• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,565 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkie Pie Gets Amplified! - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash pulls a rather dangerous prank on Pinkie Pie.

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Grabbin' Pills

"Hello? Hello? Is anypony running the shop today?" A certain gray Pegasus pony asked out loud. Derpy Hooves was experiencing muffin withdrawal and she had to have her fix before she started her shift of delivering the mail today. Derpy began to get impatient and banged her front hoof several times on the floor. "Hello? Is anyone up there? Can I get some help?"

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes slowly and looked at the clock on the wall. It was already after nine in the morning. She got out of bed and tripped over Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash landed hard against the floor. She picked herself back up and began to poke the pink pony who was curled up like a dog. Her back leg continued to twitch as she dreamed. "Pinkie Pie. Pinkie..." Rainbow Dash said. Pinkie was in a very deep sleep. Rainbow Dash noticed a glass of water near by and grabbed it. She flung the cup of water at Pinkie's face and got her soaking wet.

Pinkie pie jolted up "W-w-w-what time is it? Why am I so tired?" Pinkie Pie looked like a train wreck. Her eyes were blood shot and she began to nod off back to sleep.

Rainbow Dash began to panic when she heard a customer downstairs still calling up for help. She grabbed the bottle of pills on Pinkie's desk and took Pinkie's glass of water. She opened up the bottle and shoved a pill into her friend's mouth. She then put the glass of water to her mouth.

Pinkie Pie gulped the water down and began to choke because she swallowed the pill in a way that bothered her throat.

Rainbow Dash patted her on the back as she continued to cough.

"Rainbow Dash, I don't think I should have any more of those pills right now because they are supposed to mellow me out and make me feel more calm. I don't know why you just gave me another one."

Rainbow began to think of a fraudulent excuse and said, "I uh, I think these pills don't always make you mellow, but rather balances you out, so if you feel tired, you should perk up a bit."

Pinkie Pie suddenly felt her heart palpitating rapidly in her chest and she grabbed at her chest once again and began to panic. "Dashie, it's happening again. Twilight Sparkle said there would be no side effects of taking this amount of Lithium, but ever since yesterday, these pills have been giving me terrible heart palpitations." Pinkie Pie fell back to the floor and grinded her teeth in agony because she felt like she was about to die at any moment. She was terrified and unsure of what was going to happen to her.

"Don't worry about it and be tough like me. I think you have a customer downstairs. You'd better hurry before you get in trouble," Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie Pie looked up at the clock and gasped. "Oh my goodness, it's already after nine in the morning and I didn't even begin to bake anything yet!" Pinkie Pie raced out of the door.

Rainbow Dash paused for a moment and then went over and picked up the bottle of pills. She was feeling terribly tired and she could use another boost. She opened up the bottle and took out a pill. She put it in her mouth and waited a while so she could build up some saliva in her mouth before attempting to swallow. There wasn't any water nearby and Rainbow Dash didn't want to give away any clues that she was taking Pinkie Pie's fake Lithium pills. Just as she swallowed as hard as she could, she turned around to see Pinkie Pie looking at her with horror on her face.

"Dashie, what in Equestria are you doing with my pills?! Why are you taking my medication?"

Rainbow Dash stood there in shock. "I uh, I just needed a little boost too. I hope you don't mind. I can get you more. Don't worry about it."

Pinkie Pie took the pills from Rainbow Dash's hoof and said, "Ok, as long as I don't run out, we can share them. I like to keep these pills nearby because I start to panic if I get too wound up and I might forget where I left them, like last night." Pinkie Pie ran back down the stairs at full speed.

"I'm so sorry, I went behind your counter to get your attention, but I was just really desperate and hungry for my treat before I start work. I might be a bit late today," the mail mare said.

"Oh No! I am sorry for being late! I stayed up way too late last night and I didn't realize what time it was! Do you want the usual, Derpy?"

Derpy nodded her head yes.

Pinkie Pie took out three chocolate chip muffins and placed them in the bag. They were a bit old and probably a little stale, but she didn't have anything else to give her most loyal muffin customer. She quickly pushed it over the counter and said, "I gave you an extra muffin today and there won't be any charge for it because I had you waiting. I'm so sorry for being late!"

Derpy smiled and said, "It's ok, Pinkie. Thanks for the free treats! I'll see you tomorrow!" Derpy quickly hurried out the door and flew away with her breakfast.

Pinkie Pie started to breathe heavily again. She instantly reached out for her bottle of pills, but she was fumbling with the bottle because her hooves were shaking like crazy. Eventually, she managed to get a single pill onto her hoof. Right before she was able to put it into her mouth, Rainbow's hoof came out of nowhere and smacked the pill right out of Pinkie's hoof. Pinkie Pie watched in shock as the pill scattered across the floor and ended up falling deep under the oven. Pinkie Pie turned to Rainbow Dash and said, "Rainbow, why would you do that? Twilight Sparkle said that if I start to get crazy again, then I should take another pill."

Rainbow Dash gave a rather awkward smile and said, "Pinkie, I think Twilight doesn't understand that maybe you should just stick to one pill a day for now. These pills are obviously picking you up."

Pinkie Pie sighed to herself and said, "I just don't understand how medicine works. Twilight promised me that I could take more pills to calm down and here I am going nuts again. I guess I'm just a screw up." Pinkie Pie sat down on the floor and clutched at her chest because her heart was still beating dangerously fast.

"Aw, come on kid. You're not a screw up! Your body is just having a unique reaction, and how can Twilight know every single ponies reaction to a drug since all of our bodies are different. No pony can possibly know the exact outcomes of taking a drug even if it is natural, like Lithium."

Pinkie Pie sighed and said, "I guess you're right Dashie. I just never experienced symptoms like this before, and when I first started on this drug, I felt so much calmer and felt like I had more control over my mind and body. I guess things can change over time." Pinkie Pie picked herself up and began getting out the baking trays. She was very late and she would need to haul flank to make up for the lost time. Little did she know that the amphetamine pills would pull her through this. The amphetamines began to kick in and she went into overdrive. She was done baking her goods and tidying up the place in no time.

Rainbow Dash's stomach began to growl. "Hey Pinkie, can I get a muffin?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie Pie was so focused on her work, that the words of Rainbow Dash almost went right over her head. "Huh? What? Oh, sure! Help yourself. Some of them might be a little stale, but have as many as you want."

Rainbow Dash took a variety of different muffins out and took them over to a table near by. She began to eat them as she watched the manic pony practically fly throughout the kitchen. Rainbow Dash finished the last muffin and brushed the crumbs off of the table and onto the floor. Rainbow walked over to the counter and said, "Hey Pinkie, I'm going to get going. I have to clear the skies today or the Princesses supervisors are going to get on my flank because they caught me practicing my tricks in the skies and I forgot to clear a few clouds. Some of the plants didn't get their proper sunshine, so I've really got to make sure I do a better job today. I'll come back with the other girls too. I'll see you later."

Before Rainbow Dash turned her back to leave, she found herself wrapped in a death lock of a hug from Pinkie Pie.

"Oh, I just suddenly got this rush of happiness and I can't contain myself. We should go out to eat and then play games like pin the tail on the pony. We can pull some more pranks and then we could..."

Rainbow Dash began to gasp for air. She was barely able to get the words out. "Pinkie Pie. Let go. I can't breathe."

Pinkie Pie tilted her head in confusion for a moment and then gave Rainbow Dash one last squeeze.

Rainbow's eyes popped out of her head and her bones began to crack in her back. "Hmmmphhhf!" Rainbow moaned.

Pinkie Pie let go and bounced around her friend who was now bent over and gasping for air. Pinkie Pie began to giggle madly.

"Pinkie Pie, how do you hug so tightly? You have to have the tightest death grip of a hug," Rainbow said.

Pinkie Pie giggled even more and replied, "Oh Dashie, I joined a gym and I use one machine only. They have a machine that works your muscles that you use to give hugs. I maxed out on that machine and I practice my hugging skills on ponies all the time!"

Rainbow put her front hooves behind her lower back and stretched herself out. "If you say so Pinkie. I'll be back later. Just take care of yourself and try not to burn the place down. Catch you later." Rainbow Dash turned and left Sugar Cube Corner.

Pinkie Pie bounced back behind the counter and began to giggle madly as she took out a hidden stash of cookies that she had stored away in case of emergencies. She was starting to feel the high from the drug, and now she wanted to amplify that effect with sugar.