a somersault. She was barely able to dodge the incoming projectile.

Twilight Sparkle looked away from Rainbow Dash, when she realized that she was ok, and turned back to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, ok, that's enough. You must have set off the entire town's fireworks display. Please calm down and come home with us. I think the town's ponies are furious with what's going on right now."

Pinkie Pie grinned and shook her head no. "That was just the opening, Twilight! You didn't even see my grand finale! I have way more fireworks over here." Pinkie Pie pointed her front hoof over to a pile of dynamite that could very well destroy the entire town of Ponyville and more.

Twilight and her friends gasped. "Pinkie! No! Stop! Those aren't even fireworks. Those explosives are dynamite. Where did you even get that amount of dynamite from in the first place? How could you even afford so much?"

Pinkie giggled and said, "After I bought out all the fireworks in town, I went to visit the coal miners and I got a sweet deal on some more explosives! I just simply borrowed all the bits from the safe in Sugar Cube Corner and used that to pay for all the boom booms! Before I experience such awesomeness, I want to pop another party pill!" Pinkie Pie pulled out her bottle of pills and was about to open the cap.

Rainbow Dash grinded her teeth in agony. She was the one responsible for getting Pinkie into this mess and she would have to be the one to get her out of it. Rainbow Dash dragged her front hoof through the earth several times like an angry bull as she prepared herself for take off. She then crouched down low to the ground like a tiger getting ready to pounce on its prey and then leapt through the air at full speed. Just before her front hooves were able to connect with the bottle of pills, Pinkie Pie had vanished. Rainbow Dash tumbled along the ground several times and then picked herself back up. She looked all around, wondering where her pink friend could be.

"Pssst! Over here, Dashe!" Pinkie said.

Rainbow Dash turned around and saw that Pinkie Pie had her head popped out from the top of the dynamite pile. She took out a match struck it against the tip of her hoof. The flame lit up and Pinkie Pie grinned madly. There were no possible dangers running through her mind, because she was so manic and happy at this moment.

Rainbow Dash flew up to the gigantic mound of explosives. She put all her fears aside and hurried on over before disaster could strike the entire town. Just before Rainbow Dash was able to knock the match out of Pinkie Pie's hooves, Pinkie Pie ducked back under the pile of explosives and the match stick flew high into the air. Rainbow Dash instantly turned back around and flew as fast she could. She clapped her front hooves together and caught the match in the air. It was just inches away from falling into the pile of dynamite. Rainbow Dash had saved herself, her friends, and what would possibly be the entire town's population by extinguishing the fire. Rainbow Dash tossed the burnt match away from the pile and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She enjoyed taking risks and facing dangerous situations, but this was really cutting it too close for her comfort zone.

Pinkie Pie had dug a tunnel through the dynamite and came out near the bottom of the pile. She still had her pills with her and was giggling madly. She leaned up against a tree near by and started laughing hysterically.

Twilight Sparkle teleported from behind the other side of the tree and had cast Pinkie Pie inside some kind of force field.

Pinkie Pie suddenly leapt high above the barrier and landed by Twilight's side.

Twilight casted another barrier spell, but this time she put a magical lid on top, that would contain the frenzied pony. "You're not going anywhere now, Pinkie!" Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie began to frantically scratch at the walls of the shield with her front hooves. When she realized that there was no escaping, she began to dig furiously deep into the earth. Within a few moments, Pinkie Pie popped out of the earth from behind Twilight Sparkle. "Surprise!" Pinkie yelled. She took out a party horn and blew into it with all the force her lungs were capable of.

Twilight Sparkle tried to blast Pinkie Pie with pulsing bolts of magic that came out from her horn.

Pinkie Pie easily dodged every single one and her body would ricochet off the trees as if she were some kind of pony pinball.

Twilight's horn was smoking and she had used up as much magical energy as she could possibly muster up.

Applejack stepped in and tried to lasso Pinkie Pie once more, but she missed and her rope got caught in the tree branches.

Rainbow Dash drove down from the skies like an angry mother bird who was trying to fend off predators. Rainbow missed and she collided against the tree.

Fluttershy and Rarity stood there watching in horror. There wasn't much either of them could do at this moment.

Pinkie Pie joyfully raced back over to the pile of dynamite. She took out another match and lit it up against her hoof.

All the girls watched in horror. They were all too far away to do anything about it.

Pinkie Pie bent down with the match and just before she was able to connect the flame to the fuse, the match suddenly burnt out. "Huh?" Pinkie Pie said. This was her second to last match that she had left. She struck the match against her hoof again and the match lit up. Before she could even bend down to light the fuse again, it went out. Somepony must have been playing some kind of trick on her.

A voice spoke to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie, stop now."

Pinkie Pie looked up at the sky and saw Princess Celestia standing above her on a cloud.

"Put the match down and come with me," the Princess said.

Pinkie Pie began to panic. There was no way she could stop her fun right now. She didn't even get to set off the grand finale of boom booms. She repeatedly struck the match against her hoof again in desperation. Princess Celestia used her magic and transformed the match stick into a flower. "I know a few party tricks myself, Pinkie Pie," the Princess said.

Pinkie Pie threw the flower down to the ground and turned her back on the Princess. She tried to run away, but she suddenly found herself rising up into the air. She looked down at her hooves and they were glowing with a magical effect from the Princess.

Princess Celestia incased her inside a magical bubble mid-air. Her magical powers were strong enough to capture and contain even the most manic pony who could even break physics.

Pinkie Pie took out her pill bottle and desperately tried to open it, even though her front hooves were shaking so hard.

Princess Celestia teleported the pills out of the ponies hooves and levitated her saddle bag off of her body that she was carrying. Princess Celestia opened up the saddle bag with her magic and turned the bag upside down. She shook it, and out came all of her party supplies as well as that box of matches.

Pinkie Pie's eyes welled up with tears now that she realized she was defeated and disarmed from all of her fun tricks. She began to cry and two miniature waterfalls gushed out from her eyes and fell to the ground. "I just want to have fun and you're all against me and want to make me sad again!"

Pinkie Pie's friends all came over and bowed low to the ground before the Princess. Twilight picked her head back up and said, "Thank goodness you came, Princess! Ponyville was just mere seconds away from total disaster."

"I heard outcries from my ponies and I had to cut my meeting with other royalties short to come and see what was going on. How did this all happen?" the Princess asked.

Twilight Sparkle teleported behind Rainbow Dash and put her head to her flank. She began to push her closer to the Princess.

Rainbow Dash dug her hooves deep into the earth. She had a very awkward smile on her face as Twilight pushed her closer to the Princess.

Twilight teleported next to Rainbow Dash's side and said, "I think Rainbow Dash might have something to say about this."

Rainbow Dash let out a nervous little laugh as she looked at the Princess. "Please don't ban me to the Everfree Forest if I tell you the truth," Rainbow said.

"Go on, Rainbow Dash, what did you learn? I promise not to ban you to the Everfree Forest," the Princess said.

Rainbow sighed and said, "I learned that you can't mess with drugs, even if they are legal and deemed as safe. I learned that it's even worse to purchase the drugs in order to do experiments on your friends with them. I was upset because Pinkie Pie was calming down and she just didn't seem right to me. I wanted to try to give her a boost, but little did I know that the effects of the drug would literally have her almost destroy the entire town. I learned that I need to accept ponies differences, and if that means a change in their personalities, then I need to respect that. I'm so sorry Princess Celestia."

Princess Celestia nodded her head and said, "It seems as if you have learned your lesson, but you should still have a punishment. You will be in charge of cleaning up the town. I will have another Pegasus pony cover your shift in the skies." The Princess used her magic and Rainbow was suddenly holding a large sponge and a bucket of water. "You can first start by cleaning up all the graffiti on all of the walls of the buildings. I'll send in my royal guards to clean up this massive mound of dynamite as soon as I can."

Rainbow Dash sighed again and said, "Can I at least get one more Adderall XR pill before I start?"

Princess Celestia shook her head no and said, "Absolutely not! I will be confiscating this bottle of pills! You also should apologize to the town's ponies for what you have caused Pinkie Pie to do. I must get back to my royal duties, be well everypony." The Princess broke the spell bubble that was holding Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie fell to the ground and her energy was starting to fade away because the effects of the amphetamines were beginning to wear off. She needed another boost.

Princess Celestia spread her wings out. She paused for a moment and then picked up the bottle of pills that were on the ground. "Oops, I almost forgot! I'll be taking these with me too. I can't risk having this bottle fall into the wrong hooves again," she said. Princess Celestia took off to the skies.

Pinkie Pie came bounding over and wrapped her front legs around Twilight's body. "Oh Twilight! I'm starting to get really hungry and I feel all grumpy, moody, and sad. Is the withdrawal going to be bad? Am I going to be safe?"

Twilight Sparkle patted her friend on the back and said, "Adderall XR is a neruo-toxic drug that destroys one's mind and body over time. It can cause brain damage over time too. Thankfully, there isn't much to worry about being on it short term, although it is always a dangerous drug no matter how long a pony may be on it. We need to get you back on Lithium. Lithium actually regenerates and heals damaged nerve cells in the brain thanks to it being able to penetrate the blood brain barrier. The withdrawl experience isn't going to be pretty Pinkie, even if you were only on this drug for a short time. You are going to feel awful for a little while and you will want to do nothing but sleep in bed and eat lots of food. We'll help you through it though. That's what friends are for."

Fluttershy nervously spoke up and said, "Um, excuse me, Twilight, but I was just wondering. You told me a while ago that Adderall XR is used to help ponies with attention problems. Pinkie can sometimes be a few apples short of a bushel, so why did the drug not improve her focus or calm her down?"

"That's because Pinkie Pie may not be as severely attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as some other ponies may be," Twilight said. "I think Pinkie Pie is more manic than having focus problems, but they can often seem to be interwoven in some way. Being bi-polar can be a bit different than being completely out of focus. Sure, Pinkie Pie has a lot of hyper activity, but at least she could still get through all of that and focus on her job at the bakery. It's a shame that parents these days would rather drug up their fillies and colts if they are slightly out of line or think differently. Our world keeps getting dumber thanks to drugs like Adderall XR. It often kills creativity of the mind." Twilight looked back over to Pinkie Pie and said, "We need to be grateful that you lack wings and a horn for magic. The entire world could have imploded if you had those abilities under the effects of the amphetamines."

Fluttershy's cheeks turned red with embarrassment and said, "Is marijuana ok in your book? I kind of grew some in my back yard. The plant is so pretty."

Twilight laughed and said, "As long as you don't smoke it. It has many good uses and marijuana is probably one of the most important herbs out there. Smoking anything is bad for your lungs, and there has been a lot of connections between smoking marijuana and schizophrenia."

Fluttershy nodded her head in understanding.

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. "It looks like you'd better make that apology to the town's ponies now Rainbow. I bet the town's ponies are in total chaos and want to know what had just happened."

Rainbow bowed her head in shame and sighed.

Rainbow Dash stood up at the podium next to the town hall. She gave a speech and apologized to everypony about what had happened. After the speech, Rainbow Dash found herself shaking and starving as she cleaned the walls of the town. She kept having to gnaw on snacks, as she went about the day, because her body was going through withdrawl even though she was so briefly on this drug. She knew it would only get worse too.