• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 586 Views, 7 Comments

Celestia's Circus - MoltenXKid

Come visit Celestia's Circus! See exiting shows! Play fun games. Test your strength and mental abilities. Saves your friend's life. Do it all, for a low price of your sanity.

  • ...


“It’s time to get up my little pony”

“Ouch my head…Ugh…who’s there?”

“Oh Twilight, don’t tell me you forgot your one and only mentor.”

“Celestia…is that you? What’s going on? Why does my head hurt?”

Twilight opened her eyes only to be engulfed by darkness. She stretched her hoof out to try to feel around, but there was nothing to be felt. No walls or defining shapes were around. After awhile of searching, Twilight saw a glow form in the darkness. The glow slowly grew brighter and brighter until the unicorn’s eyes couldn’t handle it, and they had to be covered .As it kept growing, the outer edges began to wisp and snap. The glow started moving closer and as it did the heat rose slightly. An alicorn soon outline grew more defined.

“You see, Twilight. I want to play a game with you.”Celestia said with a grin growing on her face.

“Okay…uhh which game?” Twilight began thinking of different games to play. “How about Ponies and dragons, Maneopoly, Hide and go Seek, Candy Land, maybe ev-“

Celestia lifted her hoof to signal Twilight to quiet down. She gracefully walked over to Twilight and wrapped her wing around her. The warmth calmed the lavender pony, and caused a slight blush to arise.

“No ,Twilight. I was thinking something more…,”She stopped. The word she was looking for was just out of her grasp, “Something more serious.”

“What do you mean by ‘serious’, princess?”

“Well, let me show you!”

Bright lights flashed, nearly blinding Twilight, to reveal unexpected scenery. They were located a circus big top. Red and white columns alternated on the fabric as it went around the circus tent. The colors dingy and darkened with time. Black stains covered the fabric. Along the outer edge of the tent were rows and rows of empty seats. Behind Twilight was the entrance/exit. Twilight's gaze went to the center ring and saw her mentor dressed in a red ring leader outfit taming a lion.

“Welcome, Twilight, to Celestia’s Circus!” guffawed the alicorn as the lion nearly took off her snout.

“So your idea of ‘serious’ fun is hosting a circus,” Scoffed Twilight, “If I might be so brash, what is wrong with you?

A noticeable twitch came across Celestia’s face, but quickly subsided. She used her magic to teleport the lion to another place. Then, she began to hastily trot towards Twilight.

“Nothing is wrong with me, dear Twilight,” Her speech was starting to slur and her movements were very erratic, “I just want to have some fun with you!”

Becoming worried, Twilight started to slowly back. “Okay…Okay…so what’s the game you want to play?” Her back hoof bumped a rock, causing her to lose her balance and fall onto her haunches. Celestia wasn’t far behind. She walked up to Twilight and gracefully put her snout by Twilight’s ear.

“The game I want to play will test you, “She whispered, “Your magic, memory, physical and mental abilities will be pushed to the limit.”

“Oh…so it’s like a test,” Twilight smiled, “When do we begin?”

“Whenever you're ready,” Celestia stated while lifting her head away from her students ear, “but first let me tell you some more details.”

“No problem, but why are you-“

Again, Celestia lifted her hoof to quiet Twilight down. A serious look was cast over her face. “This game will not only test you, but will also see how much you care for your friends.”

“I care for them with all my heart,” snapped Twilight, “That is the one thing that does not need to be proven!”

Celestia lifted her hoof again, but Twilight ignored the command.

“After all we’ve been through. All the letters we sent you. You still doubt the love I have for them!” Twilight stood up from her position and looked her mentor directly in the eyes, “Are you sure nothing is wrong Celestia because from my point of view you're crazy! You know what? I’m out of-”


Instantly, Twilight hushed and sat back down in her previous position cowering at her mentors might.

“Sorry that I had to use the Royal Canterlot Speaking Voice on you…cough…it hurts my throat. I just needed your attention. I know you love your friends. The question is whether or not your love and faithfulness will be strong enough to protect your friends or anyone else in the time of need.”

“You know that it is!” Twilight screamed.

“It’s not about what I know. It’s about what can be proven.”

“You…you,” A single tear streamed from Twilight’s eyes. The disbelief covered her face like a wet blanket. She began to turn towards the exit and leave, but not before her parting words, “You think my love and faithfulness needs to be tested…, but in actuality it’s yours, Princess.”

Celestia reached out, grabbed Twilight’s shoulder, and roughly turned her around. “Nice speech. Now, before you leave, could you bring your attention to mid-arena? We don't have that much time before the show starts.” The lights flashed off then back on to reveal that Celestia was now in the middle of the big top with a microphone.

“Mares and stallions! Please play attention to mid-stage!” A black mist flowed through the opening and filled the empty seats. After all the mist had flowed in, the opening closed. Then the mist settled into the seats and began to take the form of ponies. Each one laughing and cheering at whatever Celestia was demonstrating.

“Now if everyone will calm down we’ll start the show,” Celestia waited a couple of moments, “Today, we will have two very special guests with us.”

Dumbfounded, Twilight could only utter a word. “Two?”

“Yes. Please give a round of applause to Twilight Sparkle and…SPIKE!”

“Twilight? What’s going on?” Questioned the small purple dragon

“I don't know, Spike,” Twilight responded, “I just don't know.”

Spike was bound to a wooden table in the center or the ring. His hands and feet were tied down with leather straps. His face was roughed up like someone hit him, but other than that he was okay. His small body only took up a fourth of the tables total length.

Celestia spoke again. “Tonight, for your enjoyment, we will have a race against time.”

The crowd of mist ponies cheered with full on enjoyment.

“Celestia, what the buck is going on?”

“Shush, Twilight. You’re ruining the show,” Celestia continued, “If you all will look towards the ceiling, you will see a particularly beautiful gem.”

The crowd looked towards the ceiling. Each mist pony oohed and awed.

“I've read about that gem before. It is called The Fury of the Sun.” Twilight recalled.

“That is right, Twilight,” concurred the princess, “Anything else you want to tell the crowd.”

Even though they weren’t real, Twilight could help but feel nervous in front of the mist crowd.

“It was, umm, it was cut so that when the sunlight hit it, the rays would concentrate on a single point, creating a dangerous ray of energy.”

The princess smiled. Her student had learned a lot in her years in Equestria. Sadly, this was not the time to tell her how proud she was.

“Excellent! Now let the shows commence!”

A small ray of light protruded from the gem and hit the floor. Almost instantly, the point where the laser hit was scorched. Slowly, the laser started to move towards the center ring.

“As of this moment, it is 11:55 a.m. When the time hits Noon the laser will be in the center of the ring where Spike is. As soon as it connects with your dragon...let's just say don't let it happen, ” Celestia, being magically connected with the sun, knew the exact time, “You now have four minutes and forty-five seconds to save him. Better hurry. Time flies by when you’re having fun.”

“Don’t worry, Spike. This will all be over soon." Twilight ran over to Spike and started undoing the straps, "How could you think of this, Celestia?”

Celestia laughed hysterically, then teleported beside Twilight. “Oh you know. Spike likes to eat gems and I raise and set the sun. Also, I’ve been watching a few too many spy movies. four minutes and thirty seconds left!”

“Twilight…do you think you want to hurry?” rushed Spike.

“I’m trying Spike, but these straps are really tight.” strained Twilight.

“Well you do have magic!!! Use it!”

Mentally, Twilight face hoofed. Why hadn't she thought of that in the first place? Her horn began glow it’s violet color. Without much strain the first strap, then the second came a loose. Spike’s hands were now free. He rubbed them vigorously trying to restore blood flow.

“Alright, Twilight! Way to go! Only two more!” Spike cheered.

Twilight nodded, and then looked at the now closer laser. Judging by its position, she still had about three minutes. That was more than enough time to free Spike. The mist ponies started cheering and clapping for her success. Some even whistled. Another blushed appeared on Twilight’s face, but she couldn't let it stop her from freeing her dragon. Her horn relit and she went back to work. She went to work on the strap on Spike’s left leg. Instantly it was opened, and she went to work on the next strap which was opened quickly too.

“Okay, Spike…Let’s go!” Twilight breathed. She felt some magic depletion, but not enough to cause harm.

“Umm, Twilight. You might to look again.” Spike said worriedly.

The unicorn looked down to see that both of the straps she had undone had belted themselves. “Celestia! What is this?”

The Alicorn, who was now levitating the lion above her head, spoke up. “Oh, you see, I forgot to tell you that the last two straps require you to answer a question correctly. To see the question just ask to see it. Also, you have two minutes and ten seconds.”

Secretly, the lavender unicorn cursed her mentor. Once again, she looked at the laser. It was dangerously close and seemed to get more concentrated as it got approached. She needed to hurry. She brought her attention back to the strap and asked to see the question.

~ Who are the rulers of Equestria? ~

Twilight was shocked. “That’s it! The rulers of Equestria are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!” She rushed saying the answer trying to save time. With some delay the first strap loosened and freed Spike’s left leg.

The crowd’s cheers grew louder as Spike’s freedom was within grasp. A little filly could be heard crying and the mother was trying to shush it. Whispers from different directions were also heard commenting on different subjects that ranged from how “Twilight was going to fail” to “How nice she looked”.

“Okay Spike. We're almost done here” The unicorn signed thankfully

“Good. Can you finish it, please? I'm starting to feel the heat from the beam. Also, the gem is making me hungry. What do you think it taste like?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. The temperature was rising. She looked at the laser for one last time and saw that it was charring the end of the wooden table that Spike was on. Time was almost out. She had to hurry. Before she asked to see the question something grabbed her attention. It was Celestia laying on a royal chaise lounge being fanned by a mist pony that resembled a royal guard.

“It’s getting hot, isn’t Twilight?” Celestia joked.

The crowd couldn't help, but “OOH” at the words Celestia spoke.

Twilight tried her best to ignore the comment and barely kept her composure. After and deep breath and a dragon bellowing into her ear, she requested the next question.

~ Who is the secret brother of Star Swirl the Bearded? ~

Stupefied, Twilight just stood there. In all her years of studying, she had never read about Star Swirl’s brother. That information couldn’t possibly exist. It didn’t exist in her library, or the Canterlot archives. She should know. She read all the books in both.

“Is something wrong?” Celestia questioned, “Because you only have a minute left.”

The table was nearly cut in half. The inner edges of it were burned black. Spike couldn't move. The strap around his leg was too tight. He started hollering to get Twilight’s attention, but with no avail. Still in her trance, Twilight was of little use to anyone.

In her mind, Twilight dug through everything see knew about Star Swirl.
• A talented unicorn.
• The most important conjurer of the pre-classical era
• Time-related spells
• He created more than 200 spells. He even has a shelf in the Canterlot library of magic named after him.
• The father of the amniomorphic spell
• Didn’t understand the magic of friendship as well as I do.
• The mentor of Clover the Clever, one of the founders of Equestria.

There was nothing useful. What kind of question was this? Maybe it was a trick question. Maybe, Star Swirl didn’t really have a brother. There were too many possibilities. Twilight’s mane began to frizzle. Spike sighed. He life was one the line and Twilight was going insane. He reared his hand back and smacked the unicorn across her snout.

“Snap out of it Twilight!! We only hqve twenty seconds left!” He cringed as the heat reached his leg. His dragon skinned useless against such high temperature.

The smack helped Twilight get out of her trance. The sudden realization of her situation put her in a deep panic. Out of her vast knowledge she didn’t know the one answer to save her friend.

“Spike, I don’t know the answer,” Twilight stated with anxiety.

“Then guess!” Spike pleaded; shielding his eyes from incoming doom, “Please!! The laser is really close!”

“If only I had more time…”

Without hesitation, Twilight covered the dragon with her body. Her horn glowed as she cast a spell for a magic dome. When Spike uncovered his eyes, he saw that the laser was blocked directly above his chest. He breathed out a sigh of relief, but he was interrupted when he noticed the dome was beginning to melt.

“Uhh, Twi-”

“I know, I know. I feel the laser’s heat against my magic.”

Twilight tried to concentrate on the question at hand, but the amount of magic she was using to block the ray of light was disrupting her focus. She began to sweat as the laser broke the shield. Instantly, she conjured another one before it reached her or Spike.

“Twilight…is this end?” Spike asked. The dragon’s started to water.

Her heart broke when the dragon asked the question. Instinctively, she wiped the tear from his eye and hugged him.

“Oh course not.” She managed to choke out.

The laser overpowered the second dome. Without delay, Twilight conjure another one. This time, she was suffering from magic drain. She was only able to summon a small square shield. The heat was almost unbearable. If she didn’t hurry, both Spike and she would be disintegrated.

As the time passed noon, the laser began to move. If she could hold out two more minutes then she and Spike would make it out. Sadly, she knew her magic couldn't hold out any longer against the sun’s concentrated fury. She looked at her shield. It was almost completely melted through. She thought to herself that this whole situation was ridiculous. At that moment something in her mind snapped. The situation was ridiculous. Celestia was being ridiculous. The question was ridiculous ; therefore, the answer must also be ridiculous.

Gradually, Twilight stood up. She put the last remaining magic she had into lifting and maintaining the shield. She turned around and courageously looked her mentor directly in the eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but her shield broke. Will full force, the concentrated light continued down. The center of the ring exploded soon after the laser hit. Dust and pieces of wood were thrown everywhere. The crowd went silent, uncertain of the entertainer’s fate. Celestia leaned forward and whispered to herself, “Twilight?”

Moments passed. No one dared to move or say anything. The mist filly resumed crying. Eventually, the dust cleared to reveal a lavender unicorn and a baby dragon, tightly grasping her leg, surrounded by another magic dome still blocking the light. The unicorn was covered in scraps and bruises. A small piece of wood punctured her left hind leg. Blood trickled out of the wound, tinting the unicorn’s fur a dark purple. Even if it hurt her, she didn’t show it. The dragon didn’t seem to be physically hurt at all. The unicorn opened her mouth to speak, with some trouble, and said, “Star Swirl’s secret brother…is…King Sombra!”

The laser immediately stopped and receded back into the crystal. When it was completely gone,a small cracking sound could be heard over head. Without warning, the gem shattered. Each piece was aimed directly towards the two survivors. With her magic completely drained, Twilight’s shield dispersed. Seeing their impending fate, she covered Spike and waited. And wait she did, but the gem shards never reached her. When she looked up, a golden aura was gently levitating the gem shards down towards center ring.

Celestia stepped off her chaise lounge and began to walk forward, “Congratulations Twilight Sparkle! You have completed the first game!”

The crowd was ecstatic. Stallions threw their hats while some emptied their pockets of bits they lost in bets. Mares sighed in relief. Fillies laughed and hollered in excitement. Celestia also joined in on the merriment. She laughed and chuckled on her way towards Twilight. Once she arrived next to the unicorn, she placed her hoof around her shoulders. Twilight tried to remove the princess’s hoof, but the grip was too tight.

Feeling the struggle, the alicorn forcefully pulled Twilight in closer. The pain made Twilight wince, however she still didn’t stop struggling. Celestia looked her faithful student.Those soft, beautiful eyes calmed Twilight down and made the pain she felt subside for the moment.

The princess lifted her hoof. The crowd grew quiet. “Today, my student has proven to me that she does have the capabilities to save and protect her friends under little too no pressure.”

The final words of Celestia’s speech snapped Twilight out of her daze. “What do you mean by ‘little to no pressure’?”

“I’ll explain later. For now…just rest.” Celestia whispered.

Annoyed, Twilight trotted over to Spike. Already, he was sampling the broken gem.

“Twilight, This is the best gem I ever ate! It’s better than turquoise, jewels, and a fire ruby mixed together!” said Spike with his mouth dangerously filled with the shattered gem.

Celestia, ignoring the motherly talk Twilight was giving to Spike, continued, “Thank you for coming to our show today. I hope you have enjoyed it. There will be many more throughout the day, so I hope you’ll stay and see them. Until then, please enjoy our many other events and activities.”

The mist ponies gave one last cheer before once again forming into one mist cloud and departing through the exit. Once the mist as completely gone, Celestia magically closed the opening.

“Well done, my student.”

“Be quiet. I no longer have anything to do with you.” Twilight spat.

Celestia looked shocked, but returned to her natural composure, “Oh come on. Don’t be that way.” The princess’s horn began to glow and the magic enveloped Twilight and Spike. The bruises and scars began to vanish. The wood slowly slid out of Twilight’s leg and vanished. After awhile the pain disappeared too. Soon, Twilight felt her magic returning, but it felt as if she didn’t have full control over it.

“Thank you princess, but we’re out of here.” Twilight declared without hesitation. She levitated Spike onto her back and started to walk towards the exit.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Celestia inquired.

Without stopping, Twilight uttered, “I’m going home. There,I will write you a strongly worded letter on today’s events.”

Celestia giggled then teleported in the path of Twilight. Once again, her movements were erratic and her speech slurred. “You seem to not have heard that my circus has more shows to put on. And without you, the show couldn’t possibly go on.” The princess began walking forward forcing the small unicorn back towards center ring.

“Twilight…I’m scared,” Stated Spike, “What’s wrong with the princess?”

“I’m not sure,” Whispered the unicorn to her dragon. She cleared her throat, “What do you mean, Celestia.”

Grinning, the white alicorn replied, “You see. What you just went through was only the first performance. The appetizer you could say. It was to give you and the audience a taste of what is to come.”

Visibly worried, Twilight asked, “And what exactly is to come?”

“Don’t you ever pay attention my dear,” Celestia scolded, “You should really learn how to connect ideas. That was one of your problems when you were younger. Anyway, what the future holds are the games. The ones designed to test you.”

Twilight was about to speak, but Celestia gently placed a hoof onto her own lips. She then straightened up her composure then continued, “You will see when it is time. For now, you and Spike go enjoy the activities located outside.”

Before Twilight could say anything, Celestia conjured a lion. Using her magic, she lifted the lion and chased Twilight and Spike around the tent. As they ran, the lion took every opportunity to swipe at them. Spike was lucky enough to dodge a couple of fierce attacks. When Twilight reached the exit, she looked back to stare at her mentor. For a moment, she saw cold, bitter eyes, but they changed back into the caring ones she grew up with.

“Twilight! One more thing. Remember, whenever you hear the sound of a bell, it means the next show is about to begin. Don't be late.”

Author's Note:

My second story. I was just sitting down drinking coffee when all of the sudden this pops into my head. "What if Celestia gave a test to Twilight at a circus?". Within a week, this was born. Hopefully it'll survive.