• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 1,194 Views, 59 Comments

Duskfall - Celestial Swordsman

After something happens to Celestia, one strange pegasus may hold the answers. But can anything be done before war and cold darkness destroy all?

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Celestia's Victory

Chapter 36

Dusk closed her eyes for a moment and looked again at the defiant unicorn. Had Rarity triumphed? Was she not standing on her grave, just as Celestia had planned? “I must still have the knack,” the old manipulator discovered. “Even when she knows I bent her mind to do it, she can’t stop herself.”

She held back an exclamation. “I did it,” she noted with satisfaction. “I saved the world. Whatever that thing was, it tried to take my power and life. But I kept my mind and got myself here. I convinced Twilight to rescue me, and to bring Rarity. I opened the Vault and fought through that book’s tricks until it gave me the answer. I put the elemental six back together and gained the use of Luna’s power. Now, when I drink in Rarity’s beautiful essence, I will retake my life and my power. It’s sad that she won’t survive, but a wise ruler has to make sacrifices to protect her empire. I won’t make the same mistake as my sister. I have learned how I need to change. Cruelty is dangerous, and living in harmony with those around me is a better way. I was lost, lost in the bad ways of thinking and doing, but now I’ve come back into balance. I will be a good ruler now, and only do ill when it is necessary. I’m a more sensible Princess than Luna that way.”

Luna reached out to the sun as she had these past several days of dusk; but this time she threw her strength into it. The enormous burden lifted slowly and sapped her energy quickly. Twilight, Trixie, and her entourage outside joined her exertions with their own magic.

“I do wish there was another way,” Dusk lamented to herself. “Or do I?”

Dusk caught herself gazing hungrily at the model equine body that was about to come into her possession. She was happy with her selection. Happy is a simple word. In a sentimental way, she deeply regretted that such a noble soul would be lost. However, it was quite understandable for her to be relieved to escape death and eagerly anticipate being revived, to know wellness and strength once more.

That wasn’t all she was feeling. “No, I would never—“ Celestia thought, but her wings betrayed her mood as they lifted rigidly off her back. She flexed them self-consciously, hiding the physiological result of her internal condition. Why shouldn’t she think of Rarity that way, after the way the unicorn flirted like a dirty ho on the forest trail?

Celestia reassured herself that she was doing this for the right reasons, but what if she wasn’t? After all this, was she no different than she started? Control the mind. Use the body. Experience the thrill. That was the formula she knew.

She had recently lived like the prey of fate, but her latest decisions had rejected that in favor of being a predator again. She had stalked Rarity all the way from Canterlot, and now she was closing in.

She was ashamed, but she could not release the mare from her grip or deny the sensation. She must control, must dominate, so that somehow she would not be dominated. “And it makes me feel fucking high,” she admitted with alarm. She hid her face but could not hide any further. Celestia found herself revolting and insidious, and at the same time the center of attention and even hope.

The coming light was supposed to be her healing, but she looked up at it with fear. She was afraid of herself. The sun’s warmth surrounded her. A bright aura lifted up from her—no, it was brightly illuminated steam and smoke. She gasped in terror, this time not of her dark nature, but of the ferocious anger reserved for beings such as her. It was the heat of death, not life, upon her, scalding her. She screamed like she had screamed only once before, as flames sprouted from her flesh, eating inwards towards her core. Rarity also cried out as strange tides of unfamiliar energy stirred through the chamber.

The magicians hesitated a moment, unsure what success was supposed to look like. A blue blur knocked the flaming alicorn backwards from the altar of her doom, and though she flailed in agony, Captain Dash held her firm in the low shadow of the ancient platform. Luna and the others dropped the sun, and the Princess chased it to the edge of the cliff. There she summoned up a jet of water from the lake below. The stream arced through the air and splashed down on the burning body.

Dash released the extinguished alicorn, who lay limp, and checked for signs of life. Little Celestia was badly burned and barely conscious. She coughed uncontrollably and gasped for air, though the oxygen fueled the pain. Luna and Twilight once again reached into her body with their minds to hold her back from the brink of death. After a minute of tense struggle, Celestia was clear of the episode, but twice as weak as before. “I don’t think she can survive that again,” Twilight warned.

Rarity was lying in a heap with a hoof over her face. Applejack and Fluttershy rushed to her without a glance towards their old enemy. “Are you alright? Please be alright!” Applejack begged and lifted the unicorn’s dainty chin so she could look her in the eyes. Rarity’s skin was still warm, but her eyes were totally blank. “Oh no,” AJ lamented, peering at her friend whose face was frozen in an expression of shock.

Pinkie Pie came out of nowhere and thrust herself onto the scene. She gasped, put her hooves to her mouth and exclaimed, “IT SWALLOWED HER SOUL!”

“No, Pinkie Pie,” Rarity finally cringed and cried, “It’s worse!”

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re alive!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed.

“But how?” Applejack wondered. “I heard you scream in pain when the crystals were draining you.”

“Oh, not that,” Rarity dismissed, “Those crystals just gave me a bit of a buzz. I screamed when I found out what it did to my mane,” she said, gesturing to her mane which, they just now noticed, was amazingly frizzy. Loaded with static, her mane and tail poked stiff hairs in all directions. She burst out, “I just can’t be seen by royalty looking like this, I’ll be finished! This is the WORST thing that could POSSIBLY happen! The worst thing.”

“Need a hoof, partner?” Applejack said, extending the jeweled brush to Rarity.

“Oh, yes! I didn’t think you’d understand,” the fashionable unicorn exclaimed as the brush leapt out of Applejack’s hoof and began dancing around her neck rhythmically. When Twilight and Rainbow Dash were satisfied that Celestia’s condition was stable, they joined their friends. Rarity knew how to groom herself by heart but retrieved her mirror from Twilight just to make sure. In no time she was her immaculate and collected self again.

“I never did understand you,” Applejack admitted, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t be there for my friend.”

Rarity looked up to say “Thank you,” but the dam had already burst and her friends were already embracing her from all sides. “We thought we wouldn’t see you again!” Fluttershy said something really nice but no one heard her. Rarity appreciated it anyway.

For the first time that day, Applejack wore a genuine smile. Hope had just left them, but for now she was happy to have her friend back.

Trixie’s surly, hung over expression returned. “That was supposed to save the world? Well now we’re—“

“Stop!” Luna ordered sharply. “Do not say it. We will not despair of Equestria. If we give up, everything we do will be meaningless. We will not be here again, so I will stay here until I have succeeded.”

Comprehending glances were exchanged among the friends, and they knew their response would be the same as that of the moon Princess. They would live as if they had hope. There was no reason to hold back, no room for selfishness in the face of such finality.

Pinkie Pie stifled an outburst. She took a firm hold on her tail to deny its signal, and did her best to keep her ears calm. They twitched nevertheless. Her mane sank and there was fear on her face, but she was ashamed to bring bad news after what had just been spoken.

Applejack was always wary for her friend’s warning, and asked calmly, “Pinkie Pie, is it true?” Pinkie gulped and nodded. “It’s alright.” The major turned to her commander-in-chief and announced, “Ma’am, we have contact.”

"My brother's here," Twilight said with a lump in her throat.

Luna acknowledged. “You two may go. Twilight, please remain here with me. I hope to need you.” With that she dropped the moon. Only the light of the shimmering crystals remained.

Applejack moved to Captain Dash and drew her revolver. “I don’t understand it, but somehow you’re a Solar and you’re also my friend.” She handed the weapon to the Solar Scout, who received it solemnly. Applejack charged her, “Take care of Rarity and Fluttershy, and Celestia if ya must. It’s an honor to finally serve with ya.”

Rainbow Dash saluted her rival and comrade. Pinkie Pie came to Applejack’s side and held out a hoof to her old pegasus playmate. “Morsa…” she weakly started.

“Mors,” Dash responded, and gave the hoof pound. There were no muffins this time.

Pinkie Pie sniffed and wouldn’t pull her hoof away. “Come on, our folks need us,” Applejack gently urged, and the two began to walk the passage through the mountain. Thunder rumbled in the cloudless night. They moved into a trot and then a gallop.