• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 2,609 Views, 49 Comments

Don't Go - fallen starr

Rarity is moving to Camelot, which is bad news for Spike. Taking the last chance he has, he tells her how he feels...

  • ...

Chapter Four

The party was completely set up. Streamers of every color were strung everywhere. Cupcakes, fruit bowls, and punch sat on the snacks table. Dance music came from the record player. A few cushions were strewn around the room for when ponies would need breaks or want to sit and chat. Games were set up in various stations. The hostess had her best smile. Four of the guest were even there.

The only thing that was missing was a certain young Draconese man, a certain purple haired soulfolk.

"Wonder what's keepin' them? Rarity normally isn't this late."

"Oh, maybe we should check? Something could have happened…"

"Na, she's probably just fussing over her hair or something like that. She could have a smidgen of make-up out of place."

"Or maybe she was transported to a different universe." Everyone turned and looked at Pinkie. Never losing her smile, she shrugged. "It could happen."

"Why is Spike late, Twila." Chylene asked.

Her purple eyes widened. "Oh, um, he was helping Rarity," she said slowly. The smile she gave looked a little forced. Dash was about to point that fact out, when footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

"I am terribly sorry we are late," Rarity said as she walked into the room. "I simply couldn't choose between a white or eggshell shirt." She grinned as she looked at her friends. Five different expressions met her, looking from her, to Spike, to their clasped hands.

Twila simply grinned at the pair, nodding slightly as if to encourage them. Pinkie was grinning one of her biggest grins and was bouncing as if dying to say something. Chylene looked a little confused, but had a small smile on her face anyway. Jack nodded, obviously bemused but not saying a word. Dash looked in a total state of confusion, as if she was unable to understand why their hands were intertwined.

Finally, Pinkie couldn't take it anymore. Words exploded from her mouth as if they had been held under high pressure.

"Ohmygosh I'm so happy for you guys. I can't believe you finally did it! When? Who asked whom? Have you gone on a date yet? Are—" Twila placing her hand on Pinkie's shoulder calmed the excited girl. "Sorry. I'm just really happy that you finally got together."

"Together? You guys are dating?" Dash asked, still perplexed. "I don't…you…he…but…" Dash groaned. "Since when?"

"Umm, yesterday," Spike said. "I asked her last week, but she said yes yesterday, so…" he trailed off, not fighing the smile forming on his face. "Umm…so…let's get this Unbirthday party underway."

"Oh no, this is totally a 'Congratulations Spike and Rarity' party now. I can celebrate our Unbirthdays later." Skipping over to the record player, Pinkie switched records and turned on one of the new faster paced romance songs. "Who's ready to dance?"

Spike pulled Rarity out to the dancing area of the room. He smiled at the pink tinge on her face. He had seen her with boyfriends before. He knew all the looks she could give guys. The pouty one when she wanted something. The flirty one when she wanted them to do things for her. The giddy one when she truly fancied a guy.

The look she was giving him was different than any he had ever seen. Her cheeks pink. He smile as genuine as any he had ever seen her give. Her blue eyes were sparkling, nearly reflecting the giggle she gave as he started dancing.

"You dance about as well as Twila, darling," she said, looking between him and her fellow soul-folk. "It's adorable."

Spike felt the heat rise to his face, glad that his darker skin didn't lend to blushing as well as Rarity's. "So, Twila is adorable?"

"Of course. In a dorky kind of way. Don't tell her I said that though. I would never want to offend her."

They danced a few songs, laughing and talking with each other. "Want some punch?" Spike asked after about the fifth song.
"Grab a cushion and I'll get us some."

The room wasn't that big, but Spike felt that even if this wasn't really a date, he should treat it like one. So he got the punch, like some of the books he'd read said guys were supposed to do, and turned to take it to Rarity, see her talking to Jack. He watched for a moment as Jack talked, her expression going from curious to angry as she gestured. Rarity, for her part, still looked calm. Spike knew that didn't mean much, though. He had helped her in the shop enough to know she could off the best of airs only to rant about a customer the instant the door closed behind them.

Spike didn't seem to be the only one who had noticed, either. Dash walked over to the now arguing pair. They weren't loud, especially over the music, so Spike wasn't sure what was being said, but it looked as if Dash were trying to diffuse the situation. Chylene was playing pin the tail on the donkey with Pinkie and Twila, none of whom seemed to have noticed the other three.

Sitting the drinks down, Spike sighed. He walked over to the group, straining to hear what was being said. "He's only a kid.
Ah don't know what you're thinkin', Rare. He's barely older than you're sister. Six years is a huge gap."

"You said. And I've said it isn't. Would you say the Cakes are too far apart in age?"

"Well, no, but that's different. And that ain't it. Ya know he needs someone less…" Jack gestured wildly. "Ah dunno…less frilly. He ain't the kind that goes for that stuff."

"What? Do you think he's more interested in the apple picking type? I don't understand what the problem is."

"Now wait just a minute. Ah'm just tryin' to wrap my head 'round this whole thing. Ah ain't gotta problem. Ah just don't understand why now, when he's been dyin' to get ya to see him for years now."

"Year ago he was just a kid. That's how I saw him. It's only within the last year that I've realized he's actually not a boy. When I noticed...other things about him that I had ignored. I had thought to tell you girls a different way, but he wanted to just walk in like that." The tension that had been building seemed to be going away. "I know it's hard to understand. I can't say I was comfortable when I realized what it was I felt every time he came around a few months ago. But there is nothing wrong with it."

Jack nodded. "Sorry Ah blew up at you. Ah just…It ain't…"

"You being older than him is kinda weird. And he isn't from Terra originally. He came from the Badlands. He can breathe fire and stuff. It isn't the most typical relationship." Dash shrugged. "But I mean, so long as you're both cool with it, I am. What about the Princess? Isn't she like…Spikes mom, basically."

Rarity visibly paled at that thought. "Princess…mother…"

"Actually," Spike said, causing the three girls to jump. "Princess Celeste isn't exactly my mom. I mean, she took me in at the request of my parents, who were living in the castle. They weren't supposed to be together or something, I don't really know. But Celeste took me in. She was great, too, but she had Twila to take care of at around the same time."

"I…Spike, how long were you there?" Rarity asked, taking his hand.

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter, does it?" He looked at Jack and Dash, smiling. "I appreciate the concern for me, for us, I really do. You just wanted to make sure everything was alright. I can't be upset for that." By that time, Twila had caught his eye. He could tell she wanted to intervene, but he shook his head slightly. Frowning, she turned back to the game. "In a way," he said, "you girls are all like my older sisters."

Jack and Dash smiled. "Still," Jack said, rubbing the back of her neck, "Ah'm sorry. Ah know Rare ain't gonna hurt you, and you ain't gonna hurt her."

They stood there for a moment, not saying a word, until Pinkie bounded over. "What are you silly fillies doing? This is a party!"