• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 1,198 Views, 59 Comments

Duskfall - Celestial Swordsman

After something happens to Celestia, one strange pegasus may hold the answers. But can anything be done before war and cold darkness destroy all?

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Enmity Road

Chapter 27

The band of Lunar troops marched southwest, following a narrow trail through the jungle. No longer so closely guarded, the friends had spread out naturally along the column. Twilight had joined Applejack at the head. Their conversation was not unpleasant, but still awkward, especially since Twilight still held her secrets. The magician then fell behind slightly, and the two took to their own thoughts. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash traveled in the middle of the group and, if anything, enjoyed each other’s company too much. Occasionally, their laughter sounded incongruously along the line of discouraged soldiers.

Near the back, Rarity and Fluttershy trotted side by side, and Dusk followed them. Fluttershy did not need the trail. She could have just as easily weaved over and through the jungle foliage, but as long as she was part of the group she preferred to stay close beside her friend. The unicorn had a steadying effect on her, and they shared the experience of being “the civilian ones”.

Bound by memories of bygone times, Rarity was determined to bring Fluttershy back to her former well-kempt state. The yellow pony did not miss civilized hygiene, but soaked up the positive contact. As they walked, the stylist’s rag and brush hovered around Fluttershy, cleaning and grooming her. “Ah, that’s how I remember you,” Rarity announced as she returned Fluttershy’s mane to its original shape.

“How did you ever live in a place like this?” the city friend asked.

“Oh, really, it’s not very hard when the animals like you,” the wild pegasus explained. “They showed me around and helped me find food and water.”

“But it’s so dark and frightening,” Rarity observed with concern.

Fluttershy tilted her head and viewed the forest around them as if she had not considered that before. “It only gets dangerous at night. I slept alright though, since I knew that most of the noises around me were my animal friends. Sometimes they let me stay in their dens.”

“You slept in dirty holes?” Rarity reacted with surprise.

“They’re very cozy,” the hermit replied. “There’s no place else to be when it’s cold and rainy.”

Rarity had managed to keep a purse that contained her essential supplies. Small amounts of cosmetic ointments restored body and shine, and a spritz of perfume took the edge off Fluttershy’s gamey smell. “I hope my other friends will still recognize me,” she worried.

Dusk turned off the path, saying, “Rarity, come here. I want to show you something.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Rarity objected. “It looks even more dark and dirty over there.”

“It’s just around here. You don’t want to miss it,” Dusk insisted.

“Alright, just one moment though,” the unicorn allowed, and followed. Dusk pushed aside some leaves to give her a better look at something white. Rarity gasped at the sight. There, in a musty space sheltered by a tangle of tree roots, a huge and voluptuous flower bloomed. Rarity was not an easy judge, but this was a thing of real beauty.

“It’s a Darkfold Star. They’re very rare, and only grow in the darkest, harshest jungles. There’s something beautiful everywhere, even if no pony can see it.” The drab misfit gazed longingly at the pure white petals.

Fluttershy took up a station in the branches above to look down at them, fascinated by their fascination.

Rarity took in every detail of the flower before she noticed the strained expression. She whispered to Celestia, “Oh, Princess, I know it must be hard for you. You were beautiful, too.”

“Now I’m ugly,” Dusk moaned.

“There’s something there, we just need to make it show,” Rarity encouraged. They regained the path and she took to her new makeover project eagerly. Out came the ointments. Dusk’s mane had grown slightly longer, so there was more to work with than at Derpy’s apartment. Rarity experimented with several styles until she found one that complimented the faux pegasus; simple turned out to be best.

They both winced as the bristles of the brush scraped audibly over her horn. Rarity looked about, aware that any self-respecting barber would identify the sound easily. No one seemed to notice, so she continued, and finished cautiously. She gave the tail a similar treatment. She soon discovered that Dusk’s streaked coat was a new medium for her art. Rarity combed and cleaned away bits of ash, leaving speckled areas that complimented Dusk’s form.

Rarity put away her things, satisfied that she had accomplished all that she could without a proper salon.

“Am I beautiful?” Celestia asked.

Rarity gave her a once-over, taking in the scrawny body, oddly-shaped face, and persistently disturbing eyes. She answered with a bemused smile, “It’s a start.”

Meanwhile, Applejack was deep in private contemplation.

“That Dusk is an unsettling creature,” she thought. Applejack was still shocked, and none too pleased, to encounter her again. The creepy pegasus lied to her and mocked her. Or perhaps she hadn’t lied; Applejack remembered now that she was insane. She was obviously insane because she couldn’t be…

And now she was with Twilight. The major studied Doctor Sparkle and wondered, “A failed experiment, huh? Could she have failed that bad?” Applejack plied her memory—most of what she remembered was the battle, but it seemed like there was an important detail she was forgetting, or maybe didn’t even pay attention to at the time.

The forester who led the way froze and held up a hoof. Applejack snapped from her thoughts and shouted, “Company halt!”

Something whipped out of the shadows at the forester, who deflected the blow. The thing dropped onto the path in front of him and slithered away like a snake. The colt drew a machete and readied himself. Another attack came from the other side; he swung, and a piece of vine flopped lifeless to the dirt. “Mirkweed,” he cussed.

“See if you can find a way around,” Applejack said to the guide. He nodded and disappeared into the woods. “You boys start bushwhackin’ in case he comes up short,” she ordered the soldiers next to her. They reluctantly moved forward and began the difficult task of opening the way through the patch of hostile vines.

Applejack wasn’t frustrated by the delay; maybe it was an opportunity to clear something up. She walked down the column and passed Twilight where she was standing. Twilight would have returned a smile, but met with a severe eye she looked away. Applejack had talked enough with the tight-lipped magician and wouldn’t waste any more time in that direction. It was worth a glance over the shoulder to catch Twilight watching her with concern.

She passed Rainbow Dash, who was still distracted with Pinkie Pie, and spotted a low gray figure through the mulling soldiers. She took a direct course for the pegasus, and troops saw her countenance and stepped out of the way.

Rarity noted her approach, and motioning to her companions said, “Watch her for a moment, Fluttershy.” With that she moved to intercept the major. Applejack hadn’t planned on this, but decided to go along with the interruption. She hadn’t gotten the opportunity to speak with Rarity alone, and it was a worthwhile avenue to explore.

“What’s wrong?” Rarity inquired.

“The Everfree Forest decided to hold us up,” Applejack returned, “It’ll take a bit to work around, so we’re taking a breather.”

“I’m glad for it. I can abide the occasional walk in the woods, but this is out of hoof,” she joked.

“Is there something you wanted to tell me?” Applejack invited.

“Well yes, if you could get that one officer to stop following me so closely I would be more comfortable,” the unicorn diverted.

“I thought you wanted that,” Applejack commented with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, you led him on pretty good.”

“I suppose I did. Whatever came over me?” she wondered innocently. “Besides that, those two pegasi seem to have forgotten how to take care of themselves. I did what I could to straighten them out.”

“You mean Fluttershy and that weird one?” Applejack clarified. “I’m sure you have Dusk trussed up like a truffle, but do you know anything about her?”

“The accident has done some strange things to her. It’s a shame, she seems to be an interesting enough pony. From the look of her, you might assume she didn’t have much of a heart, but you could be surprised,” Rarity rambled purposefully. “I don’t want to know too much, though; Twilight’s recent work was quite distasteful.”

Applejack respected her enough not to press the matter further. “How have things been in Canterlot?”

“Fine,” Rarity replied tersely.

The freckled one had braced for an earful on that topic. “That bad, huh?”

The disappointed fashionista nodded ruefully and asked in turn, “How have things been with you?”

“Fine,” Applejack said with a gathering scowl. She lit herself a cigarette, then offered one to her friend.

“No thank you,” Rarity said, with some effort. “Since when do you smoke?” she asked.

“Since when did you quit?” Applejack retorted.

“I figured it didn’t matter if I didn’t live too long, since no one really knew me,” the proud unicorn confessed. “But now that I’m among friends again, I feel I ought to look after myself.”
“I wouldn’t be too worried about that,” the major commented with a wave to the dim sky. Longevity is not a foremost consideration on the eve of doomsday.

“I have hope things will turn out alright,” Rarity professed.

“You do?” Applejack understood, with surprise. “Shit,” she grumbled, and tossed her cigarette aside.

They stared into the distance together, which would have made more sense on a scenic overlook, but they were busy thinking and not smoking.

Dusk sat down on a mossy log while she waited. “Get up,” a soldier ordered gruffly. “What makes you think you get a seat, you Solar imp?”

Dusk looked up with annoyance, but a confrontation would clearly be pointless. She moved out of the way as he sat down; she doubted he really wanted the spot. Pink and yellow intervened on her vision. Fluttershy gave the bitter warrior an ill look while protectively guiding the little one away from the scene.

“It’s alright,” the kindly pegasus comforted. “Don’t be scared. I won’t let anything happen to you,” she assured, with an affirming pat on the head.

“Don’t—“ Dusk objected, but it was too late.

They froze and stared at each other wide-eyed. Fluttershy gingerly withdrew her hoof and marveled, “Dusk, you’re special.”

“Please don’t tell any pony,” the little alicorn begged in a whisper. “If they knew I was different they would hurt me.”

“I won’t let them hurt you,” Fluttershy promised. “Talking to ponies makes me nervous anyway.”

Rarity arrived to resume her duties, unaware that anything had changed. “Applejack wants to see you,” she said to Fluttershy. She thought it was a harmless request since Fluttershy wasn’t in the know. Fluttershy exchanged a glance with Dusk before leaving silently.

She sat next to Applejack, who asked her, “Fluttershy, did you notice anything strange about Dusk?”

“Um, maybe,” she stalled. “She smells like something that died in a forest fire.”

“Is there something else?” the major prodded.

“N—no,” Fluttershy stuttered.

Applejack looked hurt and almost gasped, “Fluttershy, you did not just…” She calmed her voice and pulled the pegasus’s chin up to meet her gaze.

“I’m sorry,” the shy pony apologized sincerely. “I just don’t want to talk about it.”

“You too?” the major accused. “You’re with them on this?”

“It’s not like that,” Fluttershy defended.

“That’s it,” Applejack declared. “No more lies. She spills, now.” With that she stormed away down the trail on an uninterruptable course.

Fluttershy called, “Wait! Don’t hurt her,” and began to follow. Twilight took notice and started to move after them. Rainbow Dash put Pinkie Pie on hold.

Rarity again moved to greet her country friend. Applejack griped, “Not this time,” and shouldered past her. She stood over Dusk and demanded, “Who are you?”

Dusk was silent. The major pulled out her revolver and repeated, “WHO ARE YOU?!”

Captain Dash jumped in front of Celestia to shield her from the major’s wrath. Twilight and Rarity caught up and stood on either side of the alicorn entrusted to their protection. Fluttershy moved in front of Rainbow Dash, unwilling to see her friends harm each other.

Pinkie Pie flung herself dramatically between Fluttershy and Applejack. Her serious face melted to a playful smile. Nose to nose, she asked her friend, “What are we doing?”

“Get outta the way, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack dismissed her impertinent comrade.

Pinkie Pie shrugged and stepped aside. “Okay, it just looked like fun.”

“Don’t do anything you’ll regret,” Rarity urged. “Please trust us.”

“Trust you?” replied Applejack, exasperated. “Why don’t you trust me? What are you afraid I’ll do if I know the truth? Don’t any of you believe I’ll do the right thing?” She scanned their faces, and the answer was clear.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy whispered, but held her ground.

Big Mac loomed on the scene to back up his little sister. Several soldiers drew their weapons and surrounded the insubordinate prisoners.

Applejack was unsure before, but her suspicions had been confirmed already. “That has to be it,” she declared, and cocked her pistol. “There’s nothing else it could be.” The four stood steady in front of the lethal threat.

“I don’t have to use this,” she pointed out, waving her gun. “I can just say it. It’s the same thing.” The rifles at her call were ready. “How can I forgive myself if I can kill Celestia, and I don’t?” she thought.

“Please,” Rarity begged.

“THAT’S your hope?!” Applejack burst out incredulously, and spat on the ground.

The gun rattled in her shaking hoof and she gritted her teeth.

A soldier jogged onto the scene and reported “Major, we’ve found a way around—“ before he saw the standoff.

The major holstered her weapon and announced to her doubting friends, “I didn’t do it. It’s not mine to do.” She raised her voice and addressed her enemy through the wall of pony-shields, “If I were you, I wouldn’t want to go to Luna. Let’s hurry up then.” Celestia shuddered.

The column moved forwards again. Applejack understood her friends, but distanced herself nonetheless. She walked with heavy steps and a grim bearing.

Pinkie Pie was still confused. She caught up and asked, “What’s up? Why are you so down?”

Disgusted with herself, Applejack replied, “Spare me the devil, the world’s on my head.”