• Published 9th Aug 2013
  • 1,566 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkie Pie Gets Amplified! - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash pulls a rather dangerous prank on Pinkie Pie.

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Pulling the Prank on Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash walked back into Sugar Cube Corner and found a frantic Pinkie Pie searching all over the bakery.

Pinkie Pie was muttering things and her tail and mane was now flat.

Rainbow Dash walked up to the counter and said, "Hey Pinks, you look like you just lost your mind or something. What's up?"

"What's up? What's up!? Dashie, my Lithium pills are missing, and I could be in danger if I don't take them!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said, "Pinkie, I'm sure it takes a few days for the effects of a medicine to leave your body."

Pinkie Pie turned her back to Rainbow and began searching near the oven.

Rainbow quietly put her pill bottle back on the counter and then purposely knocked it over on it's side. "Opps," Rainbow said. "Are these the pills you are looking for Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie rushed over and looked at the bottle. "Yes! That's what I have been searching for! Oh, thank you so much Dashie! Thank you!" Pinkie Pie grabbed the bottle and unscrewed the top. She put a single pill onto her hoof. She stared at it for a moment and then looked at Rainbow Dash with suspicion. "Hey, Rainbow. Where did you find this bottle anyway?"

Rainbow Dash smiled a nervous little grin and said, "I just found them right in front of your muffin display. You must have just not noticed it."

Pinkie Pie stared at her with such intensity as if she were looking through the depths of her soul. Suddenly Pinkie Pie smiled and said, "Okie dokie lokie!" She threw the pill up into the air and caught it in her mouth. She took a chug of water and swallowed. Within an instant, her tail and mane grew puffy again because she felt safe that she did not miss her dose for the day.

Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide in anticipation. She wondered how her friend would react to this drug since she was feeling so high and awesome right now.

Within a few moments, Pinkie Pie suddenly fell to the floor and was clutching at her heart as if she were experiencing a heart attack. She was gasping for air and started to sweat.

Rainbow Dash instantly flew over the counter and dropped down by her side. "Oh my gosh. Pinkie Pie, are you okay? Can I take you to the hospital?"

Pinkie Pie was still clutching at her chest and was trying to gasp for air. She had no idea what was happening to her body.

Rainbow Dash gently shook Pinkie Pie and said, "Pinkie, can you hear me? Can I take you to the Hospital?"

Pinkie Pie gasped a few more times for air and then sat up straight. She wrapped her front legs around her friend's body and began to cry. "Dashie I don't want to die. I feel like I'm dying right now and my heart is palpitating like crazy," she said. "Twilight said if I get too crazy, I should take another Lithium pill."

Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide with fear. If taking one pill of Adderall XR was going to be this bad for her, then taking a second pill might kill her. "I-I-I think you shouldn't take another pill and just try to relax a bit. It seems like you were having some kind of panic attack. Just relax a bit and I'll stay by your side."

Pinkie Pie sat there on the floor and took some deep breaths. Her heart was racing at insane speeds and her mind began to have the most random thoughts. "Thank you for not leaving me. I need to be around a good friend because I'm so scared. Please have a muffin and stay a while. If I get any worse, then I'd like you to take me to the Hospital."

Rainbow Dash took a muffin and sat at a table. She watched her friend slowly regain control of her breathing.

After a few more moments, Pinkie Pie suddenly jolted up and she raised herself to her hooves again. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Dashie, I feel totally awesome! I don't know what happened, but I just feel like I'm on top of the world right now, and there are sonic rainbooms that are running through my mind. My brain is going zip-zoom, ka-pow all at once!" she said. Pinkie Pie began to gawk at Rainbow Dash and she had the most horrific and manic looking smile plastered on her face. She began to breathe deeply again with excitement.

Rainbow Dash put her muffin down and smiled. "Now that's the Pinkie I know and love! I'm so glad you're back to normal. Say, would you like to have some fun today?"

Pinkie Pie leapt through the air and tackle-hugged Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash fell backwards and her head hit hard against the floor.

Pinkie Pie stood over her with her hoof on her chest and said. "Oh my gosh! I would just love to spend time with you and do things that are fun! Fun is such a fun word and it rhymes with bum, sun, lung, rum, come, oh, and...."

Rainbow Dash put her hoof to her friend's mouth and silenced her. Rainbow giggled a bit and said, "I think I have the old Pinkie Pie back now. Let's go out and have some fun."

Pinkie Pie got off of Rainbow Dash and zipped over to where she had a box of all of her party supplies and pranks. She took out many things and packed them into her saddle bags. It was time to make some noise and have some fun!

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash ran out of Sweet Apple Acres at full speed. They dodged apples being hurled at them.

"And ya'll better stay out of my farm. If I ever catch ya puttin' clown wigs on the cows or paintin' my farm animals, there's gonna be trouble! Big trouble!" Big Macintosh said as he hurled one last Apple at the two pranksters to get his point across.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie ran back inside of Sugar Cube Corner and slammed the door shut. They both looked at each other and started giggling madly.

"That was so much fun Dashie! I don't know what came over me! We almost got caught by the police several times out there. I never knew taking Lithium would make me feel this awesome! I feel as high as a kite and I don't ever want these feelings to end!"

Rainbow Dash giggled again and said, "Boy, I really didn't know you still had it in you Pinks, I had so much fun today! We need to do this more often!"

Pinkie Pie was hungry now because she didn't eat anything for a long time thanks to her appetite being suppressed all day from the amphetamines. She bounced over to the freezer and took out some ice cream, as well as a jar of cookies that was on the counter nearby. She plunged her face into the gallon of ice cream and devoured it within seconds. After that, she began to consume the entire jar of cookies. When she finished the last cookie, she licked every little crumb off of her hooves. Pinkie Pie's eyes grew wide with excitement and her whole body began to shake violently from the amphetamines and the sugar rush on top of that. She looked at her front hooves and they were shaking uncontrollably. Pinkie Pie looked up at Rainbow Dash and had the most manic and craziest grin that Rainbow Dash had ever seen before. She began to breathe heavily and looked as if she was crazed or psychotic.

Rainbow Dash let out a nervous little giggle as she looked around the room. "Hey Pinkie, maybe I should get going home now since it's getting late and I'm sure you need to get to bed early and.."

Before Rainbow Dash could finish her sentence, Pinkie Pie had somehow traveled across the room at such an insanely fast speed that it was almost as if she had magical unicorn powers and teleported over to her. Rainbow Dash suddenly found herself in some kind of head lock and her head was near Pinkie's chest. Rainbow could practically hear and see Pinkie's heart beating at rapid speeds.

Pinkie Pie squeezed her friend with a tight hug and said, "No way, Dashie! I don't want this night to end. You're staying over my house tonight and we're going to have a party and watch movies!"

Rainbow Dash somehow broke free from the death grip hug of Pinkie Pie and thought to herself for a moment. She was actually wired and the effects of the amphetamines were not dying down on her either. She was having a great time and thought that a sleep over might be a good idea. "Ok, Pinkie. I'll sleep over tonight. Let's get some more ice cream and cookies. I think I'm in the mood for some comedy movies tonight."

Pinkie Pie lit up with another crazed grin and began to head to the back towards the stairs that led to her room.

Rainbow Dash followed her and watched her friend's body shake violently. Every step she took looked almost mechanical and she looked as if she was some kind of robot that was breaking down with each step she took. Rainbow Dash grabbed some extra cookies and ice cream and headed up stairs.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie continued to shove ice cream and cookies into their mouths. They often found themselves laughing with mouthfuls of dessert at the movies they were watching.

Rainbow Dash looked over at the clock the bedroom wall. It was now two in the morning and Pinkie Pie was showing no signs of tiring out. Rainbow looked under the bed and Pinkie Pie's pet alligator, Gummy, was already sound a sleep. Rainbow Dash focused on her own feelings. She didn't feel the slightest bit tired and she now understood what the Flim and Flam brothers meant by extended release capsules. The effects of these pills lasted an insanely long time, and it probably didn't help either of them to be indulging in sugar right now.

At around four in the morning, Rainbow Dash finally began to yawn. She looked over at Pinkie Pie who was still cramming cookies and ice cream into her mouth and was giggling madly at what she saw on the television. "Uh, Pinkie aren't you tired yet?"

Pinkie Pie shook her head several times in confusion. "Tired? Tired!? I feel like a super mare and that I can do anything I want! I feel so high and happy that I don't even want to go to bed tonight!"

Rainbow Dash blinked a few times and said, "Well, I'm really starting to get tired and I'm probably too tired to fly home now. Can I sleep here for the night?"

Pinkie Pie nodded her head yes with enthusiasm and said, "Sure Dashie! You can have my bed for the night and I'm just going to stay up and watch some more comedy movies for the rest of the night."

Rainbow Dash nodded ok and hopped up onto the bed. She stared at Pinkie Pie for a few more moments before turning onto her side and fell asleep quickly.