• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,566 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkie Pie Gets Amplified! - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash pulls a rather dangerous prank on Pinkie Pie.

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Rainbow Dash Gets Busted

Rainbow Dash and her friends trotted over to visit their friend, Pinkie Pie.

"So as I was saying, Pinkie Pie has changed a bit and is now back to her old ways again," Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight cocked an eye brow and said, "What do you mean, Rainbow? I had her start on Lithium to take care of that problem. How could she possibly be back to her old ways? I remember she told me that she was calming down a lot and I noticed a major change in her personality and her behavior."

Rainbow Dash giggled and said, "I don't know Twi, she's been a lot more fun these past few days. You'll see what I mean when we get there."

Twilight shot a suspicious look at Rainbow and said, "I sure hope she's ok. The only possible way that she could be getting worse is if she stopped taking the Lithium or started taking some kind of other drug. I hope neither is true."

When the girls reached Sugar Cube Corner, Applejack opened the door and the five mares stepped inside.

"Pinkie Pie? Are you here darling? It's time to go out and have some fun," Rarity called out, but there was no answer.

"Maybe she's upstairs," Fluttershy suggested.

As the girls walked towards the stairs, they could hear some kind of scuffling on the floor followed by a soft sobbing.

Fluttershy peaked over the counter and put her hoof to her mouth in horror at what she saw.

The rest of the girls came over and stood there in shock as well.

There on the floor was Pinkie Pie clutching at her chest and shaking violently. Her mane and tail was flat and she was softly sobbing to herself.

Fluttershy was the first pony to move. She raced over and put her hoof on Pinkie Pie's shoulder. "Oh my," Fluttershy said. "Pinkie Pie, what happened to you? Do you need us to take you to the Hospital?"

Pinkie Pie sat up and wrapped her front legs around Fluttershy's body.

Fluttershy spread her wings out in an attempt to keep her balance as she almost tumbled down to the floor with the pink pony.

"Oh Fluttershy, it's my heart again. I keep having these crazy heart palpitations and I can't calm down. My body feels like it will shut down at any moment and I will die."

Twilight Sparkle put her hoof to her chin and was deep in thought. "Did you happen to take another Lithium pill to calm down, Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie let go of Fluttershy and looked over at Twilight with tears in her eyes. "Yes, I did. Dashie told me that these pills could be perking me up too much, but I remembered you telling me that if I ever felt crazy or out of control, then I should take another pill, and even though Dashie said I shouldn't, I ended up taking two pills today because I wanted to calm down, yet every time I take one of these pills, I have these severe reactions. I just don't understand why this is happening all of the sudden when I was doing so well when I first started taking this medication."

Twilight scratched her head with her hoof. "This doesn't make any sense at all, Pinkie Pie. I have read about all kinds of crazy reactions to drugs because each pony is a unique and individual case, but I have never heard of or seen anything like this before with what I am using to treat you. Lithium will never cause any of the side effects that you have mentioned. Something else must be going on here. Where are your pills?"

Pinkie Pie got up and put the bottle of pills in her hoof. As she walked over to Twilight, she kept dropping it on the floor and had to pick the bottle up multiple times because her body and front legs were shaking tremendously.

Twilight opened up the bottle. She took one single pill out and opened up the capsule using her magic. Twilight Sparkle was horrified at what she discovered. She took another pill out and opened up the capsule and she got the same result. "Somepony has taken your supply of Lithium pills and emptied out the contents inside the capsule and has hidden another drug inside the pills I had specially made for you! Who in Equestria would do such a horrible thing?"

Rainbow Dash backed her flank up against the wall and began to whistle.

Twilight Sparkle instantly jerked her head around to Rainbow Dash and stared at her with hostility. "Rainbow Dash! Please tell me that you are not the pony who put in a different drug inside these capsules!"

Rainbow Dash began to giggle a bit and said, "Aw, come on Twi! You know I couldn't stand the new boring Pinkie Pie, and I just had to give her a little boost!"

Twilight Sparkle's mouth hung open in shock. She eventually shook her head rapidly and said, "What is it that you put into these pills, Rainbow? I need to know NOW!"

"It's an amphetamine based drug called Adderall XR," Rainbow replied.

Twilight Sparkle gasped in horror. "You could have killed Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash! What is wrong with you!?"

Rainbow Dash put her hoof up in the air as if to silence Twilight and said, "Relax, Twi. I went to two ponies on the streets of Manehatten who are well known and they said that their drugs are totally safe and nothing bad could possibly happen."

Twilight couldn't believe what Rainbow was telling her. Twilights face turned red with rage. She shot back at her friend and said, "Rainbow Dash! Adderall XR is a terribly dangerous psycho stimulant and it should be banned! They usually give it to young fillies and colts who are having a hard time focusing in school and some ponies even use it as an appetite suppressant. Adderall causes mood swings that may include violent behavior, depression, and panic attacks! No wonder Pinkie Pie feels as if she is dying!

Pinkie Pie stumbled over and fell on the ground at the hooves of Rainbow Dash. "Dashie, you mean to tell me that you pranked me, and I'm suffering right now because of what you have done to me?"

Rainbow Dash became defensive and said, "Hey, relax! I have been taking these pills too you know, and nothing bad has happened to me. You just might need a little bit more time to adjust to the effects of the drug." Rainbow Dash walked over to the counter and grabbed the bottle of pills. "Look Pinkie, these pills are safe and I'll take another one right now just to prove it." Rainbow Dash took off the cap to the bottle and put a pill into her hoof.

Twilight Sparkle stomped her hoof against the floor and glared at her friend with anger. "Rainbow Dash don't be stupid! Don't take that pill," Twilight warned, but it was too late. Rainbow had already made up her mind and she swallowed the pill.

Rainbow stood on her hind legs and leaned against the counter with her right front hoof. She put her left front hoof on her hip and said, "See, Pinkie Pie is just over reacting and these drugs are safe. Nothing to worry about here." Suddenly, Rainbow's eyes grew wide and she fell to the floor. She began to clutch at her chest and she was sweating heavily. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Girls, I think I am dying! Help! Help!" Rainbow Dash began to breathe heavily as if she were about to give birth.

"Um, shouldn't we do something, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight shook her head no and said, "No. The drug effects work very quickly and all we can do is wait it out. Hopefully she learns her lesson from this. I don't know what the milligrams of the dose is, but she should be ok."

Rainbow's body began to violently shake. She felt as if her heart would explode out of her chest at any moment.

Fluttershy came over to Rainbow Dash and tried her best to comfort her.

Twilight turned her attention away from Rainbow Dash and looked for Pinkie Pie. "Uh, girls? Where did Pinkie Pie go?" Twilight asked. Twilight and her friends looked around the room, but Pinkie Pie was gone. Suddenly, Twilight heard very deep breathing coming from above her. She looked up and found Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was clinging to the ceiling fan and had the most psychotic looking grin on her face. Her tail and mane was now puffy again.

"It feels good, Twilight. So incredibly gooooood!" Pinkie said.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie. You might want to come down. I need to take you to my house so I can mix up some more Lithium pills for you."

Pinkie Pie stopped breathing like a mad mare for a moment and said, "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie suddenly grew four extra legs in-between her front and back legs. She began to walk upside down on the ceiling. She walked over to the wall and began to climb down the side of it.

"Ew! Ew! Ew! I just hate spiders!" Rarity cried out. Rarity used her magic and brought out the red fainting couch. She put her front hoof to her head in a dramatic manner and fainted onto the couch.

When Pinkie Pie was back on the ground, her four extra pair of legs that she had grown out of no where, suddenly retracted into her belly. Pinkie Pie looked at her hooves and began to giggle madly.

"What in tar-nations was that all about, Twilight? Takin' those pills makes a pony grow an extra pair of legs?" Applejack asked.

Twilight Sparkle shook her head no quickly and said, "Of course not, but Pinkie Pie is a very unique individual who can break physics and do all sorts of things that science can not explain."

Pinkie Pie vanished from their sights. She suddenly, popped out of a jar of cookies on the counter and held a cookie in her hoof. She took a bite out of it and grinned madly.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie. I think it's time you calmed down and come back to my place. I need to get some Lithium into your system as soon as possible. You need to stop taking those amphetamine pills now," Twilight said.

Pinkie Pie and the jar of cookies quickly disappeared from their sight.

Twilight Sparkle felt a hoof tap. She turned around and Pinkie Pie somehow was now behind her. Half of her body was sticking out from the cookie jar that was way too small for her body to possibly fit in.

Pinkie Pie let out an insanely sounding giggle. If her giggles had sounded fast and crazy before, they were now more than doubled the speed of what her normal giggling sounded like. She took a cookie out and shoved it into Twilight's mouth. "No way, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said. "The fun is just getting started, and I don't want to stop my party pills!" Pinkie Pie took out a party horn. She stuck it inside Twilights ear. The tip of the horn came out through her other ear. Pinkie Pie took a deep breath and blew into the horn.

Twilight scrunched her face and shut her eyes tightly at the loud sound from the horn that was literally inside of her head.

Pinkie Pie removed the horn from her ear and began to laugh crazily.

Applejack was fanning Rarity with her hat, and eventually got her to stand on her hooves again.

Twilight shook her head several times and said, "If we can't get Pinkie Pie under control, then Ponyville might be in serious danger! She might even be capable of doing more damage right now than that one time where she had cloned herself with the legend of the mirror pond in the Everfree forest! Pinkie Pie please settle down and come here!"

Pinkie Pie suddenly popped her head out of a box near by that was filled with her pranks and toys. She now had a rather sinister grin on her face. "But it's time to have some more fun, Twilight! Be back in a jiffy!" Pinkie Pie sprung out of the box like a jack in the box toy. She now was wearing her saddle bags that were filled with all kinds of pranks and party supplies. She began to bounce out of the house. Suddenly, she felt something tight wrap around her body.

Applejack had lassoed the manic pony and then she yanked at the rope with full force. "Pinkie Pie! Git over here and calm yerself down missy! Ain't no way yer gonna break outta that!"

Pinkie Pie grinned crazily at Applejack and said, "You've got to catch me if you can!"

Applejack blinked for just a mere second, and there was nothing but rope laying at her hooves. She looked back up and saw that Pinkie Pie was already standing half way out the door. Nopony had ever been able to escape from an Applejack lasso before.

Pinkie Pie waved goodbye to her friends and set out off on her own merry way. As she was leaving the building, she shouted out, "It's time to paint the town red! No wait, I mean pink!"

Fluttershy helped Rainbow Dash stand to her hooves again. Rainbow's heart beat finally settled down. She wasn't in panic mode anymore, but she was wired and filled with energy. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash came over and stood next to their friends who were staring outside the door. Their mouths hung open in shock. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash noticed what they were gawking at. The entire town seemed to be covered in graffiti. Smile faces, bright beaming sun rays, and rainbows covered the outer walls of buildings everywhere.

Twilight Sparkle turned her head back to the counter and said, "Well, at least we still have the rest of her pills." Twilight stared at the counter with horror. The pills were now gone and Pinkie Pie must have taken them with her.

Rarity nervously looked over to the rest of her friends and said, "It looks like we have our work cut out for us."